~Chapter 10~

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Two days later.....


Amy's POV~

I was sitting at my computer desk in my room just watching YouTube videos on my laptop. I was feeling a lot better and my doctor said that now it should start to go away since the treatment worked. I was stopped when I saw familiar black hair strands in my face. I rolled my eyes playfully. "You can't scare me, Jack." I laughed when I heard him give a playful "awww." I turned around to face him, giggling. "You're not so easy to scare are you?" He asked, his arms crossed. I smirked. "Nope. I'm used to it." I replied, before getting up to get something. "Whatcha doing kiddo?" He asked curiously. "Just getting my sketchbook." I replied, before finally grabbing it and plopping down at my desk again. I opened a new page, and started to draw. I felt Jack standing behind me, and indeed, he was looking at my sketch. "You're a really good artist." he complimented. I blushed, looking away, and giggled. "Thanks. I like to draw often and sketch new ideas." He chuckled. "Your welcome kiddo." I smiled at him, before turning back to the drawing.

2 hours later, after completing the drawing and Carly is over telling jokes.....


Amy's POV~

I fell on the floor, laughing hysterically, clutching my stomach. I never laughed this hard before in my life! "I-I can't b-breathe!" I said, in between laughs. Carly was laughing as well. I finally started to settle down, breathing normally. "Haha! that was really funny Carly! I've never laughed that hard before!" I said, still chuckling. She giggled. "I love telling jokes!" She replied, "And I'm happy I could make you laugh!" I smiled and continued to make jokes with her. I was unaware of Laughing Jack watching me.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I just watched Amy, telling jokes with Carly, a close friend of mine and hers. I couldn't help but blush! She was so beautiful......My feelings for her grew stronger. I didn't say anything to her. What if she didn't feel the same way? I was pulled out of my thoughts when Amy left the room. Carly smiled at me. "You like her don't you?" She asked. I turned away, blushing. "No use in hiding it. I can tell." I sighed, and turned back to her. "Y-Yeah......I like her......." I murmured. She giggled. "It's fine! I think it's cute you have a crush on her!" I was really nervous now. She stopped when Amy came back.

Amy's POV~

I came back into my room, and sat next to Jack again. "What did I miss?" I asked. Carly looked at me and replied, "Nothing really." I just nodded and grabbed a lollipop from my table-stand next to my bed, and put it in my mouth once I unwrapped it. Carly sighed. "You really like eating those don't you?" I shrugged, "What? I was hungry and I wanted something sweet." She laughed, and I just rolled my eyes playfully. After maybe another hour, Carly left because her parents called her, so I started to get ready for bed. After I was in my pajamas, I got under my covers, and started getting comfortable. As my eyes started to close slowly, I felt weight on my bed beside me. Just as I was about to look, something wrapped itself around me. I looked down to my torso and saw two familiar black and white arms around my waist. It was Jack. "J-Jack......?" I murmured, turning over, and indeed, he was laying next to me. "Hope you don't mind kiddo," he replied softly, his arms tightening around me slightly. "Just wanted to snuggle with you." I moved closer to him, pressing against him. "I don't mind." I murmured, burying myself into his warm chest. I smiled softly, listening to the soft sounds of his heartbeat. "Your chest is warm." I softly said, my eyes slowly closing. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me protectively, running his hand through my hair gently. "I know." he murmured, nuzzling his head against mine. I slowly felt my eyes close. "Night Jack......." I murmured, gripping his shirt tightly. "Night kiddo." He chuckled softly, and that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now