~Chapter 24~

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Carly's POV~~

I rushed to Amy as I looked to see how much damage was done. Her head was bleeding quite badly but it wasn't that bad. Her back was also bleeding but I was concerned about the nerves in the wound that was open, as I hoped they weren't cut. I was most worried about her stomach. It was nearly cut completely open, and she was losing blood MASSIVELY and quickly. I looked up to see Jack looking at Amy. I could see the hurt in his eyes. But my eyes widened in horror as Issac revealed a hidden blade. "JACK, LOOK OUT!!!" I cried but he couldn't react in time. I watched in horror and shock as Jack was wounded and he fell back as he clutched his side. Issac ran but not before looking at Jack with a sadistic grin. "We'll meet again, old friend." with that said, he turned and ran out. "H.....He's running like a coward!" Jack hissed. "He's not important Jack!" I shouted. "Why??" "BECAUSE AMY IS MORE IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!!!" Jack's eyes widened, as he looked at Amy in my arms. He slowly moved over to us, and gently caressed Amy's cheek.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I gently caressed Amy's cheek as I stared at her with broken eyes. "A......Amy......." I could hear myself mutter her name quietly. I gently took her into my arms as I stared at her. Issac caused so much damage to her. I could feel tears forming. "Jack......" I heard Carly softly mutter my name. "......She's bleeding so much......she......she might-" "N-No....." I could hear my voice cracking as I just continued to stare at Amy. "S-S-She'll be okay......She......S-She'll be fine......." I just nuzzled her gently, not caring about my own injuries. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't! She meant so much to me! ".......J..........J........Ja..........Ja..........ckie..........?" I slowly looked up with wide eyes as I saw Amy's eyes slightly open. "A..........Amy........?" I saw her gently reach one hand up to my face, which I quickly grabbed and caressed gently against my cheek. "......I.......Is.........t..........that...........y..........y........ou.......?" Her voice was so weak and barely audible. "Shh......" I muttered, as I nuzzled her hand gently. "It's okay. I'm here Amy." I saw her eyes open and close lightly. She was growing weaker and weaker each passing moment. "Y.........Yo.........You...........c.........ca........me...........f.......f........for........m.......m........me........." "Of course I did Amy." I gently kissed her cheek. "I never stopped looking for you Amy. Never." "Jack......" I turned to Carly, with teary eyes. My heart stopped at her words. "She.......She's losing too much......She......She might-" "N-No!" I cut her off, before turning back to Amy. "S-S-She's gonna be okay.......S-S-She's gonna be fine......." I was trying to hold back from breaking down. I knew she was losing too much. But I didn't want to believe it. I just couldn't. I slowly closed my eyes as I let a few tears slip out. But I opened my eyes again when I felt a hand on my cheek. I looked and saw it was Amy. "A-Amy.....?" I could hear my voice shaking as I squeezed her hand. "......J.......Ja.........Jackie............." She sounded so weak. "I.........I.........feel.........s.........so.......t......t........tired........." I watched in shock as she started closing her eyes. "N-No, A-Amy!" I gently shook her lightly which caused her to open her eyes again just a slit. "You gotta stay awake for me. Just for a little longer Amy......" I could see her getting paler and paler. I could feel her gently place her hand on my cheek once more, which I gently grabbed and held there. I couldn't stop the tears. I never felt this much emotion in such a long time. "I........I........l........love.......y........you..........J...........Jackie.........." I leaned against her gently, feeling more tears slip from my eyes. "I......I love you too......A-Amy......I......I love you so much." I leaned closer to her face before our lips connected. I loved her so much. After a few moments, we broke away before I felt her pull back and lean against my chest. My eyes widened as I didn't see her move. "A.......Amy......?" I muttered her name, as I lightly shook her. "A......Amy.......t-t-this........this isn't......f-f-funny......." I could feel myself starting to shake as I saw tears fall off my cheeks. "A-Amy.........AMY!" It finally hit me after a few moments of what just happened, and I couldn't hold back anymore as I finally broke. I felt tears stream endlessly down my face as I held Amy close to me. I.......I lost her. I lost the one person......no.......the two people I love so much. Amy.......and our baby. "......Jack......" I lifted my head up as I heard Carly call my name. ".......W-What.......?" I stared at her in confusion, as I saw her stare at me with wide eyes. More specifically, she was staring at.........my right side. "Y-Your side......." I looked down to where she was pointing at, and I finally saw what she was talking about. My side was bleeding a little heavily and it was an open wound. That's when I started to feel dizzy. ".......A........A.........A......m-my.........." I barely even managed to say her name before I collapsed. I could barely hear Carly scream my name. Everything sounded blurry, kind of like I was underwater. I could hear Carly say something about getting Jason but it was too faded for me to hear it. I lifted my eyes towards Amy, who wasn't moving. I weakly held her hand as I squeezed it. "A.......A........m.......m......y.........." I mumbled her name one last time before my eyes slid shut. But before they did..........

I saw......

......familiar tendrils reach out to me.

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now