~Chapter 8~

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This is the gear Amy is wearing --> 


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Amy's POV~~

It's been two weeks since I reunited with Jack. I was about to go outside for a walk, when I got a call from my work that there was a situation. A guy was holding people captive in an abandoned warehouse with a .44 magnum caliber handgun, and threatened them. I forgot to mention that I work as a cop in my free time and even though I am only 14, I love my job. Without wasting any time, I got on my police gear (my helmet, my boots, and my vest), grabbed my MP5 and headed out. Now Jack had followed me, and I didn't mind it. But I made a fatal mistake.

In training while at the police academy, we were taught to never  take our vests off. The vests are meant to protect us from getting shot or even killed. I didn't know that I forgot to put my vest on. I shouldn't have forgotten to put my vest on......

......and that was a big mistake I made.

30 minutes later....

Amy's POV~~ 

"Drop the gun, and put your hands in the air!" I shouted to the man, moving slowly closer to him, "That's it, nice and slow." The people were taken to safety, so it was just me and a fellow officer, Jake. The guy smiled at us, lifting his head up. I froze, recognizing his face. It was Peter, an ex-cop, who was arrested and put in jail for four years because he leaked sensitive police information about operations we did, and I testified against him. "P-Peter.....?" I stuttered out. He smiled, as he raised his gun up, and fired. Everything slowed down it seemed. "THORN WATCH OUT!!!" Jake screamed, but I didn't move. I froze. I was pulled back into reality, when I felt something hit me. I slowly looked down, and watched as a red substance began slowly staining my gear. I realized I had been hit in the chest. Blood trickled out of my mouth, as I slowly brought my head back up to look at Peter. He had a cold unremorseful look in his eyes. Without realizing, I fell down to the ground as I realized that I was going into shock. "AMY!!!" I could barely hear Jack screaming my name. I wasn't aware of my surroundings anymore. I didn't even notice the chief beside me once he saw my wound. "She's been shot! 10-13! 10-13! Officer down, repeat officer down! We need an ambulance, now!" He shouted before seeing Peter flee, "After him!! He won't get away with this!" He turned back to me. "Thorn! Thorn, stay with us!!" I was gasping for air upon realizing the bullet had hit one of my lungs, which caused fluid to leak in. I was in shock as I realized I was choking to death on my own blood. "Stay with us kid!!" The chief shouted, but it sounded blurred. The last thing I saw was Jack's tear-filled eyes looking down at me, before I closed my eyes and everything went dark.


I groaned, as I slowly felt myself being pulled back into reality. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw all my fellow officers surrounding my bed, and the chief. "Hey kid," He said, smiling. I groaned, still waking up. "C......Chief......?" He chuckled, before giving my shoulder a playful punch. "Your one tough son-of-a-bitch you know that?" He said, as he and my fellow officers laughed. I gave a weak laugh, before coughing. "We will let you rest, but you will have a few weeks off of duty until you recover." I shot him a worried look. "B-But c-chief......" "No buts. You need to recover. And that's final." he replied firmly. I sighed. He wasn't gonna change his mind.  I raised my hand up to my head, and gave him a salute. "Yes, chief......" He smiled and saluted me back. "I'll see you in a few weeks." He replied, before he and my other fellow officers left, including Jake who mouthed a 'Get well soon' to me. I smiled and nodded at him and after he left, I closed my eyes to rest. After a few minutes, I heard someone else enter my room and when I opened my eyes, I saw it was Jack. "J......Jack......?" I called out. He smiled before sitting at the edge of my bed. "Hey kiddo." He replied. I groaned, as I tried to sit up, but kept falling back down due to the pain. "Easy......" Jack said softly. I was finally able to sit up after some struggling, when he suddenly pulled me into a hug. I was shocked at first, but I hugged him back. I could feel something on my shoulders. Was he......crying? "I-I thought I lost you......" I heard him say. I pulled out of the hug and smiled at him. "I-I'm not......ngh......going anywhere......Jack......" I replied, trying to act tough. He gave a small smile, before getting up from my bed. "Get some rest. I'll see you soon kiddo." He said, before he left. I smiled as I slowly felt my eyes close, before I fell asleep.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I sighed, before teleporting back to her room, and sat on her bed. I almost lost her, I thought, as I found myself looking at a teddy bear I gave to her on the day of her 5th birthday. I never felt this way with any of my other "friends" before......

.........Am I falling for her.......?

So hope you guys enjoyed!! So this is where he Slowly starts to fall for her and develops feelings!! sorry if its rushed, again, first time writing a story!! <3

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