~Chapter 31~

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An hour later~~~


Laughing Jack's POV~~

I sat there next to Amy, worried about her since she had passed out an hour ago. I was afraid something was wrong. But thankfully, Cassidy explained to me that Amy would be tired and most likely would pass out due to the exhaustion. So, my worries relaxed. I watched as they washed our little one. It was interesting to watch it too since I had never seen it before. My heart was beating softly. I could feel it. After fifteen minutes, they handed me my baby and left to give me and Amy some peace and quiet. I looked at Amy, who was still sleeping, and then looked down at the little baby in my arms. I was crying. I.........I got to finally meet my baby. Our little baby. I was still looking at our baby when a thought occurred. I still didn't know what gender the baby was. But, I decided to wait until Amy was awake to find out. It was her baby too. I waited and gently cradled my baby when I heard a small groan and looked up.........

............to see Amy was awake.

All my worries were gone. I softly smiled at Amy, and watched as she slowly woke up before turning to me. I was still cradling our baby so I made sure not to let go. That's when I heard her soft voice finally speak up. "........Jackie.....?"

Amy's POV~

I slowly groaned, before my eyes started to open up slowly. I felt groggy and tired. When my eyes were fully opened and adjusted, I noticed I was staring up at a peach/pale like ceiling. Where am I? I thought to myself. But that's when my memories came back. I was in the hospital. I slowly turned to my left and that's when I saw Jack sitting next to me.

With a newborn baby in his arms.

"........Jackie.........?" I called his name in my exhausted state. My body felt so tired. Jack looked up at me when he heard me call his name. He leaned against me with a small smile. "Hi baby...." I blushed slightly as we shared a kiss. That's when I looked down at the small bundle in his arms. "I-Is that......?" "Mhm......" He nodded at me while smiling. I slowly sat up, despite Jack's protests. "C-Can I hold them?" I asked. Jack nodded before handing me the small baby. Once I saw the little bundle in my arms, I started crying. "Oh......hi....." I held back chokes as I looked at the tiny baby in my arms. "We waited so long to meet you........" Even Jackie was crying. That's when a thought occurred to me. "Did you check to see what our baby's gender is yet?" I asked Jack while still cradling my baby. He shook his head. "I wanted to wait for you." Jack smiled. I nodded before I slowly unwrapped a little bit of the cloth and peeked down to the lower region. My eyes widened and I blushed. I saw a small slit where the genital region should be. I knew. It was a girl. I looked up at Jack with wide eyes. "J-Jackie......." "What's wrong my love?" He asked and I gave a soft smile before warm tears fell down my cheeks. "A-Amy?? A-Are yo-" But I cut him off. My words left him in shock.

"We have a daughter."

Jack looked up at me with wide eyes but I saw a faint blush on his face as well as tears in his eyes. "It........It's a........g-girl?" I could hear the shock in his voice. I nodded. I watched as he looked back at her and I could see a smile appear on his face. "She's beautiful~" I murmured as I held back small chokes. I loved my baby girl. Our baby girl. I looked up to see his smile grow a little more. I felt tears running down my cheeks, as I looked at my daughter again. Jack gave a small chuckle before stroking her tiny cheek gently. "She's perfect." I was crying heavily. I was so happy. "Oh!" I gasped lightly. "She's opening her eyes!" I watched as my baby girl opened her eyes, and I looked at her in shock. "What's wrong Amy?" I could hear the confusion in Jack's voice as he looked at me. "J-Jackie.......her eyes......." I quietly murmured. Jack looked back at our baby and he saw it too. "Her left eye is gray like mine....." He said softly. "And her right eye is blue like yours....." I giggled lightly. She was definitely Jack's daughter. He smiled softly and leaned closer to me. "Can I hold her again?" He asked, and I nodded before handing him our little girl. He fell in love with her. I could see it in his eyes as he gently kissed her head. I smiled, looking down at my......no.......our daughter. Jack looked up at me and smiled. "What will we name her?" He asked me. I was quiet for a while, as I was thinking. It was a few minutes before I replied to him. "Between the names Olivia, Jackie and Ellie.......I.......I think Ellie suits her the most." He smiled. "It doesn't suit her Amy." I looked at him in confusion but what he said left me in shock. "It's perfect for her~" I blushed heavily. Jack would make a wonderful father to Ellie. I could tell already. He chuckled softly before he looked up at me while still cradling Ellie. "I love you, Amy." He purred softly and gently leaned his head against mine. "I love you too Jack." I replied, and I leaned into his touch. Then Jack said something that shocked me. Something that I will never forget. "Now.......I have a true reason to smile on Christmas every year. You.........and our precious little angel." This was the happiest moment I ever had before in my life. I never regret ending up with Jack. I'm happy I did. After staying in the hospital for an entire day (due to them wanting to make sure everything was okay with me and Ellie plus Jack stayed), I was finally released the next day and once I got back home, Jack put Ellie in her crib in our room and I fell asleep with Jack cuddling me in bed. I wanted to stay up and keep an eye on Ellie, but Jack insisted that I rest and said he would keep an eye on her. So, I gave in after a few attempts and fell asleep. I couldn't be more happy to be with Jack and have a daughter with him.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I sighed contently, as I held Amy so close to me. I finally felt happy. I had tried multiple times to convince Amy to rest and sleep but she refused. She was stubborn like that. After a few more attempts, I finally got her to agree and she fell asleep next to me. After a few hours, I decided to check on Ellie so I quietly lifted Amy off of me and slipped over to Ellie, who was sleeping peacefully in her crib. She was so cute and so tiny. I just sat there beside her for a long time. I'm not sure how long exactly. But I didn't mind. I......I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked like both me and Amy. She had our eyes, and was pale just like me. I gently but silently held one of her tiny hands. I chuckled softly. "I'll protect you Ellie....." I said softly to my sleeping daughter. "You and your mom..........no matter what..........."

".............I promise."


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed!! There will be a season two and the first part is out right now!! Go check it out if you want! Love you guys!! <3

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