~Chapter 12~

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Amy's POV~~

I was outside reading, at school, completely lost in the book I was reading. It's been a month since........what happened between me and Jack. I haven't seen him since that day, and honestly........I wasn't sure if I wanted to ever see him again. He had hurt me, and I felt completely heart broken. He had lied to me my entire life. He only PRETENDED to be my friend, but in reality, I was just another victim to him. I shook my head, and continued reading. I didn't want to think about it anymore. After five minutes, I heard the bell ring which meant the period was over. After getting up from where I was sitting, I went to my locker and placed my book back inside before closing it shut and locking it again. I was about to head to my next class which was Graphic Arts and is my favorite class, when I felt someone grab me! I gasped and turned around. I was shocked to see Eric! Smiling at me!! I was completely speechless! He just stood there, smirking! I didn't know what to say, so I turned around and ran to my next class and quickly sat down in my seat. Once everyone was seated, the bell rang and class began. After 40 long minutes, the bell rang and it was finally lunchtime. I quickly put my books away into my bag and started to head to the door. It was only me and Eric left in the room. He was two years older than me, so he was 16 and I was 14. I was just about near out the door when I was grabbed again!! I turned around, and it was Eric, again! I didn't know what to do! I just stood there completely shocked, but he didn't seem to care! He just smiled! I immediately ran out of there and up to lunch. I sat at a table, far away from him. I couldn't grip my head on what just happened. Why would he do this?? I looked up, and saw that Carly was across from me. I decided to forget about what had happened, and just talked with Carly at the table while eating lunch. After three more classes which were English, History and Algebra, the bell rang which meant the day was over. So once I zipped up my bag, I went to my locker to put away my books so I would be ready for tomorrow. When I had closed my locker and locked it, I was grabbed again! But on my....private area this time. I turned around, and saw Eric smiling at me! Before I could walk away from him, he pinned me against the locker. "E-Eric....." I stuttered, avoiding his gaze and instead I looked down at the floor. "P-Please stop. I'm not interested, and I don't like this." He cornered me, but I eventually slipped away from his grasp and got back home. When I got to my room, I closed my door quietly and just sat on the edge of my bed. I was shaking and tears started to form in my eyes. Why was he doing this? Eric had never done this before! Did he think I was into him? I was crying, until I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw it was Carly! "C-Carly.....?" I choked out. "It's just me Amy." she replied, looking at me. She sat down beside me on my bed, and rubbed my back gently. There was no point in hiding it. Carly could always tell when something was wrong or off. My bestie was always like that. "What happened?" She asked. I sighed and told her everything. After I finished explaining, she just hugged me. I just returned the hug, and sobbed. She reassured me that everything would be okay, but I didn't know. I did tell the principal the next morning at school, and I had Carly and Lily by my side. After that, we went back to my place and played some games. I was still shocked. Eric had NEVER done anything like this to me. EVER. I didn't understand why he did that! I was NOT into him at all. I was scared and confused. I thought and hoped that it was just a one time thing, and that nothing like that would happen again............

................But little did I know...........

.........How much worse it would be.......

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now