~Chapter 19~

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"Are you absolutely sure?" The doctor asked the nurse, and I could hear paper rustling. She must have been checking the results at least a few times. This made me incredibly nervous. "Yes, we re-ran the tests multiple times." The nurse replied. "The results are the same." The doctor sighed and thanked the nurse, before coming back into the room and the nurse left. I watched as she closed the door before turning back towards me, and calmly walked to me before sitting down in front of me. "I have the results back." She said lowly, and she looked at me with a serious expression. I began to shake as my heart started to race quickly. "W-What does it say?" I could hear myself stutter clearly as I asked her. "A-Am I sick?" She paused for a moment. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" She replied, shaking her head. "It's nothing like that. You're tests show that you are perfectly healthy and in good shape." I sighed in relief. At least I wasn't sick or unhealthy. "So.......w-what does it say.......?" My tension didn't ease up yet. I could feel my stomach form in a knot as I fiddled with my hands. Sweat was trickling down the side of my head. "The results show your HCG levels are higher than 25." My heartbeat started getting faster as I didn't know what that was. "What are HCG levels?" I could feel myself shaking so much out of fear. I was terrified out of my mind. The next words that came out of her mouth made my heart sink. "HCG levels are a hormone produced by the placenta and can be seen by testing to see if you are pregnant. If your HCG levels are less than 5 mIU/mL, you are negative for pregnancy." She replied calmly, and continued. "But, if your HCG levels are above 25 mIU/mL then you can be positive for pregnancy." I felt my heart sink. Oh no...... Her words shattered me. "Your test results show that your HCG levels are higher than 25 mIU/mL." I felt like I was going to pass out. I was pregnant. I was on the verge of crying now, as I felt tears slowly fall down my cheeks. "M-m-my old doctor, s-s-said..........I..........I..........c-couldn't have..........k-kids........." I could barely form sentences as I held back chokes through my sobs as tears slipped out of my eyes and down my cheeks endlessly. "T-They said........there was..........a...........p-p-problem with............m-m-my.............ovaries." She was confused, and sat across from me. "That can't be correct." She looked down at her clipboard and flipped up a few sheets. "The tests show your ovaries are working perfectly fine, and there are no signs of any complications or problems." I was so shocked. I..........I could have kids.......? But I was also scared to death. I never expected to have a child. I mean, I always wanted a family. But.........

Fear had gripped me instantly.

..........How would Jack react? 

I slowly took a few deep breaths, and calmed down after a few minutes. "What are my options?" I asked quietly, looking down at the floor. She placed the clipboard holding my results down, before clearing her throat. "You are only 3 weeks along, so you do have some options available." I listened intently as I continued to stare directly down. "You could have an abortion, if you decide you don't want to keep it." I shook my head, and looked up at her. "I-I could never kill a child." She nodded, and continued. "There is also adoption. If you decide to go through with the pregnancy, but don't want to keep the baby, you could give it up for adoption." I quickly shook my head. I could never give up my own baby. She paused for a moment, before speaking. "There is one other option." I looked up at her nervously. "You could choose to keep the baby, and go through with the pregnancy." My heart skipped a beat. I.........I could keep it........? I was silent for a few minutes as I thought over about the options. I was thinking deeply, as I was scared. Could I do this......? What should I do? I continued to think for a long time before I finally sighed. "Can........Can I have some time to think........?" "Yes." She sighed before writing down something. "You can think about your options but I advise you to come back as soon as you make a decision." I paused, before I spoke again. "O-Okay......I understand." She nodded. "Alright." She slowly stood up from her seat and walked over to her desk. I looked at her, confused. She wrote something down and handed me a piece of paper with a date and time on it. "Come back at this date so you can tell me what you decided. I'm not rushing you, but it is important that you make a decision soon." I nodded and quietly took the piece of paper, before slipping it into my pocket. "T-Thank you." "I'll see you in a couple of days then." I nodded, before exiting the room and walking down the hallway. Once I got to the desk I talked with the nurse for a few minutes, whose name was Bella, and signed out with my name, the date and the time. I then left the clinic and started to walk back home. But as I walked, one thought kept swirling in my mind along with fear and worry the more I thought about it.

How would I be able to tell Jack......?

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