~Chapter 25~

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I groaned painfully, as I slowly started to stir. "........N.......Ngh........"  When I was finally awake, I noticed I wasn't in the abandoned building anymore. I was in Amy's home. I looked down, to see my sides bandaged. I tried to sit up but quickly fell back down, as I felt burning pain. "I wouldn't get up if I were you." I looked around, trying to find who was speaking. But I quickly recognized the male voice immediately. It had a slight British accent. I knew who the voice belonged to. "J.........Jason..........?" I called out, struggling to sit up. A shadow stepped out of the darkness and came into my view. It was Jason. "Its best if you lay back down." He spoke quietly, crossing his arms. "Your injury was serious." It had been a while since I had seen him. I sighed, finally managing to sit up. "Wh.......What h-happened?" I mumbled, looking back down at my side again. It was silent for a moment, but he quickly answered me. "You don't remember?" He asked. "You've been out for three hours now." I closed my eyes, thinking. That's when it hit me. The building........Isaac........screaming........the fight........ "You were lucky I found you both." Jason replied calmly, after seeing I was remembering it. "If I didn't find you both, thanks to Carly alerting me, your girl would have died." I didn't look up at him. All I could think about was Amy. The way she screamed........Jason moved closer and I didn't notice. "Jack........" He started, sitting beside me. He sighed heavily. "..........I want to talk to you...........about...........Amy............" I opened my eyes and looked up to him, my heart racing. "Amy! I-Is she okay?! W-Where is she??" I was panicking, afraid she was gone. Isaac hurt her badly. She was more important than my injuries! Jason stopped me and sighed. My heart started racing faster. "The injuries that were inflicted on her were serious Jack." He spoke seriously. "The stab in her back was deep, and the wound on her stomach was serious. She lost a lot of blood. And her head injury was alerting as well." I could feel myself shaking, and tears started forming. "But she's lucky that there was no permanent damage, so she will be able to walk and her wounds will heal." I sighed in relief, but my worries weren't over yet. "And........w-what about the baby?" I asked my heart racing once again. "..........That's what I also want to talk to you about........." he said in a serious tone. I froze. "W-What do you mean..........?" I murmured. "There was damage." I felt tears starting to form once again. I felt like my heart was breaking. "I was able to repair it, however." I sighed in relief, as my heart raced rapidly. "I-Is Amy alright?" I asked. "Yes, but for her head injury, she had stitches for the wound and the damage to her body was serious. However, she's extremely lucky she didn't die. She will be fine." Jason replied. I sighed in relief. "Can I see her?" I wanted to see her and make sure she was okay. Jason nodded as he helped me up. "Be careful, Jack." He cautioned. "I.........I know." When we entered her bedroom, my heart sank. She was laying in her bed, but.......she was breathing weakly......and.......she was so pale. There was a bandage around her head, stomach and back when I got a closer look and I could see they were slowly turning red. I sat next to her and held her hand, just watching her breathe. "Amy......." I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Jason slowly came up next to me and sat down. "She will wake up." he reassured me. "But she will be in a lot of pain." I turned back to Amy, heartbroken to see her like this. "I'm sorry I couldn't find you sooner.........." I murmured, gently nuzzling her hand. This was all my fault. If I had just gone with her, none of this would have happened. Jason sighed before his hand gently rested on my shoulder. "At least you got to her Jack. If you didn't, she wouldn't be here now." I nodded without taking my eyes off her. But something was bugging me. "Jason......." I turned to him. ".......How did you get us back?" He was silent for some time but he finally answered me. ".........I had no choice Jack." My breath caught in my throat. I knew what he meant. "No.......you didn't.......please tell me you didn't......." "It was the only way to get you both back. I had to tell him." My heart sank at his words. He told Slender. He told Slender about me and Amy. I sighed as I turned back to Amy. "...........W-What did he say.......?" I asked. ".....He wants to 'talk' with you later." I felt my fist clench. Slender will NOT take me away from her. Not when she needs me so much right now. I won't let him. Jason slowly stood up. "I'll leave you two alone." He spoke softly, before he quietly shut her door and left. I just sat there, listened to her slow breathing, and waited. But as I waited, I could feel the guilt in my heart building up. Until I finally broke, and I started crying. This was all my fault. I knew it was. If I had just gone with Amy, she would be fine and Isaac wouldn't have hurt her. My entire body was shaking. I could feel it. This was ALL my fault. I was squeezing her hand. Please Amy........don't leave me alone........please........come back to me. I couldn't stop my tears. I felt so guilty. But.........then I heard a familiar soft voice. And I looked up to see Amy.........was awake.

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now