~Chapter 15~

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Two years later (February, and it's night time + its her birthday X3 Also, in case you didn't know February is a cold month so it is snowing currently on her birthday o3o)


Amy's POV~

It's been two years since I had confessed my feelings to Jack. But I'm happy I did. Over the past two years, he kept asking me if I was ready. Since I knew what he meant, I told him I wasn't yet. He said it was okay and he was ready when I was. I'm.......a-a.......virgin. I had never.......had sex before.......I was still a little shaken up by what Eric tried to do to me two years ago in my freshman year. Me and Jack had made out many times. But.......we never went further than that. After a couple of weeks, it was finally Valentine's Day, which was also my birthday. I know. Ironic. And I had no idea what was in store for me tonight.......

20 minutes later~~

I waved bye to Carly since she said she was going to see a play and wouldn't be back for two hours. My mom and my sister were also out as well. They were going to see a distant cousin of mine who lived far from here, so they wouldn't be back for two hours at least. And thank god my father wasn't home. After Carly was gone, I headed back into my bedroom and quickly started looking for my sketchbook. Since today was also my birthday, and I turned 16 only about two hours ago, I decided to draw to celebrate it since my birthdays are always boring. Well, besides with my family and friends. I couldn't find it, but I knew it was here! I sighed feeling frustrated and slowly got on my knees and looked under my bed. "C'mon......." I hissed, sighing. "Its gotta be here somewhere! I know it is!" I frowned, my head starting to hurt. Where could it be?! I didn't lose it, nor did I lend it to a friend. I was about to crawl out from under the bed, when all of a sudden I heard my bedroom door shut. I jumped, since the loud noise had startled me. I have always been prone to being startled by loud noises, and this caused me to hit my head against the metal part under my bed. "Oww......." I groaned, rubbing my head. There was a slight bump, but I would be fine. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Besides, I've had worse injuries than this. I carefully and slowly backed out and away from my bed, and lifted my head up to see what caused the noise. When I looked up, I saw Jack standing in front of my bedroom door with his hands behind him. I slowly stood up, and looked at him confused. ".......J-Jack?" I could hear myself stutter his name. I was so shocked to see him! "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you Amy." He chuckled lightly, and took a few steps towards me. "I-It's okay." I replied, rubbing my head to try to ease the throbbing. It hurt a little. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded, chuckling slightly. "I'm fine. I've had worse injuries before. It's nothing I can't handle." I slowly stood up, and checked my closet. "What are you doing?" He asked, watching me curiously. "Oh nothing." I replied before walking over to my nightstand and carefully started looking through the drawers next. "I'm just looking for my sketchbook, but I can't seem to find-" I was cut off when I felt Jack bump up against me. I jumped and quickly turned around. "J-Jackie?" I stammered, slowly walking backwards. It was only then that I noticed my bedroom door was locked. "W-Why did you lock the door?" "Oh.......no reason." He replied, stepping closer. I kept slowly backing up, until I felt my back hit my bedroom wall. I was cornered by Jack. I was blushing and was about to say something but Laughing Jack (Jack for short) kept me against the wall with his left hand beside the right side of my head, and holding my head by my neck in his right hand. He had a mischievous smile on his lips. "Amy......." He whispered, leaning closer to my face. "J-Ja-" I was silenced when Jack pressed his lips to mine. I blushed furiously since he caught me off guard. Slowly, my eyes closed and I started kissing him back. Jack licked my bottom lip, asking for entry, which I denied playfully. That's when I felt his right hand trace down to my butt and squeeze it, causing me to gasp. This gave Jack an opening which he took and slipped his tounge in, before he moved his hand back to my neck. He actually had me moaning! The French kiss went on for a few moments before he broke away from me, and I saw a small trail of saliva connecting our lips. I looked at him with a red face. "J-Jackie....." He gave a small smirk before he spoke. "I want to talk to you." I could feel my heart pumping. "W-What do you want to talk a-about?" I asked nervously. "Us." Jack responded, looking deeply into my eyes. My heart started racing. Jack must have noticed that. "It's nothing bad Amy." He replied softly, letting a small chuckle out as he removed his hand from my neck. Jack stepped back before walking over to my bed and sitting down on it. He motioned for me to come sit next to him. I slowly walked over to him, my heart beat going fast. I sat down next to him, before we turned to each other with our legs crossed. My back was facing my pillows so I was directly facing Jack. "S-So....." I started, as I rubbed my left arm. "What did you want to talk about....?" Jack was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke. "......I want to talk about our relationship." He gently grabbed my hands and intertwined them with his. I looked up at him as I felt my cheeks turn slightly red. "W-What about us?" I asked. ".....We've been together for two years Amy." He gave a loving smile before he continued. "Tonight is your birthday. And I want to make it special since it's just me and you here alone now." "What are you s-saying J-J-Jackie?" I asked shakily. ".......What I'm saying Amy is........If your comfortable with it......I....." He looked at me deeply, as I saw his eyes sparkle. What he said next made my heart skip a beat. "I want to take the next step with you, my love~" My eyes widened as I gasped lightly. "J-Jackie......y-you......you mean....." He nodded as I saw his cheeks turn red lightly. "I want to make love with you." I looked in his grey eyes, as I felt my cheeks heating up. "Jackie......." "If your not ready, it's okay. I can wait until your more comfortable around me. I won't push you, Amy." I sighed softly before closing my eyes, thinking deeply. I was nervous. Was I ready to have sex with Jack? Was I really ready to do this? My mind was racing as I was thinking deeply. Jack was only a year older than me, so I was 16 and Jack is 17. After a few more moments, I gave a small sigh before I slowly opened my eyes again and nodded. "Are you sure?" he asked, as I saw his eyes widen and his blush deepen. I nodded once again, giving a soft smile. "I-I'm s-s-sure J-Jack......" I could feel myself blushing. "I......." I sighed, before returning his gaze with a loving one and smiling softly. "I'm ready." He smiled before he leaned in close to me and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes, and returned his kiss as Jack gently pushed me down onto my back. It wasn't a rough or hungry kiss. It was just a soft gentle kiss between the two of us. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we passionately kissed. We broke away from each other for a few moments and looked deeply into each other's eyes. Jack climbed on top of me and straddled himself over me. His hands were placed at my sides, trapping me. I slowly felt the heat in my cheeks rising, which caused him to smirk and he kissed me again. I started to moan and quickly covered my mouth, once he broke the kiss, to prevent myself from being loud. I was scared someone would hear us. But he took my hand, moved it away from my mouth and held it beside my head. "Don't hide it." he panted softly, with a loving look in his eyes. I could see a slight bit of lust in them. "I want to hear them, my love~" He kissed me again as he ran his hands through my hair gently. I gave a light moan and I could feel a smirk creep onto his face. He moved down to my neck, and I could feel his lips searching for something. "J-Jack, w-what are you-" I stopped and gasped when his lips got to a certain spot and bit lightly, causing me to give a little moan. He smirked, knowing he had found my sweet spot and bit it lightly once more. "N-Ngh.......J-J-Jackie......." I whimpered lightly as I felt my cheeks heat up. He giggled. "You like that, Amy?" He cooed softly. "M-Mhmm......." I moaned lightly, and melted into his touch. "Then I'll just have to go just a little rougher~" He purred. With that said, he smirked and kept nibbling my sweet spot more roughly which made me a small moaning mess and, as this was happening, I felt my area heat up and become slightly wet. Jack was the only one with this effect on me. His hands kept a firm grip on my waist, as he continued slowly. His hands gently caressed my hips closely to his body. I was ready. I was ready for Jack. 

Laughing Jack's POV~~

God. Tonight couldn't be more perfect. We were alone, and it was Valentine's day which was also her birthday. It was the perfect moment for us to do this. I moved my hands up and down her small hips, gently caressing her. She has a beautiful body. I want to take my time with my sweet Amy. I don't want to hurt her. I had never experienced this before and neither has Amy, so I want this to be special between us. I just couldn't contain myself when I was around her. She was the only one who made me feel this way. I nibbled her neck passionately, earning more sweet moans from her. I groaned as I felt her buck up her hips and grind against my region which was causing my pants to become uncomfortably tight. Fuck. She knew how to tease me. G-God......I........I've never been this horny before..........I'm getting more and more turned on. I don't know how long I can hold myself back from her.

Amy's POV~

Jack was giving light gentle kisses. I saved myself for the one I love just as he did for me. He didn't want to hurt me for my first time. He slowly moved from my neck all the way down to my stomach while giving little kisses the lower he went. "J-J-Jackie......." I whimpered lightly. However, when he moved down to my legs I gave a surprised squeak and closed them quickly. "N-Not t-there!" I gasped, pressing my legs together tightly. He was confused and stopped. "What's wrong?" He asked before he quickly straddled me again. He was looking deeply into my eyes. "A-Anywhere b-b-but there!" I was blushing immensely and I was now more nervous than ever.

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