~Chapter 4~

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Note: There will be some violence so just warned!!

4 months later...

Amy's POV~

I was playing in the snow at the playground, giggling. It has been a while since I had met Jack, and I am so happy he is my best fwiend! "Well, Well, Well." I turned around to see Eric standing against the bars with his arms crossed, glaring at me. "Leave me alone Ewic." I pouted, jumping in the snow. "You always mea-" I was cut off when Ewic gwabbed me and pinned me against the playground bars. I cried in fear, slowly looking up at him. I was shaking. "That's the point." He hissed, as I saw anger in his green eyes. "Your weak. You can't even stand up for yourself. And you have no friends." Tears started falling down my cheeks, and I whimpered. I didn't notice Jack watching from behind a tree.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I growled, seeing Amy pinned by that boy again. She does have friends! I thought, She has me as her bestest fwiend! I got really mad when I saw him raise something sharp and strike her with it, causing her to cry. That.was.IT. I quickly teleported to her. I wasn't going to let him huwt my bestest fwiend!

Amy's POV~

I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks. My chest was hurting. "P-pwease....s-stop......" I cried. "I-It h-h-huwts......" Eric just laughed, and hit me again with the sharp object, and I cried again in pain. Why was he hurting me? What did I do wrong? "Good." He hissed, snarling. "Now hold still, and it will be over soon." I cried, begging him to stop, but he ignored me, and hit me again with it. I collapsed, from pain. He raised the item again, and I closed my eyes, crying softly. But I didn't feel another hit. I looked up to see my best fwiend Jack, clutching his stomach, and he fell beside me. That was the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I groaned, my eyes barely awake. I faintly looked up, to see my best fwiend laying there, bleeding, and unmoving. "A.....Am......y....." I groaned, the pain becoming too much, before closing my eyes, and everything went dark.

3 hours later....

I groaned, slowly stirring. When I opened my eyes, I noticed I was back at the abandoned carnival and back in the bedwoom. "Good to see your awake." a voice spoke. I turned to my left and saw it was Mr. Jason. "J.....Jason.....?" I murmured. "I wouldn't try to get up if I were you." He warned, but I didn't listen and of course I fell right back down onto the bed, groaning in pain. "W....What happened....?" I asked as I started clutching my side, only then noticing the bandages. Mr. Jason sighed. "I found you and Amy in front the playground, in the snow bleeding." My heart sank. I remembered what happened at the playground. Amy, her being hurt, crying, pain. It all came back to me. "A-Amy!! Whewe-??" Jason stopped me. I didn't care about my injuries or the pain. My best fwiend was more important! "Look beside you." He said calmly, motioning to my side. I slowly turned my head to my right, and my heart stopped for a moment. Amy was laying beside me, but........her skin........it was so pale, even paler than my other best friend, Jeff. I gently picked her up, trying to avoid causing any pain. She was barely breathing. "A....Amy...." I murmured, holding her in my arms. It was only then that I noticed the bandages around her chest and stomach. "When I found you both, her heart wasn't beating. I was afraid she was gone, until I heard her heart start again." He replied, looking at me with crossed arms. I looked back down at Amy. Her breathing was shallow. She looked so weak.... ".......Will she be okay.....?" Was all I could mutter, not taking my eyes off her. I couldn't stand to lose her. She was my bestest fwiend I've had in a long time since Issac had made me into this......monochrome monster. "I don't know. The wounds were really deep, so I can't tell how much damage was done to her, or her heart." He replied. My heart shattered. I could feel tears start forming, blurring my vision. Why? Why her? Why did this happen to my sweet best fwiend who did nothing wrong? I just held her close to my chest, trying to hold back sobbing. She was so fragile........

It was silent for a while. "I will check on you later." Jason finally spoke, and he started to leave. "W-Wait...." I called out. He turned back to me. ".....Why did you help us?" He sighed. "Because I see how much you care about this little girl. She's special to you. So if you care about her, then I do too." My heart raced when he said this. But it was true. I really cared about her, and I didn't know why, but I did. "Thank you." I replied, giving a weak smile. He sighed. "Your welcome. But be careful. The others won't be happy with her around. They will do everything they can to get rid of her. Especially Mr. Slender." He spoke before, turning around to leave. "Be on your guard, and protect her if you care that much for her." "I pwomise, I will." I replied softly, before I turned back to Amy, and he left. My heart broke looking at her. She was shaking. I pulled her closer to my chest, still holding her in my arms as tears fell. She was so little....I couldn't lose her.......I......I don't want to be.......all alone....again........ "....J.....J.....J....J...a....ac....c....ck....?" I heard a small voice. I looked down to see Amy's eyes slightly open. "It's okay bestie." I replied softly, wrapping a blanket I found earlier around her. "Your safe." She slowly closed her eyes, and fell back asleep. I just stared at her, watching her shivering and whimpering. I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying, although I didn't make any noise, I couldn't stop the tears. Seeing her like this broke me. I pulled her closer, cuddling her. "It's okay bestie...." I softly said, running my hand through her hair, tears still falling, "I'll pwotect you. Nothing will ewer huwt you again." I kissed her on the forehead, before I felt my eyes start to close. "I promise." I murmured, as I drifted off, with Amy still in my arms.

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now