~Chapter 26~

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The next morning.....


Laughing Jack's POV~~

I opened my eyes slowly. Once I was fully awake, I turned to my left to see Amy sleeping peacefully. I sighed in relief and kissed her on her cheek. I was worried about her. Isaac really did a lot of harm to her just to hurt me. And it worked. It hurt me to see her like this in pain. I pulled her closer to me and snuggled with her. "You mean a lot to me Amy." I murmured softly, looking at her. "I don't want to lose you." I looked down at her stomach to see the bandage there. I sighed, and placed my hand on her stomach gently. I felt a small kick and I felt my cheeks turn red slightly. "Your strong just like mommy, aren't you?" I chuckled softly. I looked down to where I was injured, and saw the bandage patch there. I winced slightly. It stung badly. I sighed and put my head back right beside Amy's, waiting for her to wake up. I could see she was having a nightmare. "......N......No......s-stop......please......." I gently ran my hand through her hair. "Shh........It's okay Amy........" I muttered softly. "I'm right here." I watched as her facial expression relaxed and returned to a peaceful look. I sighed softly as I rubbed her stomach lightly as I waited for her to wake up.

Amy's POV~

I felt myself slowly open my eyes and once they were opened, I saw Jack laying right beside me. I was in his arms. "........Jack........?" I murmured, still feeling groggy. He laughed and pulled me closer to his chest. "Morning sleepy head." he chuckled, as he kissed my cheek. I felt so safe when I was with him, especially when he held me in his arms. "Did you sleep okay?" He asked. ".........N-Not really." I replied quietly. I didn't tell him about my nightmares that I was having about him. About him and Issac.......t-torturing and hurting me. Cutting open my stomach and killing me and the baby over and over...... I kept staring at my stomach, feeling worry take over my mind. Jack noticed. "Your worried about the baby aren't you?" I looked up at him and nodded. "He cut open my stomach, Jack. I-" I was cut off when I saw Jack place his hand on my stomach. I didn't expect that. I looked up at him, my eyes widening. ".........J-Jack........." He didn't let me finish, but instead kissed me passionately. I kissed him back as he wrapped his arms around me a little more. Once we separated from each other, I gently snuggled my head into his side as I tried to muffle my whimpers. It hurt so much.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I smiled as I snuggled Amy. I was happy to see she was feeling a little better. I looked down at her belly and smiled. Our baby is strong. Just like me and her. I sighed, before cuddling with Amy gently. I didn't want to accidentally hurt her. She was trying to relax, but I could see the pain she was in. "It.........ngh........h-hurts........s-so much." I heard her whimper. I rubbed her back gently. "I know, lollipop. I know." I murmured softly, as I rubbed small circles on her back. "Everything is gonna be okay." I kissed her cheek. "I promise." She placed her head on my chest and closed her eyes. It was only then that I noticed that the bandages around her stomach and back were stained with dried blood. I heard the door open and saw it was just Slender again. He had apologized yesterday and changed her wounds yesterday as well. "Hello." he greeted, before sitting next to us. "How are you both feeling?" I looked up him. "I'm.....slightly better.....but Amy's in pain." I looked down at Amy, and I could hear her whimper. I hated seeing her like this. "It will hurt for some time, but I think this will help." Slender replied, moving over to Amy's side and gently pressed something against her back. My eyes widened as I heard her cry in pain. "S-Stop! What are you doing??" I pulled Amy away from him and against me. "I have to apply alcohol to her wounds to keep down any infections. I have no choice." "J-Jackie......" I looked down at my sweet Amy to see her looking up at me with her blue eyes. Those sparkling bright blue eyes......I could get lost in them. "...........I........It's.........ngh..........o-okay..........." "A-Amy........." I gently kissed her before I snuggled her gently. "I........I don't want to see you in pain..........." She gently pushed against me. "I can handle it.........p-please..........." I sighed before looking at her again. ".........Okay." I looked at Slender with a glare. "But be careful with her............Please." He nodded and pressed it against her again. I watched as she whimpered from the stinging. "N-Nnnnngh..........." I gently caressed her cheek to try to comfort her. "There. That should help ease it." He gently removed it after a few moments. "Jack........." I looked down at her. "What's wrong?" I asked, pulling her closer to me. "I.........I'm scared........." she was clutching me tightly. "I know your scared Amy." Slender replied, grabbing a pair of bandages with two of his tendrils. "But this pain will go away. Just give it time." After changing Amy's head and stomach bandages, he changed Amy's back bandages and applied some medicine to her wounds and she cried in pain. "AGH!" "S-Stop! Your hurting her!" Slender paid no attention and continued. Once he finished changing it, he left to get something else and came back with a syringe filled with something. "What's that?" I asked aggressively, as I pulled Amy closer and as I did, I could see tears slowly running down her cheeks. "This is something to help take the pain away for a couple of hours." He replied moving closer. "And how do I know that it won't hurt Amy or the baby?" I snarled in a protective tone. "How do I know-" "Jackie.........." I stopped and looked down at Amy. "..........I..........I trust him........." "A-Amy.........but-" ".........If.........If he..........wanted to hurt me.........he.........he would have.........a-ah..........d-done it.........already.........." "She's right Jack." I looked up at slender. "If I wanted to hurt her, I would have done it already. But I haven't." I sighed, before looking down at Amy, then back at Slender. "..........Fine. Just.........be gentle with her. Please. She's in enough pain already." "I'll try." He moved over to her back before injecting her. I gently held her as she whimpered. I knew she didn't like needles much. After he was done, he moved to me. "Now I have to change yours." "No." I replied firmly. "Mine aren't that important. Her's are." "Jack....." "Mine can heal on their own. Her's can't like mine. I don't need yo-" "......J.......Jackie......." I looked at Amy as she called me. "...........P-Please..........let him see them." "A-Amy..........I-" "............P-Please.........?" She looked at me with those sparkling eyes. "...........f-for me...........?" I sighed before I gently kissed her cheek. "..........Okay. But only for you Amy." I admit, it stung a lot but I sucked it up. After Slender had taken care of that, he left us alone finally. "It hurts me to see you like this Amy." I sighed softly, and I kept her very close to me. "I promise, I'll keep you and our baby safe." She snuggled closer to me. It was silent for a long time as neither of us spoke. "I've been thinking about names.........." Amy murmured, finally breaking the silence. I stared at her as my heart skipped a beat. "I have five names in mind for the baby." I smiled softly as I felt my cheeks heat up. "What names did you come up with?" Amy gave a small smile. "If it's a girl, I thought........Ellie.........Olivia...........and Jackie." I pulled her closer, while being careful not to hurt her. "I like those." I replied softly before I nuzzled her gently. "And if its a boy?" ".........Noah.........or Jack." My heart skipped a beat when she said my name. M-My name? My cheeks turned red. "N-Named after me......?" Amy nodded. "Why?" I didn't expect her answer. ".........Because.........I love you Jack." I smiled softly before I kissed her. "I.........I love you too, Amy~" I purred. She giggled softly. I missed her giggle so much. "I'm happy you like them." I was excited that she picked cute names, and I moved her closer to me. "I think they're perfect." I chuckled softly. She giggled again. "I do too. I thought about them for a while." She gave me a small smile, and pressed up against me gently. She was really too adorable. I noticed she had closed her eyes, and fell asleep. I followed after her shortly, as we fell asleep with her still in my grip.

I hated seeing Amy in pain. 

~~~ Your My Colors ~~~ Laughing Jack x (OC) Reader (Under editing currently!!)Where stories live. Discover now