~Chapter 21~

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Amy's POV~

I was crying quietly on my bed, hoping Jack wouldn't hear. "I-I......I......c-c-can' t.........be a m-mom........." I choked through my sobbing. "I........I-I'm.........not.........r-ready." I couldn't stop the tears. "Amy?" I quickly shot my head up as I heard Jack's voice call my name. I quickly cleaned up my tears, and put on a weak smile before turning around and seeing Jack standing in the doorway to my bedroom. "H-Hey Jack." I said in a shaking voice while giving a weak smile. "W-What do you need?" He sighed, before walking to my bed and climbing on top. He sat down right in front of me. "Amy......." He said softly. "I know." My heart began racing. "W-What are you talking ab-bout?" I asked, as I felt myself start to shake. "I-I don't know what your t-talking about." Jack gave a sad look before inching closer to me. "Amy........." Before I could respond, Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me gently into his chest. His next words made my heart shatter. "I know about the baby." Tears started forming quickly in my eyes, as my heart beat got faster and faster. No.......No, No, No, No, No! He........He couldn't know! He couldn't! I started shaking as more tears fell from my eyes, and down my cheeks. "Amy?" I heard Jack's voice, but I didn't pay attention. Not even after he brought his face close to mine. How could I do this now that Jack knew? "Amy? Are you oka-" I didn't even wait for his response, as I quickly got off my bed and ran out. "Amy, w-wait!" I heard Jack call. But I didn't listen. I quickly ran down the stairs and out the door, not stopping to explain to my best friend what was wrong. I didn't know where I was going. I was just running in a random direction. I was too scared to see Jack's reaction after seeing my father's. I finally stopped after two minutes of running, for my legs grew tired and my body was aching from the cuts I got from father earlier. When I had caught my breath, I looked up to see I was in Jack's carnival. I quickly ran into one of the tents nearby and crouched down behind some boxes. Once hidden, I curled my knees up to my chest and sobbed quietly. It was also freezing out. I was too scared and afraid to face Jack. I had found out about his past three months before I confessed my feelings to him. I will admit, I was terrified. I called him some awful names, such as "monster" and "killer." And he attacked me, but I knew he wasn't in control. When he let me go, he left and didn't return until three months later. That was when I ultimately apologized after he saved me from Eric. And of course, I confessed my feelings then. But I didn't care about what he did in the past. Because that wasn't the Jack I knew when I was little and it's not the Jack I know now. But.......I was scared......I was afraid he would hurt me again. I continued sobbing quietly........

.......until I heard footsteps.......

.............and a familiar voice call out for me.


It was Jack. There was no doubt he had come looking for me. I quickly tried to muffle my sobs, feeling my body shaking slightly. I was scared. I remained silent, not even daring to answer. "Amy? Are you here?" His voice was closer. I whimpered quietly, fresh tears sliding down my cheeks. That's.......when I heard footsteps inside of the tent where I was hiding. I tightly shut my eyes, burying my head into my knees. I didn't even DARE to make a sound nor speak. ".......Amy.......please......." Jack sounded so heartbroken. I tried to be silent, but I slightly shifted a little.

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I was shocked when she ran out. "A-Amy, w-wait!" I called, but she didn't respond. I quickly went after her, feeling worried. Why was she scared? Wait......was she.......was she scared.......of me.....? My heart ached. Was she afraid of me? Of how......I would react......? Was she scared that.....I would react.....like her father did......? I needed to find her. She wasn't safe out there. Not to mention that it was also freezing outside. I had a feeling I knew where she went, so I quickly teleported to my carnival and quickly started looking around. "Amy?" I called out while quickly looking, "Amy? Are you here?" I sighed, entering one of the tents and started to look around. "......Amy.......please......." That's when I heard shuffling sounds. I quietly walked towards where it was coming from, and I saw Amy sitting down with her face in her knees. I silently walked up to her and sat in front of her. That's when she looked up.

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