~Chapter 16~ (Lemon)

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(Sorry for nosebleeds if any!! >//3//< *falls to floor* x.x here is the promised lemon my lovely viewers >:3)


Jack was confused, but it wasn't long until he figured out why I was like this. "Your still afraid, aren't you?" He asked softly, his eyes never leaving my gaze. I nodded slowly, still blushing like crazy. "Y......Y-Yes......" I stuttered, with my legs still closed. "I-I'm still......shaken......b-by what Eric......t-t-tried......t-two years ago." I sighed, not even noticing how fast my heart was beating. ".......I-I'm s-still.......scared.......t-to let.......a-anyone......t-touch me." Jack was a little sad, but a smile quickly rose onto his face. It was a loving smile. "......Amy......I told you......" he said before pinning my arms above my head and leaned down to my ear. "......I'm not gonna hurt you......" I gasped, my face becoming flustered. "J-Jack......" I stuttered before he moved back in front of me. "I told you before Amy, and I'll say it again." He quietly whispered. "I won't push you if you're not ready. I'm nothing like him. I wouldn't force you nor force myself on you. Ever. I want you to be comfortable with me." I closed my eyes, as I felt the blush on my cheeks slowly increase. "J-Jackie......" I murmured softly. "So, I'll ask again Amy." He spoke softly. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I sighed, before opening my eyes. I returned his gaze, smiled lovingly and nodded. "I-I'm sure, J-Jackie." He smiled softly. ".......Alright." He replied before he started biting my neck gently again, earning a small noise from me. "J-Just......one......t-thing......" I stammered, the blush returning to my cheeks. "Hmm......?" He looked back up at me. "B-Be gentle with me..........p-p-please." I stammered, my eyes sparkling. "T-This......This is......m-my......f-first......t-t-time........having s-sex........" He chuckled softly, before cupping my cheeks in his hands. "I knew you were innocent, Amy. I promise.........I'll be gentle." Jack replied, pressing his lips against mine again. "You know why? Because you're my first too, Amy~" I was shocked when he said this. He.......He had never done this e-either? My shock didn't last for long for I felt his hands run up my shirt and move underneath the fabric. I took my shirt off and it fell to the side of the bed. He smirked, seeing my chest. "God, your so beautiful~" He purred, which caused me to blush. "My turn, love~" He said in a low sexy voice. Before I could ask what he meant, Jack unhooked his suspenders and removed his shirt (as well as his feather pads), revealing his chest to me. I could see his v-line and abs as well as hints of muscles on his arms. "I just can't keep myself from you, Amy~" He purred lowly. I quickly turned my head away as I felt the heat in my cheeks deepen. "Never seen me shirtless before, Amy?" Jack asked, chuckling softly. I shook my head and before I could respond he pressed his lips against mine again. His hands slid up my sides, up my back and gently grasped the back of my bra. I gasped lightly into the kiss. "J-Ja-" "I want to see all of you, my sweet~" He purred softly. He gave a small smile and, while still kissing me passionately, unclipped the band which was holding my bra up. I gave a small moan and he chuckled, as he slowly slipped it off of me and let it go off the side of my bed. When he separated from me I quickly covered my chest, feeling my elbows and chest temperature increase. No one has ever seen me like this before. He smirked and pinned my arms above my head. I gave a short yelp, and he looked at me deeply. "J-J-Jackie, I-" "Please don't hide from me, Amy~" He purred, looking at my half-naked body. I could see the lust in his eyes. "Your breasts are beautiful, baby~" I quickly turned away, my cheeks heating up once more. "Let's see how much pleasure you can feel." He said in a husky tone and just as he said that, his hands traced down my chest. "J-Jack, w-wh-" I didn't finish, for he gently grabbed my breasts and squeezed them lightly. I gasped and gripped my sheets tightly, blushing red like crazy. "J-J-Jackie!!" I gasped. "You sound beautiful like that." He chuckled softly, as he continued gently. His tongue gently traced to my left breast and he started sucking my nipple while his hand groped my other breast, making me moan even louder. I had never felt this way. NEVER. He chuckled, doing the same to the other before tracing back up to my neck. I gave a small squeak, and he kissed me once more. He slid off my pants and raised an eyebrow at me after seeing my panties. "Looks like someone is wet~" I quickly looked away, my cheeks bright red from embarrassment. "Nothing to be embarrassed about Amy." He replied, chuckling softly. Jack slowly slipped off my panties and licked down my neck again, all the way down to my.......private area. I gasped and quickly closed my legs. "J-Jackie! W-W-Wait!!" Jack looked up at me. "What's wrong my love?" I grabbed his hands and held them tightly. "I-I'm kind of insecure of my b-body......I-I-" Jack quickly pushed his lips against mine. I gasped, since he caught me off guard. I slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back. Jack broke the kiss, and looked at me with loving eyes. "J-Ja-" "Don't be scared Amy." Jack purred softly. I looked at him, feeling myself lock eye contact. "You have nothing to be insecure about. I will love every single inch of your body. You are beautiful and perfect to me, no matter what anyone says~" I felt my cheeks heat up immensely. "J-Jackie....." Jack's hands squeezed mine gently before he gave me a smile. "Just relax~" Jack's hands let go of mine and slipped down in-between my legs. Before I could say anything, he opened my legs gently and looked at my flower with a red face. "Wow....." He chuckled softly. "Your so beautiful Amy." I was shaking softly. I was SO embarrassed. He chuckled lightly. "How about a little foreplay to help us?" He cooed. I felt my face turn bright red at his words. "I-I don't know Jack.......I don't think we n-need it." I stuttered, with my eyes closed. He chuckled softly. "Heh, yeah? I don't know about that." I opened my eyes, and saw him give a loving smile. "You suuuuuure?" He asked, dragging out his words. "Foreplay is sometimes considered the best part of sex. It's long........drawn out........and can make you so wet you'd think you just stepped out of the shower......." "N-Ngh......." I whimpered softly, as I felt him tickling me (as he was against my flower so every word he said vibrated). It just made my desire for him grow stronger. "So, you sure you don't want some foreplay?" He chuckled softly, rubbing circles on my thigh lightly. "U-Uhm.....I c-changed my mind." I squeaked out, as I gripped my bed sheets tightly. "Just.....b-be gentle......p-please." He chuckled softly. "You got it Amy. I promise......I'll be very gentle with you my delicate flower~" He moved his eyes back to my vaginal area, before pushing my legs a little bit further apart to get a better view.

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