~Chapter 27~

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I woke up in what looked like a building. I was dreaming. I knew for sure because I remembered falling asleep beside Amy. Where am I? I slowly got up but......I found that......I couldn't move any further. I was stuck in place. That's when walls came into my view. Familiar pale walls. Oh god no. No, No, No, NO!!!! NOT THIS DREAM!!! I started hyperventilating. Please not this dream again! But as soon as I saw myself and Issac come into view with Amy on the ground, I knew. It was the same dream again. 

"N-No!! Stop!" I screamed at myself as I watched in horror as my Amy was being hurt by me and Issac. She was bleeding so much and her stomach was cut open. "Goodnight love~" I could hear my own voice. But......it wasn't......me. It was some sick twisted version of me. It finally ended when she closed her eyes. "NO!!!"


I quickly shot up from where I was laying down. I was sweating and my heart was racing quickly. Was it just a dream? Wait....Amy!! I quickly turned to my side and I was relieved to see Amy sleeping peacefully. I looked around, only to see I was in Amy's room and not in the building. Once I saw nothing was wrong, and everything was in its place, I slowly laid back down. I turned to Amy and smiled. She was passed out, which I assumed was from the medicine. I had started helping her walk around about two weeks ago. And it's also been two weeks since she told me about her nightmares that she was having about me and Issac. Ever since she told me about them, I've been getting them and now I see why she was so scared every time she went to sleep and woke up screaming. Now I woke up screaming every night, screaming her name and I would always wake up panting and sweating. Sometimes I would wake up even shaking and breathing heavily. I would NEVER harm her and our baby like that. EVER. I'm NOT my former self anymore. She was still struggling to walk sometimes but she got better with it. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'm lucky to have you." I murmured softly, giving a small smile. "I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I sighed, before nuzzling my head against hers gently. I really do love her. I turned my head to her window, listening to the rain falling and hitting the ground. It was quite heavy too. I......I guess there is a storm going on. Must have started while we were sleeping. I sighed. I was still sweating and my heart was still racing. Why? Why did Amy have these dreams? Was it.....Was it because of Issac? the thought kept going around in my head and I couldn't help but wonder about it. I shook my head. I don't know. But all I know is that I would NEVER and I mean NEVER, EVER hurt Amy. EVER. Its just a dream trying to scare me. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a groan, and I quickly looked down to see Amy's eyes open slowly before she looked up at me. Fuck. I woke her up. She must have heard me scream her name. "Jack.....?" 

Amy's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly, since I was just waking up. Once I was fully awake, I looked up and saw I was snuggling Jack. "Jack?" I muttered softly. He looked down at me and smiled. "Hi Amy." He chuckled, before kissing me on my cheek. "H-How did you sleep?" "......Better....." I replied, snuggling closer to him. Something was bugging me though. Jack was sweating and his heart was racing. "......How have you been sleeping Jackie?" My question caught him off guard and I could tell it did, because I saw him looking at me with wide eyes. "W-Why do you ask?" I could hear him stuttering. I frowned. Now something was definitely off. "Because lately you've been waking up and shouting my name. And when you do, I noticed that you also start crying and sweating." I could see Jack's eyes became really wide and he finally sighed heavily. "Amy......ple-" "I worry about you Jackie." I cut him off, as I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "Please. You know you can tell me what's bugging you." There was another pause before he sighed again. ".........Okay. Okay." He looked at me with bothered eyes. "I'll tell you." Jack finally explained to me why he wasn't sleeping right, and why he always woke up screaming my name and crying. He was having the same nightmares I had two weeks ago. I listened while not saying anything. "That's why I haven't been sleeping right." "Jackie......" I snuggled him while I listened to his heartbeat slowly calm down and return to its normal pace. "I'm okay Amy. I don't want you worrying about me. Okay? I can take care of myself." I nodded. It was silent for a while after that. Until Jack broke the silence. "Your really beautiful, you know that?" He told me, as he rubbed my back slowly. I blushed when he said that. "J-J-Jackie....." I stammered, feeling my cheeks heat up. He chuckled after seeing my blush, and held me closer to him. I felt so safe when I was in his arms.....

Laughing Jack's POV~~

I smiled, looking at her. "I really meant it you know. You are beautiful Amy." She blushed, and smiled. "......T-Thank you, J-Jack." She stammered, and I saw her face turn red. I blushed, before kissing her. "Your welcome, lollipop~" I purred, before I snuggled closer to her. "How is the little one doing?" I asked with my hand still on her stomach. She smiled, and rubbed her stomach. "They are good. Just tired like me." she softly replied, resting her head on my chest. I chuckled. That's when I heard the door open, and saw it was just Slender. "What can I do for you Slender?" "I came to apply more medicine." He replied. I sighed. Amy heard everything. She looked up at me, and nodded. Once he was done, I cuddled with her. We fell asleep eventually, but I kept an eye on her as slender told me to. I was nervous, since Issac was still out there.


........As long as I'm here.....

.......He will never hurt her and our baby EVER again.

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