The Calm...

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*I'm gonna just like...time skip to the dance*

  I looked at myself in the mirror for what seemed to be the millionth time. I wore an off the shoulder black dress that went down to the knees in the front and down to the ankles in the back. There's a black lace patterning on the top and lace on the top part of the dress leading down to the bottom. I was wearing silver metallic high heels and my hair was styled into an elegant looking ponytail with two strands of hair framing my face. I took a deep breath and clipped on my prosthetic. Then I sighed and unbuckled it, setting it on the dresser.

Not tonight...

I already get bullied enough...

Might as well leave it off...

  I took a deep breath, grabbed my phone and checked myself out one more time before walking out my room. "Whoa! Who is that? That isn't my brother," I said as I saw Sal standing by the door. Sal wore a dark blue dress with his blue sneakers and he had his prognostic on, he also tied his hair up in a cute messy bun. Sal laughed,"And you aren't my sister." "Guess we both are stepping out of our shells today," I shrugged. Sal nodded,"Ready?" I nodded and we both went to the dance.


  Sal and I walked into the cafeteria where the dance was taking place and we immediately were shocked. "I didn't know the school was going to go all out with the decorations,"Sal said. "I didn't think so either," I said as I spotted Travis and Ashley staring each other down. I sighed and pulled Sal over to them.

  Ashley and Travis stopped looking at each other to look at Sal and I. Ashley looked at Sal and smiled,"You look awesome." Sal smiled,"Thanks Ash." Travis just stared at me. He couldn't even get a word out. I laughed and shook my head,"You clean up nice, Travis." "I-Y-You too...I-I-I mean you look pretty,"Travis blushed a lot and I just smiled.

  Ashley and Sal went to dance and Travis and I followed, kind of like a double date kind of thing. "Hey Scar, Sal and I want to tell you something," Ash said and I nodded,"Sal and I are dating!" I raised an eyebrow,"Are dating? For how long?" I looked at Sal. "Um...for a month or so now," Sal explained and I rolled my eyes.

Of course they were gonna act like they weren't a thing...


They weren't gonna tell me.

  "That's great!" I said with a fake smile as I kept dancing. As I was dancing and having fun with everybody else I didn't notice Larry sitting in the corner watching us. I stopped dancing momentarily to look at him. I sighed quietly and started to rethink my choices.

Did I make the right decision?

Larry doesn't look so good...

  "Hey Scar?" I turned around and looked at Travis, but I kept dancing to make it look like I just got dizzy or something,"Yeah, what's up?" "I just-I-I wanted to know like...if maybe, if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" Travis asked. I hesitated a moment, thinking over my options and thinking over the situation.

How am I going to do with this?

Am I ready for a relationship?

I think I am.

What's Larry going to feel?

  "I uh-I don't know Travis. My entire friend group hates you,"I said, feigning sadness even though most of it wasn't fake. "We-We c-can keep it a secret! Just like Ash and Sal did too you!" Travis suggested and I looked back at Larry for a split moment.

  He looked so sad, and out of it. He's been avoiding me for the past week. He hasn't come over to play games with Sal, he won't answer my texts or my calls. He avoids me in the halls and doesn't talk to me. He won't be home or in the treehouse when I'm there.

  I nodded slowly,"Yeah...I guess that'll work." I smiled,"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Travis." Travis smiled and went for a hug but then stopped short, knowing we had to keep us a secret. I felt happy in my head but my heart and gut was giving me a sick feeling.

Maybe I've made the wrong decision again...

Is this really what I want?

  I pushed those negative thoughts aside and danced the night away with my friends. Forgetting about the troubles that were drowning in my head. Even if it was just for the night.

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