chapter one

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the alarm awakes Junhui. he gets up, looks at the time, and yawns. ugh. he hates going to school. the only reason why he is sometimes motivated to go to school is because he plays the role as the so-called popular kid. you know, the kid that gets invited to parties, the kid that all of the girls fall over, the kid that all the guys want to be, the kid that stands over everyone else. he gets up, makes his bed, puts a shirt on, and goes downstairs to start making some eggs. he is home alone most of the time, because his mom works as a nurse almost 24/7. which Junhui has gotten used too. in the middle of him pouring salt and pepper in, he gets a snapchat notification. he shuffles over to his phone, looks, and see its from a girl. ohhh.. he thinks. the girls at his school are starting to get annoying to him, because they are always asking him out, flirting, etc. he wants something more. he blinks twice, and goes back to making his eggs. 

after he is done eating, he goes upstairs to get dressed. he wears a light blue t-shirt, blue jeans, and white vans. good enough, he thinks. he brushes back his hair, grabs his backpack, and starts to walk to school, ready for the hustle of the day.

when Jun gets to shool, he instantly catches up with his tall friend, Mingyu. Jun has nicknames for his friends, and this one is named ¨heartthrob¨. Jun has always thought of Mingyu as striking. anyways, Mingyu brings up that there is a new kid at school, and apparently he is kind of weird. ¨whats his name?¨ asks Jun. 

¨umm.. i think its something like Monghi.. no.. its Minghao.¨

¨oh. cool.¨

Jun had to wait all the way to fourth class to see the new kid. he waited for him to show up, because he found out that the kid was in his class. but the thing is, whenever a new student joins their school, a original student has to give them a tour in fourth class. Junhui was praying it wasnt going to be him. thats when the new kid walked it. the new kid had kind of a serious, yet detailed face. he had black, longish hair, wearing thin-lensed glasses, a plaid cardigan, a white shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. But the thing that Junhui notices first is his eyes. His big.. brown.. eyes. curved like a graceful swan. Junhui stared for a little bit, then snapped out of it. Mingyu whispered to Jun,¨psst, Junhui, wanna know something else about this kid?¨

¨what is it?¨ Jun questioned.

¨hes bisexual.¨

hmm. Jun thought. cool. Junhui didnt think that he himself was gay; as he has liked girls, and had girlfriends all his life, but there is just something about this boy that seems different. Jun wanted to at least get to know the boy. so when the teacher asked who wanted to take Minghao on the tour, Junhui rased his hand. The teacher picked him. They got up from their seats, and exited the classroom.

the first few minutes of the tour has been kind of silent, so Junhui broke the silence by asking what type of books he likes.

¨manga mostly. and thrillers.¨

cool. Junhui thought. were off to a chill start. But he wanted to see the boy smile.

¨ Whats your name?¨ Minghao asked.

that caught Junhui off gaurd. ¨Junhui.. but you can just call me Jun.¨ he said with a smile.

¨alright. you seem pretty cool.¨ minghao commented with a smirk. 

¨you too¨ Junhui said, looking at the boys face for a while. then he snapped out of it.

¨ so..howcome you switched schools?¨ Junhui asked. He hoped that he didnt make Minghao feel uncomfortable in anyway. 

¨well.. there were a lot of bullies, teasing me because of my.. well...¨ his voice trailed off.

¨ its alright, you can say it.¨ junghui said with a caring smile.

¨my¨ minghao closed his eyes. ¨my sexuality. i came out to my so called best friend, but he kind of turned on me and ended up telling the whole school that i am gay.¨

Junhui wanted to hug the boy. he felt sorry for him. it turns out that he isnt bisexual, he is gay. he likes just boys. 

¨ well.. if you ever need anyone to talk to, im right here¨

after the tour, Jun was thinking about how they have hit it off pretty good. he hopes that Minghao wont get tormented here like he did at his old school. i guess ill just have to wait.. he thinks.

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