
414 12 0

( saturday morning )

After what happened, Junhui and Minghao must have fallen asleep, because when he woke up, Minghao left. He just hopes he didnt run into his mom. He reached over to his nightstand to grab his phone, and he has some texts from him.

Flower boy: last night was fun ;)

Jun: yessir

Flower boy: im surprised we didnt wake up the neighbours

Jun: me too

Flower boy: so that was your first time ever with a guy? you werent bad.

Jun: neither were you, for your first time ever!

Flower boy: i just lost my virginity to the Wen Junhui.

He left Minghao's contacts, and went to Mingyu's, because he had some messages from him too. It was almost weird that he got so many messages from him.

Mingyu: Hey Jun? i have something to tell you.

Mingyu: please dont freak out.

Mingyu: i understand if you dont want to be friends with me anymore...

Mingyu: But..

Mingyu: me and Wonwoo are dating, Jun. We have been together since 8th grade, and we didnt want to tell anyone since we were afraid of ruining a friendship. And that time you caught us kissing? that wasnt a dare. That was real.

Mingyu: Jun? 

His face turned white. Since...8th grade? they never told him? Thats probably why whenever they are together, they try to avoid contact, and when they are not by Junhui, they always are super affectionate towards eachother. I guess this is what a friendship could grow into...he thought. Oh shoot. Tonight he is supposed to go to the city with Minghao, he just remembered.

Jun: hey babe, your still available for tonight at the city?

Flower boy: yep.

Jun: yay! ill meet you at the park so you can pick me up.

Flower boy: ok :)

Then he remembered Mingyu.

Jun: hey Min, you could have told me. I wouldnt think your weird!                                                                 read 10:17 A.M.

Dammit. He left me on read.

Mingyu: I just thought, it would ruin our friendship, and that you wouldnt walk me to school anymore, that we wouldnt talk in fourth class like we always do, and you would ignore Wonwoo too...i am legit crying rn

Jun: no dont cry! i totally accept you. 

Should he tell Mingyu?

Mingyu: ill tell Wonwoo :)

Jun: hey, can you keep a secret? Like, actually tell no one?

Mingyu: yes, i have been keeping one for 3 years.

Jun: ok good. Long story short, im dating the new kid Minghao. and last night we slept together.

Mingyu: OOOHH TEEEAAA i wont tell anyone dont worry

Jun: you promise?

Mingyu: i promise :)

Mingyu: so how was it                                                                                                                                                          read 10:21 A.M.

Mingyu: Jun?

Jun heard a scream from down the street. It didnt sound happy, so he ran off the couch and looked out the window. There was a group of about 4 guys Jun's age, and there was a kid laying on the ground, who looked about 13. It looked like the guys were bullying the kid. Then Jun recognized the kids. The kids who bullied Minghao. He quickly ran out the door, and crossed the street, trying not to get run over. The guys were cutting the kids arms with a pocket knife, and kicking him so he couldnt get up and defend himself. They were laughing, and that made Jun cry. But he still fought them off. He sprinted to the group of guys, shoved one to the ground, and punched another one so he fell. The two others tried cutting him with the pocket knife, and Jun quickly hit it out of his hand and kicked him in the stomach. They ran away, when Jun threatened to call 911. He sat on the ground and layed there for a second, and then remembered the kid. He was sitting up against the bench, rubbing his bleeding arm. Jun crawled over to him, and put an arm around him, wiping the tears off his face.

''hey, you ok?''

''yeah, im alright, just a little cut up. that was awesome by the way.''

''whats your name?''

''Chan. Lee Chan. but you can call me dino.'' He pretend roared. Jun giggled. 

''well what do you say dino, you want me to take you back to your house?''


He picked up Chan, carrying him on his back, as he gave him directions to his house. When they got there, they rang the doorbell, and his mom opened the door, and Chan jumped off his shoulders and ran to his mom. 

''my baby! what happened, your all cut up! did this older boy do this to you?!'' she exclaimed, while examining his arms.

''no!'' Chan said.

''well, i was in my living room, and i hear a scream, and four older boys were beating him up, cutting up his arms, kicking him.''

''and you saved him?''

''if thats how you want to put it, i guess''

Chan burst into tears and ran to hug Junhui. ''i could have died.''

''i know. But thats why i saved you, so you wouldnt die.''

''i-i must pay you or something..your life saving.'' Chan's mom complemented, shaking his hand.

''no, its alright.''

Jun turned around to walk off, ruffled the smaller boy's hair, and walked back home. He was too busy helping the kid, that he didnt notice that he was crying himself.

He texted Mingyu, telling him all about what just happened. 

Jun: sorry i had to go for a second, i had to save a kids life.

Mingyu: what happened?

Jun: so we were just texting right? i suddenly hear this deadly scream outside, it did NOT sound happy, and sure enough, those 4 bitches from our school are beating up a 13 year old. So i run out there, make sure the kids go away, and i take the kid home. Wanna know whats embarrasing? i was crying the entire time.

Mingyu: why??

Jun: probably because they are the ones who bullied Minghao. 

Mingyu: im so sorry. I was laughing when that was happening.

Junhui remembered, and it made him mad.

Jun: why tf were you laughing though?? its not funny..

Mingyu: ok jeez im sorry, i just wanted to look cool, for you know who. But at the same time i actually felt really bad.

Jun: Ok, ll let this one slide.








i think this might be my favorite part so far...

also sorry for not updating in a little while T-T

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