( continued )

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Jun quickly got up out of his seat, and ran towards Minghao. He ran as fast as he could. He was getting teased. As he was running, he saw the bullies grab his book, throw it on the ground, grab his drink, open the cap, and pour it all out. Then they put their hands on his head, and started yelling at him. Junhui ran faster. He finally got to them, slapping the bullies hand off his head, and shoving him back. Knowing that they would beat him up in a millisecond. 

 ''what. do. you. think. you. are. doing?'' Junhui yelled at them.

 "Teaching the homo a lesson."

Minghao's eyes welled, as he bit his lips. Fuck, Jun thought, hes going to cry. Jun had two desicions: To push away the bullies, or comfort the victim. He decided to comfort the victim. He got on his knees, and reasurred him that it is going to be alright. He looked at him in the eyes, Minghao was already starting to cry, and Jun hugged him. it felt so soft, he didnt want to let go. There were people crowding around them, but he didnt care. He just wanted the boy to feel better.

 ''its going to be alright, ok?'' Jun said, looking him in the eyes. He brushed Minghao's hair out of his face, and kind of locked eyes with him for a second. He turned away, flushed a bright-cherry red, and looked back at him and made sure he was alright. Then the bell rang. They had to go seperate ways to go to class, and they hugged one more time before they had to part. Jun hoped that he will be feeling better enough to hang out with him later.


Finally. After school. Jun tried to find Minghao on the way home to walk with him, but he couldnt find him. He probably got picked up or something. When Junhui got home, he wanted to put on different clothes for their meet-up. hmm.. maybe, a white button down shirt? sure. Black pants? meh, too formal. He decided on wearing a white button down shirt, black shorts, and his black vans. He liked it. This time he decided to do his hair so it shows his forehead, Just for a certain someone. Still though, Junhui tried to convince himself that he doesnt have a crush on him, even though its getting harder and harder to not love him. He texted him. 

"you still able to hang out?'' Jun prayed that it is a yes. 

'' Of course i am! im not gonna let a whole bunch of bitches ruin my plans.''

Jun did a fist pump and whispered ''yes!'' Minghao said that he would meet him at the red fire hydrant, before they went to hang out. Jun asked where they were going to go, and the other boy said that its a surprise. He hopes that it is a pleasant surprise, as he doesnt want to die. he chuckles to himself, puts his shoes on, and walks out the door. 

He finally got to the fire hydrant by the park, and waited for him to show up. a few minutes later, he shows up. He also changed his clothes for the event. He was wearing a purple cardigan, a black shirt, black shorts, and dress shoes. He also did his hair. wow.. Junhui thought. He looks cute.. no, not cute... he looks hot. fine. But this time, Jun didnt stop himself from thinking that.

'' so, shall we?'' Minghao asked. 

''yes, lets just go already. im tired of wondering where we are going.'' Jun joked.

The walk was completely silent the entire time. It wasnt really that akward; it was kind of...romantic. Jun was starting to kind of accept his feelings for Minghao, even though has has thought himself as straight. He hopes that one day he could tell him, without making it seem creepy. or weird. When they were almost there, Junhui felt hands come up from behind him and onto his eyes, and he started laughing. '' Im gonna surprise you, ok?'' Minghao laughed. 

'' alright.'' Jun chuckled

After a few trips and falling, they made it there. 

'' alright, im gonna uncover your eyes in..three..two..one..''

Jun's vision came back. He gasped. its beautiful.

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