( continued )

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The rest of the day was pretty mediocre. Jun had lunch next, which is where and when all the drama happened. he took a seat with his friends, Mingyu, Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Joshua. today they are serving vegatable dumplings. yum. He craned his neck to look for MInghao, to see if he is ok, and no one is being rude towards him. he finally spotted him, sitting alone at a table, reading anime. Junhui takes a long blink. He feels bad. But he is afraid if he sits with Minghao, his reputation would be ruined. But he didnt want him to be bothered, so he looked at him every few minutes. Joshua eventually caught him looking somewhere. ¨what are you looking at?¨ Joshua questioned.

¨oh. nothing.¨

Junhui pulled his eyes off the boy. He feels bad for saying ¨nothing¨. Junhui sighs, and continues eating with his friends. 


The last school bell rings. finally. Junhui was free, from yet another day at school. When he walks home, he usually walks pretty fast, so he could get home and relax for a little. Then he has to go to work. He works at a cafe, until 5:30, and it starts at 4:00. so he doesnt have to work for too long. But something catches his eye. Its Minghao. he is walking on the other side of the street, and he is on his phone. Junhui's mind wanders off. he wonders if he could get his number. no..he thinks. that would seem creepy. Jun walks a little faster, crosses the street, and catches up to Minghao so he could walk with him

¨hey¨ junhui says.

¨oh, hey.¨ Minghao responds. 

there is a moment of silence as they walk.

¨so.. um.. whatcha looking at?¨

¨im looking at new anime concepts. there is a new series coming on--¨

Junhui just looks at him. he doesnt hear him, he just looks at him while he smiles and talks, which seems kind of weird, but Jun likes seeing the new kid smile. thats kind of.. cute..Junhui thinks. stop. your overdoing this. you know you have only liked girls your entire life. but there is something about him.. maybe its his soft, baby-like skin, or his beautiful, graceful, eyes,  or his pink lips, his perfect nose, his sweet personality...whatever. he shakes his head a little bit, and goes back to listening. ¨sorry i zoned out¨

¨its alright¨ Minghao said with a smile.

there was another moment of silence between them.

¨umm, well i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow¨ Minghao broke the silence.

this resopnse kind of swept Junhui off his feet. ¨yeah, sure im free tomorrow. my mom works, and my dad, well,,¨ his voice trailed off. should he tell minghao? or should he keep it to himself. he decided he would tell him later, if they became better friends.

¨what happened?¨ Minghao asked.

¨oh, hes just on a..trip.¨


After that conversation, Junhui actually ended up getting Minghao's  number. he put him in his contacts as ¨flower boy¨, as he made a secret nickname for him. Jun opened his front door, walked inside, and flopped down on the couch. He started a movie. During the movie, Junhui thought of what it would be like beside Minghao, cuddled up against him, all warm and cozy..letting him borrow his sweatshirts, playing with his hair, touching his face, his lips..Dammit, Jun! he thought to himself. he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and got up to get some ice cream. Jun thought again, about how he is straight, and he doesnt like boys. but then Minghao came to his mind again. ughhh. he distracted himself by reading a book.

Minghao's point of view: 

That guy is pretty cute. Isnt he one of the popular kids though? but at the same time hes hot..Minghao thinks with a smirk. He wonders if Jun is into guys, but he probably isnt. He cant wait to hang out with him tomorrow, even though they just met. He is thinking of taking Jun up to the grassy hills, where, at night time, looks so pretty, because of all the lights. he takes a deep sigh. He imagines them lying on the grass, having fun, laughing. like a first date. He opens his eyes, tries to take his mind off Jun, and starts drawing. Though nothing can take his mind off Jun. He thinks he might like him.

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