Part 1: Going Out

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"I don't know Nat. I don't think it's a good idea," Steve said sitting in the barstool next to her.

"That's because you're captain vanilla ice cream, no sprinkles," Tony said." I think it's a good idea. But why not just go the pay for play route?" Tony pours drinks.

"Because it's not just about the sex part Tony," Natasha said. "It's about balance and control. Two things he's struggling with now." She grabbed the drink and took a sip.  

"Hydras out of his head but what remains is broken. Maybe this could help. Come on, Steve he's wound tight, you know that. All that residual anger, rage. He's gotta release it somehow," She claimed. 

"And you think on a person is good?" Steve rebutted. 

"If it's consensual, why not?" she said blaringly. "Could it really hurt?" Natasha said.

"Could what hurt?" Bucky said walking into the lounge. 

"Nothing!" Nat said smiling, "But we're going out later tonight, wear something black."

"I think I could manage that," he shot a puzzled look at them.

They entered in through a red door that led down a black hallway. 

"Where are we?" Bucky asked checking his surroundings. 

Natasha smiled, "It's a club, a special club." Bucky shot a look at her then at Steve, who continued to look down uncomfortably.

The door at the end of the hall opened by a large man and they were escorted into a different hallway. It was champagne colored with a large chandelier. 

"These are for you," the bouncer said passing them gold and black mask in the guise of animals. Steve slipped on what looked like a bull, Natasha's looked like a bird. Bucky stared down at the wolf, with a sense of unease. 

"Why do I need a mask Nat?" Steve asked.

She continued having a devilish smile, "It signifies that you're new to the club, just observing." She slipped on her mask. Bucky reluctantly put on his mask.  It covered his whole face but still reminded him of his winter soldier mask, which made him uncomfortable.

Once all the mask were on the bouncer opened the next door. "Have a good night," he whispered over the music coming from the open door. 

Bucky's eyes widened as he noticed half naked people in the room. Some simply standing and talking, others engaging in various sexual acts. "Natasha what is this?!" Bucky turned to her. 

She let out a laugh, "Relax Buck, it's all legal and it's all consensual." 

He looked around the room again then turned to Steve. "Did you know she was bringing us here Steve?"

He smiled sheepishly at him, "Yes, I wasn't sure if it would be a good idea though. But you know you can't stop Nat when she's on a mission."

Natasha grabbed them both by the shoulder. "Look boys," Her voice lowered. "We're here now, so we might as well enjoy the show." She nudged Bucky. "I just thought that if you had a little encouragement it might help with some things is all Buck. Look around if it's not for you, we'll go home. Promise." 

Bucky sighed heavily. This wasn't his sort of thing. This wasn't a thing he had even seen before and he had seen a lot of things in his lifetime. He contemplated asking to leave but before he could say anything a (y/h/c) woman walked up to them.

"I'd know that red head anywhere," You hugged her. " Natasha, so glad you could make it." You eyed her very tall and good looking companions. 

"Well hello," you say turning to Steve and Bucky extending your hand. "Which one were you telling me about Nat?" Natasha guided Bucky toward you, "This one, I'll be showing the other one around," Natasha said grabbing Steve's arm.

"Great, please come with me then," before he could even think about objecting you locked your arm with Bucky's. 

"I don't really know about all this," Bucky whispered to you. 

You laughed, surprised to hear a little fear from such and imposing man.

 "I promise nothing will hurt unless you want it to," you said teasingly.

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