Chapter One

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I know, I know short chapter but I'll try make it longer next time



I lay on the grassly hill late at night staring at the full moon. The peaceful night calms me as I think about my past, my troubles, my nightmares. I'm not happy with my life, having someone close to you that hates your guts, it scares me that one day my brother Devin may kill me.

It all started when my father passed down his Beta title to me instead of Devin. After his death, I wasn't the same, father wanted his grave right next to mother so he can finally see her again. He believed in Heaven and happy that he'll see my mother again. I didn't judge him, I just wanted him to be happy again and not be depressed everyday.

In his Will it stated that the house would belong to Devin and the title would belong to me. Alpha Hunter my bestfriend already prepared a bedroom for me in the pack house but I refused. Devin is the only family I got and I wanted to be close with him. With all that aggressive attitude I know my sweet loving older brother was in there somewhere and I wanted him to know that I still love him after all these abuse.

Dark bruises still remain on my body. I may be a Beta but Devin is still older and stronger than me, with my 5'1 frame to his 6'2 I stand no chance against him. He's the reason why I have nightmares, fearing larger man that'll abuse me physcally and emotionally. Devin's group of friends always like to mess around with me, some try to have s*x but I did put up a fight with result all of them punching me.

It's been an hour since I ran out of the pack house. My nephews Roman and Elijah are turning one today. Alpha Leo had the party at the pack house and flew nearly the whole family in America to Australia for a month. I never been overseas before but the wolves in Australia are nicer and taller, I made sure I came in no contact between them and kept my distance. The worse part of all of this is that I've found my mate, Steven Dean is his name. His tall muscle frame brings back horrid memories, I was scared so I ran away.

"Mate!" he growled. I sat up seeing him standing at the bottom of the hill. My whole body began to tremble as the closer he got to me.

"Stay away" I whimpered. Steven whined but continue walking towards me, so I ran again. I sprinted over the hill and jumped a fence. Steven cursed and followed me, I push a garbage bun over blocking him which did jack crap. An arm wrapped around my body pulling me closer to his hard muscle chest, I whimper in fear begging him to not hurt me. My mind was a mess, memories flash before my eyes, the only man I see is Devin sneering at me. I wanted to get away, he's going to kill me, abuse me to his satisfaction, I was terrified.

"I-I'm sorry Devin, p-please f-forgive me" I sobbed. Steven called my name but the only voice I heard was Devins.

"Baby calm down" said Steven

"I-I w-won't disobey e-ever a-again" I cried. Steven flipped my body around as I was face to face with him. He then smashed his lips onto mine making me moan in pleasure. My vision was fuzzy as my mind became a blur. Devin was gone, his horrid words disappear as the man before me is Steven and he's kissing me. I pushed Steven away and wiped my lips.

"Stay back!" I growled and wiped my tears away.

"No" he replied

"Don't come any closer" I whimpered. Steven smirked and stepped forward.

"We are mates baby" he whispered. My body shiver but I refuse to be his mate. I'm afraid of him, Devin said I don't deserve love and that if I love someone will either die or leave me behind. I don't want that, Steven deserve someone better than me.

"Devin said I can't be mated" I said. Steven looked at me confused and stepped closer as I stepped back.

"This Devin guy you speak of is wrong. We're mates baby, the moon goddess bought us together for a reason" he replied.

"Your just c-confused. Devin said those tails a-aren't true" I whispered as I looked at the ground. I see his legs stepped closer to me but I refused to meet his glare. My body was trembling already, I just wanted to run away and never see him again.

"Why would you say that baby? I think your confused, Moon Goddess aren't a tale, she's real and she loves us all baby. You speak about this Devin guy, he's lying to you baby, why believe him" he replied.

"H-He's my brother and h-he's all I got" I cried. Steven wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body. I breathe in his scent making my wolf howl with joy that we're close with our mate. I was scared and confused, why is he calming me? Devin said I won't be able to have a mate but Steven said I'm his. Even my wolf was happy to see Steven and I didn't understand why? I need to stay away from him at all costs.

"Calm down, I won't hurt you" he whispered. I didn't want to believe his words but oddly I do, I felt like he's telling the truth that he won't harm me like Devin but I just can't take any chances. I slowly closed my eyes and let darkness consume me. Sleep only ment monsters to haunt me, Devin will abuse me in my dreams, I can't escape him no matter how hard I try.


His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now