Chapter Three

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I know short chapter but I'm a busy girl, got places to go people to see and sometimes I don't have time to post anything so please bare with me. I'll try to update tomorrow.


I sat in the kitchen dining table table silently as Steven prepare a meal for me. We've haven't talked and it's becoming awkward between us. A part of me wants to run into his arms while another part wants to run away from him and never come close. I was confused with myself, the words from Devin still linger within my mind and it makes my everyday thinking so confusing.

"Here's your grilled sandwich" said Steven as he placed the meal in front of me.

"T-Thank you" I stuttered. He smiled

"How you feeling?" he asked. I can see his concern in his eyes, my wolf whimper desperate to comfort our mate but I wasn't ready for that and not sure if I will.

"Fine" I replied. The awkward silence still remain and I can tell Steven is thinking way to make a conversation with me. I sighed and remove my gaze from his and continue eating my sandwich, my sudden act gained his attention but he remained silent.

"Why did you run away from me?" he asked. I flinched remembering Devin's horrids words and aduse that haunt my mind. I shook them away and focus on Steven, he seemed determine to know why I'm advoiding him but he doesn't need to know since it's not his business. Hunter doesn't know of my situation, all he knows is that Devin is an asshole but Devin never showed his true colours in public, he prefered to be silent and deadly.

"Because" I replied

"Because what?" he asked

"Just because and I don't want to talk about it" I whispered. His wolf whined as mine whined in response but I choose to ignore them both. Steven opened his mouth reply until I heard loud sqeals coming from the front door. Seeing Roman and Elijah run into the kitchen and gave us two a big hug made me smile. Skylar walked into the kitchen blushing while Hunter had a huge grin across his face, I just chuckled.

"Oh your awake. We need to talk about yesterday Josh" said Hunter

"No need. I'm fine just have my own reason that's all and I don't wish to share it" I replied. Hunter glared at me not believing a word I just said but he didn't pushed any further.

"You feeling alright Josh?" asked Skylar

"Peachy" I replied. I heard Elijah cry as Roman pinched his arm.

"Roman, enough!" said Hunter. Roman whimper and ran to Skylar for comfort while Hunter continue glaring him for being a naughty boy.

"Behave" he grumbled. Hunter went to sooth Elijah then letting him go play in the playroom with Roman.

"When to do we leave to America?" I asked. Steven growled but I ignore him and wait for Hunter's answer.

"Four weeks" he replied. I wanted to get away from Steven, I feel the sexual pull and my wolf is begging me to mate with Steven. Devin said I don't deserve to be loved, no matter how hard I try to ignore him it'll come right back. I placed my plate in the sink and went outside for fresh air alone, it didn't stop Steven to follow me around but I simply ignore him as I can and it's getting difficult.

"Can we work this out" he said breaking the silence

"I'm not sure If I can" I honeslty replied

"Why?" he asked

"I have my reasons Steven, we barely know each other but I just want to run away from you for a certain reason. But a part of me wants to run into your open arms and it's scares me, I'm fighting with myself which makes me act this way" I replied.

"Whatever is hurting you mate, please don't close me out. I want to comfort you, help you to decrease your pain. Let me in Josh, we belong together, whatever your brothers says to you isn't true, I'll protect you with my life" he said.

"You and your words" I joked. Steven wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his hard chest. I silently moan feeling his warmth, my wolf whimper in pleasure. It took my all to not grind like a sl*t onto his crotch. It's like being in his arms is what matters, Devins words disappear. Depressing memories disappear in thin air when I'm around Steven, it may be a good thing but my doubts and fears remain in place, I'm just scared to open up and let him in.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now