Chapter Thirteen

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One week later ...

"Baby did you already put my shoes in the suite case?" asked Josh

"Yeah, I did" I replied. I pushed all Josh's clothes in his suite case as began to put my suite cases in the trunk. Hunter put his and Skylars suite cases in the trunk as Skylar buckled the twins in the car. Today is the day where we finally fly back to America, I had a one on one chat with Leo explaing my situation and the need to stay close to my mate and pups.

Leo didn't take it so well but I was glad he understood the need to be close to family. I offically no longer a member of his pack as today and onwards Hunter is offically my new Alpha. Tony kissed the sleeping twins as he wiped his tears away.

"You better call me when you's land" said Leo. I gave a him a bear him and kissed his cheek.

"I will, promise" I replied. I quickly put Josh's suite case in the trunk then helped Josh down the steps and into the van. Josh's baby bump is starting to grow bigger week by week, he seemed to be obsessed rubbing his small belly.

"Alright lets head out" said Leo. After an two hour drive to the International Airport we then said our goodbyes. Tony kept crying refusing to let Skylar go, Leo had to pull Tony away and comfort him. We've waved goodbye, checked in, went through security then ate lunch before we board the plane.


Arriving in USA ...

The long plane ride was tiring. I was excited to see Connor, Megan and their little daughter (kinda forgot her name, lol).

"Welcome home!" yelled Connor. Skylar ran up and hugged Connor tight then greeted Megan. Both Megan and Connor bowed to Hunter for respect. I then introduce them both to Steven, I was glad Steven and Connor gotten along pretty quick.

"So happy your back" said Megan as she hugged me. I gently pushed her away as Steven placed his hand on my pregnant stomach.

"Careful Megan, don't be to rough on Josh" said Skylar. Megan stared at us in confusion until she clicked then squealed.

"No way! oh goodness, congrats guys" she said.


"We have arrived at the pack house" Connor anounced. I felt my heart skip a beat, coming home means going back to Devin. I'm nervious and afraid, I don't want to confront Devin I'm weak and not stronger enough to stand up to him.

I'll danger myself and my unborn pups if I dear to enter my own home. I know Devin's at home waiting for my return, I squeezed Steven's hand tight in my palm he then gently rub my back trying to comfort me.

"Babe relax, I won't let Devin touch you" Steven said.

"You'll be living in the pack house for now on Josh, I don't want any complaints from you. There's a room already prepare for the both of you, it's safer to stay in the pack than live at your house" Hunter stated. I wanted to protest telling him all be okay but they all know it's all lies, he knows the truth. The memory of his hurt expression never left me, I never wanted to worry Hunter ever again but Devin is my brother and he's the only family member I have left.

"Baby please listen" Steven pleaded.

"A-Alright" I replied. Steven, Connor and Hunter unload the car and placed our suite cases inside. I then helped Skylar placed the twins in the playroom along with the other pack pups.

"Steven!" I called

"Yeah babe"

"I-I need to go back home to gather my belongings since I'll now live here" I said. Steven raised an eyebrow not liking my request.

"Babe it's to soon and I don't want you anywhere near your home. Please don't do nor think of anything stupid, I want both of you safe" he replied.

"P-Please Steven, I'll ask Hunter to come along" I pleaded.

"What's wrong Steven" said Hunter. I sat patiently at our new bedroom as Steven looked at me then at confused Hunter.

"Josh wants to go to his house to get his belongings but he requested you to come along and we do need permission for you Alpha" said Steven. Hunter rubbed his hair not liking this conversation at all but I wanted to get my thinks and get far away from Devin and never return.

"I'm not sure about this Josh" said Hunter

"Please Hunter, you's two will come inside with me. I just want to get my things then leave that's all, I want to get it over done with" I said.

"Alright, we go get your stuff and get out that's it" he said. I faintly smiled as Steven didn't looked pleased.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now