Chapter Nine

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"Steven! Steven! save me!" Josh screamed. I hopped of the couch and ran upstairs. Josh fell on the floor crying, sobbing my name. His nightmares are coming nightly, even him taking a nap he'll dream about Devin. I feel useless, I can't chase his dreams away, I'm slowly becoming confused not sure what to do or how to comfort him.

My wolf have been restless for a week now and Josh hasn't been getting any better. He doesn't eat, drink and sometimes he rarely sleeps, it's getting out of control. I picked up his small trembling body and cuddle him closer to my warmth. I made sure he knows I'm not Devin and I whisper soothing words that he'll never hurt him ever again.

"Shhh relax, I'm here now" I whispered.

"S-Steven" he gasped as I wiped his tears away.

"It's me baby, your mate. What happened baby, you need to let me in. Having your fears and emotions locked up isn't heathly baby, talk to me" I said.

"I-I can't b-because I-I'm scared" he cried.

"I know your scared baby. You think I wasn't scared when I told you about my past? I wonder everyday, wondering why my own parents abandon me and sometimes I cry too. But I needed to be strong for my new family that love and cherish me baby. I want you to be strong for yourself, I know you can't fight your fears baby, don't let Devin win" I whispered.

"B-But he always comes back" he said

"He comes back because you let him baby. Don't let him in baby, fight him even if it's in your nightmares, I'm here willing to fight along side you baby. I'm your mate, your lover, your protector and it's my job to protect you no matter what but I cannot do that if I don't know the situation" I explained.

"W-What if you feel disgusted with me after I tell you. Devin don't horrible things to me that I don't want to explain. P-Please I don't want you to see this side of me" he cried.

"I will never be disgusted of you baby. Never think yourself as disgusting even if Devin or anyone says so. Your my mate and I love you baby, I never said those those words to anyone before but when I'm with you baby, I feel complete. So please I beg you, let me in and take your weight off your shoulders" I said.

"Y-You love me?" he gasped in surprise as his eyes widen in shock

"Yes baby I do" I replied and kissed him.

"I-I'm not sure a-about my feelings" he said, I smiled

"It's okay. I don't expect you to feel the same way but I'm willing to wait for you baby" I replied. I brushed his hair away from his adorable face.

"O-Okay I-'I'll tell you. It all started when father fell ill, he wasn't himself and he kept his illness a secret from Devin and I. We both were very worried, it gotten to the point where father couldn't do his daily task and Alpha Tate, Hunter's father notice something wasn't right.

My father was a strong wise man, he raised us both alone after my mother rejected him and us for another man. I never gotten along with her, father allowed her to have a couple days with us but soon she decline and rather spend time with her new family. It made father depressed but Devin and I made a promise to grow and be strong so father can be proud of us. But then every changed when he never woke up, it was his birthday and I made breakfast for him when I went upstairs to wake him up until he never opened his eyes.

I howl in pain until an hour later Alpha Tate arrived. Over 15 packs held a funeral for father, he was a well respected man and everyone missed him. After his death everything was never the same, Devin slowly changed and became agressive. He blames me for fathers death and he's the one to deserve the Beta title. I didn't know how to react, my sweet tender older brother vanished and this man before me was a stranger. Alpha Tate then came to our home stating I was the on who'll have the title and work along side with his son Hunter. Devin went mental saying all of this was a mistake, I wasn't fit to be Beta nor strong enough to handle rogues on my own but Alpha Tate didn't budge.

That's when the a-abuse start. It started off with verbal abuse until slowly is became physical, he'll beat me with a baseball bat or just his fist. His sneered smile will always be planted in my mind, I'll never for his smile nor laugh and it made my wolf and I fear him. It gotten worse day by day and I didn't know what to do. Hunter knew something was wrong but I put a brave face and tell him I'm okay which I wasn't. Devin would bring his friends as they beat or force me to suck them off. I tried to so hard to figh them off but they're all stronger than me and they like to remind me who's stronger in this situation. I felt dirty, disgusted with myself and I believe their horrid words, I don't deserve you Steven, you deserve someone who'll love you" he replied.

My wolf wanted his blood, I wanted to rip his head off and make him pay for those years he stollen away from Josh. Josh deserved a loving brother and abusing him for the heck of it, now I know why he acts this way, it makes sense now. He suffered years of abuse and those words, laugh, beatings will forever haunt Josh but I made it my mission to make his fears, nightmares disappear forever.

I held Josh close to my body until I heard a growl coming from the bedroom door. Hunter stood frozen in shock, he heard Josh explain his past. Hunter never knew what was going on until now, Josh gasped as tears roll down his cheek.

"H-He did of that to you?" Hunter asked

"Y-Yes, I'm so sorry for keeping my past from you. I didn't want to tell anyone, Devin is all I have, he looks like father p-please f-forgive him" Josh cried as he kneel down and lowing his head infront of his Alpha.

"Rise your head Josh. Do not show me respect on behave of your brother, I'm always there for you Josh and now I know the truth. I hated hearing you scream in pain everynight, I felt helpless that I couldn't help a dear friend of mine. Devin will pay, he put this upon himself and he disrespect you, me, Steven and the whole pack because this was done upon my land so he'll be punished" Hunter stated.

"F-Forgive me Hunter" Josh cried. My wolf whimper wanting me to comfort our mate but Hunter kneel down and hugged him.

"There's nothing to forgive since you've done nothing wrong" he whispered. I see Leo, Tony and Skylar at the door watching Hunter and Josh. They'll care about him and he doesn't see that, he has a family and I wanted Josh to know he wasn't alone.

"Y-You stil love me?" Josh asked

"I still love you baby. Your past doesn't make you disgusting babe, I know it was hard to explain your past to me and I'm thankful you've done so. But let me help you baby, if you need me just call my name and I'm there, you know that" I whispered.

"I-I love you S-Steven" he cried. My wolf howl in happiness that our mate felt the same way. I picked him and kissed him as he giggle in response.

"I'm a lucky man" I teased

"Your not that lucky" he mumble

"Oh yes I am and I going to prove it to you baby" I whispered. Josh shiver in lust.

"Alright lets leave these love birds alone" said Leo. Everyone left the room leaving Josh and I to finally have our moment together.

Soon we'll be finally mated ....


His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now