Chapter Fifteen

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Alright this is the last chapter, thank you all for reading, voting and commenting. I know it's a short book but ... it has to end, thank you all once again :)


Four months later ....

I quickly rush downstairs screaming Hunter's name because Skylar is in labor, his twins are ready to be born. Hunter quickly stalked upstairs then talking crying Skylar to the medical room as Steven prepare himself for the birthing. Connor, Megan, Leo, Tony and myself were all sitting in the waiting room. I gently rub my oversized pregnant stomach, I honestly looked like I was about to pop.

Four months flew by so quickly. After the incident with Devin, he then moved out of town, he sold the house to an elderly couple. I was upset that he decide to disappear without saying goodbye or even apologise but that's Devin for you, he never admits his mistake. Two months ago, I found out the sex of our baby and I'm having a baby boy. Steven was excited but now he's overly protective and possessive. Either he's glaring at other male wolves or his hands is planted on my stomach, either way he never leaves my side.

Roman and Elijah are slowly growing bigger. They're now learning how to say a few words but they manage to learn a few curse words since Hunter doesn't learn how to shut his mouth around the kids. I held Tony's hand as we hearing screams coming from the birthing room. I'm actually afraid to give birth, just hearing Skylar scream in pain makes not want to be pregnant again.

With two hours waiting Hunter and Steven finally reveal their presence holding one twin in their arms. One boy and one girl, their names are Jason and Sky.

"Aww .. they're so cute" Tony cooed. Roman and Elijah ran to their fathers side seeing their new siblings. It's how memorised their brother and sister, their tiny hands slowly touched Jason's head as they rub him.

"So what's left is you and Tony" said Megan

"I'm not due till another two months" said Tony as Leo rubbed his large stomach

"I'm due this month and I'm kinda scared" I admitted. Steven eyes soften as he hugged me gently and kissed me lips.

"Don't worry baby, we'll get through this together" he replied. We all gathered inside the medical room where Skylar lies sleeping soundly. Hunter and Tony fed the twins and laid them both together as they slept holding hands. Steven then went to buy burgers for everyone as we ate in the waiting room till Skylar wakes up.


About half an hour Skylar woke up calling Hunter's name. Everyone gather around the bed looking at sleepy Skylar. Hunter put the twins in his arms as Skylar let them drink his milk, everyone then cooed from the adorable scene.

"S-Steven, I-I don't feel to good" said Josh. My wolf became alert staring at Josh wondering what's wrong with him until I saw water trailing down his leg, his water broke.

"Baby I need you to breathe slowly, your water broke" I stated.

"W-What?" he gasped. Everyone gasped staring at Josh as he cried in pain, I lifted him up in my arms carrying him in the birthing room. I laid him on the soft bed and spread his legs wide as he blush, Tony was by his side along with everyone as Hunter stayed behind with Skylar.

"I-It's hurts Steven" he cried.

"Okay baby breathe slowly, one the count to three I want you to push okay?" I instruced. He nod in response as Tony wiped his sweat forehead.

"Okay .. 1, 2 ,3 push baby" I ordered. Josh threw his head back screaming in pain as he pushed and pushed, my sons head began to slowly come out.

"Your doing good baby, breathe slowly again and push" I said. Josh pushed and until my son was finally born. He let out a loud cry revealing himself to the world, Josh began to cry then he fell asleep. I cut the cord as the pack nurses cleaned him up and wrapped him in a blue blanket.

"Congrats brother" said Leo

"Wow two birthing in one day" said Tony

"I know, a lot of work" I said



"Hey baby, look here's our baby boy" I said. I handed our son to Josh, his shaky hands held him tight in his arms as he pulled up his shirt and began to feed him his milk.

"Do you have a name in mind?" I asked

"Yeah I do, his name is Justice Dean" he replied

"Babe you sure you want him to have my last night?" I asked

"I'm sure babe, in the future we may get married so mind as well give him your last name" said Josh, I chuckled and kissed his head then kissed Justice. I sat on a small couch and watch my beautiful mate feel our son. As these months flew by it didn't surprise me that Devin left town, guess Josh's speech did a number on him. He sold then house then disappear, I knew Josh was upset but there's nothing he could do about it.

Josh deserve to have a happy life and I promised him I'll do just that. A lot had happened in these four months, I gotten a job in a public school as the school nurse and also keeping and eye on the packs pups. I've saved enough money to buy our own townhouse with a small yard, for Josh's birthday I bought him a small puppy which made him very happy. Josh wanted to use the money his father gave him but I made it loud and clear for Josh to save his money for Justice or for college.

We both came to realise we're obsessed with each other, I can go through the day without holding Josh in my arms, I feel incomplete when he's not by myside. But Josh made it loud and clear that I am His Obsession.

T H E  E N D


His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now