Chapter Five

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I drove through the busy city. With the sun glowing through the city and the hot heat that makes me want to dive in the pool naked, I kinda picked the wrong time to go touring. I parked close to a sushi place and placed my helmet on my bike handles. I helped Josh off the bike seeing him use my arm to steady his shaky legs.

"Never again" he muttered, I laughed.

"Now where to first?" I muttered to myself. Josh looked around memerized, Brisbane isn't a large city like Sydney but it's pretty decent. I held Josh's hand which surprised him, I felt him shiver then relaxed in my touch. We began to walk through Queens Street seeing different kind of shops, Josh even went to buy himself a few things. I was happy that Josh seemed relaxed, he always seemed on edge and uncomfortable at times but my mission was to keep his mind at bay and just enjoy his holiday while he can.

"Is it always this busy?" he asked

"Yeah, school kids and business workers normally finish around 3 to 4pm. Lucky we didn't take the train, it's worse in centeral than around here" I replied

We continue walking and walk over the bridge leading to SouthBank. It was more relaxed as couples just sit and look out to the view. We stop and watch a few people dance, play music along the sidewalk. Just seeing Josh smiles makes me very happy, he rarely smiles and when he's like this the whole world lights up just from his beautiful smile.

"You hungry?" I asked

"Not really, maybe later" he replied. I held his hand tight in my palm and guide him through a crowd of people. I guide him to Max Brenner chocolate restaruant, I oldered one large double chocolate fudge with whip cream and two banana chocolate frappes. As we wait for out orders we began to talk about everything. I notice this new side of Josh I never new about, he's so sweet and gentle. I've learnt he enjoys to read and paint. He even told me stories about his father and how clumsy he can be which made me chuckle.

"T-Tell me about y-yourself?" he shyly asked

"Nothing interesting about myself but since you've asked I will tell you everything" I said. Josh smiled and dig into the chocolate fudge.

"I was born and raised in Australia. I never knew my parents, hardly remember my childhood but as my adopted mother says, I was found in the red deserts alone wrapped in a white blanket. It was obvious my parents abandon me and left me to die, I never understood why since till this day I never found them to get answers I desperately want.

My adopted mother was Leo's mother. Leo and I grew up together as brothers, we may not be blood related but I still consider him my blood brother. When I reached the age of ten my body began to change, bones cracking and soon changed into a werewolf. I was scared sh*tless, I thought I was some kind of monster. I didn't understand what I am but Leo's family felt I was too young for them to explain what I am. Took me nearly two months to get use to this werewolf lifestyle but at the end I accepted it. Running through the woods and desert made me feel free and alive. The cold wind brushing through my fur and my paw dig into the desert sand.

I wasn't the best wolf out there. I use to be a trouble maker and maybe still am, use to cause fights in schools and always get yelled at by my teachers. People thought I was a freak because I growl randomly, people never knew werewolves existed and I was told to never showed my true self to anyone. Done stupid things to, burnt down the pack house once because I was so drunk didn't even remember lighting the match. Leo put up with my crap all these years and he is still by myside even when he found his mate and I became jealous but I'm happy for him" I explained.

Josh sniffled and wipped his tears away, I kept looking out the window remembering my past. I never knew what happen that day when my parents left me alone in the desert just remembering it pains my heart. I shook my thoughts away and focus on Josh, my past is the past and there's nothing I can do to change that.

"You went through so much" he cried. I sadly smiled and lean down and kissed his soft pink lips. Josh gasped and mouth his mouth letting me gain access. I thrust my tongue inside his mouth tasting a tint of chocolate. My wolf howl in satisfaction as Josh moaned in response, felt my semi-erectiong growing in my jeans so I pulled away leaving Josh panting for more.

"Sorry, kinda lost in the moment there" I said. Josh blushed and looked away to hide his adorable face. The first time I've seen him he was scared of me even pulled away from my touch but now he's slowly opening up to me and even letting me kiss him without him running away.

"Enough with the tears baby. It's all in the past now and I'm here today living my life happily, even get to find my mate. Soon we'll be together and I'll give you a happy living you deserve" I said. A tear roll down his cheek as Josh didn't respond and he didn't need to.

"Your a strange man Steven" he commented, I laughed.

"So I've been told" I replied. We both sat on a tall hill looking out to the city, soon it turn nightfall as the city lights glow bright. We;ve spend hours laying on the grass together in silence, I didn't mind it and just smelling his scent calms me until I heard a loud growl.

"Someone's hungry" I teased

"S-Shut up!" Josh growled.

"Come on lets go eat dinner" I said. I began to walk as Josh jogged to catch up to me and he did someone that surprised me. He held my hand and kissed my lips before turn around and dragging me through the busy streets with a stun look across my face.

He kissed me ....

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now