Chapter Seven

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Warning violent content!

"Your nothing but a worthless f*g!" yelled Devin. I quickly pick up the broken cup that fell from my hands. Devin and friends stayed home for the night and as usual they all pick on me.

"Bet he sucks d*ck all night long" Cameron sneered. I whimper in fear trying to hide my distress but they all know I was dead afraid of them and they enjoyed it.

"Suck my d*ck fag!" Cameron yelled. Devin kicked my legs as I landed on my knee while the broken glass stab my skin. I groan in pain as Cameron grip my hair and shoving his harden member inside my mouth. I choked and gagged as he came hard, I was already sobbing as they laughed and laughed and laughed.

"L-Let me go!" I cried.

"Hahaha! we aren't done with you f*g" they all sneered. I stared at Devin in shock as he have a huge grin across his face nodding for his sick friends to violate me.

"F*g's don't deserve to be loved, they all be lonely and die alone" Devin whispered. I slapped Cameron in face and they all began to beat me up while Devin sat quietly drinking his beer.

"No! s-stop!"




"Josh baby wake up"

"N-No don't touch me" I sobbed. I opened my eyes gasping for air as Steven pulled me closer to his embrace. Skylar and Hunter were already at the door panting wondering why the hell I'm screaming, I looked down and began to cry. They don't know nothing about my past, not even Hunter knows and he's my bestfriend. I continue to sob like a baby and Steven's wolf whimper wondering why I'm in such a emotional state.

I'm trying my best to recover, coming to Australia for a month is what I need to get away from Devin. But I only have a few more weeks till I fly back to America. I'm so scared, I fear for my life, Devin can and will kill me and I don't know what to do.

"Babe, breathe I want you to breathe slowly" Steven instructed. I inhale then exhale slowly allowing air to my lungs. My whole body tremble in fear but Steven had a death grip on my refusing to let me go and I don't want him to.

"What happened Josh?" asked Hunter

"N-Nothing" I lied. Hunter knew I was lying and he wasn't buying my answer

"Josh I know your lying. This is the third time you've done this, please tell us what's going on. What's happening?" he said. Tears roll down my cheek, I don't want to tell them the truth, the truth about Devin. Hunter knew he was bad news but I convince him that he was still upset from Father's death. I wanted to live in the pack house to be safe and away from Devin but he won't let me.

"I-I can't" I cried

"You can't or you won't?" he asked

"Both" I honeslty replied. Hunter sighed and ran his fingers through his air. The twins began to cry as Skylar went to attend them.

"We'll talk in the morning" he said then closed the door.


Something isn't right here. He's hiding something from me, from all of us. He's been having nightmares, even whimpering his brothers name and I didn't like it neither did my wolf. I got very bad vibe from this guy and even when his name is mentioned Josh isn't in his right state of mind.

I should know considering I experience those kind of flash back truma. I laid down letting cuddle closer to my warmth, it made my wolf purr. I need answers, I want Josh to be safe and in order to do that I must know what happened in his past. I explained everything about myself, I never suspect I'll upset to him. The only person who knows my full story is Leo but with Josh it felt right to let him my mistakes and fears. I felt Josh wanted to do the same but something is holding him back, I need to what's bothering him and what's haunting his dreams before something bad actually happens.

"D-Don't go!" he sobbed.

"Babe, just going to get you a glass of water" I said. Josh grip my grip refusing to let me go, I sighed and sank back in the bed.

"I-I'm so scared" he whimpered

"Why baby?" I asked

"H-He won't leave me alone. H-He's hurting me" he replied. My whole body froze in shock, this isn't Josh who's talking. This is him talking in past truma, I just held him tight in my arms and whisper soothing words to calm him down.

"Who?" I asked

"D-Devin" he cried while hugging me tighter.

"Breathe baby, he won't hurt you ever again" I said. I wiped his tears away and softly sing to him, slowly Josh's eye's closed then he fell asleep. I rubbed his back and hug him closer to my chest, his soft breathing calms my wolf. So it was true, his brother does abuse him. I never let Josh go through that ever again, I'll make Devin pay for harming my beautiful mate. When Josh does back to America, I'm coming with him and will have business to take care of.

Devin pissed off the wrong wolf .....

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now