Chapter Two

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Sorry! I didn't update for these past two or three days. Been lazy lately and just not feel like it and also when Lords of the underworld Disease story (The darkest touch) have been released in stores, of course I'll drop everything and read the smexy story. I just couldn't resist and also bought captivated by you as well, been pretty busy reading my new books! Anyway here's a new update, warning there'll be a scene of abuse in Josh's POV.


 S T E V E N

I've found him, I can't believe I've found my true mate. Who knew he'll be at Roman's and Elijah's birthday party. His scent was addicting, I wanted to bend him over and f*ck him like crazy. He was a beautiful wolf I've ever seen, my wolf howled with joy that we finally have a mate.

All these emotions I've never experienced before as I lay my eyes on Beta Josh. He was simply breathe taking and I was happy he's my mate. What I didn't expect was for him to bolt out of the front door, I sensed fear coming from him and it made my wolf upset that our little mate didn't want to be with us.

I sat on the edge of the bed watching Josh sleep. I didn't know how to react, he was obviously scared of me and I didn't know why. He kept chanting Devin, his brothers name and that made my wolf want to kill the guy for tormenting my little mate. I brush his hair away fromt his angelic face I now adore. I chased after him when he ran away, I didn't know why but I was determine to know what makes him so fearful of me.

"Is he alright?" asked Skylar. I stared at Skylar for moment and all these feelings I thought I had for him just vanished in thin air, Josh is my main focus now. Skylar and I use to be in an a relationship, I thought I was in love with him as my wolf just seeks any comfort from another. I protected him and his pups but we weren't meant to be.

"He's okay" I replied. I see Hunter walking in with anger written all over him. I've learnt from Skylar that Josh and Hunter are bestfriends.

"What the hell did you do" he hissed

"I've done nothing. Josh ran away from me so I chased after him, when I walked closer to him he kept chanting his brother Devin's name. He wasn't in his right state of him and he mistaken me as Devin, my wolf sense fear all over him. I tried my best to calm him which did it's trick" I explained.

"Devin" Hunter mumbled

"You know him?" I asked

"I know of him but I do not know the guy personally. His father use to be our Beta in our pack before he passed away. He had two sons which was Josh and Devin. All I know Devin tends to snap easily but I never seen him snap before. I can tell something is bothering Josh but he just puts on a brave face and never talks about his feelings" Hunter replied.

"Have you notice anything else weird about him?" my wolf asked. The faint bruises I saw on his body was a clue to why he is scared of me. This Devin guys may have been abusing him but I know nothing about Josh's situation. The thought of my mate being a abused didn't flow well with him, I'll protect Josh even if he doesn't want me in his life.

"He acts different when he sees Devin. Josh was next in line for Beta, I offered a room in the fact house but declined stating he didn't want to leave Devin alone." Hunter replied. That name Devin made my wolf go crazy, I sense nothing good about this guy and a strong urge to not allow Josh anywhere near his brother.

"I see" I replied

"Listen. He's sensative, I know he doesn't look fit to be a Beta but he's strong inside and out. Don't hurt him Steven, I'm happy you two finally found each other but go easy on him. He has a past that even I don't know about, take baby steps" said Hunter. I nod in response agreeing with his advice. As Hunter and Skylar left the room I remained in the bed watching him sleep softly. The memory flashed before my eyes seeing his fear, all he wanted was to get away from me. Was this Devin guy the cause of his fear? I'll find out soon.


I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I heard Devin running upstairs and banging on my bedroom door. I'm so scared, all I did was accidently spilled coffee on his pants, I didn't mean to burn him. But slapped my face and poured the rest of the hot coffee on my face, I cried in pain feeling my face burn.

Devin laughed, he like conflicting pain upon me so I ran away. My bedroom was my saferoom, it's where I can get away from the world but most of the times Devin doesn't allow me to have peace I always wanted, he makes my life a living hell as he promised.

"Get the f*ck out of your room now!" he roared. I shivered in fear and held a chef's knife tight in my hand. I stared at the door and seen it more from his forcful bang. Tears began to from in my eyes, I had no where to go, nowhere to hide.

"You pathetic piece of sh*t! I'll kill you!" he screamed. I sobbed loudly crawling closer to the dark corner of my room. I dropped the knife to my side and place both hands over my ears. His hurtful words cut through my heart. I force myself to contain my breathing trying not to have a panic attack but it's useless. I can hear my wolf whimpering in fear, I made sure my wolf link in the pack is cut off so they won't have to hear all of this, I don't want them involved.

"Stop, stop, stop, please stop" I cried. Devin continue banging on the door and it burst open. My eyes widen and stared at his scary face. He had an evil smirk until he moved closer and closer with a baseball bat. I covered myself into a ball as he began to abuse me until I pass out from the pain.


"Josh baby wake up please wake up!" someone whined. I let out a loud scream and heard a door bang open. My body thrash side to side as I felt large arms wrapped around my body as my eyes remained shut.

"Why is he screaming?" someone asked

"I don't know, he was quiet until he began to scream, he's having a bad dream" someone replied. Tears roll down my cheek, I thrash around again trying to get away from Devin, his evil smirk remained in my mind, I want to get away!

"Hunter talk to him!" a guy yelled. The name Hunter sounded familiar to me but Devin's face to remain and I'm still in this maddness world.

"Josh come on wake up, it's me Hunter your bestfriend" said Hunter. I began to whimper feeling the same warm hands. The hands landed on my hips soothing my back, I sighed in relief as Devin vanished in thin air. I slowly opened my heavily eyelinds revealing a group of people in the room.

"Thank the goddess. Josh baby just breathe" said Steven. I stared at Steven in shock seeing him next to me with his hands on my hips. I wanted to move away from him but my body refused, my wolf whimper in fear until I heard a soft growl coming from Steven. He soothed my wolf and myself, all fear and worry disappeared because I was with Steven.

"Goodness Josh, you've gave us a fright" said Skylar. I shyly smiled

"I-I'm sorry, I'm okay now" I whispered. Steven kissed my head so I moved an inch away but he pulled me closer to his warmth.

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Hunter

"I rather not" I replied. He nod in response and not forced me to tell them about my dreams nor Devin. I didn't want to tell them anything, I don't want them involved. Hunter and Skylar left the room leaving Steven and I alone. The room was silent but I didn't want to say a word nor utter a sound. I wasn't in a good mood and I'm scared to fall asleep. He's everywhere, Devin always win and no matter how hard I try to get away from him, he'll find a way to haunt me and leave me depressed it's what he wished for, it's what he wants.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now