Chapter Eight

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Warning! this chapter contains self harming. For those who do selfharm then please talk to a loved one about it. It's necessary in this chapter and hope you all understand.



I clench my hair and rock back and forth. The voices are becoming louder and louder, my nightmares come constanlty everynight awaking Steven to only witness such horror I wish to not share. Steven said he'll be gone for only three hours but the horrid memories come back, I need him. I want Steven to be here, to chase my demons away, to make me clean with his love.

"You'll never escape me"


"Leave me alone" I cried. I kept rocking back and forth trying to distract myself but not matter how hard I try, I'll still hear Devin's voice. Hearing him sneering at me, laughing at me, I hate it. I hate it so much it's makes me want to puke. My head began to pound as the stress was becoming too much for me, I force myself to breathe slowly as Steven instructed. He told me if I ever feel stressed is to breathe slowly in order not to have a panic attack but now it's becoming impossible.

"I hate you, you piece of sh*t!"


"Steven!" I sobbed. My wolf whimper calling to Steven. But right now all I can see his Devin's face, I let out a loud screaming shuffling away from him. I heard the bathroom door pound lately but I kept screaming crying, begging for Devin to stop hurting me. The painful memory felt so real like he was here right now beating me.

"Josh! open the door!" yelled Hunter. I began to count loudly trying to block his voice as much as I can.

"1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9 , 10" I counted. His sneering laugh was still there and I screamed again, crying out and sobbing Steven's name. I held the knife tight in my hands, I had no idea why I've bought a knife to the bathroom. I just wanted the pain the go away, I wanted Devin to go away and all I want is Steven to stop me doing something stupid.

I held my wrist out and slowly slide the blade on my skin cutting my flesh as blood slowly rollings down my wrist to the tile floor. I heard Hunter growl sniffing the air. I watched the blood dripped and smiled, his voice is gone and the pain is gone this is what I needed. So I cut again and again until the door burst open revealing Hunter and panting Steven coming into the bathroom. They both gasped in shock seeing the pool of blood on the floor but I just looked up and smiled.

"Get towels" Steven ordered. Hunter wasted no time but to comply with Steven's demand. Leo, Tony and Skylar look into the bathroom seeing such madness.

"Baby, why?" Steven whimpered

"Shhh ...." I whispered

"D-Don't w-wake up Devin" I giggled. Steven looked at me in shock and pulled me to his lap and rock me back and forth. I giggled again and felt quite light headed.

"I got you baby. Just relax" Steven whispered. I laid my head on his shoulder and began to cry. Holding him tight and scream in pain. All of these pain I held within for years are finally coming out, I wanted to be free, I wanted to be loved. A brother should never abuse another brother for no reason, I've done nothing to Devin and he still hates me.

"Save me!" I screamed.

"I'm worthless, I'm a piece of sh*t, a f*g. I'm nothing but a toy!" I yelled.

"You are none of those. Your my mate, my lover. Your beautiful, kind, gentle and most of all an awesome fun person. Don't you ever believe his digusting words baby or I'll have to remind you over and over again then so be it" said Steven.

Tony entered the bathroom with a first aid kit. He bandage my wrists as he sadly smile at me, I knew he wanted to say something but he wisely didn't. I was surprised they all cared about me, they barely knew me and they're all watching me in horror, sadness and anger. I wanted to run away and hide in a cave and never come out. This is why I kept secret about my past but I snap so easily, I never wanted them to know to see me like this, I hate it!

"Make him go away, Devin won't go away!" I cried. They all growled in anger, I held Steven for dear life and sigh in relief as Devin's words and appearance disappear.

"Shh ... He's not here baby and I won't let him hurt you ever again" said Steven which sounded like a promise. I looked up meeting his gaze and I kissed his lips then smiled.

"Thank you" I whispered and let darkness consume me.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now