Chapter Eleven

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One week later ....

"Babe you alright?" asked Steven. I flushed the toliet and went to brush my teeth for the third time in one day. I haven't been feeling well the entire week, being having strange mood swings and random food cravings. I'm starting to get worried, something is wrong with me and I think I've put on more weight because I look a lot heavier than last week.

"Steven can you do a check up on me?" I asked. Steven rubbed my head and kissed me to decreased my distress.

"Sure babe, lets go to the pack house" he said. We drove for an hour then arrived at the mansion pack house, I could seeing pups running around in their wolf form as their parents watch closely, I think it was adorable to watch.

"Alright just lie down and I'll take some blood samples and see whats the problem here. I'm worried about you babe so I'll find out what's wrong with you" he said. Two hours later the results came in, Steven had a weird but yet excited expression. Steven lifted my shirt, turned off the lights then sqeezed this cold gel on my stomach. I felt bad worrying Steven, he's always busy with pack business that he rarely spend time with me but he told me that he'll be busy for a week then everything will be fine.

"W-What's wrong with me?" I asked

"Hold on babe" he whispered. When I was about to reply I heard a loud thumping noise echo in the silent room. I looked at Steven in confusion wondering why is there a thumping noise in the room.

"What's that noise?" I asked

"It's our baby" he replied. Wait .. did he just say baby?


"Yeah, you have morning sickness babe because your pregnant with our pup. Reason for you to have these mood swings and cravings. I'm sorry for not paying attention babe, the pack business is a hassel but I'm trying to get my work done as soon as possible" Steven explained.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, you just look exhausted" I said. Steven nod in response, he then printed a few photo's of our baby then we drove back to Leo's house to brake the news. My palms were all sweaty, I cannot believe I'm pregnant. I never thought of having a pup of my own but I just feel so happy and excited, even my wolf is jumping for joy.


He's pregnant. I can't believe he's pregnant, my mate, my love of my life is pregnant and this means the world to me. I always wanted to have pups and now my mate has finally accepted me, we can finally build our own family together. I look at Josh seeing he has a smile across his face looking at the photo of our pup.

I wrapped on arm around his waist touching his stomach. My wolf his suddenly becoming more possessive, he doesn't want anyone, touching or even looking at our mate nor unborn pups.

"Oh your back!" yelled Tony. Roman and Elijah ran around the living room naked as Skylar trying to catch them with a towel. My nephews are growing so quickly, they're already learnt how to walk better yet run. They have the Alpha gene after all, reason for their quick growth.

"Hunter I need assistance" Skylar growled

"Okay babe, let the expert do his magic" Hunter teased then capture his twins and wrapped them in a large towel.

"Is Josh okay, heard he's sick?" asked Leo

"He is for now but nothing serious. We have an announcement to make" I said. I looked at Josh seeing his nervious expression.

"What is it?" asked Hunter

"I'm pregnant" Josh blurred out. Everyone went quiet Tony's squeal broke the silence.

"No way, congrats" said Leo

"I'm so happy for you Josh" said Skylar

"We are so going baby shopping" Tony squealed while holding his pregnant stomach. We all began to chat as Leo and I prepare lunch. I'm happy we're starting our own family.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now