Chapter Fourteen

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Hunter parked the car in the drive way. Coming back home brings back unwanted memorie, even the drive way itself have it's part. I remember Devin and his friends beating me up when I walked home from school and they just dumped my bloodied body on the drive way then drove away laughing. I closed my eyes, trying to block the images, the voices out of my mind.

Steven notice my distress and held my hand as well as Hunter. Steven opened my door and slowly lead me to the front door. I've notice Devin's car wasn't here which made me sigh in relief, he isn't home so the sooner I get my stuff the sooner I can go to the pack house and stay close to Steven.

"Your sure about this babe, we can turn around and drive back home" said Steven. I shook my head and grip the door handle. I must do this, even if all the horrid memory come back to haunt me then so be it. I'm finally getting out of this place, Devin won't hurt me anymore and his horrid words will no longer effect me as it did before. My shaky handles grip the keys as I opened the door, the house was a mess. The smell of beer, vomit and drugs linger in the air I then knew he had a party recently.

Hunter and Steven covered their noise trying to block the disgusting smell. Hunter stayed downstairs as Steven and I head to my bedroom. It's just how I remembered it, all my toy trucks were still displayed on the shelves. Those were gifts from father and I'm planning to let my pup play with them, I wanted my pup to enjoy these toys just like I did. I opened an empty box and gently placed all the toys inside then taping the box closed. Steven took my clothes off the hangers and draws placing them in another large box. I then took all my photos of father into a small bag, I then walked into father's bedroom went under the bed and opened a loose floor board the had a safe in it. I remember the lawyer stating a pin code for a safe that father wanted me to have.

I opened the safe revealing a check that says $50,000 and a note. My shaky hands held the note in my palm as I gently opened it. Steven took the check putting it inside my bag then helping me sit on the bed while I read father's note, I never knew father written a note for me.

Dear my beloved Josh

Forgive me for not telling you's about my illness, I didn't want to worry you's guys about it and I tried my best to spend as much time with you's as I can. I loved you both so much and it's sad it'll have to end quite soon. This check will be enough to get you on your feet, please use this money wisely son, it'll be enough for your college fees if you choose to go.

I believe you could do anything and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Your strong, smart and easily misunderstood but that doesn't stopped you to prove them wrong. I know Devin have been treating you poorly, he's changed ever since your mother left. I know for a fact that he's aggressive that's why I choose you to be Beta and not him. That doesn't mean I favor you the most, I love you both just the same.

Please live happily and don't let Devin hurt you my son, stand up to him and set him in his place. Devin needs a wake up call, he's stubborn I know for a fact. I love you my son and please live a happy life, find someone who'll love and cherish you that's my wish.

Love Father




I watched Josh cry as he read the letter from his father. Josh gently fold the letter placing it inside his bag. I sat down next to him and kissed his head letting him cry his heart out.

"I miss him" he cried

"I know baby but he wants you to be strong" I whispered.

"H-How, I was never strong to begin with" he replied

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now