Chapter Six

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I know short chapter ...


I kissed him. Words couldn't describe what I'm feeling right now and I'm seriously embarrassed. This strong urge to be with Steven is getting stronger day by day. My wolf no longer whimper in fear but yelp in happiness when we see Steven. His touch doesn't bother me anymore and it's strange because nearly everyones touch brings back horrid memories of Devin but with Steven, he takes my nightmares away. He's slowly becoming my obsession.

"Lets get at the sushi train and we'll watch a movie" he said breaking the silence. I remained holding his hands and draging him to gawd knows where. I think we might be lost but Steven seems to know where we at.

"I think we're lost" I said. Steven chuckled.

"No where not. We're actually close to the cinema, come on lets go eat because I'm very hungry" he replied. I blushed and tangle my fingers between his. The restaurant was packed, Steven manage to get a table for two. It looked wonderful, little trains going around tables. Steven explained the concept of this place meaning four plates have different colours which have a price. So those plates with different colours would go around and then after we'll add up the prices from those plates we've chosen.

We began talking about his rebelled life. Steven told me stories about how much trouble he's gotten himself into while Leo had to go and fix his mistakes. Steven explained how he has a anger issue, he tends to get aggressive once something has angered him and it's difficult for him to control. He said he was ashamed of his behaviour even when he went out with Skylar before he met me. I didn't utter a word as I let him express his feelings and his mistakes, I didn't judge him but I was happy he admitted his past mistakes and hopefully he'll learn from them.

I admire Steven because he has a sad past and he so easily explained it to me. Yes it did hurt him explaining how he was abandon by parents that should of loved him. I wanted to have the same courage as he does, facing your past and moving on for a better future. I dreamt about having a mate that'll love me for who I am and leaving Devin once and for all. I don't have the courage or the strength to face my brother, he'll brainwash me with his false words and I believe I'm no good enough for Steven.

Steven knows I have a painful past and I made it quite obvious but I'm thankful he didn't ask questions about it. I'll explain to him what happen when the time is right, I wanted this moment to be special between us and I'm slowly opening my shell and I'm happy that I am. After dinner we went to watch a movie then drove home. By the time we arrived everyone was already asleep, Steven lead me upstairs taking me to the guest room. I didn't felt right with me that I'll be sleeping alone at night, I wanted Steven by myside and I wanted to sleep next to him.

"C-Can I sleep with you?" I whispered. Steven eye's widen then soften

"Of course baby, you don't need to ask" he replied. Steven held my hand and lead me across the hall to his bedroom. The room was rather large as he has a king sized bed for his large frame, I stripped to my boxers as he done the same. Steven threw the blanket over us as I snuggle closer to his warmth and fall asleep with a smile across my face.

His Obsession (Werewolf|ManxMan|Mpreg) His Series: BOOK TWO (Will be rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now