One Year Later

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 1

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

It has been a year since Jason said his final goodbye to everyone it's February 24, 2013; Nicole and I have both turned eighteen; we have now been married for a whole year, Jane turned forty-five this past summer, Jesse turned thirty-two; they have been together for a year, Riley and Sam just turned eighteen yesterday they are both Seniors in high school Riley has been dating Lakein for two years
now; Sam and Valerie have been dating for a year now; Jenny, Cheyenne, Dani and Carly are now Juniors; Lakein and Valerie are Seniors. I have been dead for four years now it's crazy it still feels like yesterday Nicole and I have also been back together for two years Nicole has been taking college classes she is studying to become a police officer where she is in great shape physically ; she could very well meet the requirements to become one but the process takes forever almost; you have to go to college for at least four years and have a criminal justice degree it's a very long process but I believe in Nicole and I think she would be a wonderful police officer she is very intelligent and for this kind of work she is perfect for cause when you are a cop you have to chase people on foot or in a car Nicole can run faster than a cheetah and she is very strong.
Nicole's P.O.V/ I'm at school in my math class it's second period it's still early 9:00 am I see my math teacher get a page on his pager letting him know that someone is needed in the office he looks up from the pager at me and says " You are needed in the office Miss Henderson". I get up from my desk in the middle of the room and I walk out the door into the hallway I see Riley and Lakein standing at Riley's locker they are making out Lakein has her back against the lockers while Riley kisses her; they see me and they both blush red I said as I giggled a little " Wow I thought that locker was gonna melt". I wink at them playfully and they smile. Riley said " I seen your Mom down stairs at the office". I said " Well that's the reason why they need me down there.. see you guys later". I make my way down the hallway and I walk out where the office is; the school trophy case is directly in front I see My Mom standing in front of it looking at the trophies and pictures inside the glass. I said " Mom?" She turns around and said " There you are.. I just wanted to let you that I filled out the paperwork where I'm no longer legally responsible for you now that you are eighteen".
I said " Oh yeah I forgot about that thank you". She said " It's hard to believe you are eighteen now; you've grown up so fast". I said " I know it sucks kinda but at least you moved in with Jesse after Eric decided to go off on his own". she has a weird look in her eyes I said " Mom are you okay?" She said " Yeah I just miss your Dad.. having him around as a friend of course I've decided to sell our house and stay at Jesse's house with her permanently". that caught me off guard but I understand why she wants to sell the house there are so many memories of My Dad in that house. I said " Are you sure you want to do that?" She said as her eyes teared up " Yeah there are just so many memories of your Dad and me in that house I've lived in that house for twenty-one years". I said " It's okay I understand you and Jesse should live together". I start hearing wolf whistles I roll my eyes cause I know it's some teenage boys being perverts I look down the hallway I came from and I see Mason along with three other guys his age they are staring at me and my mom well Mason is keeping his attention on her while the other three are looking at the both of us.
They walk up looking us up and down we roll our eyes at them in disgust Mason looks at my mom admiring her ugh he makes me sick he still has this insane obsession with her I'm beginning to believe that he is actually in love with her. He said " Hey Jane.. how have you been?" She said sarcastically " You know how I've been Mason". these three guys have no clue that we are not human so they don't know that Diana killed my dad. Mason said " I'm sorry to hear about your ex-husband". he pretends to care about my dad dying in front of these guys my mom squeezes her fists then said with sarcasm " Thanks". The first guy said " You was right Mason she don't look forty- five more like thirty-five". he winks at my mom the second guy said " She is definitely a Milf". she exclaims in anger I slap the guy in the chest hard and said " Have some respect asshole"! Mason said with a tone of annoyance in his voice " Yeah have some respect for my woman". My Mom scoffs " I'm not your woman Mason". He smiles and said " What about when I turn eighteen next year?" She said with sarcasm " Yeah still not happening pal". the three guys laugh at him he glares at them and they stop laughing.
My Mom said " Bye Nic I love you". She gave me a hug Mason opens his arms wanting a hug from her He said " Where's my hug beautiful?" She rolls her eyes at him as she walks toward the front doors of the school and outside to the courtyard I watch as she goes down the steps then I look back at Mason and said " I told you to stay away from my mom if you keep messing with her there will be consequences don't want end up like Diana now would we?" Mason said " Is that a threat Nicole?" I said " It's a friendly warning stay the hell away from her". I walk away from them and down the hallway back to my math class. Jane's P.O.V/ I walk up the sidewalk beside the gym up to the senior parking lot I walk past the front entrance of the gym and out into the almost empty parking lot I hear a noise behind me as I walk up to my car I stop and turn around there is nothing there. All the sudden I'm being thrown onto the hood of my car I feel like I'm being held down I see a guy about twenty appear on my left side then a girl about eighteen appears on my right side they were invisible I exclaim in anger trying to raise up off the hood but they are too strong I hear Mason's voice " Nice work Drew and Josh.. now hold her still".
I look up in front of me there stands Mason with a metal brand that you brand cows with I know what he is about to do I go to yell for help but the girl, Drew puts her hand over my mouth so nobody can hear me. Mason looks at Josh and said " Light this up". Josh opens his mouth and fire comes out like a blaze it lights the brand up bright red the shape of it is an "M" for Mason I yell into Drew's hand and start kicking my feet at Mason when he starts walking towards me he dodges the kicks. Mason held his other hand out using his Telekinesis to pin my legs down on the car I keep struggling to get free Drew said " Mmm.. she's a feisty one". Mason said " Pull the sleeve of her jacket down". Drew pushes the sleeve of my blue jean jacket down revealing the inner part of my forearm the brand went out Josh opened his mouth and fire came out again lighting it up. Mason sticks the brand right on my inner forearm and I yell into Drew's hand in extreme agony as I feel the metal burning my skin their sinister laughter fill my ears I see Mason smiling wickedly as he presses the brand to my arm he jerks it off my arm I feel my skin peel off I yell into her hand in agony they keep me down and Mason climbs up onto the car straddling my waist while Drew keeps her hand over my mouth I look him dead the eyes.
He said " This is a magical burn it will never go away that means that I own you! you belong to me not Jesse! Don't you get it I'm not going anywhere I will always be around we will be together one day.. Jesse will die by hand so will anyone else who stands in my way I love you Jane".. he kisses my cheek and I cringe. he gets down off of me and said " Okay let her go". they let go of my arms I raise up exclaiming in anger throwing up my hand shooting an energy beam out of my hand at Mason but he teleports escaping the energy beam Josh held onto Drew teleporting away with her I slide down off the hood of my car I open the door and get inside locking the doors so they can't in if they come back I don't think they are. I exclaim in pain easily pushing my sleeve down I see the " M" burned deep into my skin I cry in anguish cause I know he's telling me the truth that we will never go away.. he will never leave me alone and that really worries me how much more of his torture can I take? before he kills me or worse someone I love like Jesse; or Nicole and Eric he is punishing me because I rejected him I will die before I lose someone else I love my hands shake as I pull a cigarette out of a Marlboro Red shorts box I put the cigarette in my mouth and light it with a red lighter starting the car I drove off.
I drive to Jesse's house thank god she is off today too I turn the car off and get out closing the door behind me I walk up onto the porch and pull out a house key from the front pocket of my jeans I unlock the door walking in I closed the door locking it behind me I hear footsteps from upstairs I look and there stood Jesse at the bottom of the stairs she sees my face and worry fills her eyes as She said " What's wrong??" I said as I pulled off my blue jean jacket " Mason is what happened". she sees the "M" burned into my arm and said " Oh my god.." tears filled her eyes I threw my jacket down on a chair at the dinner table I walked over to the sink and held my arm under it I blew out air at the anticipation of the cold water hitting the burn. I turn on the water and let the cold water run over it I exclaim in agony as it burns like hell Jesse is standing beside me She said " I'm gonna call Nicole so she can get Alex to heal you". I said as I winced at the pain " It's a magical burn.. Mason branded me for life it will not disappear I'm stuck with it the bastard cast a spell to where it can't be healed".. I cry in anguish running my fingers through my bangs Jesse pulls me into a hug and I cry on her shoulder. I said " He's never gonna stop Jesse... I'm so scared that he is gonna hurt you or our kids I will never forgive myself if anything ever happens to you or them".
Jesse holds my face in her hands I look her in the eyes She said " He will stop because I'm gonna vanquish him if it's the last thing I do". I said " Jesse he wants you dead and he will kill you without any hesitation.. I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you". She kisses me softly then said " I'm not going anywhere Baby... he can't have you cause you're mine.. I'm not gonna let him get you I promise".. I hear something hit the ground beside my foot it sounded like change I reach down and pick it up it's an engagement ring I look at Jesse stunned she is searching for the words to say but she can't say anything. I said " Were you about to propose to me??" she looks nervous then She said as she took the ring from my hand " It's nothing.. it's dumb I mean you just divorced Jason then he.." she stops talking I said " Did you think I was gonna say No?" She said " I didn't know what you were gonna say I've been trying to get up the courage to ask you for two months now but I was too scared.." I said " Ask me now". she looks caught off guard but she gets down on one knee in front of me holding the ring in her fingers She looks up at me and said " Jane... will you marry me?" I said as tears fell from my eyes " Yes... I'd love to marry you"...
She stands up smiling the biggest smile as tears streamed down her face I look at the beautiful one carat platinum diamond ring inside it engraved it says " Erica and Jesse" she sees my first name and said " I'm sorry I told them to put Jane not Erica I will get it fixed". I said " It's okay I love it". Jesse said " Are you sure?" I said " Yeah it's fine I promise". She said " Where did that name come from?" I said as I watched her slide the ring on my third finger on my left hand " My grand father his name was Eric so my parents decided to name me Erica cause it was close so that was who I named my Eric after my grand father and me but I've always been called Jane." she pulls her ring off and looks at it She said " This one says Erica too". I said " I promise it's fine just don't start calling me that only my mother calls me by my first name". Jesse giggles then She said " Like only you can call Nicole by her first name?" I said " Yeah except she hates hers I don't hate mine it's just I prefer to go by my middle name". Jesse said " When I say my name is Jesse I get asked is it short for Jessica and it's not then they say isn't Jesse a boy name?" I said " I think it is.. but oh well Jesse is a very cute name for a girl". after she doctors my arm and wraps it in gauze we went upstairs to our bedroom where we layed on the bed watching a movie which half-way through it we end up having sex.
We are half into it I'm laying on my back with Jesse between my legs thrusting into me with a strap on around her waist the covers are pulled up over her back covering us; I'm holding onto her shoulders as she keeps thrusting at a fast and hard pace she kisses me I moan into her mouth she groans in pleasure " Jane..." as I scrap my nails down her back she growls in pleasure picking up her pace increasing the speed and force as she pounds into me I moan " Oh god Jesse!! Ahhhh!!!" I climax hard and she slows down; she gets off of me laying down on her back beside me while we both breath heavily. Nicole's P.O.V/ I slowly open my eyes my vision is blurry that's strange I can see very well it's almost as if I need glasses I look around the room while I lay on my side this isn't mine and Alex's room I still can't see so I put my hand in front of my face to look at my hand it looks weird I notice the skin has a little age to it okay this is starting to freak me out I'm only eighteen ; my skin shouldn't have any age on it I start feeling something over my side I look down it's an arm I see the hand. I look back and the face becomes more visible as my eyes adjust it's Jesse I exclaim in surprise as I scramble out of her arms she wakes up and sees me standing up beside the bed She said " Jane what's wrong?? what is it??"
Did she just call me Jane?? is she blind?? she can clearly tell I'm not her I'm freaking out I said "WHAT?". She looks confused I said " Why can I see anything??" Jesse said " It's because you don't have your glasses on". I said " I don't wear glasses". Jesse pointed to the night stand and there layed a pair of black framed glasses I pick them up and put them on. my vision became crystal clear I quickly walk into the bathroom that is in the room I see my mom in the mirror, she is wearing a black women's tank-top with grey sweat pants I touch her face and I exclaim in surprise as the skin isn't tight like mine would be, I have her eyes, her hair everything. I said " This is so creepy". I feel Jesse grab my waist from behind and it trips me out I quickly turn around swatting her hands off me She said as she smiled " Playing hard to get aren't we?" I stuttered " There.. we be no getting". Jesse said " Oh really?" she pulls me into a surprise kiss and my eyes stay open as I am shocked at the kiss I cringe; blushing bright red she notices that I'm not kissing her back. Jesse said " Okay.. not the response I was looking for.. are you sure that you aren't having seconds thoughts about us getting engaged?" I said " Us engaged?" I see the ring on her finger I said " Jesse I am not Jane.. I'm Nicole her daughter??"
Jesse said " Okay?? if you really are Nicole there is only one way to know for sure". I said " How? you don't believe me what else can I do to make you realize that I am not your girlfriend right now?" Jesse said " Is that you in there?? Taylor Nicole??" I scoff with sarcasm " Ugh! don't call me that I hate that name it sounds so preppy " Taylor". I mock my first name and Jesse's eyes widen She exclaims in surprise then She said " Oh god you are Nicole... ugh I can't believe I just made out with my soon to be step daughter?!" I said " I can't believe that my soon to be step mother was spooning me?!" we both cringe and shudder Jesse said " Oh no that means that your mom is in your body with Alex right now". I said " Oh lord they are both in for a rude awakening". Jesse said " Okay let's get some clothes on and go over to your house". I look at her in her black sports bra and black sweat pants her abs are flexing as she spoke I said " Yeah I've seen and felt way more of you than I needed to". She giggles as she puts a black tank-top on over her black sports bra then she opened the dresser drawer pulling out a black t-shirt that says Nike in white writing on the front of it she puts the shirt on as she slides on her black and white nikes.
I put clothes on a blue jean jacket the inside of the hood is black, a plain black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and plain black skateboarding shoes I walk down the stairs it feels so weird to already be forty-six I always wondered what it would be like I have to say it's not bad a little grey in the hair but I'm okay with it. I see Jesse standing at the island in the kitchen she is looking at some mail I see Riley, Sam and Lakein in the living room there is no school today Riley gets up from the couch walking over to me she looks at me She said " Nicole?? is it really you in there?" I said " Yeah Riley it's me". Riley looks at Jesse then She said " It really is her Riley I'm positive I called her Taylor and she got mad". Riley isn't fully convinced She said " You guys are messing with us aren't you?" I got closer to her where I could whisper in her ear " How else would I know about those scars on your back?? it happened when you took my virginity".. She looks stunned as she blushes I wink at her and She said " Yep.. you are definitely Nicole". Jesse and I walk outside to her car and she drives us over to mine and Alex's house.
Jane's P.O.V/ I slowly open my eyes and I see a ceiling it doesn't look like the one in mine and Jesse's room.. whoa wait why can I suddenly see everything clearly without my glasses I look over at the night stand and I don't see my glasses all I see is a phone I pick it up and the screen lights up showing a picture of Nicole and Alex what am I doing with her phone?? I finally notice the room I'm in their room and in their bed. I hear someone inhale beside me that doesn't sound like Jesse I slowly turn my head cause I'm afraid to look I see Alex laying there on her back asleep I exclaim in surprise why am I in bed with Alex?! she heard me and opened her eyes she raises up in the bed looking at me with her blue eyes. Alex said " Nicole are you okay?" I said confused " Why did you call me Nicole??" Alex is confused now She said " Because you are Nicole.. my wife remember?" I said " What?!" I get up from the bed and walk up to the dresser that has a mirror attached to it I exclaim in surprise as I see Nicole's young face in the mirror I put my hand on her face feeling the tight skin I'm really freaked out I'm in my eighteen year old daughter's body. I see Alex approaching me from behind She said " You are starting to make me worry Nicole.. what's wrong??"
I turned around and said " I'm not Nicole that's what's wrong". Alex said with confusion " Wait what?? no it can't be.. you are her". I said " Alex it's me Jane your mother in law". She looks caught off guard then she giggles thinking I'm playing a joke on her She said " That's very funny Nicole trying to make me believe that you and your mom switched bodies". I said " I'm not joking around I'm really Jane... ask me something that you know only Nicole would know". Alex said " The morning after you took my virginity you left me something on the pillow beside me what was it?" I have no clue what it was all I know is they slept together she can see that I don't know at all. her eyes widen as She said " Oh my god you are Jane". We hear the door bell ring Alex walks out of the bed room and into the living room I follow her and stand beside the coffee table as she opens the door revealing Jesse and me but Nicole is in my body they walk in I walk up to Jesse standing beside her we look at each other weird while Nicole and Alex look at each other weird. I said as I realized who is behind this " I have a feeling who done this". We all said together " Mason".
Alex said " That asshole just doesn't know how to stop.. this so awkward and strange". Nicole said " Yes extremely". she looks at Jesse and they are both blushing I notice and said " What's with the blushing?" Alex noticed it too Jesse looks at Nicole then she looks at me She said " I planted one on her thinking she was you". Alex and I exclaim in surprise I said " You kissed my daughter??" Jesse said " It was an honest mistake I thought it was you she has your face". Nicole looks at Alex then said " You didn't kiss my mom did you?" Alex said " No.. and I'm glad I didn't she probably would have slapped me". I said " Well we need to find out how to switch back fast cause this is freaky Friday literally I'm not ready to be eighteen again". Nicole said " And I'm really not ready to be forty-six right now". after a few hours went by we still couldn't figure out how to switch back then Mason teleports into the living room laughing wickedly He said " Having fun ladies?" I said " Switch us back now Mason". He smiles then said " Gladly I prefer you not your bitch daughter". He snaps his fingers and all the sudden pink energy starts coming out of us my energy shot out of Nicole's body and back into mine; her energy shot out of my body and back into hers.
Nicole shot an energy blast out of her hand at Mason but he quickly dodged it he laughed evilly then teleported away Nicole growls in frustration She said " How much longer is he gonna keep chasing you?" I said " I don't know hopefully by the time I'm older he will give up". after we talked for another twenty minutes Jesse and I went back to our house where Riley, Lakein , Sam and Valerie were about to go hang out at the mall and they invited us to come along. Jesse's P.O.V/ I drove my car to the mall with Jane in the passenger seat Riley, Lakein , Sam and Valerie all sat in the back seat which is surprisingly enough room for four people to sit in the back as I'm driving I notice another mustang gt beside us like mine but it is a 2012 and it is blue mine is a 2011; there are three young men in the car the driver looks about twenty so does the passenger I can't clearly see the guy in the back seat I see the driver looking at us he winks at me and revved up his engine. I rev up mine and it roars much louder than his Riley said " Smoke his ass Mom". I smile at him sarcastically Jane's window is down his window comes down He said " Come on show me what you got old woman!" I roll my eyes at the old woman comment I said " Every one hold on tight".
I push the gear shifter up changing the gears so the car will go faster I see him shift at the same time as my car roars loudly and takes off leaving him in the dust I look in the rear view mirror and his car started to take off but it the car stalls making the engine stop which makes it shut down he released the clutch too fast when he was starting off in first gear we all laugh hysterically I said " What a dumbass". we pulled off the highway and turned right down to the mall entrance I pull into the parking garage and I end up parking on the second floor I turn the car off and pull the key out of the ignition switch I opened my door and Jane opened hers she pushed the button pulling the seat forward letting Riley and Lakein out on her side I pulled the seat back letting Sam and Valerie out on my side they all walked in front of me and Jane I looked over at her and said " I know that was kinda dumb what I did back there racing him". Jane smiles softly then said " No that wasn't dumb it was hilarious.. you looked so sexy revving that engine up". she winks at me and I blushed as we walked up to the second floor entrance the girls are already inside I opened the door for Jane and we walked in.
We went to the food court and ate at subway after we got done eating we walked around while the girls shopped as we were walking I said " I used to come here with Brandon all the time when we were teenagers". Jane said " Yeah this is where Jason and I had our first date I was sixteen and he was fifteen we went and seen Never say never again the 1983 James Bond movie he was so nervous that was also the first time we kissed". I smile softly I said " Aww that's so cute". Jane said " A year later we slept together". I said " Was that when you lost your virginity?" Jane said " Yeah it was his first time too". I said " I was fifteen with Brandon I was a little crazy back then I remember you were always there for me to make sure I didn't get hurt or worse get myself killed I really don't know where I'd be today if I didn't have you back then". Jane smiles and puts her arm around my shoulder holding me close to her She said " I always wondered why you were so special and important to me I thought it was because you were my young best friend.. but now I know it was love I was feeling for you I just didn't realize then mostly because you were underage, I thought I was straight; and I was married to Jason".
That surprised me I said " Are you saying that you were in love with me back then?" Jane said " Yes I now realize that I was a twenty-nine year old woman in love with a sixteen year old woman.. I know it's insane and I am really messed up but it would have been wrong for us to be together back then like it's wrong about what happened between me and Mason. I guess I didn't want to believe that I was Bisexual and in love with my younger best friend so I made myself believe that I wasn't because I thought you would never feel the same way either".. I said " No you are not messed up.. you were just in denial and you knew that it was wrong if we tried to date back then I just always thought I had those feelings back then I guess that goes to show you that you have no clue what is on someone's mind". Jane said " Your parents would have killed me especially your mom I was someone she trusted with you when you were little.." she stopped talking I said " What?" Jane said " Have you told them about us?" I said " I told them I'm Bisexual but.." I stopped talking and She said " But what?" I said " I didn't tell them about you.. truth be told I'm afraid to they didn't love the idea of me coming out so when they find out that we are dating not to mention engaged I think it would upset them especially my mom".
Jane said " She is gonna kill me when she finds out hopefully not for real". I said " She isn't gonna do anything I promise I am a grown woman now and they can't say anything about our relationship so either they learn to accept it or they hate it I don't care I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.." Jane said " Will you still love me when I'm old and grey? cause in 2027 I will be sixty". I hold her face in my hands and said " I don't care how old you get I will always love you.. I will be forty-seven by then that is fifteen years from now". I pull her into a soft kiss and she kisses me back as we kiss I start hearing approving whistles we stop ssing I look over Jane's shoulder and she looks back it's Riley, Sam, Lakein and Valerie they were whistling at us Jane and I blush. We walked down to the parking garage and I drove us back home I pulled into the drive way and noticed my parents car in the drive way I instantly feel nervous as my throat tightens Jane sees the car and looks at me her eyes are filled with worry Riley said " I didn't know that Nana and Gran Dad were in town??" I said " Me either". we all get out I'm the first one to walk up on the front porch I see my mom Terri and my dad Don they both look at me with disappointed looks on their faces as they sit in the chairs on the porch smoking cigarettes.
the girls go in the house while Jane and I stand out side on the porch with them my mom is fifty- seven she is built like me and is my height but her hair is dark brown with grey all through it; my dad is a very tall man he is about 6"0' and he is built thick but he isn't over weight his eyes are blue and his hair is a salt and pepper color he is fifty-eight. my mom stands up and puts her cigarette out in the ash tray on the out door table she looks at me with anger in her eyes then she looks at Jane staring daggers at her She said " I had to see for myself.. I wish I didn't see". I said " What are you talking about?" her eyes flare with anger and she points her finger at me She said " Don't play dumb with me Jesse Lee I know about you and Jane". I swallow nervously She continued speaking " My number one question is how long has this been going on?" I said " A year". My mom said in surprise " A year?! and you haven't even bother to tell your own parents that you are fucking a woman who use to babysit you! I find that messed up considering how long you two have known each other". I said " This is why I didn't want to tell you about Jane! cause I knew you would be angry".. My mom said " You're damn right I'm angry! I trusted her with you when you were little she held you in her arms I have pictures!" I said " Mom just calm down!"
She looked at Jane and said " Did you do anything to her back then?! cause I swear if you did I will vanquish you right here!" I said " No! she didn't! how dare you accuse her of that!!" My mom said " What does every one else think about this?" I said " Everyone is just fine with it". My mom said " This is insane.. Jane of all people". I said " I'm sorry that I didn't tell you guys but I really love Jane and she loves me I don't care what you think I am a grown woman and I make my own choices". the girls are standing at the window inside the house watching us my dad said " We are not angry at the fact of you being bisexual.. it's just why Jane??" I said " Because back then Brandon really messed with my head and he was awful to me.. he would slap me in the face if he was angry or didn't get his way and I always ran to Jane cause she made me feel better.. you guys have no clue what I was going through back then"... they looked shocked when I told them that he use to hit me my mom said " Why didn't you tell us that??" I said " Cause I handled it myself I threatened to tell the police.. I told him it was over and that if he even touched me again that he would never see Riley and Sam again so he left me alone".. my dad has tears in his eyes He said " I can't believe he hurt you.." I can tell my mom has calmed down but she still is not happy.
I said " I really am sorry Mom.. I just hope one day you will accept the fact that Jane and I are together now.. just please don't hate me or her".. my mom said " I don't hate you or her.. I just need some time to process this at least you are not dating Brandon". they walked off the porch and out to their car they got in and drove off I wiped the tears off my face and I looked at Jane I said " I'm so sorry you had to hear all of that.." Jane said " It's okay at least she didn't try to vanquish me like I thought she may have done and at least they will come to accept our relationship in time". I said " Hopefully it doesn't take forever". Jane's cellphone started ringing she pulled it out of her the front pocket of her jeans answering it. She said " Hey Dana what's up?" she listens to Alex's mom on the phone then said " Okay I will let Alex know right away". she hung the phone up and said " Dana said that Alex's older sister Avery is missing from her college campus nobody has heard from her in two days". I said " Oh no.." Jane said " She goes to Finway University that's where I got my nursing degree at".

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now