Finding Avery

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 2

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

Nicole's cellphone starts ringing she picks it up off the coffee table and answers it then puts it on speaker phone Jane's voice comes out of the phone " Alex your Mom just called me she wanted me to let you know that Avery is missing from her college campus nobody can find her". My throat tightens in fear as I spoke " What?? how long has she been missing?" Jane said over the phone " At least two days". my mind starts racing thinking the worst sometimes in college kids can be cruel and the hazing can get out of control we got done talking to Jane and we teleported over to their house we teleported into the living room where Jesse and Jane are standing in the kitchen at the island in the middle. As we walk up and stand at the island on the other side there is a knock on the door Jesse goes around the island and around the corner walking up to the door she unlocked it and opened it revealing my parents with worried looks on their faces Jane said " Have you heard anything?" My mom said " No.. I'm really starting to worry none of friends or teachers have seen or heard from her.. I'm gonna drive up to the campus and look around". I said " We will go with you I promise Mom we are gonna find her". My mom said " You guys don't think Avery is a victim of hazing do you?"
Nicole said " She's a sophomore the hazing usually happens the freshman year; sophomores don't usually get hazed.." she stops talking I said "What is it?" Nicole said " Unless she was a target of lesbian hazing cause she's straight". My mom said " Oh lord I hope not.. we have to find out what happened to her". my mom drove her car and my dad rode with her so Jesse drove her car Nicole and I rode with them as Jesse follow my mom up to Finway College that is nearly two hours away from town as we pulled into the campus I seen the sign that says Finway College est. 1920. Jane said " Wow they have rebuilt most of the campus since the last time I was here which was in 1989". Jesse parks her car beside my mom's we all get out of the cars closing the doors Jane walked up to my mom and She said " Okay Avery was in a sorority of some kind but I have no clue what kind". Jane said " I was in Alpha Chi Omega; it's considered a low profile sorority not all of them are partiers". Jesse said " I was in Delta Zeta they are considered low profile as well but they are partiers". My Mom said " Let's go ask Alpha cause Avery isn't into drinking at least what I know of she isn't". we make our way up to the front of the college where a flag pole is the road goes around like a circle; around the flag pole but you can go three different ways to get around the campus.
We turn left and walked down what seemed like a long sidewalk we pass by several students standing around talking good thing I'm using my power to hide my identity. we pass by group of four boys and they check Nicole out cause she was the closest to the grass away from the sidewalk I hear one whistle then say " Hey sexy". we both looked back at the guy he is about twenty-years old Nicole rolls her eyes sarcastically the guy said " I like'em feisty". he makes a weird cat noise he was trying to purr but it didn't sound right. Nicole stopped dead in her tracks this irritated her everyone stopped when she did Nicole causally walked over to the immature man he looks down at her and said " Why don't you ditch those losers and come have a drink with me". Nicole said " No thanks I'm married; you need to
grown the hell up that is so rude for you to catcall me like that.. learn some respect for women asshole". he puts his hand her side as he says " Aww come on baby don't play hard to get". she growls and grabs his hand off her side and starts twisting it to the side slowly the bones start popping he drops to his knees exclaiming in pain as he looks up at her. She said " Never touch a woman if you don't have their permission.. now scram before I snap your hand clean off your wrist". she lets go and he whimpers like dog as he runs away quickly with his friends.
Nicole smiles mischievously as she walks back over to us I smile and put my arm around her as we continue walking down the sidewalk until we get in front of a big house almost like a mansion; at the top just above the roof are three Greek letters a capital A and X along with an Omega symbol. Jane said " That's the sorority house I stayed in off and on I'm surprised it is still standing that house is older than me". we all walked up to the porch were two preppy looking women about twenty looked at us weird the blonde one spoke in a prissy voice " Uhh? excuse me if you are not a Alpha Chi you need to return to your house". Jane said " I was one". the blonde said " What like thirty years ago grandma?" she let out this annoying giggle the brown hair girl said to the blonde " She doesn't look that old Rebecca". She looks at Jane then said " Well she is very pretty to be older". the brown hair girl said " Is there something we can help you guys with?" My mom hands Jane her cellphone that has a picture of Avery pulled up on the screen She said as she showed them the picture " Have any of you seen this girl? her named is Avery Porter". they both study the picture and Rebecca said " Oh I remember her she lives here but she is quite and stays to herself she doesn't like to drink.. but I haven't seen her in about two days that's not like her she always came back here if she went out for her classes".
Jane said " Did you notice anything different about her before she disappeared like strange behavior or something?" Rebecca said " No offense but there is something strange about Avery I can't put my finger on it but I can tell she is different from everyone.. but she was fine all though she did start hanging out with two freshman that pledge for us and they were strange even more than Avery I got bad vibes from them they haven't been seen in two days either". that hit me weird those girls could be evil in disguise most likely demons posing as young college girls to fool Avery. I said " Where is Avery's room?" Rebecca said " It's upstairs I'll show you". she walked in the front door directly up the stairs to several rooms we all followed her as she walked all the way down the hallway to the last room.
She said " This is her room". I opened the door she walked back down stairs after all of us went in the room my dad closed it behind him. I said " Those two freshman don't sound right I think they maybe demons in disguise". I looked around the room it is neat and clean Avery has always been an organized person I see a picture of me and her on the desk beside the computer it was took before I died My dad is looking at the closet door it is closed he notices a crack in it he opened the door and looked at the other side of the door there is a hole it almost goes through the other side. He sees a black ring around the hole He said " This looks like a fire ball or an energy ball was thrown at this door while it was open". we are all looking at it my mom said " That's about how tall Avery is where the hole is at". Jane walks over to the hole and stands next to it and it perfectly lines up with her height cause Avery is 5"4' as well Nicole is looking at a picture on the wall it is crooked not straight like it should be she takes the picture of the wall and there is another burned hole on the white wall. Nicole said " There was definitely a fight in here but someone covered it up and I don't think it was the sorority girls somebody doesn't want us to find Avery for a good reason". My mom said " Well we can rule out the hazing theory now we have to figure out why demons would want Avery". My dad said " They are most likely after her powers we need to find out more about what happened in this room". I got an idea I know the perfect person to help us with that I said " Dani is an empath if she comes in here and touches something she will see what happened in here" I pull out my cellphone and dialed her number it rings a few times until she answers I tell her what's going on and why we need her powers after I hang the phone up a green vortex appears in the middle of the floor between us Dani jumps up out along with Carly and the vortex closes up Cheyenne teleports in with Jenny they look blurry until they appear Dani looks at the burnt hole on the wall.
Dani's P.O.V/ I'm looking at the hole on the wall it looks like a fire ball was thrown at it I put my hand on the hole and it pulls me into a premonition I see Avery standing at the closet door it is open she is arguing with two girls I have never seen one has blonde hair and the other has black hair they are about eighteen Avery says " Okay I'm starting to get pissed off there is twenty dollars missing from my wallet and you two have been the only ones in here if you wanted it you should have asked". the black hair girl said with sarcasm " Why don't you ask your friends down stairs before you start accusing us". Avery said " Cause I know none of them would take money from me when they have their own so it was one of you." the black hair girl slowly walks up to Avery then said " You know it's starting to really tick me off your accusations towards us I'd watch that pretty mouth of yours if I were you". Avery said " If that is suppose to scare me you are gonna have to do better than that". the girl draws her fist back and punches the wooden door right beside Avery's head she is looking her dead in the eyes. The girl said " Does that scare you?". she backed away and Avery said " Nice try now leave before I call campus security". all the sudden fire like beams shoot from the girl's eyes and it hits the hole on the door burning it.
Avery is stunned She said " Who are you two?? what do you want??" the blonde one said as she looked at her ominously " We want you to join us Avery". She looked at them strange then said " If you are asking for me to join you for a threesome the answer is hell no I'm not gay". the blonde said " No we don't want that.. I want you to be evil with me like an evil sister since mine betrayed me". Avery said " No I want be evil not now not ever". the blonde said " You know where I'm coming from your little sister left you alone she abandon you Avery". She said " My sister died she didn't abandon me".. the blonde said " She did die but she came back and she didn't return home to you and your mom she abandon you like your dad did". Avery said " How do you know about Alex and my dad??" both of the girl's bodies started swirling with dark lights until Adrian appeared from her disguise the other girl was in disguise too but she was in disguise as an eighteen year old college student when she is actually sixteen. Avery said in fear " Oh god.." Adrian cut her off and said " Not god.. Adrian.. you know exactly who I am now don't you Avery?? my sister Cheyenne abandon me and left me all alone after she turned good and it's all Jenny and the others fault so if I can't have my sister back I will just replace her with you!"
Adrian launches a fireball towards Avery and she uses her Telekinesis to send it back at her but Adrian ducks and it hits the wall burning a hole in it the younger girl growls and throws her hand up and starts closing it slowly Avery starts choking as hits the ground on her knees she is holding her throat looking up at them. Adrian holds out her hand at Avery and black smoke comes out of her hand and goes into her chest the girl stops using her Strangulation power on her and Avery stands up with an ominous look in her eyes she isn't herself anymore Adrian looks at her dark brown hair then waves her hand at her hair and it turns it blonde the color of Cheyenne's hair. she smiles evilly then said " Much better sis.. or should I say big sis". I came out the premonition and looked at Alex and her parents with my eyes filled with worry. I said " Adrian has turned Avery evil and she has recruited her to be her new sister". Alex is stunned and confused She said " What? why would she do that?" I look at Cheyenne and said " I think Adrian misses you as her sister". Cheyenne said " I don't believe it she has always pretend like she cared for me but the truth is she doesn't she could care less about what happens to me Adrian has no heart she is only trying to get to you Dani and she will use anyone to do it".
Alex said " Okay let's search the entire campus to find anything about where they took Avery". we all walk out of the room and back down the stairs we walked back out onto the porch where those two girls still are they seen Dani, Carly, Jenny and Cheyenne. Rebecca said " Where did they come from? they didn't go inside with you guys". Alex said " They came in after you walked us upstairs". they still looked confused but they brushed it off the brown hair girl said " We will let you know if we here anything from her". Dana said " Yeah their are some missing person posters up around campus with my number on it I'm her mom; my name is Dana". the girl said " Okay we will let you know if we here anything". we all walked off the porch standing in the yard by the sidewalk. Alex's P.O.V/ We all walked through the campus down to a huge hill we looked down at a vacant field below the parking lot is through the field just several feet away we made our way down the hill my mom is the last one down she had to go sideways because she walks with a slight limp from the car wreck she was injured pretty badly and almost didn't make it herself she spent four months in the hospital learning how to walk all over again.
In the wreck she broke both of her legs, one of her shoulders was dislocated and on the right side of her rib cage she had seven broken/ cracked ribs and her left hand was broken she was in a coma for a week cause she suffered some head trauma from her head smacking the window when she woke up from the coma they told her I was dead and her whole world came crashing down. my dad held her hand as she limped down from the hill I'm standing beside her I said " Are you good?" She smiles and said " I'm fine that leg still gives me some trouble I will never walk normal again" she sees the sadness in my eyes I said " I wish I could have saved you from the wreck but it happened so fast". my mom teared up and said " I wish I could have done more to keep us from wrecking but I couldn't.. I blamed myself for your death because I couldn't save you I don't remember anything after the semi truck all I remember is waking up a week later with Avery by my side I could tell something was very wrong then she told me you were gone.. I'm just so happy that you are back". she pulled me into a hug and I held her to me close I see my dad smile as we hug. a voice pulls us out of our thoughts " Awww what a big family reunion".
everyone looks over at evil Avery standing in the middle of the field her hair bleach blonde like Cheyenne's they look eerily similar now that Avery's hair is blonde I said " Avery where is Adrian?" She smiled evilly then said " That's for me to know and for you to find out.. I guess the family is complete again Mom you got your favorite daughter back and your "perfect" husband". My mom said " I don't have a favorite daughter I love you both the same". Avery scoffs " Yeah right Alex has always been your pride and joy after Dad abandon us you never let her out of your sight.. you both got very close and left me alone". My mom said " That's not true Avery and you know that". I said " It's the evil making her talk like that the real Avery wouldn't say that". She said mockingly " The real Avery.. she was a pathetic excuse for a witch. a miss goody two shoes always followed the rules it makes me sick all this good in this so called family.. But I have a new family now and a new little sister. Adrian!" lightning struck and a flash went off Adrian appeared from the flash standing beside Avery she looked dead at Cheyenne and said " Well.. well if it isn't my former sister who gave up a great evil legacy to join the forces of good. you make me sick to my stomach I can't believe we even share the same DNA".
Cheyenne said " Back at you.. you sick monster what you did to Dani was the most evil and cruel thing you could ever do to a person; raping them is cruel enough but to kill their mother right in front of them and make them watch is just awful you don't deserve to live anymore Adrian". She smiled evilly then said " What are you gonna do? kill me Cheyenne? you don't have the balls to kill your own sister". Cheyenne and Adrian are standing face to face Cheyenne said " Just let Avery go and I just might spare you". Adrian said " Nah I don't think so she's a much better sister than you ever were". Cheyenne said " Why do you even want her? you don't care about anyone you only care about yourself that's how you've always been". Adrian's eyes flared with anger then She said " I lost everything after Dani.. I lost her and I lost you my one and only sister if you would have given in to your evil destiny we could be out causing trouble together but no you had too much of our mother in you and you betrayed me.. left me all alone and family is forever Cheyenne you don't just up and walk out on them!!" Cheyenne said " You do when you have no choice.. when you know they will never change and when you will never be nothing like them.. I am nothing like you Adrian and I never will be so you can go back to hell where you belong! after what you and dad both did I disowned you both and I will never forgive you"..
A medium sized sword appears in her hand she points it at Cheyenne Adrian said " You are so dead bitch.. first I'm gonna kill you then I'm gonna cut Jenny from ear to ear". the girl that helped Adrian fool Avery teleported in beside her by the use of flames she looked over at her and said " Katie where is Jay and Tyler?" right after she said that two young guys about my age teleports in behind them they are holding hands I assume they are a couple she looked on the right side of her as they walked up and stood there the four of them are surrounding Cheyenne,
Jenny ,Dani , Carly , Jesse and Jane while Avery has me, Nicole , my mom and dad cornered. I put my hand out and put a white light shield around my mom and dad so Avery can't hurt them she glares at me cause I'm sure she was planning on attacking one of them or both of them I can't let her hurt my mom she is the only human here and Avery can kill her if she attacks her. Josh blink teleports in front of Jane and Jesse with Drew they stare them down evilly all the sudden I see something small flying through the air out of the corner of my eye headed straight for me but Nicole catches it between her fingers she looks at the medium sized dart that has a glowing red tip she looks over at Erin Robertson a dark guardian and a witch she goes to school with Nicole and the others.
She snaps the dart in half and red energy slowly swarms out of the dart that would have killed me if Nicole hadn't of caught it Erin throws her hand up and shoots electricity from her hand it's Electrokinesis but the color of it is black Nicole throws her hand up and shoot an red energy blast out of her hand they hit and it causes a power surge that is quick then it starts to grow as it is about to combust and cause a blast Nicole sees this and lets go of the energy blast as it combust she quickly slings her arm at it using her Telekinesis it hits Erin and she explodes into dark lights flying backwards the dark lights reappear on the ground a few feet back but Erin is awake not unconscious. Adrian lunges at Cheyenne swinging the sword one appears in Cheyenne's hand and she swings the sword at hers and the sword blades hit making a clanking noise; Josh opens his mouth wide and a blaze of fire comes out of his mouth and it is headed straight for Jane it gets right in front of and she slings her hand up at it using her power called Deviation to send it back to him. He opens his mouth and the fire goes back into his mouth as he swallows it he licks his lips afterwards Drew starts launching energy balls at Jesse rapidly as if the energy balls were being launched out of a tennis ball launcher.
Jesse uses her agility to quickly dodge the incoming energy balls one is coming directly for her face and she leads back quickly keeping her feet on the ground like from that movie called The Matrix. she brings herself back up after the energy ball flies over her Drew growls in frustration everyone is spread out in this huge field battling each other Drew said " See if you can escape this you old bitch!" She throws her hands up and a big energy wave starts coming out of her hands headed straight for Jesse those are deadly and destructive. Jesse takes off running away from the energy wave using her agility as it rips through the ground behind her tearing up the dirt making it fly everywhere right at that moment Jane is using her agility to run away from Josh; Who is shooting an extremely powerful beam of fire at her that power is called Advanced Fire throwing they see some old construction material sheet rock, ply wood, rebar and other things there is a huge stack of sheet rock directly in front of them they dive over it and into a sand bunker escaping Josh and Drew's powers.
All the sudden Josh waves his hand and small snakes start slithering and surrounding the sand bunker Jesse exclaims in fear as they start slithering down into the bunker Jane starts shooting energy beams at the snakes making them explode but they keep reappearing Nicole had just knocked Erin out she sees her mom and Jesse in trouble she takes off running using her super human agility she dashes past everyone else battling as she is making her way over there a giant anaconda comes popping up out of the ground Jesse and Jane exclaim in fear as it hisses loudly staring them down it opens it's mouth as it is about to lunge forward and try to swallow them both whole Nicole lunges into the air as her face transforms into a vampire a huge katana sword appears in her hand she jumps clean over the stack of sheet rock and with one powerful slash she cuts the anaconda's head clean off blood flies everywhere as the head falls to the ground and the body smacks the ground making it shaking Nicole lands on her feet with the blood soaked katana in her hand right in front of Jesse and her mom with her back turned to them she growls and slings the katana over the stack of sheet rock the air hisses as the sword flies through the air and goes through Josh's chest.
Josh laughs wickedly and pulls the katana out of his chest He said " Silly witch it is futile to try and vanquish me". the wound on his chest closes up rapidly and he holds onto Drew's hand they blink teleport escaping. Adrian and Cheyenne are still fighting with swords the metal is clanking together Jenny is battling Katie while Dani is battling Jay and Carly is battling Tyler I'm fighting evil Avery she swings her fist and punches me in the jaw so hard it knocks me clean off the ground my back smacks the ground and Avery kicks me in the ribs while I'm down I yelp in pain as I lose my breath I throw my hand up and shoot her with Electrokinesis a powerful stream of white lightning comes out of my hand it hits Avery in the chest she flies across the field several feet away I notice Erin waking up from Nicole knocking her out I see her reaching for the poison dart gun. I step on her wrist as she lays on her stomach trying to reach for the gun she exclaims in pain as I stand on her wrist she was about to shoot Avery with it while she was down I snatch the gun up off the ground I cock the gun and it makes a sound the dart is in the chamber I said " Let me show what I do to people who try and kill my sister". Erin scoffs " You don't have the guts all Guardian Angels are pacifist".
I said " Not this one bitch". I push the barrel of the gun to her neck and I pull the trigger shooting the dart into her neck she yells out in agonizing pain as she explodes into dark lights they slowly disappear I see Avery standing there and black smoke comes out of her body the evil leaves her eyes and she looks relieved to not be evil anymore her eyes tear up. Avery said " I didn't hurt you did I?" I said " A few bruises but I'm fine I'm just glad you are okay". I pull her into a hug and she holds me tightly She said " I love you so much Sis".. I said " I love you too Avery".. she notices that her hair is blonde I said " Adrian done that to your hair I can change it back if you want me to". She said " Actually I've always wanted to dye it blonde I think I will leave it at least I didn't have to pay for it". I smile at her then I hear a slashing sound and I hear Cheyenne exclaim in pain Katie, Jay and Tyler have disappeared they must have left when Drew and Josh did. I see a gash on Cheyenne's shoulder that is gushing blood Adrian punches her in the nose and she hits the ground on her back the sword hits the ground and disappears Adrian is standing over Cheyenne she has the sword up over her head ready to thrust it through her chest.
She said " Say hello to Mother for me!" she brings the sword down Jenny goes to use her powers on Adrian to make her fly back with combustion but before she can Dani holds her hands on temples and yells out in agonizing pain as she releases one of those Psionic Blast from her mind a huge purple ball of raw emotion appears and it shoots toward Adrian she sees the ball and it's like a deer in headlights it smacks her in the chest and she flies half way across the field she hits the ground so hard and slides creating a trench; a long and narrow ditch her body stops sliding and it flips up out of the trench she lands on her back motionless as if she is dead Cheyenne starts to walk towards her Dani puts her arm out stopping her. She said " No let me everyone stay back". She walks over to Adrian standing over her body she gets down on her knees beside her Dani puts her hand through Adrian's chest holding onto her beating heart she opens her eyes as she gasps for breath Dani said " You can't fool me by playing possum!" Dani has channeled into Adrian's powers using her power called Intangibility it's where you can pass through solid matter; through walls or into a person's body.
Adrian put her hand on the back of Dani's head and pulls her into a passionate kiss as she kisses her black smoke goes into Dani's mouth she takes her hand out of Adrian's chest as the black smoke goes into her and she kisses Adrian back with passion. Carly exclaims in fear as Adrian has now turned Dani evil this is really bad Dani as an evil witch is not good news she is a very powerful being because of her highly advanced powers she is a walking lethal weapon now. they are now standing Adrian has her hands on her face she is looking her in the eyes She said " Welcome back my queen". Carly said " Get you damn hands off her now bitch!!" a ball of Sonic energy appears in Carly's hand and she slings it at Adrian but Dani walks right in front of it and it comes to a screeching halt Dani has channeled into Carly's powers this is what makes her extremely dangerous because Dani can channel anyone and take control of their powers making her nearly unstoppable. the sonic ball flies back towards Carly but she ducks and it goes over her head and hits a tree She said " Dani baby I know you are in there you have to come back!" Dani walks up standing in front of Carly we try to intervene and Carly said " NO! stay back!"
Dani stares at her evilly Carly said " She doesn't love you like I do and she will never get you like I do.. Adrian doesn't care about you and you know that.." Dani pulls a thin gold chain off her neck that says Danielle her first name she throws it at Carly and she catches it in her hand. She glares at her then said " You don't know me anymore and I don't love you.. I love Adrian I always have and I always will". tears fall from Carly's eyes as Dani turns around she grabs her arm holding onto her Dani gives her a death stare as she looks at Carly's hand holding onto her bicep. Carly said " I will find you where ever you go.. every time you turn around I will be there I'm gonna bring you back whether you like it or not Dani". she jerks her arm away then backhands Carly across the face blood drips from her mouth to the ground as her head turns she looks back at Dani as she stands next to Adrian they are holding hands Dani winked at Carly then said " Catch me if you can". Adrian said to Carly " Don't worry I'll take good care of her.. she belongs to me Carly she always has and always will". lightning strikes the ground where they are standing and a flash appears blinding everyone when it was gone Adrian and Dani were gone as well Carly exclaims crying out in agony.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now