Summer Vacation

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 6

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

It's been a month since Nicole and the others graduated it is June 18, 2013; Jane's birthday is June 20th so her and Jesse decided to rent a cabin up in the mountains for seven days; they invited Nicole and I to come along as well as Riley and Lakein, Sam and Valerie, Dani and Carly, Jenny and Cheyenne the cabin has six bedrooms for each couple so everyone gets privacy together as couples. Jesse drove her car up there with Jane, Riley, Lakein, Sam and Valerie; Dani drove her car up there with Carly, Jenny and Cheyenne while Nicole and I teleported up there of course we made it up there before the others because teleportation is much faster than driving. I teleported us behind the cabin out of sight we look up at the back deck that about six feet off the ground and if you look under that there is a garage under it Nicole has our duffel bag full of clothes on her shoulder it was almost too heavy for me to carry so she carried it for us. we walk around the right side of the garage and up a set of stairs that lead up to that big wrap around deck there are two ways; if you go straight it will take you around to the front door and if you turn left right beside the stairs it will take you to the back deck where the back door is and if you continue walking it will take on the left side of the cabin.
Nicole walks straight ahead and I follow her as she turns the corner to walk around on the front porch which is huge she pulls out a key with a white tag on that says # 21 she puts the key in and turns it the lock makes a noise she opens the door we walk into a huge living room with a black sectional couch on the left wall and on the other side of the room there is another black sectional up against a bar on the other side of the bar is four bar stools that is also a decent sized kitchen with a big marble counter top island directly in the middle on the left side of the kitchen is a big breakfast nook which is also the dinner table right behind it is a marble counter top that is against the wall there is four white cabinets under it and there are two windows above it; the is also one big window behind the breakfast nook if you look where the island is in the middle of the kitchen behind it is the black stove with the new flat top not like the old ones that have the burners on top above it two small cabinets; on the left side is one big cabinet and on the right is one big cabinet right beside the black refrigerator with double doors there is also a small counter top under the left big cabinet and there is another small counter top on the right beside the refrigerator it is beautiful in here.
Nicole said " Whoa it is so beautiful in here my mom and Jesse really out did themselves". I said " They really did and the view outside is gorgeous but not as gorgeous as you are". I wink at her she smiles at me; she walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck pulling me into passionate kiss god I almost go weak at the knees when she kisses me like this I kiss her back with passion. she looks me in the eyes I see the sun reflecting into her beautiful brown eyes when the sun hits her eyes it makes them look like the color of honey it is so beautiful my eyes are dark blue so they don't do that Jane's eyes are a light blue; Dani's eyes are a mixture of blue and grey very pretty; Cheyenne's eyes are the same color as Jane's; Carly's eyes are a hazel green Lakein's eyes are a rare color they are emerald green; Riley, Sam, Valerie, Jenny and Jesse all have brown eyes like Nicole. we walk out onto the front porch looking out at the beautiful lake if you look left the lake keeps going same if you look to the right directly across from our cabin is another one but it is empty Nicole has her hands on the wooden railing I look at her; she is wearing a dark grey women's tank top with dark blue jeans and grey Nike air max commands with a black check on the side; I'm wearing a black women's tank top with dark blue jeans, black Nike air max commands with a black check on the side the bottom of them are black but the sides are white.
I walk up behind Nicole and hold her small waist she lays her head on my chest as we look out at the lake I see my mom's engagement ring she gave me to let Nicole wear as our marriage ring; it's a simple one it is silver coated with a tint of rose gold in it and a beautiful small diamond in the middle nothing too fancy I have my left hand on the rail beside her hand that has the wedding ring mine is a male ring it is a thick silver band with a small diamond in the middle of it. we went upstairs to our bedroom and unpacked our clothes into the dresser after that we layed down on the bed together I'm laying on my back with Nicole's head on my chest I smile as I watch her listening to the sound of my heart beat I run my hand through her black hair that lays on her shoulders as we are laying there the sound of the garage opening below. the sound of car doors are echos throughout the cabin. footsteps travel up the stairs we look up and there stands Riley in the door way she smiles at us laying together She said " You two are so cute". she walks over to the bottom of the bed and lays down across it with her elbow down on the bed and her hand on her face holding herself up. I said " So how was the ride up here?" Riley said " It was long". Nicole snickered " That's what she said".
I laughed so did Riley at her perverted sense of humor Nicole is sitting up beside me on the bed Riley smiles mischievously as she raised up on her knees on the bed She looks at Nicole and said " You do realize I remember where you are ticklish at?" I give her a look to let her know that is okay to tickle Nicole. she grabs one of her legs and jerks her down her back hits the bed and Riley climbs on top of her and starts tickling her sides Nicole lets out this adorable giggle I get up on my knees and hold her arms down on the bed. She looks up at me as she is laughing Nicole said playfully " Traitor!" I look up at the doorway and there stood Lakein, Jesse and Jane laughing I lose my grip on her wrists cause she is too strong for me to hold down she grabs Riley pushing her backwards to were she is now on top of her Nicole starts tickling Riley's sides and she busted out laughing. I lean back with my back up against the wall giggling at them it is great to see them as friends now after what happened between the three of us Nicole was the love of Riley's life but she has always been the love of my life but she now has Lakein and they love each other very much I'm just glad that all is forgiven and there is no hard feelings anymore.
After the tickle fight everyone put on their bathing suit tops and either short blue jean shorts or basketball shorts and we went for a swim in the lake in front of the dock I wore a black top with black basketball shorts, Nicole wore a black top with white strings and short blue jean shorts Daisy Dukes as people call them these are the regular kind not the ones that come up to your vagina and nearly show it, Riley wore a navy blue top with navy blue basketball shorts, Lakein wore a grey top with short blue jean shorts, Sam wore a dark grey top with dark grey basketball shorts, Valerie wore a red top with short blue jean shorts, Dani wore a navy blue top with white strings and navy blue basketball shorts with white strings, Carly wore a black top that is line with white; the strings are white as well and short blue jean shorts, Jenny wore a maroon top with white strings and short blue jean shorts, Cheyenne wore a blue top with blue basketball shorts, Jesse wore a red top with black strings with red basketball shorts with black strings, Jane wore a black top with red strings and short blue jean shorts.
we all swam for about an hour throwing a foam football back and fowarth to each other after that everyone got out and sat down in wooden chairs around a camp fire I left my hair down when we went swimming so did Nicole, Jenny, Dani, Carly, Jane, Sam, Valerie and Lakein; Jesse and Cheyenne left theirs up cause they mostly wear their hair up in a ponytail anyway; we are all drinking a beer and talking around the fire until it starts to get dark outside Nicole moved from her chair and sat in my lap she has her legs hanging over the left arm of the chair and I'm holding her while she kisses me softly we made out for a few minutes I start feeling aroused then we hear someone wolf whistle Nicole stops kissing me and looks over at Riley who was whistling. She said playfully " Do you two need a room?" Nicole looks back at me and winks She said to Riley " Yes we do. see y'all in the morning". She gets up from my lap and holds onto my hand as I stand up from the chair we walk from the camp fire and up the stairs into the cabin we make our we way upstairs the very top room that is like the attic so it is separated from the other rooms; there are four rooms below ours Riley and Lakein share one, Sam and Valerie share the next one, Dani and Carly have their own room so does Jenny and Cheyenne; Jesse and Jane's room is downstairs beside the den.
Nicole and I got in the shower together washing off the lake water after we were done we came out of the bathroom in our room and got in bed where we started having sex. Nicole is on top of me riding an eight inch strap on around my waist she holds onto the wall bracing herself as she increases her pace going faster she moans softly feeling the strap on deep in her I raise up holding onto her hips as she still rides it I start thrusting upwards adding more pressure and force making the skin slap she moans " Ahhh!! Alex!!" she scraps her nails on my shoulder blade. I growl low in pleasure and switch our positions turning us over I pin her arms down on the mattress and start pounding into her making the skin slap frantically Nicole moans loud " Ahhhhh!!!!" as I'm still thrusting into her at that pace I let go of her arms and I suck on the side of her neck hard she whimpers I grab a hold of her throat as I keep going. I feel her tightening around the strap on she is about to climax so I put my hand over her mouth so everybody doesn't hear her she whimpers loudly into my hand as she climaxes hard I slow down as I feel her body relax I stop and I lay my head on her shoulder as we breath heavily the strap on disappears from around my waist I lay there and I hear no heartbeat coming from her heart that's because when she was reborn she no longer had a beating heart because she died.
That morning I woke up with my arm over Nicole her back is facing me after we showered and got dressed we went downstairs eating breakfast with the others french toast. everybody went outside and sat in the chairs by the camp fire that Jesse had started I noticed that there are some people now in the cabin across the lake from ours Jesse is fixing some of the wood in the fire with a medium sized metal fire poker she looks up after she got done fixing the wood she leans the poker up against the tree. She said to Jane as she heard loud music coming from the cabin " Looks like they are gonna be rowdy". Jane said " Hopefully they mind their own business". there about three jet skis riding back and fowarth on the lake out in front of the cabins. about twenty minutes later two jet skis pull up to the shore by the sand we hear the sound of them being turned off I look and there sat Mason on the first one with Katie behind him; on the second one is Josh and Drew. Mason gets off the jet ski walking onto the sand he sees Jane but she doesn't see him yet. Mason said " Hey Beautiful". Jane hears his voice and rolls her eyes in annoyance She said " Someone kill me now". She looks up at him as she is sitting in the wooden chair he is standing behind Carly and Dani's chairs Josh is standing beside him staring at Nicole his eyes scan her body she is wearing her black bathing suit top and short blue jean shorts.
I feel territorial as I see him checking her out Nicole rolls her eyes at him he winks at her and she flips him off Josh said " Oh feisty". Drew glares at him for flirting with her they have been dating for awhile now she sees Valerie her ex-girlfriend and smiles wickedly she walks over to her and stands behind her chair you can see Valerie tense up. Drew puts her hands on the back of the chair and looks down Valerie's red bathing suit top She said " That's a pretty top Val I always did love it when you wore red". she winks at Josh she is trying to make him jealous and it's working a little he scoffs. Sam is now feeling territorial She said " Step back Drew". She glares at Sam and puts her hand on Valerie's shoulder She said " Make me". Valerie jerks her shoulder out of Drew's grip Sam goes to move and Alexia grabs both of her shoulders pushing her back down in the chair She said " Easy there tiger". Sam jerks away from Alexia and stands up she has a beer bottle in her hand a bud light Sam said " Keep your damn hands off of me". Alexia grabs Sam's chin and said " You're so cute". Sam smacks her hand away Jesse said " You and your friends need to leave right now Mason". He said to Jane " I hear your birthday is tomorrow. what would you like?"
Jane said " For you to drop dead". He glares at her then said " I'll think of something. forty-six is gonna look damn good on you". he winks at her Ray snickers
" What are you gonna get her? a mobility scooter?" she imitates the sounds of a scooter her , Drew, Josh, Alexia and Katie bust out laughing hysterically Mason glares at them. Jane rolls her eyes at Ray's old lady joke Nicole gets up from her chair her eyes turned red she looks at all them and said " Beat it! or else." Mason glares evilly as he backs up the others laugh wickedly Josh and Drew get back on the jet ski he starts it up and floors it across the water Katie is on the jet ski waiting for Mason. He said " Watch your back bitches". he climbs on the jet ski and Katie holds onto to his waist as he starts it up he floors it across the water taking off Ray and Alexia get on their jet ski Ray starts it up and zooms across the water following Mason and Katie. Jesse said " So much for peace and quite". Nicole is standing behind her chair that is about three feet away from the water She said " God I hate them so much". we hear a jet ski traveling at a high rate of speed it's Mason he is alone as he is driving it he turns it quickly making a wave of water splash up and hit Nicole soaking her back the water goes into the fire putting it out she growls in frustration as Mason laughs wickedly speeding away.
Jane's P.O.V/ Later on that day at about 11:00pm Jesse and I are walking back from the fire pit after putting it out we walked through a small patch of woods that has about four or five big oak trees it is dark the only light is the security light that comes on when someone or something walks near it right when we got into the light we hear twigs snapping I stop so does Jesse next thing we know there is a sound that sounds like a spring and something falls down from the trees all over us we exclaim in surprise. the sound of evil laughter fills our ears as Mason and Josh pop out from behind the tree giggling childishly I shake the flour out of my hair Josh said " If you two could still breast feed the milk would be powder". he blows powder out of his hand and they both laugh hysterically. Jesse uses her Telekinesis to make their pants fall to down Mason looks at his pants down at his ankles then said " Jane if you wanted me to pull them down all you had to do was ask". I held my hand up and an energy beam started forming in my hand I said " Have you two ever heard of " The Snip"? they laugh wickedly then the laughter stops abruptly when they realize what I meant in medical terms it would be called a Vasectomy their eyes grew wide.
They turn around and try to take off running but with your pants down at your ankles it's difficult I shoot a medium voltage energy beam at the back of Mason's boxers it's enough to burn his butt. he exclaims in pain as he pulls up his pants I shoot one at Josh hitting him in the butt the beam zaps his butt cheek that is covered by his grey boxers he exclaims in pain and they scramble running off through the woods behind the cabin Jesse and I laugh at them. we walked up the stairs beside the garage and up on the front porch I open the door and we walk inside. the girls are sitting on the sectional couches Alex, Nicole, Riley and Lakein are sitting on the first one to the left Dani, Carly, Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam and Valerie are sitting on the second one in front of the bar they all giggle when they notice that something is in our hair. Nicole gets up from the couch Riley said " What happen to you two? did you get in a fight with Duff Goldman?" they all giggled at her baker joke Nicole wipes the flour off of my shoulder and said " It looks like you got into a fight with Pablo Escobar there is so much it almost looks like Cocaine". I said " It was Mason and Josh they rigged buckets of flour up in the trees then pulled ropes dumping it all over us".
Nicole rolls her eyes and said " That is so childish pulling pranks". I said " I threatened to shoot their dicks off with energy beams they were very close to have their first Vasectomy". they all laughed I continued " They got zapped on the butt cheek though". Jesse said " Little bastards". we walked in between the couches into the kitchen I walked over to the fridge and pulled out two bottled waters I handed Jesse one and we walked over to the basement door that leads down to a den. we turned right down a small hallway that has a door at the end I opened it and we walked inside our room we got into the shower the steam starts fogging up the big bathroom mirror above the double sinks the glass on the shower is fogged up it is a beautiful stand up shower big enough for two people to fit in comfortably and of course I have my glasses off I can see Jesse's face some what she is a bit blurred because of my vision I am farsighted which means I can see things far away but up close is blurry. she smiles at me with that beautiful smile of hers I said " God you are so beautiful". she blushes then said " Please miss turning forty-six at midnight. you are gorgeous and you certainly don't look your age at all". I smile at her I put my hands on her face and pull her into a soft kiss she kisses me back.
I easily put her back up against the cold shower wall she has her arms around my neck as we began to kiss passionately I run my hand down between her chest over her abs down between her legs where I start rubbing her clit she moans softly as she kisses me. there is alot of steam in the shower with us I can't even see my hand down there I use my power called Conjuration to make a seven inch strap on appear around my waist she can't see it I make her turn around with her back facing me. I use my foot to easily push her legs apart more I put my hand on her back pushing her against the wall more her cheek is on the wall I start kissing on the side of her neck softly she moans in anticipation I line it up with her opening and I easily push it inside Jesse whimpers softly at the pressure of the
penetration as it stretches her out I groan in pleasure feeling that I put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip and start thrusting into her slow and deep. she is moaning quietly until I pick up the pace thrusting fast and hard the skin
slaps a little Jesse moans " Ahh!! oh god".. I growl low in pleasure and increase the pace making the skin slap frantically She moans loud " Ahh!! Ahh!! Jane!..." I put my hand over her mouth muffling her she contracts around the strap on I said beside her ear " That's my girl". she whimpered loudly into my hand as she climaxed hard I feel her body relax.
Nicole's P.O.V/ That morning all of us woke up before my mom and Jesse we cooked breakfast for my mom's birthday pancakes and bacon we hear them coming up the stairs from the den. the door opens and they both walk into the kitchen we all say Happy Birthday to my mom at the same time I walk up to her and said " There's the birthday girl.. happy birthday mom I love you". She smiles at me then said " Thank you I love you too baby girl". we all sat down and ate afterwards Dani and Carly done the few dishes from the breakfast my mom and Jesse are sitting on the couch. Alex and I are standing in the kitchen She said " I have sort of a present for your mom all though it can't stay". I look confused Alex said " I have someone with me who wants to tell her happy birthday". I lost right now and she can tell she holds out her hand and a glass sphere appears in her hand and it lights up glowing with white lights inside it I'm stunned when I see it I said quietly " Alex is that my dad?" She said quietly " Yes and he wants to see you and her". I said quietly " How did you get that?" She said quietly " Since I'm a guardian angel I have access to them. should I let him out?" I said quietly " Yes I'd love to see him and I'm certain she would love to".
She puts it behind her back as Jesse and her get up from the couch they see us acting weird my mom and Jesse look at us. My mom said " What are you two up to?" we look at each other Alex said " I have someone who wants to wish you happy birthday". she looks interested then She said " Who?" Alex looks at me then she brings the sphere out from behind her back and it lights up glowing with white lights my mom is so stunned when she sees it so is Jesse. She said " Alex is that Jason?" She said " Yes and he would love to see you and Nicole". tears start falling from her eyes and she shakes her head yes for Alex to release him. she twists the sphere and it makes an unlocking noise a stream of white lights swirl out of it they swirl around my mom in a friendly manner then they stop right in front of her the white lights began to materialize into person but you can't tell if it is a man or woman yet my dad's face appears from white lights and the lights go down the rest of his body making it form he sees my mom and has the biggest smile on his face he is still a spirit which means he's see through then his body lights up and he becomes a real person. He said " Jane".. she has tears running down her face cause she is happy to see him.
She said " Please tell me that I'm not dreaming that you are real right now". He said as he grabs her hand putting it on his heart she gasp in surprise " I'm real for now". she pulls him into a hug holding him tightly with her arms around his broad shoulders he has his hands on her waist and his chin on her shoulder I can't stop crying cause I'm so happy to see him. he looks at her and wipes tears off her cheek she takes her glasses off wiping the tears off her other cheek My dad said " Happy birthday Jane". She puts her glasses back on and said " Thank you Jason it's great to see you". He said " It's great to you and my little girl". He looks at me I walk over to him and hug him he picks me up and I hold onto his shoulders hugging him like I'm a little girl again. he puts me down and He said " My little girl is all grown up now and off to college to be a police officer I'm so proud of you sweetie". He looks around then He said to my mom " Where's my boy?" he sees our tense looks My mom said " After you left Eric decided to go off on his own. he couldn't deal with just getting to know you for.. you to go all the sudden but he still calls me and lets me know he doing great he is out there finding himself".
He looks sad but he pulls out a small box out of his blue jean pocket He said " I promise it's not a ring". he sees the engagement ring on her finger from Jesse He said " Congrats on the engagement I'm so happy for you both". He opens the box and pulls out a thin gold chain that says Jane in cursive she turns around and he puts it on her. she turns back around she looks at it and said " Thank you very much Jason it is beautiful". He smiles then said " You're welcome". He looked at Jesse and held out his hand she shook it then he pulled her into a hug He said " Thank you for taking care of her and always being there for her when I couldn't". Jesse said " You're welcome I promised you I would I always will". white lights start swirling on him and he waves goodbye at all of us as he turns into that stream of white lights going back into the sphere and it makes a locking sound. Later on that day at about 4:00pm everyone is out around the campfire roasting marshmallows I realized I needed to check my phone I'm waiting for an email from Finway College so I can know what my classes and teachers I'm starting my first day there on August 12th I've got a lot of ahead of me to become a cop but it's worth it in the end. I walked through the door of the cabin and turned right up a small set of steps then I make a sharp turn up another set of steps I make my way down the hallway passing the other rooms to a door at the end of the hallway I open it and walk up the stairs into mine and Alex's room I walk around the bed on the left side I pick up my silver iPhone 5 off the night stand unlocking it with my thumbprint I see an email I click on it; it opens up my classes along with the names of my teachers and where their rooms are I close the app and lock my phone back sitting it back down on the night stand I make my way back downstairs I walk out of the front door and turn left going down the steps; the campfire is several feet away from the cabin so it take about three or four minutes to walk down there through a patch of woods nobody can see you until you come out of the woods. I had just entered the entrance of the woods there is a path that leads all the way to the campfire as I'm walking through the woods I hear the leaves rustling behind me I stop and look over my shoulder next thing I know I feel something wrap around my feet quickly then I feel my feet being jerked out from under me as my back hits the ground I feel my body being pulled up into the tree by the big rope I growl in frustration cause I am now hanging upside down like a bat.
I hear evil laughter as foot steps approach quickly I see Mason and Josh come around the big tree Mason has a look of disappointment on his face He said " Eww it's you". I glare at him and said " Yeah the sight of your faces makes me want to hurl now let me down". my grey shirt is coming down Josh looks up at my abs and winks at me I grab it before it shows my bra and tuck it into my blue jeans. Mason walks over to the rope and pulls out a knife right as he is about to cut it Josh said " Wait". Mason stops Josh walks up to me he is close to my face I try to move back but it's hard to He said " You have the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen". I said " Shouldn't you be saying that to Drew your girlfriend?" Josh said " She barely pays any attention to me she's still hung up on that bitch Valerie. I wish she was more like you". I said " Keep wishing asshole cause me and you are never gonna happen. I am gay when will you get that through that thick skull of yours". He gets closer to me his nose is inches away from mine I make a disgusted face at him Josh said " You wouldn't be gay after I'm done with you". he winks at me I laughed sarcastically then said " You think you can turn me straight? Channing Tatum couldn't turn me straight if he tried". Josh scoffs " He is a fag". I said " Then you two would be perfect for each other."
He glares at me for calling him gay I said " Now get the hell out of my face before I rip your lips off". I hear the rope snap and I fell to the ground on my back I raise up and cut the rope off my ankles with my nails Josh scoops my chin He said " Scoop!" I growl in frustration and take off running after him through the woods he is running pretty fast because he is using his power of superhuman agility like I am. I'm right on his heels almost right as I go to use my powers on him I feel ice cold water being dumped on my head I exclaim in surprise cause the water is so cold I had to stop then I feel something is falling onto me it's very dry I wipe my eyes and see flour on my hand then I see white feathers falling down on me they are sticking to the flour. I hear Mason and Josh's evil laughter carry through out the woods then I hear them making chicken noises I growl in anger I swing my fist punching a hole in a tree I make my way back to the campfire everyone was talking when they seen me everyone went silent My mom stood up from her chair and said " I see you ran into one of Mason's traps". I said as I wiped the flour off my shirt " Yeah he thought he had you". My mom said " I'm sorry he got you". I said " It's not your fault the guy is insane. since they want to play pranks like kids lets give them a taste of their own medicine".
At about an hour later at 5:00pm my mom and I snuck over to Mason's cabin while they were all inside we quietly walked up on the porch we ducked down and looked through the window they are all headed downstairs to the den their cabin is just like ours Ray was the last one down she closed the door behind her I looked over at the cabin door I see a piece of wood that sticks out it is nailed into the wood it looks like some kind of light use to be there I look down and see a pile of rope sitting in one of the chairs this is most likely the same rope Mason and Josh used for their pranks I see Cheyenne and Jenny walking towards the cabin. Cheyenne is carrying a medium sized bucket by the handle I told her to put Mustard in it they sneak up the stairs quietly she easily sits the bucket down on the porch my mom takes the rope and ties it to the handle of the bucket she then ties the other end of the rope to the door knob. I notice that I'm too short to sit the bucket up there on that piece of wood my mom isn't tall enough either I look back at Alex and the others standing behind a big bush right when you walk up to the cabin I. signal for her to come up on the porch with me and my mom she quietly walks up on the porch she picks the bucket up by the handle and holds the bottom of it as she carefully sits it up there Alex is 5"9' way taller than all of us.
We hear a door open in the cabin so we all very quickly and quietly walk back down to the big bush and hide behind it good thing it's big enough to hide all of us. I watch as the front door to the cabin comes open but instead of it being Josh or Mason it's Drew the bucket falls down and the mustard covers her head and it drips down on her black spaghetti tank top she exclaims in surprise as the bucket falls down on her head we all cover our mouths trying not to laugh too loud. evil laughter erupts as Mason , Josh and the others are laughing at Drew she growls and jerks the bucket off her head she looks back at them glaring because she is extremely pissed off now Josh said " Mustard monster!" they all bust out in more evil laughter we are all still laughing just not nearly as loud I step out from the bush and Drew sees me her eyes flare with anger I said " Well not what I predicted but it will work". Drew slams the bucket down on the porch and it rolls around behind her. She is so mad steam is coming out of her ears metaphorically speaking She said " The next thing I predict is.. your death bitch!!" she draws her hand back and starts shooting red energy bolts at me there are coming out of her hand rapidly.
I use my superhuman agility to dodge them quickly the others ducked down behind the bush Drew growls in frustration as they all miss me I throw my hand up and shoot an energy blast at her it hits her in the chest and she flies to the right off the porch into the lake water below well that washed off the mustard all the sudden she shoots up out of the water quickly jumping on me we fall to the ground with her on top of me she drew her fist back and punched me in the mouth blood flies out of my mouth. she grabs me by the throat and a fireball appears in her hand she is trying to shove it down my throat but I'm holding her arm back but she is very strong out of nowhere I see a big stream of fire going over my face and it hits Drew in the shoulder and throws her back several feet. I raise up and look back it was Valerie who did that she walks up in front of me as I stand up Drew stumbles up off the ground she look at her shoulder her skin is burnt and bleeding She said to Valerie " That's gonna be another scar from you like you haven't already done enough damage to me". Valerie said " Maybe if you would have at least tried to change and be good for once in your life I might have stayed with you but you couldn't do that then you go and fuck my best friend so fuck off Drew".
She looks at Sam who is now standing behind Valerie She said " It doesn't matter how hard you try and erase me I will always be there in the back of your mind." Valerie said " Go to hell where you belong". Drew said " Don't you see I'm already there I've been there for a long time maybe one day you will join me". she winks at Valerie She continued " This is far from over bitches watch out you never know when I just might pop up".

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now