The End Is Where We Began

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 19

P.O.V/ Jesse Roberts:

On Jane's birthday after the olive oil incident we were all sitting in the living room trying to figure out who has been behind these childish pranks and vandalism. Everyone was quick to blame Mason but we already knew that it wasn't him because Dani cleared him. Jane and the girls still don't trust him. When I stood up for him, Jane got upset and we got into an argument. We have had some but this one was worse because I'm going against my wife about Mason knowing what he did to her in the past. But something tells me that he has changed, the Mason we knew was vile and didn't care who he hurt to get what he wanted. I know it sounds crazy after all he has done but he saved me back at Kevyn's mansion, when the old him would have let me die. I'm just lucky Jane hasn't put me in the dog house.Today is July 4th so, I decided to have a party and shoot off some fireworks. I'm not letting the ones responsible for the vandalism ruin our party. Around 8pm, when it starts getting dark, everyone in the neighborhood starts shooting of their fireworks. Jane, Riley, Dani, Sam, Valerie, Alex, Nicole, Jenny, Cheyenne, Xander, Dana, Jacob and myself all enjoy the sights of others fireworks as well as shooting some of our own.
We are all standing out in the backyard behind the house. My backyard has plenty of space for everyone and more, with a big wooden fence surrounding the entire area. Most of the girls are standing on the lower level of my back porch, we've moved my outdoor table to the top level to have more sitting room. I'm standing out in the middle of the backyard with Xander and Jacob, while they hand me fireworks. Xander picks up a big rocket off a fold up table, he walks up and hands it to me. I have an empty metal bucket sitting on top of a flat piece of stone that is square shaped. I place the stick in first with the rocket pointing up at the sky, I use my black cigarette lighter to light the fuse. Xander and Jacob are standing several feet back in front of the wooden fence that goes around the backyard on the left side of the yard the firework table is on the right side of the yard a few feet away from fence I lit the fuse and took off running not as fast as I can and until I made it to Xander and Jacob the others are standing on the deck at the sitting area watching.
The rocket blasts off with white smoke flying out it soars high into the air followed by a loud explosion spraying out multiple colors we continue to shoot more fireworks until we get down to the last two one. It's a big one it shoots off twenty shots then there is one that just shoots out a big blast sort of like a big roman candle. Xander goes to get the big roman candle when all the sudden the twenty shot spontaneously starts shooting off into the air. Everyone runs and ducks for cover I ran and hit behind a tree that was about eight inches away to the right from where we were standing the others are safe on the porch Xander dives out the way. I see the big roman candle shaking on the table the fuse has been lit it falls over on the table and shoots out making a very loud bang it is headed straight for Jacob right as he is diving out of the way he isn't fast enough to escape it my heart drops. I take off dashing towards Jacob using my superhuman agility to accelerate across the slippery glass I jump high into the air diving towards him right as I grab a hold of him by the shoulders I pull him with me to the left directing him out of harm's way. The firework hits me in the shoulder missing Jacob it explodes on impact sending me flying backwards separating me from him as he hits the ground on his side sliding across the grass right beside Xander my back smacks into the wooden fence and I slide down it.
I instantly feel my skin burning I exclaim in pain Jacob and Xander are the first ones to me they are looking at the wound everyone else runs off the porch to us. They help me up and we all go inside they sit me down on the couch while Jane goes into the kitchen getting a washcloth she turns the water on and lets the cold water run over it. Riley is standing in front of me she sees the hole in my dark grey t-shirt from the firework she sees a bright red spot under the hole. She said " Do you have a tank top on under that shirt?" I said " No it's just a bra". Xander and Jacob look each other like uhh time to leave the room. Xander said " Me and Jacob will go down to the store for a drink". Jacob said " Yeah let's give Jesse some privacy". Jacob pulls out the keys to his car and Xander gives Dana a kiss He said " I'll be back in few minutes I love you". Dana said " I love you too you two be careful". Xander smiles at Dana as he walks down the small hallway the front door opens then closes.
After they leave Riley helps me pull my shirt off revealing my grey bra Jane is walking from the kitchen with the wet rag in her hand Riley said as she looked at the burn " Eww Mom that looks bad". I look down at my skin it is bright red with a few little blisters and a pink color with a ring around it showing my peeled skin it stings really bad. Jane said as she looked at the burn " That's a deep second degree burn it will scar bad". I can see the sympathy in Dani's eyes I'm sure she can feel my pain She said " I don't know how I could ever repay you for saving my Dad's life Jesse he could have been seriously injured by that firework tonight". I said " You don't have to he has been my friend for years I'm glad I got to him in time". a month goes by of peace and quiet I've been out with Riley, Sam, Valerie, Alex and Nicole getting things ready for my birthday party tomorrow we are hoping it will be a good one. Jane gets home from work later on that day about 6:30pm, Dani, Cheyenne and Jenny show up not long after her. We all gather in living room watching movies for the rest of the night we went to bed around midnight after the last movie.
Nicole's P.O.V/ I'm woken to loud knocking downstairs me and Alex slept in the guest room while Jenny and Cheyenne slept in the one beside us. I get up out of the bed Alex is sleeping on her side with her back to the door I notice I don't have a shirt on just a white sports bra I pick up my plain black tank top out of the floor beside the bed I tie the black strings on my sleep pants to keep them from falling down I glance at the clock as I open the bedroom door it's 7am. I make my way over to the steps right beside the room I walk down stairs as the knocking continues I grow a bit annoyed as I open the door the bright sun light blinds me as my eyes adjust I see a woman in her fifties looking at me with a concerned look on her face. I said " Is there something wrong Ma'am?" She said " I know I don't talk to you guys but I thought you should know that someone has sprayed paint a... uhhh oh god".. I said " What it is?" she is blushing bright red then said quietly " It's a penis". she continued speaking " And about five cars in the driveway have been damaged too". I feel my anger rising as I yell for my mom and Jesse " Mom!! Jesse!!!" the woman jumps in surprise at me yelling.
I hear footsteps upstairs I put my shoes on while everyone was coming down stairs Jesse walks from the stairs wearing a grey tank top with black basketball pants on, my mom is behind her wearing a navy blue t-shirt with grey basketball pants they both follow the neighbor lady with their shoes on around the left side of the house that is beside the woman's house I'm following them so is Alex and the others who are awake. my mom and Jesse's eyes widen when they see a giant penis painted on the siding of the white house with bright red paint the woman walks us to the cars parked in front of the garage Riley and Sam's are parked in front of the garage door they have both been smashed with something all of the windows are busted out and the tires are flat, Dani's white 2011 BMW M3 has been damaged all of the windows have been busted out and the tires are flat like Riley and Sam's the same has been done to mine and Jenny's. I'm so pissed so are the others about their cars the neighbor said " It must have happened last night sometime but I didn't hear a thing". Jesse said " I'll have to call some painters and a tow truck". the neighbor is studying my mom's face she gives the woman a weird look then said " Is there something on my face?" She said " Forgive me I wasn't trying to be rude and stare but I've always wondered what skin products you use?"
We all try not to laugh as the woman asked the weird question My mom said " I don't use anything actually". the woman said " You don't? aren't you in your forties?" My mom smiled at us and said " Yeah I just turned forty- eight in June". the woman has this look of shock on her face like she doesn't believe her. She said " How do you look so much younger than me? I'm only five years older than you". My mom said " I don't know that is weird". we all walked inside my mom closed the door and locked it. Jesse said " Ignore Betty she has always been nosy that's why I haven't talked to her much in the eighteen years I've lived here all though I think she's a bit envy of your youth". My mom said " Well before I was a vampire I always appeared younger I guess now that I'm immortal I look even younger". I said " That's because she has aged like milk and you aged like wine". Jesse winks at my mom and said " A fine wine". I giggle at Jesse they go take a shower together in the bathroom in their room while Alex and I took one in the hallway bathroom after we got out of the shower and came down stairs Jesse was on the phone with the painting company while my mom was on the phone with the towing company.
While they were making phone calls Riley and Dani went to take a shower together they got out about twenty minutes later. they walked down stairs dressed there is a knock at the door Jesse goes and answers it. It's a man in his forties with a clipboard in his hand with a dark grey work shirt on that has his name sewed on it " Dave" He said " Dave's towing are you Erica or Jesse?" She said " I'm Jesse". He said " I have four other tow trucks coming for the other vehicles I'll need the names of the drivers.. Okay the red 2005 Chevy Cobalt". Riley said " That's my car my name is Riley Roberts". He writes her name on the paper attached to the clipboard He said " Birthday?" She said " February 23, 1995". He said " the black 2005 Chevy Cobalt". Sam said " Me, my name is Samantha Roberts and my birthday is the same as Riley's". He writes her name down then said " the silver 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS". I said " That's me, my name is Taylor Porter and my birthday is November 18, 1994". he writes my name down then said " I love your car by the way it's beautiful". I said " Thank you it was my Dad's". He said " Nice". He continues " The white 2011 BMW M3". Dani said " Me, my name is Danielle Patterson and my birthday is May 3,1995". He said " Last one, the black 2014 Range Rover supercharged". Jenny said " Mine, my name is Jennifer Lawson and my birthday is April 1, 1996".
He wrote Jenny's name then said " Okay we'll get those cars to the body shop ladies". Jesse picks up her wallet off the island and pull out her gold MasterCard it's a luxury card with no limit which means you can spend as much as you want but you would need great credit to own one and Jesse is a registered nurse so she makes a lot of money. She said as she handed the man her card " I'll pay to fix all the cars". I said " Jesse you don't have to do that". Dani said " You don't I could get my Dad to pay for mine". Jenny said " My uncle would pay for mine". Jesse said " Hush I'm paying to get your cars fixed". Valerie goes with him to where ever he's taking the cars to get them fixed to watch our cars. the painting company arrives not too long after the last tow truck tows Jenny's car away. The painting company is called Kaufman painting Jane leaves her gold MasterCard with Sam, Jenny and Cheyenne so they can pay the painters to paint the entire house blue. Meanwhile me, Jesse, Mom, Alex, Riley and Dani go to find Drew and Josh. We've been looking for them for weeks now Jacob spotted them at the Starbucks downtown in the old city.
We all teleported there because it was faster. We teleported into a wooded area Jesse and the others follow me as I walk out of the woods that is located directly behind the coffee shop. I walk around the building and stand in front an outdoor patio where I can see Drew and Josh is the window drinking a cup of coffee together. I said to the others " Wait here I'll tell them to come outside". I walk around the railing and up to the door I pull the handle opening the door as I walk inside Josh's eyes are on me as he sees me approaching them. he smiles evilly, Drew looks back at me with an evil glare Josh takes a sip of his latte and then said as he sits the cup on the table " What brings you here Nicole?" I said as I tried not to smack that smug look off his face " Come outside we need to talk". He winks at Drew then said to me " Just the two of us?" I rolled my eyes and said " No Drew is coming too". He said " You hear that Drew she wants you to join us?" She smiles wickedly as her eyes scan me then said " She does". she winked at me afterwards I roll my eyes and said " Just follow me".
They get up from the metal chairs and follow me outside with the others we take them to the wooded area to talk to them in private. Josh looks around the woods and said " Pretty stupid to bring us here don't you think?" I said " Shut up. are you two the ones vandalizing our cars and Jesse's house?" they look lost Josh said " Why would I mess with your car? that sounds lame I'd mess with you before I would a car". Drew said " I haven't seen you guys in year since the cabin. remember the mustard bitch?" we laugh quietly Josh fake coughs and said while faking a cough " Mustard monster". Drew glares at him and shoves him a little he laughs evilly. I said " I don't believe you". Josh said " We told you the truth". I said to Dani " Check them see if their lying". Dani looks hesitant but she does it anyway Josh holds out his hand and she grabs it closing her eyes for a second or two she opens them then said " He's telling the truth". Drew smiles wickedly as she holds out her hand Dani looks at her weird as she touches her hand she has her eyes closed for a second Drew smirks. Dani opens her eyes quickly and jerks her hand out of Drew's. Dani said " Hey! there will be none of that!" Drew laughs wickedly. Riley steps up beside Dani glaring at Drew. She said " What did she do?" Dani said " She asked me to have sex with her". Riley said " You wish bitch". Josh said " Why don't you go ask Mason? seems like something he'd do. now I think of it I haven't seen him in months". we teleported back to Jesse's house where Sam, Jenny and Cheyenne are. we teleported into the living room where we found it trashed things are pulled out and strung everywhere the three of them are out cold in the floor.
Jesse rushes over to Sam and gets down on her knees beside her shaking her. She said " Sam wake up. Sam!" she feels her pulse and sighs in relief she is alive. Jenny and Cheyenne are too Sam starts waking up she opens her eyes and said in a sleepy tone " Mom??" Sam raises up and sees Jenny and Cheyenne passed out in the floor. Jesse said " What happened?" she helps Sam up and sits her down on the couch she looks into Sam's eyes as she is trying to focus. Jesse said " Sam are you high?" she shakes her head trying to pull herself together. Sam said in that sleepy tone " No I just don't feel right". Alex is looking at Jenny and Cheyenne they are on the couch beside Sam. Alex said " Jenny is like Sam but Cheyenne was knocked unconscious". Jesse said " This is crazy how the hell did this happened? are the painters still outside?" my mom is over at the island she picks up a medicine vile off the counter and said " This is the reason why Jenny and Sam are like that. they have been drugged". Jesse looks at vile and exclaims She said " Someone gave them liquid Hydrocodone." My mom said " That vile came from the hospital". Riley walks in from outside and said " The painters must have to a lunch break cause they are not out there but there is a new message on the house".
Jesse exclaims in anger She said " Seriously!!??" she follows Riley outside so do me and Alex while my mom and Dani stay with Sam, Jenny and Cheyenne. We go around the house and it says in bright red letters strike out with Drew and Josh? Jesse said " I swear when I find out who has done this their ass is mine!" We go back inside and my mom has a cold rag wiping Sam's face with it trying to wake her up. Cheyenne is awake doing the same to Jenny. Jesse starts crying in anguish as she looks at them like that She said as she cried " I can't stay in this house tonight there is too much going on"... I said " Come stay the night at mine and Alex's house for the night". So Jesse has to pay the painters again to repaint the whole house. Me, Alex, Mom and Jesse go to mine and Alex's house while Cheyenne took Jenny to Dani's house along with Dani, Riley, Sam, Valerie. Jesse's P.O.V/ I wake up that morning about 5am with Jane she had to go into work my birthday was a disaster but I was with Jane and the girls that's all that matters. I'm going crazy trying to figure out who has been doing these things to us this was the last straw they wrecked my house, my car and drugged my daughter and her friend this is war.
I called Mason before I left Alex and Nicole's house and asked him if he would help me finish cleaning up the inside of the house. I walk to my house which about fifteen minutes away from their house I pull my keys out of my pocket as I'm walking up on the porch. I put the key in the deadbolt unlocking it I open the door going inside. I walk into the kitchen and pull out a bottle of water out of the fridge I twist the cap off taking a drink I toss my keys on the counter and sit the bottle down. As I'm cleaning up I see pictures of me, Riley and Sam on the wall the glass has been smashed. I hear something from upstairs making a thumping noise I stop and walk upstairs I'm the only one here. I make my way up the stairs and check all the rooms but nobody is here so I go back down stairs as I'm going down the stairs I hear them creak behind me I stop and look back but nothing is there. I start to go down the stairs when I feel hands on my back all the sudden I'm being shoved forward down the rest of the way. I hit the floor flat on my stomach I lose my breath and exclaim in pain I hear an evil laugh carry out through the house that gives me the creeps I know that laugh anywhere.
His voice echos in my ears " Jesse did you not like my art work on the house?" he laughs wickedly after saying that I stumble up holding my ribs on the left side I said " Brandon you asshole!! come out and face me stop being a bitch!" He said " Very well then". he appears in front of me from being invisible I said " It was you the whole fucking time!!?? you drugged your own daughter how could you do that to her!!" Brandon said " Because you left me!!! you and that bitch Jane turn my girls against me! and if I can't have you guys then nobody will!!!" I said " It was twenty fucking years ago! get over it you big baby! I left you because you couldn't stop putting your hands on me!!" Brandon pulls out a metal stake out from behind his back and lunges at me I catch the stake pushing it away from me. As we struggle with the stake he brings his knee up hitting me in the ribs I yell out in agony as I hit the ground on my back. Brandon jumps on top of me and thrust the metal stake towards me I catch it again with both hands forcing it back he growls in anger trying to push it in my chest.
All the sudden the front door comes flying open and I hear running I look up at Mason standing beside the island. Brandon looks back at him he grabs me by the throat and pulls me up to my feet he has the stake in one hand and his other hand on my throat choking me I feel the pressure from his hand. Mason said " Get your fucking hands off her!" Brandon said " Make me bitch! after I kill her I'm gonna kill Jane just so you can watch then your next wolfie!" Mason's eyes turn yellow orange and he lunges into the air high. he jumps on Brandon knocking him down and I hit the ground on my back they start struggling but Brandon breaks free and starts swinging the stake at Mason. he dodges the swings and punches Brandon in the jaw I hear his jaw bone crack he hits the ground on his back and Mason gets behind him putting him in a choke hold he takes Brandon's head and just twists it violently I hear the brutal sound of his neck snapping. Brandon just falls back on the floor lifeless. Mason just stares down at him he then rushes over to me his eyes went back to normal.
He said in a panicked tone " Jesse I'm so sorry I wasn't here yet". I smack him across the face and it gets his attention. I said " Stop it's not your fault". he helps me up and I look down at Brandon's dead body I move him with my foot he's dead weight he's dead for sure. Mason said as he looked down at the body " I'm sorry you had to see me do that". I said " No you did the right thing he was gonna kill me and everyone else he was the one behind the vandalism. he had the power to turn himself invisible but it's all over now that he is gone for good". the body starts disappearing into thin air like Brandon Wilson never existed at all. Jane comes home early from work because I called and told her everything that happened that it was Brandon who done all those things and that Mason vanquished him for good. Jane's P.O.V/ After I listen to what Jesse told me I can't believe that Brandon is gone for good and I see Mason standing over by the sink in the kitchen he is thinking hard about something he looks at me and walks up to me I'm standing just outside the kitchen. He has this nervous look in his eyes as he approaches me. Mason said " Can I talk to you alone?" I look at Jesse and she gives me a look like trust him I said " Yeah sure".
We walk outside on the front porch he takes his hand off his head and said as his eyes teared up " I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for what I done to you in the past.. It was horrible and you should have vanquished me a long time ago.. I guess growing up without parents I twisted the mother image in my mind and made it sexual and I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart you didn't deserve that..I just hope you can forgive me one day". I am stunned at this side of him that I've never seen he really has changed I said " It's gonna take some time but I will forgive you but I want ever forget it". Mason said " I don't expect you to forgive me overnight". he sees the M scar from the brand that he did to me last year it was a magical burn it will never go away. Tears fill his eyes He said " I'm really sorry I did that". I look at the scar I said " I've learned to live with it. I'm thinking about getting a tattoo there to cover it up". He said " Yes do that so you never have to be reminded of the old me.. I've always wanted a mother like you Jane you are so amazing with your kids and your grand daughter I wished Diana was a good mother maybe if she was like you then maybe I wouldn't have turned out the way I did. if both of my parents were good I would have been". I said " We don't get to choose our families unfortunately". Mason said " Well I guess I better go". he walks down the steps and I said " Where is it that you live?"
Mason said " Where ever I can". I feel bad for him I had no clue he was homeless all though now that I'm realizing he wears the same outfits. He said " Maybe you'll forgive me before my birthday". I said " When is your birthday?" He said " October 12th I'll be twenty". he walks away waving by to me. two months later it's October 11th the day before Mason's birthday he has been coming over and hanging out with us more. the girls and me are getting to like him more now he hasn't shown any evil since Christmas and he's gaining our trust more especially mine and I want to help him. there is a knock at the door I walk up and open it there stood Mason I said " Hey come in". he follows me into the living room where the girls are and Jesse he looks at all of us and said " What's going on ladies?" I pull an envelope out of the back pocket of my jeans and hand it to Mason. He looks at it and I said " Open it". Jesse is standing beside me he opens it and pulls out a stack of money 4 grand his eyes widen at the amount of money. He said " What is this for?" I said " It's your money to start college". his eyes tear up a little He said " I can't accept this that's a bunch of money".
I said " Hush we want to help you Mason." He said " After all I've done to you guys?" I said " That's all in the past now". Jesse said " Ancient history". I said " Follow us upstairs". we lead him upstairs to the extra bedroom where Jesse opens the door. it is now filled with things for a young man his age a bed, TV etc. he walks in the room with us and he starts crying as he looks around. He said " Is this my room?" I said " Yes but under one condition. you follow our rules in the house number one rule absolutely no drugs in the house, two respect our house and everyone in it especially me and Jesse, three if you bring a girl over be safe when you have sex". Jesse and I giggle he blushes then said " Yes ma'am I understand I don't how I could ever repay you two for being so good to me". I said " You just continue to be the Mason you were always meant to be cause I think the new Mason is a wonderful young man that is gonna go far in life". he cries happy tears as I pull him into a hug the first hug I've ever given him he hugs Jesse after me. we walk back down stairs and the girls have made a sign that says Welcome home Mason. Riley and Sam are holding both ends of the sign as Dani and Valerie are standing beside them Dani walks over to Mason and puts her hand on his shoulder she is checking his emotions. She opens her eyes and said " You are good now Mason." He said " It feels so good to hear you say that Dani". she pulls him into a hug.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now