Never Be The Same

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 11

P.O.V/ Carly Stevens:

It has been three days since my mom was murdered in the Peterson Hotel and what none of knew was; Kaley the receptionist/ owner was really Kelly Davidson the woman who magically disguised herself to look like a different person so she could trick my parents into being their surrogate so I could be born because my mom couldn't carry me full term. they were six months into the surrogate process when the woman reveals her true identity my parents were horrified when they found it was Kelly the whole time she said that she just wanted to help them bring me into this world but they knew she only did this to get back at my dad for leaving her a single parent at eighteen back in 1985 when Kelly gave birth to Kevyn my dad was only seventeen; he was young and it scared him when he realized that Kelly wasn't human like him that she was this evil and vile creature called a demon. my mom hadn't seen Kelly in seventeen years so she didn't recognize her and Jane hadn't seen Kelly since 1985 that's twenty-eight years that's why she couldn't remember her either.
I just wish I would have found out sooner that Kaley was Kelly if I had then maybe my mom would still be alive I have nothing left anymore both of my parents are now dead I have no other siblings, my aunts, uncles and cousins have never done anything for me or my parents they basically stopped having any contact with us after I turned eleven years old all I have left is Dani and the others they are the closest thing to family. after my mom died I almost went into foster care but Jacob stepped up and faught to get me Emancipated because he couldn't adopt me like he did Cheyenne; the only reason he was able to was because Cheyenne's dad abandon her leaving her with his sister after he killed her mom. so now I'm in charge of myself as if I were already eighteen Jacob let me move in with him, Dani and Cheyenne because I can't stay in my mom's house she didn't own the house she was making mortgage payments; a mortgage is a loan the bank gives you and you pay rent basically so the house is being sold by the bank because they own it.
I didn't have the money to bury my mom because I work in the mall at a clothing store; Aeropostale so Jacob, Jesse, Jane and Jenny's aunt & uncle all pitched in to help bury her today I don't what think, I don't know what to feel all I feel is numb my mom was only forty-five years old that was too young they say the day of your mom's funeral is the day you realized you have lost your best friend it's true so I'm gonna say this cherish that woman everyday of your life, love her and respect her you may hate her at sometimes, think she's ruining your life, not letting you do what ever you want and if she's telling you not to do something then you probably shouldn't do it mother knows best please love both your parents while they are still here cause once they are gone that's it. I had just got done getting dressed for the funeral I'm wearing a thin black high-neck tuxedo fit & flare dress it comes to the middle of my thighs I stand in front of the white dresser that has a mirror attached to the back of and brush my light brown hair it has blonde highlights through it I can't believe that I'm burying my mom today things are never gonna be the same without her.. I will never be the same..
I lay the brush down on the dresser and I just look at myself in the mirror my reflection starts talking to me like it is another me " You know what you want Carly. you want to make Kelly pay for killing your mother the only way to stop her is to let me out stop suppressing me". I said to the reflection " There's no way in hell I'm ever letting you out again you nearly killed Dani". The reflection said " But you've been lying to the others they think that your demon side is gone they think the exorcism worked. can you live with that the rest of your life knowing that you can turn evil again and kill someone? you could kill Dani. do you really want that?" I said " That's never gonna happen I will kill myself before YOU ever had the chance to hurt anyone I love including Dani you are not going anywhere if you come out I will kill us both". the reflection laughed evilly then said " Don't underestimate me Carly". I walked away from the mirror headed towards the door. I open it and walk out into the hallway where I run into Dani coming up the stairs in a beautiful female tuxedo with a black blazer and dark blue jeans.
She has been crying. everyone has for the past three days they all knew my mom pretty well and loved her just as much me Dani said " Are you ready?" I said " I'm as ready as I will ever be". I feel tears fall from my eyes Dani pulls me into a hug and I cry in agony on her shoulder I said through tears " I miss her so much it hurts".. Dani said through tears " I'm so sorry baby".. we walked down the stairs and outside to Dani's white BMW. we get inside and she starts it up I'm looking out the window feeling so lost my evil side is right I should tell Dani that the exorcism didn't work but I don't want her to have to worry about that it's suppressed and not coming out. she pulls out of the driveway following her Dad's white 2011 Mercedes Benz C300 we follow him all the way there; Holbrook Cemetery this where my dad, Alex, Jenny's parents and Lakein's parents are buried my mom is being buried right beside my Dad with her own headstone. Dani parks the car in the parking lot next to her Dad's. she turns the car off and we get out the same time Jacob gets out of his car we all make our way over to the grave site.
As we are walking over I see the black tent set up over the burial area, I see people standing on the left side out a few feet away from the tent. the pallbearers are bringing the casket down from the hearse; Jacob is carrying the coffin along with Jenny's uncle Jim, Eric and a male police officer friend of Jim's; I see Alex,Riley,Sam,Jesse and Cheyenne they are wearing the same female tuxedo with blue jeans like Dani then I see Nicole, Jane, Lakein, Valerie and Jenny wearing the same dress as me we all planned to dress the same outfits Jacob is wearing a male tuxedo. I walk up and stand beside Lakein I see her emerald green eyes filled with tears the preacher begins his speech " Receive the lord's blessing, the lord bless you and watch over you. the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, the lord look kindly on you our sister Kimberly and give you peace; in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit..Amen.." Everyone walks away from the casket as the burial workers take down the tint I'm standing just a few feet back when they walk away I walk up to the casket while it's still on the burial vault I lay a red rose on top the casket I watch as a worker releases the hand break and the casket slowly lowers it's self into the ground I watch until it lays on the ground gently and I walk away.
Dani drove us back to her house where we layed in her bed I layed my head on her shoulder I just cried in agony as she held me in her arms all night as I cried myself to sleep. we woke up that morning about seven thirty I have to be at work at eight Dani told me I should stay home for a few days but I insisted that I needed to go to keep my mind busy so Dani drove me to work anyway she parked her car in the parking garage and walked me to the clothing store I work at. we run into Lakein and Riley going to the phone store that is right beside my work; Lakein has worked there for six months since she turned eighteen I feel my evil side slowly trying to take me over but I'm fighting it with all I've got left but I getting weaker the more I fight it Dani sees a strange look in my eyes. She said " Are you alright baby?" I lie " Yeah I just feel a little tired". Dani puts her hand on my cheek she looks into my eyes then said " Just call me if you need me". I said " I will". Lakein is standing next to me she puts her arm around me She said to Dani " I'll watch out for her".
Dani gives me a soft kiss on the lips she starts to pull away but I put my hand on the back of her head and pull her into a deep kiss she holds onto my waist kissing me back. She smiles at me then said " I love you so much baby girl". I'm trying not to cry as I say " I love you too Dani". Riley gives Lakein a kiss; I watch as Riley and Dani walk away headed towards the exit that leads out to the parking garage Lakein gently pats my back and walks into the phone store. As I watch Dani walk away I feel tears run down my face I said quietly to myself " Goodbye my sweet Dani.. I hope you know how much I love you.. I should have told you the truth but it's too late".. I hear that evil voice inside my head laugh evilly then say " It's over witch you belong to me now say goodbye to everything you've ever known from here on I run this show you are nobody. don't worry you want feel a thing". I feel this cold ominous chill come over my body. Lakein's P.O.V/ I'm in the phone store and I notice Carly still standing outside in front of the stores her body language is strange then I see her slowly turn her head looking straight at me her hazel green eyes glow red and she glares at me evilly I feel this really bad feeling come over me that Carly has turned evil again.
I watch her as she walks away from the store I look back at my boss then I look back at Carly walking away I leave my store without my boss knowing and I follow Carly from far away so she doesn't know I'm onto her I follow her through the parking garage but I stay a good distance back she takes the stairs all the way to the bottom; the ground floor I finally make it down the stairs a little winded because I smoke I quietly open the staircase door and I peek out I see Carly walking towards a door that says basement restricted area authorized access only she opens the door and goes inside. I walk across the parking lot all the way over to the door I look around the garage there isn't anyone around so I quietly open the door and go inside when you first walk in there is a dim light bulb up on the short ceiling with a metal pull chain hanging I looked down a dark metal set of stairs. I slowly make my way down the stairs the room is just as dark as the stairs I faintly see a huge generator in the middle of the room it powers the entire mall all the sudden the lights come on and there standing in front of me just a few feet back is Carly staring at me with an ominous grin on her face.
She said " You're not as sneaky as thought you were. what are you doing down here Lakein?" I said " Confirming my suspicions". Carly said with sarcasm " And what exactly are those " suspicions" Lakein?" I said " That you've turned evil again looks like Alex's exorcism didn't work and suppressed your demon side". Carly claps then said sarcastically " Very good job you figured it all out now only if you can live to tell the others that Carly is gone forever and you are joining her. you should have just minded your business Lakein". a fireball appears in her hand and she slings it at me I sling my arm at it using my telekinesis to send it back at her she ducks and hits the wall behind her I said " If anyone understands what it's like to have evil growing inside of you it's me! that feeling you can't stop. come on Carly! you are good deep down inside and you know that! you are nothing like Kelly and Kevyn! don't let them win you can fight this you are stronger than them!!" her eyes turned red and She yelled in a demonic voice " Carly isn't here anymore!! she's never coming back!!!!" she lunges forward quickly jumping on me knocking me down to the ground she is straddling my waist.
She punches me in the jaw I feel blood fly out of my mouth a dagger appears in her hand and she plunges it down towards me I caught her arm stopping the knife it is inches away from my heart I struggle to keep her arm back even though I still have Superhuman strength she is alot stronger than me by alot of force I kick her off of me and she flies back hitting the ground on her stomach I stumble up and look she is gone my eyes scan the room all the sudden I feel a huge sharp pain right through my heart I look down at an arm through my chest I see Carly's glowing red eyes staring me down evilly as I immediately lose the air in my lungs I can feel it I'm dying and I can't talk without air She said " No hard feelings Lakein you gave me no choice". as I struggle to breathe I feel blood pouring out my chest wound and blood going down my chin I choke out " They..'ll.. fff..ind.. yyy..ou..". she pulls her arm out of me and I hit the ground on my knees she looks back at the generator then grabs me slinging me into the generator my back smacks it.
Dani's P.O.V/ I'm in the mall with Riley because we got a call from Carly and Lakein's bosses saying they never showed up for work we were talking to them when all the sudden the lights went out. Riley and I knew something was very wrong so we made our way through the darkness of people and called Alex we met out in the parking garage with her and Nicole we are on the second floor. I said to Alex " Carly and Lakein are missing their bosses said they never showed up for work and for some reason all the power went out in the mall." Alex closes her eyes trying to sense Carly and Lakein then she opens them quickly She starts teleporting and we all follow her. she teleports into the basement we smell smoke Alex holds out her hand and several balls of white lights come out and float up to the ceiling making the entire room light up when it does Riley screams in horror as we all see Lakein laying on the ground on her stomach I feel my heart drop as Riley frantically runs over to her and turns her over there is a huge hole in her chest that goes through her back she has been electrocuted as well.
Riley screams and cries in agony as she realizes that Lakein is dead and she can't be saved; she is on her knees laying her head on Lakein's stomach sobbing Nicole gets down on her knees and puts her hand on Riley's back she turns around and puts her face into Nicole's shoulder still crying in agony Riley stops crying all the sudden she looks down at the wound on Lakein's chest then she looks dead at me. I said " What is it?" Riley stands up and walks over to me She said " There is only one person who could have done that and where is she nowhere to be found I find that very suspicious". she said that with sarcasm I said as my anger rose " Wait?! you are blaming Carly for that there is no way she could have done that she isn't evil anymore!" Riley said " Why don't you see for yourself!!" she grabs my arms holding onto to me and it sends me into a premonition because she touched Lakein I see Carly walking away from her job and Lakein follows her without her knowing until they reach the basement where Carly confronts her for following her then Lakein confronts her about turning evil again. turns out the exorcism didn't work and Carly suppressed her evil side until it completely took her over.
They get into a fight where Carly drives her hand through Lakein's chest mortally wounding her. Carly's eyes turned red as she stared Lakein in the eyes she pulls her hand out of her chest and Lakein just drops to her knees Carly looks back at the generator then she just grabs Lakein throwing her into it. where it electrocutes her to death and the lights go out I exclaim in fear as I come out of the premonition sobbing She said " Now tell me she didn't do it!!! Carly murdered Lakein!!! and she lied to all of us about the exorcism!! when I find her I'm vanquishing her evil ass once and for all!!!" Riley shoves me back in anger I shove her back she draws her fist back punching me in the mouth I hit my back on the ground she jumps on top of me and starts punching me until Alex and Nicole break us up. Nicole grabs Riley in a bear hug Alex has my arms pinned behind my back I look over cause I see purple energy appearing Jesse and Jane sensed the chaos then Jesse sees Lakein's lifeless body and she drops to her knees crying in agony as she holds Lakein in her arms Jane sobs on her knees beside Jesse we told them all what happened to catch them up.
We all teleport back to Jesse's house after telling the police when they showed up that we found Lakein like that. the police saw the wound on her chest but were confused on how Lakein died so the ruled it as unknown after the others telling me that Carly is gone I didn't want to believe it but I have to she really is gone and she can't be saved this time she took someone's life that makes her evil forever. so we all ruled that evil Carly needs to be vanquished I can't stop crying we are about to kill my girlfriend of four years I'm losing the love of my life nobody can ever replace her I'm never gonna be the same without her. we wait for her because we know for sure she will show up here to take us all out. about twenty minutes later flames start swirling in the middle of living room and there appeared Carly she glares at all of us evilly her eyes are blood red I can see it in her eyes the woman I knew and loved is gone. She said as she laughed evilly " Ready to vanquish me I see." I walk towards her away from the others Riley said " Dani get back!" I ignore her and look down at Carly.
I said as tears streamed down my face " Carly I know you are in there some where deep down inside.. please come back to me I can't lose you baby..." Evil Carly said " It's too late witch she's never coming back you are wasting your ti.." she stops talking all the sudden and I see her eyes switch to hazel green it's the real Carly She said as she sobbed " Dani I'm so sorry I didn't tell you the truth about the exorcism... I wanted to be good for you so I suppressed my evil side.. but I can't live with what I've done.. I killed Lakein.. my own friend a living human being I just hope you can forgive me"... I said as I sobbed " Please.. we can get through this..I need you so much I love you more than anything".. Carly sobs as she said " And I will always love you and hopefully one day you will understand why I have to do this".. a red force field surrounds Carly I banged on it and yelled " Carly!!!!!" she holds out her hand and a potion appears in her hand that is dark red like blood she smashes it on the ground at her feet and flames started swirling at her feet. I yelled " NOOOOOOO!!!!!" her whole body engulfs in flames as the force field comes down.
Carly looks up at the ceiling and screams in defeat she looks at me one last time then she explodes into flames causing a huge blast that sends all of us flying back into the kitchen I stumble up and I see a huge hole in the ceiling and a big black burn in the floor where she was standing I dropped to my knees screaming and crying in extreme agony. I have my face in my hands crying Carly is dead now and I have nothing left I just watched my girlfriend vanquish herself to save all of us from her.

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