The Demon Beneath My Skin

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 4

P.O.V/ Carly Stevens:

Two months have passed since Dani and I vanquished Adrian it is May 4, 2013 Today is Dani's eighteenth birthday I will be seventeen next year; she is a year
and eight months older than me; she was also held back a grade she is suppose to be a grade ahead of me good thing she doesn't have to worry about Adrian
crashing another birthday like she did the last one. it really scared me when Dani was evil because she was so powerful even Nicole couldn't take her Dani's power to channel into others' powers and take control of them like they are hers is very strong that is what makes her so dangerous it just made it worse when she was evil. Lakein's birthday is May 3, 1995 she is a day older than Dani so Jacob and Jesse have decided to have their parties on Dani's birthday a double birthday party Lakein literally has no family left since her parents died; the rest of her so called family abandon her so we are her family even though her and Riley are dating Jesse is the closest thing that Lakein has to a mom. I woke up at 6:00 am I got dressed for school and I teleported over to Dani's house at 6:30 am I teleported into the kitchen Jacob is standing at the island in the middle of the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.
He sees me appear from the flames and he exclaims in surprise spilling a drop of coffee on the island counter I said " I'm sorry Jacob I didn't mean to scare you". He smiles softly then said " It's okay Carly. I'm still getting use to you being able to teleport". I hear foot steps coming down the stairs Dani comes around the corner she is smiling at me I said " I almost gave your dad a heart attack". She said " You teleported in front of him again didn't you?" I said " Yeah I didn't realize he was in here". Dani giggles softly Jacob's white iPhone 5 dings it's a text message he sits his coffee cup down on the counter. He said " Follow me outside ladies". Dani and I follow him through the living room he opens the front door he stops on the front porch He said " Now Dani I want you to close your eyes while Carly helps you down the stairs". she closes her eyes I take her hand helping her down the three steps that lead down to the small sidewalk I lead her to the driveway I see obviously a car but it has a black sheet over it so you can't tell what kind of car it is. Jacob walks over to it and grabs the sheet He jerks the sheet off then said " Okay now open your eyes". Dani opens her eyes and there sat a white 2011 BMW M3 beautiful car.
Dani is stunned she looks at her dad He said " Happy Birthday Baby Girl". She walks up to the car looking at it She said " Whoa I can't believe you got me a BMW.. it's so beautiful thank you Daddy". she pulls him into a hug her head rests on his shoulder Jacob is 5"7' they look at each other He pulls the keys out of the front pocket of his black dress pants he is wearing a suit and tie because of his job as a Personal injury lawyer he has to dress professional and he makes a lot of money way more than my mom or Jesse and Jane. My Mom is an accountant; Jesse and Jane are nurses they make a lot too but he makes more than all three of them. He said " Since you've had your learner's permit you can now drive to school but if you want to go anywhere else you have to have someone who is eighteen or older with a driver's license". She said " Okay I will. Nicole, Riley and Sam are eighteen with driver's license even though they don't have their own cars yet". Jacob said " Y'all have a good day I will see you later after school Jesse, Jane and Kim are gonna be helping me set up your party". Dani and I got in her new car we put our seat belts on she puts the key in the ignition switch turning it the car starts up Dani revs the engine up a little the car roars she hits the button to make the window come down.
Jacob smiles He said " That's my girl.. be careful sweetie I love you". She said " I love you too Dad.. thank you so much". He said " Your Welcome baby". She puts the car in drive and pulls out of the driveway she drives the car past her house and turns the corner to go onto the next road as she drives she is looking at me I'm just staring out the front windshield lost in my thoughts the demonic powers I have now do still scare me I guess the blood that Kevyn's mom injected me with when I was little has made me develop these powers I'm really scared that I'm turning into a demon. I feel Dani put her hand on my thigh it pulls me out of my thoughts I look over at her She said " Are you alright?" I'm not sure if I am but I don't want to worry her I said " Yeah I'm okay". she drives the rest the way to our school which it is about fifteen minutes away from her house. she pulls into the school going up the hill Cheyenne and the others are waiting for us in the Senior and Junior parking lot Dani got me to call them so they can meet us up there to see her new car she turns left beside the football field and the courtyard going up the small hill to the parking lot.
We see Cheyenne, Jenny, Riley, Lakein, Sam, Valerie and Nicole standing in the grass beside the parking lot Dani pulls into the parking spot that is next to them. she turns the car off pulling the key out of the switch we open our doors getting out the doors close and Dani hits the lock button locking them the car makes a chirping noise. Jenny said " Whoa.. now that is a beautiful car". Cheyenne said " Yeah it is I went with Jacob to pick it out". Dani smiles She said " You did?" Cheyenne said " Yep I knew you would love it that's why I told your dad to buy it for you". they all told her happy birthday and they walked down the courtyard leaving us in the parking lot by our selves we are sitting on the hood of the car I'm sitting in between Dani's legs good thing this car has a strong hood or it would be dented beside Dani and I don't weight that much I only weight 98 lbs. she weights about 110 lbs. just a tad more than me. it is 7:20 am the school doors don't open until 8:00 am so we have a bit to hang out I have my back turned to her I can feel her resting her chin on my shoulder easily she has her arms around my waist holding me close to her I always feel so safe in her arms they feel like home.
I've been thinking about what she said to me after we vanquished Adrian she told me that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me I wonder if she would marry me one day cause that has been on my mind ever since Nicole and Alex got married even though they were seventeen and sixteen they got their parents to sign a paper saying that they could get married I would love to marry Dani but only if she wants to take our relationship to that level we have already been together for three years we are so in love with each other I can't stand to be away from her and she can't stand to be away from me. Dani said " What is that beautiful mind of yours thinking about?" she can sense my emotions I said " Can you guess?" She said " Not exactly but I sense that you are thinking about very strong emotions, do those emotions involve me?" well she's definitely on the right track I said " I have been thinking about our future together as adults". Dani said " Yeah I'm always thinking about getting our first place together while we go to college". I said " I've thought about that a lot too. but there is something else that has also been on my mind". Dani said " Are you thinking about kids? cause I'm not sure how I would be as a mom I'd probably be a crazy one".
I giggle at her thinking I want kids it would be nice but having them is expensive and a lot of responsibility I said " It's okay I don't think I want kids either. I've been thinking about getting married one day". Dani said " Oh you have?" I turn around and look at her I said " How would you feel about being engaged one day?" She smiles then said " I'd love to.. are you gonna take my last name or am I gonna take yours?" I thought about for a minute or two then I said " I'm not sure what do you think?" Dani said " I'm fine with either". I said " I do love the sound of Carly Patterson". She smiles at me then She said " Me too.. are you sure you want to marry my crazy ass?" I said " I have never been so sure of anything in my life beside you would be marrying a potential demon". Dani said " You are not a demon.. you are nothing like Kevyn we can find a way to strip you of those demonic powers". I said " Then we need to strip them from me just in case there is a possibility that I could turn into one". Dani said " I will do anything to keep you save baby I promise I'm not gonna let Kevyn get you I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost you I would lose my mind without you". I put my hand on her face and said " I think about that too.. when Adrian turned you evil I was beginning to think I lost you"..
She said " I was still there but my evil side was very strong and she was very angry at my mom for leaving I was mad at her but now I have came to terms that she is gone". I said " That's how I felt about my dad and now I've learned to live with the fact that he is gone it just boils my blood that Kevyn his own daughter; my so called "sister" is the reason why him, Jenny's Parents, Lakein's parents and Alex are dead she is the most evil and vile creature that has ever walked this earth and she doesn't deserve to live after so much pain she has me and everyone else".. Dani pulled me into a passionate kiss I held onto her shoulders as I kissed her back with passion we sat there and made out for a bit then we got down off the car and walked down to the courtyard and into the school so we could get to class after school was over at 4:00 pm Dani drove us back to her house she pulled into the driveway and we got out of the car walking inside the house where Jacob, Jane, Jesse and my mom are they had just got done getting everything ready for the party there are only gonna be fifteen people here.
Dani and I went to her room where we got out of our school clothes and jumped in the shower together there is plenty of time to the others aren't here yet she has her back turned to the shower head as the warm water hits her back. I have my arms wrapped around her shoulders holding her close as we kiss she has her hands on my waist I put her back against the cold shower wall good thing this is a stand up shower or this would be difficult I kept kissing her passionately I run my hand down between her chest over her hard six pack I run my finger over the gun shot scar on her ribs. I move my hand lower and started rubbing her clit Dani pulls away from my lips and lets out a soft moan she has her head back a little I start kissing on her neck softly as I easily push two of my fingers into her she gasps in surprise then moans softly at the pressure of my fingers penetrating her. I push them deeper and she grabs my shoulder scrapping her nails into my skin I groan in pleasure feeling the burn I start thrusting my fingers fast inside her Dani moans " Ahh!!!" I put my other hand over her mouth muffling her moans so everyone else doesn't here.
As I increase the pace of my fingers the skin slaps together frantically she moans loud into my hand I use my telekinesis to make her arms go up over her head pinning them against the wall I hear her moan my name but it's muffled I feel her tighten around my fingers I said as I kept thrusting my fingers at that pace " That's it come on baby". Dani moans loudly into my hand and climaxes hard I stopped when she did. we are both breathing heavily she turns off the shower and pulls me into a passionate kiss I said " Happy Birthday babe I love you".. She said " I love you too".. we got out of the shower and Dani opened the bathroom door holding a towel over her body she walked into her room I followed behind her we put some clothes on. I'm wearing a plain dark grey t- shirt with dark blue jeans and dark grey Nike air max commands with a black check on the side of the shoe, Dani is wearing a navy blue v- neck women's t- shirt with dark blue jeans and navy blue air max commands with a white check on the side of the shoe. after we got dressed and dried our hair we made our way down stairs to the party it's me , Dani , Alex, Nicole, Riley, Lakein, Sam, Valerie, Jesse, Jane, Jacob, My mom, Jenny, Cheyenne and Eric.
Everyone is having a great time until uninvited guests show up Mason, Ray, Alexia, Katie, Tyler, Jay, Josh and Drew all teleport into the back yard standing in front of the big wooden fence that goes all the way around the back yard so if you are in front of the house you can't see into the backyard we are all standing on the big deck that wraps around the back of the house if you go to the left it leads to two doors that go into the kitchen and if you go to the right it leads onto the front porch. Jacob is at the grill cooking hamburgers Mason growls " Having a party without me I see". Nicole said with sarcasm " Oh yeah we forgot to hire you as the clown you certainly dress like one. didn't anyone ever teach you how to pull up your pants?" Mason glares then turns around pulling down his blue boxers mooning us. Him and the others laugh hysterically in an evil manner Jacob said in disgust " I really did not need that image in my head". He turns back around after pulling the back of his boxers back up he looks at Jane and winks Mason said " You like that Jane? want to see the front?" he has his hand on his belt Jane looks at him with disgust and said " No I don't and there isn't much there by looking". we all start laughing Mason glares at Jane evilly.
Jane said " Now you and your friends need to leave and I'm only gonna say it once". Mason said " Lucky for all of you we are leaving but someone has somethings to say to Carly". the grass in front of Mason catches on fire all the sudden and it rises into the air Kevyn appears from the flames. my throat tightens in fear my mom has look like she has seen a ghost She glares my mom then said " Well long time no see Sis.. hello Kimberly didn't think you would see me again did you?" that hit me I thought my mom has never met Kevyn I said " See you? she doesn't even know who you are Kevyn". She looks at my mom and said " Oh but you do know me don't you Kim?" I see the nervous look in her eyes I said " Mom what is she talking about? I thought you never met her??" Kevyn said "Well she lied to you Carly her and Kyle both did she met me when I was eleven years old the night you were born the first time I ever layed eyes on you". I'm so confused right now how did she get to meet me the night I was born?? I said " What in the hell are you talking about Kevyn??" She looked at my mom then said " Do you want to tell her or should I?" I said " Tell me what? what is she talking about Mom?!"
Tears fell from my mom's eyes She said " I couldn't carry you for nine months like I was suppose to so your dad and I had to find another woman to carry you for us because I couldn't get pregnant; a surrogate mother we found this woman she seemed normal but six months into her being pregnant with you we found out the woman was magically disguised as Kevyn's mom Kelly Davidson she tricked us into letting her carry you and she threatened to abort you if we did anything so she gave birth to you but I am your biological mother".. that threw me for a serious loop I can't believe what I'm hearing this has to be a joke I said " No.. No.. this isn't true are you joking with me? cause if you are it's a very cruel joke". My mom said as she cried " I really wished I were joking but it's true". I can feel my blood pressure rising as I'm becoming more and more angry Kevyn said " Why else would you have demonic powers? think about it Carly that didn't come from your mom". I said " You said that your mom injected me with your blood". Kevyn said " I lied.. Carly you are a hybrid half-witch and half-demon; a demon-witch you developed my mom's demonic traits and abilities during the pregnancy". Kevyn said " If you need me you know where to find me sis". flames started swirling on her and she disappear everyone else teleported away after her.
I'm so angry with my mom right now She said " Carly I didn't know how to tell you".. I said " What you didn't know how to tell me that you've been lying to me for sixteen years!!" My mom said " I'm so sorry I should have told you sooner I didn't want you to find out this way".. I said " I can't even look at you right now.. I'm leaving".. I stormed off the back porch and Dani followed me out into the yard She said " Carly it's okay we will figure something out". I said " There is nothing to figure out I'm a demon like I have been saying I'm slowly turning evil I'm becoming more and more dangerous everyday it's not safe for you to be around me anymore.. you need to stay far away from me Dani". She said " Carly you are not dangerous and I'm not gonna stay away from you we will fix this I promise please". tears fell from my eyes as I choked out " We can't fix it.. Just stay away from me for your own safety". Dani said as tears streamed down her face " Are you breaking up with me?" I said as I cried " I have no choice but to.. I will never forgive myself if I hurt you or anyone else I'm so sorry I can't risk anybody getting killed". Dani said " What happened about wanting to spend the rest of our lives together?! I love you so much I can't lose you.. baby please don't do this".....
I held her face with my hands as we both cried I kissed her softly then I said " I will always love you don't you ever forget that.. I don't want to be another Adrian that's the last thing you need in your life is another repeat of her". Dani said as she cried " You are nothing like her I know you would never hurt me like that please Carly". I pulled away from her and walked backwards away from her I said as I cried " It's for the best... I am so sorry baby I hope you can forgive me one day"... flames started swirling on the ground and on my body Dani called out my name in anguish " Carly!!!" I teleported away leaving them there. I didn't want to leave her like that of all days on her birthday but I can't risk it now that I know I am turning into a demon I need to stay away but I don't know how long I can until the demon beneath my skin takes over and makes me kill the person I love the most I would rather die than to hurt Dani so when it comes down to it they better be prepared to vanquish me or I will kill them all.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now