Finway Insane Asylum

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 15

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

When Jenny was turned evil by Shane things were looking pretty bad mostly because me and the others were trapped in a force field while Dani and Cheyenne were outside of it. After Jenny froze Cheyenne; Kelly and Kevyn ganged up on Dani eventually Kevyn overpowered her and held her down while Kelly beat her then proceeded to use her Telekinesis to choke Dani. as she was choking her Dani breaks Kelly's concentration by kicking her in the face as she was getting up Dani grabs her and starts channeling her emotions and memories from her life using her power called Psychic reflection to make Kelly feel human emotions and to remember her horrific childhood being raised by her demon father. it really messed with Kelly because she reacted by screaming for Dani to make it stop a psychic blast sent her flying back because Kelly was too strong to be killed by the power afterwards Shane fired his gun at Dani shooting her they all teleported away leaving Dani laying there bleeding to death thank god I was there to heal her.
I'm at my house finishing up the very last test so I can finally graduate so to speak. dying in that car wreck five years ago when I was fifteen destroyed my chances of ever finishing school so luckily I was able to make up a fake identity for an online school program that lets me finish school where I left off home school basically that my mom pays even though I am now twenty years old the online school thinks I'm eighteen. after finishing the test I submitted it to the program they will be sending me my diploma through the mail I turned off the laptop right after I did I hear the door unlock it opens revealing Nicole she just got home from college. she smiles at me as she hangs her backpack on the coat rack that is nailed to the wall I get up from the couch smiling excitedly at her Nicole said as she looked up to me " What are you excited about?" I said " I took my final test for the home school program I'm finally graduating high school at twenty years old". Nicole said with excitement " That's amazing baby I'm so proud of you!" I pull her into a hug she looks up at me and puts her hand on the back of my head pulling me into a soft kiss.
As we stood there kissing I feel my wrist get warm we stopped kissing as I turn my wrist over I see the cross lit up my boss is calling me I said to Nicole " Sorry I need to answer this". an older man appears from the cross in a hologram form right in front of me and Nicole. He said " Hello Alex". I said " Hello Sir what can I do for you today?" He said " I have intercepted a phone call for needing help with spirits that are causing chaos at the Finway Insane Asylum". I said with surprise " An insane asylum? how can we help?" He said " Your charge, Dani Patterson is an empath I was thinking about have her pose as a psychic to get rid of the spirits". I said " You think she can get rid of them?" He said " I'm pretty sure she can. from what I've heard of Dani she is one powerful empathic witch I'm sure they will be no problem for her". I said " Okay do you want me to summon Dani?" He said " Yes please". I close my eyes and start sensing her location she just got home from school I open my eyes and white lights are appearing right beside me Dani appears through the white lights.
She looks confused; She sees the man in the hologram Dani said to me " Alex what's going on?" the man steps out of the hologram and becomes a real person I am stunned he's never done that before. He said " It's okay Dani". She said to him " How do you know my name?" He said " I have been watching over you since you were a little girl I know of your powers, how strong you are I know what happened to your mother". Dani's facial expression turns sad for a minute but she brushes it off. He said " My name is Victor by the way". I said stunned " I thought you weren't allowed to reveal your real name". Victor said " We can only if we really trust the charge and I trust all of you not to tell my name or reveal that I even exist.. Dani we need your help to rid the finway asylum of the spirits that haunt it". She said " I'm not a psychic well I kinda of am but I don't know if I could get rid of spirits I've never tried". Victor said " With your powers you can get rid of them or at least scare them off for good. I'm gonna pose as a " ghost hunter" and you will be my psychic the others are gonna come along to protect us just in case anything happens". Dani said " Alright let's scare some ghosts".
Victor snaps his fingers and his robe changes to normal clothes; a plain navy blue t-shirt with dark blue jeans and a plain grey jacket along with black steel toed boots. Jesse, Jane , Riley, Cheyenne and Jenny show up to go with us to the asylum I'm not too sure about this it's different but I must obey Victor's wishes to investigate. Nicole drives her car with me in the passenger seat and Victor in the back seat while Dani follows us in her car with Riley, Jesse follows behind them with Jane, Jenny follows behind them in her with Cheyenne. Dani's P.O.V/ We drive all the way out to the asylum that is an hour and forty-five minutes away from town I pull into the parking lot following Nicole's car as the others follow me in and park their cars in parking spots I turn the engine off Riley and I open the doors stepping out of the car closing the doors behind us I push the lock button on the car and it makes a chipping noise as it locks up. I walk up beside Victor and He said " Okay is everyone ready remember we are all ghost hunters and Dani is our psychic". we all start walking out of the parking lot directly ahead is the old asylum.
it sits on two acres of grass with nothing in sight no other buildings or businesses as we walk up on the side walk it leads directly to a set of concrete steps with two metal railings on each side. off to the left in the grass sits the sign outlined with old brick chiseled in the gray colored stone it says " Finway Asylum" est. 1935 seventy-nine years ago as we make our way up the steps I notice that there is a huge barbed wire fence that surrounds the property enclosing the asylum separating it from the parking lot it looks like a prison instead of a mental hospital. two male orderly's walk out on the porch wearing sky blue nurse scrubs one man has black hair slicked back with gel he is about forty years old; the other one has dirty blonde hair that is cut short and styled to spike up the front of his very short bangs he is about thirty years old. the older man with black hair said to Victor " Are you Vince?" He said " Yes I've brought my team and my psychic friend Dani". the younger one scoffs at the word psychic like a smart ass. He said to the black haired man " This is stupid Earl there is no such thing as ghosts. and how do we know that blondie here isn't a fake??"
I roll my eyes at him and Victor said " I assure you that she isn't a fake". the younger one said " Whatever I'll believe it when I see it". he notices Jesse standing behind me with Jane; his facial expression changes to flirty. He said to Jesse " Hey beautiful why don't you come hang with me away from these weirdos?" Jane has a territorial look in her eyes as she glares at him; Jane said " She isn't going anywhere with you". He looks at Jane and said " What are you? her mom?" Jane rolls her eyes then said " I'm her wife and you need to step off her that is very unprofessional of you to flirt with her like that". He scoffs and walks inside the building. Earl said " Just ignore Dalton he's just mad because he can't get a wife". we all follow him inside to the left is a office that has a sliding glass door where a receptionist sits on the phone I see that same asshole Dalton pushing a medicine cart down the hallway he stops in front of a room and pulls out a key card from his pocket he scans the card and the door makes a loud buzzing sound like a game show buzzer he has a cup of medicine in his hand as he walks in.
Earl said " I'll take you to the eighth floor where the most activity is". we walk across the lobby to a set of elevators he pushes the button all the sudden I start hearing whispering I look at the others but they can't hear it. we all get the elevator when it opens I'm in the right corner in front of the buttons we hear a ding and the doors open up we all step out into the hallway there is a desk to the left where two female orderly's sit. Earl said " We have been short staffed for the last ten years because of the hauntings nobody wants to work here". I said " So you believe the hospital is haunted?" He said " Yes I have worked here for twenty years I have seen and heard the most unbelievable things.. things I never knew existed". he stops abruptly at a door and listens closely we all look at him while he has his back turned to us. He looks in the small window then He said " This is our most troubled patient she has been here since 1967 ever since she was twenty years old she hasn't spoke a word in the forty-seven years she has been here". that hits me weird I said " What did she do?"
He looks at me with this look of fear. Earl said " From what I have always been told she murdered her doctor and nurses after giving birth to her daughter in 1967. she was raped by an unknown man". oh my god that has to be Kelly's mother Darla I said " Can I see her?" he moves over as I look into the small window there sitting on the bed looking out the window is an older woman in her late sixties with long grey hair. it is Darla I said to him " Her name wouldn't happen to be Darla Wallace would it?" He looks at me stunned then said " How do you know that?" I give him a look and said " I just know. has anyone ever came here to visit her?" Earl said " There has been one woman who says she's her daughter she comes and sits with her sometimes even though Darla doesn't speak or knowledge anyone's existence because she is Catatonic". I said " Do you know this woman's name?" he thinks for a minute then said " Kelly is her name". I look at the others apparently Kelly does know who her mother is.
He looks down the hallway and said " There she is right now". we all look down the hallway and here comes Kelly walking down she sees us and is stunned that we are even there. Earl sees Kelly looking at us He said " It's alright Miss Davidson they are only here to investigate the hauntings". Kelly laughs sarcastically; I said " Can we go in her room?" Kelly said " No you can't". Earl said " Actually they can". Kelly glares at me. Earl pulls out the key card and holds it up to the electric lock it makes that loud buzzing noise as it unlocks. He said to me " I will warn you Darla may look harmless but she has been known to lash out unexpectedly with violence". Kelly scoffs and storms in before anyone else she walks over and stands in the right corner of the room beside the bed and the huge double windows with bars over them. I stand at the foot of the bed beside Earl while the others stand off to the side in front of the wall that has a flat screen bolted to the wall with a mount Earl picks up a clipboard that is attached to the foot of the bed and starts writing something on the paper.
I start hearing those whispers again but this time everyone else hears them too Earl is freaked out as he starts looking around the room. the voices don't even phase Kelly she is just standing in the corner glaring at us Earl said " I hate it when they whisper". I start using my empathic power to sense the emotions of the spirits I sense anger, fear and sorrow. Earl is watching me as I'm sensing good thing he can't see this power for one it isn't an active power so you can't see it with your eyes I start talking out loud to the spirits " You don't have to be afraid anymore nobody is going to hurt you. what happened to you?" I hear the voice of a young woman She whispers " I was murder her in 1945 by two male orderly's".. I said to her " They are long gone you don't have to be scared anymore". all the sudden I go into a premonition that sends me back in time to 1945 to this very room I'm watching these two male orderly's standing over the body of this lifeless woman she has been badly beaten there is a pool of blood by her head I see both of the male orderly's panting and tying the drawstrings on their pants I feel sorrow and anger as what I realize they had done to that poor woman.
the head of the dead body twists violently looking back at me as She yells " I want them to suffer for what they done to me!!! Dalton must suffer too!!" I gasp as I come out of the premonition Earl said " What happened?!" I said " There was a woman here in 1945 who was raped and murdered by two male orderly's. she said she wants them to suffer for what they done to her and that Dalton must suffer too". Earl said " Why him?" I still can't see this woman so I spoke out loud to her " Why do you want Dalton to suffer?" She said " Touch the mute and you will see the truth". I said " She wants me to touch Darla". Kelly walks up looking down at me She said " You aren't fucking touching her". Earl said " I'm not sure how she will react". I look over at Jenny then back at him I said " I think I will be fine.. but I need you to leave the room for your own safety". He said " Alright I will but I will be right outside the door". he walks over to the door and opens it walking outside the door locks as he goes out. Jenny walks over to the window looking out she flicks her hands at him freezing him and everyone else in the hallway.
Kelly said " You just made a huge mistake making him go outside I swear if you touch my mother I will break you're skinny ass in half". I said " The spirit wants me to see what happened to her". Kelly said " I don't give a fuck! stay away from her Dani". I'm standing right in front of Darla she looks at my hand and she holds her hand out as mine slowly go towards hers Kelly is shocked that Darla is even doing that I grabbed one and then I grabbed Kelly's to make her feel the emotions and to see the premonition as well I gasp so does Kelly as it sends us in. to ten years ago when Darla was 59; Dalton has sexually assaulted Darla several times over the past ten years he has been here. I came out of the premonition with Kelly her eyes are flaring with anger and tears she looks at Darla and said " Did Dalton hurt you?" she shakes her head yes then said in a whisper " Kelly"... her facial expression changes to shock as we are all shocked too. Kelly holds both of Darla's hands and said " You do know me.." Darla shakes her head yes.
the spirit appears by the window and we all look at her she is a woman in her mid twenties with long brown hair she looks at me and said " Thank you". and she disappears. the door unlocks and in walks Dalton; Jenny is shocked that he isn't frozen so are the rest of us Kelly said " Why isn't he frozen Jenny?" she flicks her hands at him to freeze him but he doesn't he laughs wickedly and backhands Jenny in the mouth she hits the ground on her back Cheyenne goes after him but he slings his arm throwing her across the room by using Telekinesis she hits the wall. Dalton falls to the ground and there stood an older man in his mid to late sixties he was possessing Dalton; he is glaring at Kelly evilly she is shocked at his presence She said " Austin". He said as he lit a cigar with his hand " That's Dad to you young lady". he puffs on the cigar Kelly scoffs " Asshole". He smiles then said " Back at you". Dalton groans as he lays on the ground Kelly and Austin look down at him Austin said " Don't you have something to do. he hurt your mother". Kelly's eyes turned red and She said " You hurt her too you sick bastard".
Austin puffs on the cigar and said " Now that is in the past I've apologized to your mother". Kelly yelled " You are the reason she is like this! and you think sorry is gonna fix it!!" Austin puts his hand up and a force field surrounds all of us but kicks Jane out. Jane's P.O.V/ the force field traps Dani and the others throwing me back on the ground Austin looks at Kelly and said " Is that sympathy I sense?! kill him Kelly!!" she looks at me then looks back at Austin. he looks at me then said " What's the matter? don't want your girlfriend to see you kill a man?" I said sarcastically " She wishes". He said " Does she?" he holds out his hand and I start floating in the air over to him he is using his Telekinesis I'm struggling to break free but I can't because he's too strong for me he turns me around facing Kelly I float to the ground on my knees he is now holding me down with his Telekinesis. Austin said to Kelly " Now do what I said.. kill him Kelly Marie!!" She said " I don't have to listen to a fucking word you say anymore I am a grown ass woman! you can't force me to kill him!"
Jesse's P.O.V/ Austin's eyes turned red he keeps one hand out still holding Jane down on her knees with his Telekinesis his other hand goes through her back he is reaching into her body holding her heart. he is using that power called Intangibility if he holds on any longer he could kill her I yelled from inside the force field banging on it violently " Stop!!!!!! let her go!!!!!" the others are desperately trying to break out of the force field. Jane is losing her breath Austin laughs wickedly then said " Do you want her to die!? kill him!!!!!!" Kelly is panicking; Dalton is laying on his stomach as she runs up and grabs his head sitting him up on his knees he looks up at Kelly. veins in his face and start to engorge as his head is swelling Kelly is pushing pressure on his brain by using a power called Pressurization you can see it in his eyes as he dies she lets him drop to the ground face first Austin pulls his arm out of Jane and she gasps for air as she hits the ground on her stomach and loses consciousness Kelly runs over turning Jane over laying her in her lap Austin points his hand at Dalton's body and it bursts into flames.
the body disappears into smoke Austin laughs wickedly he looks down at Kelly holding Jane. He said " The most powerful demon that has ever walked this earth has fallen in love you've gone soft Kelly some demon you are. pathetic just like your mother!" Kelly yells and her eyes shoot optical fire bolts at Austin and he teleports away by the use of flames the fire bolts hit the wall. she looks over at us still trapped in the force field she is running her fingers through Jane's hair I said as tears fell from my eyes " Let her go Kelly".. she glares at me then looks down at Jane in her lap she runs her fingers through her hair then said " She's so beautiful". she holds Jane's left hand in hers looking at her wedding ring she pulls it off her third finger looking at it in her hand. I said " Put that back right now!" Kelly throws the ring at the force field and it hits the ground. She laughs evilly then said " I promise I'll take good care of her Jesse". I bang on the force field violently flames start swirling on them as she teleports away I yelled " NOOOO!!!!!! Jane!!!!!!!" the force field goes down.

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