Together Forever

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 8

P.O.V/ Jesse Roberts:

Two months later it is October 2, 2013 tomorrow is the big day I'm gonna marry the love of my life when almost two years ago I thought Jane would never be able to return these kind of feelings so I had made myself believe that she would never give me the time or day. it is about eleven in the morning Jane and I are walking out the door to go meet Eric and Shelby at the mall to help them shop for baby things earlier today they went to see a Ob-Gyn doctor to find out the gender of the baby. I drive my car to the mall I turn off the highway to the exit for the mall I look over at Jane while I'm driving I put my hand on her leg and she smiles at me I said " Tomorrow's the day I'm so excited but also nervous". Jane said " I'm very excited too I still can't believe that I'm marrying you when two years ago I didn't even realize that I was in love with you because I still wanted to believe that I was in love with Jason but there was a reason that him and I weren't meant to be anymore it was meant for me to find the person I was destine to be with for the rest of my life I can't wait to be your wife".
I pull into the mall parking lot and into the parking garage I park on the third floor we get out of the car closing the doors I push the lock button on the key remote and it makes a chirping noise we walk towards the door to enter the mall on that floor. we make our way to the food court where there is over a hundred people sitting eating food from the many fast food places right there in the food court there is a bunch of people passing by the tables and places making their way around the mall. we see Eric and Shelby sitting at a table they are eating tacos from Taco Bell we make our way over to the table they had just got done eating Jane and I ate breakfast at home before we left Eric crumbles up the wrapper from his taco and tosses it into the brown paper bag he takes a brown napkin and wipes his mouth off he puts the napkin in the bag. they both get up from their chairs Shelby gets up slowly cause when you are pregnant and getting bigger things such as sitting down or getting up becomes more difficult because you are not only carrying your current weight but the baby's weight as well.
We take them to a store where you get newborn clothes as Shelby is looking through the clothes on the small racks Eric is standing beside her looking as well we are standing there with them I said to Jane " I remember you bringing me here to find clothes for Riley and Sam". Jane said " Yeah I took you to that one store called Once a upon a child but they took that out of here ten years ago damn I'm old". Eric and Shelby giggle softly good thing she is a witch or she would have a hard time understanding magic and the fact that I died at forty-six and my daughter was forced to turn me into a vampire-witch to save me but Shelby isn't as powerful as all of us. Eric said " So we found out the sex of the baby we are having a girl". me and Jane were gonna be happy if it was a boy too Jane said " Have you guys thought of any names?" Eric smiles at his mom then said " Well if it was a boy we were gonna name him Eric Jason Henderson Jr. and for the girl we picked Willow Jane Henderson". Jane looks surprised She smiles and her eyes tear up a bit She said " That's a beautiful name son I love it".
She pulls him into a hug and we all continue looking around the store as we are walking out I look out the corner of my eye I see Mason and Brandon sitting on a medium sized couch with a small table in front of them I stop dead in my tracks I see Brandon staring daggers at me the others see them. Brandon looks at Jane evilly and she gives him a sarcastic look He said " Looks like the rumors are true that little bitch Nicole turned you into a vampire". Jane crosses her arms and said " She sure did if I were the two of you I'd watch out around me wouldn't want to get yourselves vanquished now would we?" Brandon stands up and walks up to Jane he looks down at her. He said " You may have stopped aging but you can still die a stake through the heart and you're gone for good. but Mason here has forbid me to vanquish you because he wants to make you his queen his says". Jane scoffs " Mason is delusional if he thinks he can make me his queen I'd rather eat glass than to be his". Mason winks at her and said " But think about how much fun we've had together I know I do all the time I replay those in my mind over and over".
He is talking about the two times he more less raped her Eric's eyes turn red as they flare with anger he goes after Mason but I grab him from behind He said " You sick bastard.. you stay the fuck away from my mother do you understand me?!" Mason glares at Eric they are staring each other down with hatred He said to Eric as he looked down at Shelby's pregnant belly " Careful.. we wouldn't want anything to happen to Willow and Shelby now would we?" Jane gets up closer to Mason where she is right in his face her eyes turned red then She said " You stay the hell away from them. if you lay one finger on her I swear I will hunt you down like the dog you are and I will rip you to shreds". I start making Eric walk with me while Shelby walks beside me as Jane walks away from Mason I hear him say " Jesse isn't gonna live forever you will now out live her what are you gonna do when she's gone? who's gonna be there for you while you have eternity here left on earth that's an eternity without her. are you ready to lose her for you to be left alone forever?"
Jane said to both of them " Go fuck yourselves". she catches up to us and we make our way to the escalator that leads down to the parking garage we walked Eric and Shelby to their car and calmed Eric down afterwards they left Jane and I walked back to my car I push the button on the key remote and it makes that noise as it unlocks we get inside I put the key in the ignition switch I turn it and the car starts up I look over at her I can tell what Mason said about me is bothering her I put my hand on hers she looks down at my engagement ring then she looks up at me. She said " Mason is right. if you die I will be alone for the rest of the eternity and I can't handle losing another person I love dearly I already lost Jason it will kill me if I lose you too.." I squeeze her hand a little then I said " I'm not going anywhere baby Mason is just trying to get in your head don't let him". I drive back to our house after unlocking the door we walk inside I look at the clock on the wall it is three o'clock in the afternoon.
I take off my black colored blue jean jacket and lay it across the back of a grey chair that sits beside the grey couch then we see black smoke start swirling right in front of the wall that has the clock on it all the sudden an ominous cold chill comes across the room and a figure of some kind appears with a hooded cloak on there is a large scythe in the mysterious being's skeleton like hand that has some skin on it. the figure has their head down then slowly raises it looking up at us it is a white male but his face is looks like a human skull he still has eyes but you can nearly see his eye sockets underneath his eye balls ominous black smoke is slowly swirling around the bottom of his long cloak this guy looks like something from a nightmare he is very creepy I put my arm in front of Jane then I said " Who the hell are you buddy?" He said in an ominous tone " Not who but what am I Jesse?" okay that's even more creepy how does he know my name? I said " How do you know my name?" He said in that ominous tone " I know the names of all souls". I start thinking he is another soul collector I said " Are you a soul collector?"
He said " I'm way more than that I don't collect souls I simply take them when it's their time and I make them cross over to the other side whether it be heaven or hell nobody knows. I'm a form of death not the angel of death that is just an old myth like witches and vampire don't exist but they do like me". I said " Well you're in the wrong house there isn't any souls here for you to take". he gives me an ominous look then said " Oh but there is and I'm looking dead at it". I realize he is looking at me so does Jane. I see the fear in her eyes She said " You are lying". He said " I don't lie". an old piece of paper teleports in his hand and he reads the list He said " Her name is on death's list it is her time to die she's coming with me and there is nothing anybody can do to stop me". an energy beam starts forming in Jane's hand She said " Wanna bet asshole?" she threw the energy beam at him it hits his chest and disappears into white smoke. He said " It is useless to fight me Jane I'm immune to your powers I am neutral which means I'm not good or evil you cannot stop death's design it is her time".
I said " Are you kidding me?? now of all the times you could have taken me why now?! when I'm about to marry Jane tomorrow".. He said " I don't choose your time death does and your time is up Jesse say goodbye while you can". I said as tears streamed down my face " I can't.. I'm not going to.. you can't make me.." an hour glass teleports in his hand he flips it over and sits it down on the glass coffee table He said " You have twenty-four hours to say goodbye to everyone when the sand stops you are coming with me and that's it time is precious so spend it wisely". black smoke swirls on him and he disappears Jane and I are panicking She said as tears streamed down her face " This can't be happening.." She calls out Alex's name and white lights appear in front of us there she stood with Nicole we tell what just happened and we see her facial expression turn to worried. Jane said " What's wrong Alex??" She choked out " I can't stop the Grim Reaper.. if he says it's her time to go I can't do anything I'm so sorry you guys"... Jane and I start to cry in disbelief so does Nicole.
Nobody has a clue what to do so I tell Jane that I want to continue on with the wedding that I will marry her if it's the last thing I ever do she didn't want to do it but she agreed. that morning we woke up at five in the morning and started getting ready for the wedding Riley and Sam already know what's going and they are in disbelief trying to figure a way to stop the reaper from taking me but there is no way I can't see Jane until she walks down the isle. So Riley and Sam help me get ready in a local church that we found in our state so we didn't have to go all the way to Canada I look at myself in the stand up mirror I'm wearing blue jeans, a black button up shirt with a black tie, a white t-shirt under it and a black female blazer with plain black vans skateboarding shoes my dark brown hair is down it lays on my shoulders it is a little curly. I'm trying my hardest not to cry so is Riley and Sam. there is a knock at the door I hide behind the mirror and Riley answers the door She said in disbelief " Nana? Gran Dad?" I can't believe it I slowly walk out from behind the mirror and they both see me.
I put my hands in the front pockets of my jeans I said " I didn't think you two would show up". My mom said " I couldn't miss your wedding". I said " So you two are finally okay with me marrying Jane?" She said " Yes. I'm really sorry for the way I reacted it was very surprising to me and I had to get use to but I am now I just want you to be happy Jesse". I look at Riley and Sam they are wanting me to tell them about the grim reaper that is after me but I can't tell them that I am about to die later today at three o'clock My dad said as he held out his hand " Now I will walk my beautiful daughter down the isle like a good father is suppose to". I take his hand and he leads me out to the front of the church where there are about thirty people in the pews. I see Dani, Carly, Jenny, Cheyenne, Lakein and Valerie they all know what is going on I see Jacob, Kim, Jenny's aunt Karen and her uncle Jim, I also see mine and Jane's co-worker Kathy from the hospital along with a few others I step up on the alter with the priest he smiles at me friendly I pull my dad into a big hug I said " I love you Dad"..
He looks at me and said " I love you too Jesse Lee.. you look so beautiful sweetie.. I don't care how old you get you will always be my little girl".. I feel tears go down my face cause I can see the tears in his eyes I have never seen him cry he kisses my cheek softly I watch as he walks down to the right side of the church he sits down beside my mom I look at their smiles and I think to myself this will be the last time you will see me I just hope you two know how much I love you both. Jane's P.O.V/ I'm in my dressing room getting ready with Nicole, Alex and my mom Debby Nelson, she is a witch like I was but she is sixty-seven years old my dad Jack Nelson passed away five years ago at sixty-five he had a heart attack he was human I just wish he could be here to walk me down the isle like he did when I married Jason. I step out from behind the changing rack and I look at myself in this beautiful white laced wedding dress it's similar to the one I wore before I have my hair down it comes to a little past my shoulder blades I see my mom behind me in the mirror she is short about 5"1'.
She said as she looked at me " You are absolutely gorgeous Erica.. breath taking". I said " Thank you Momma". all I think about is that grim reaper coming to take Jesse away my mom sees the look in my eyes She said " What's the matter baby?" I said " I just wish Dad was here".. which is true I really do wish he was here I see her eyes tear up She said " I know sweetheart me too". about that time there is a knock at the door I said " That's Eric". I step in front of the mirror my mom hasn't got a chance to officially meet him the door comes open and I see her eyes light up tears come down her face. I walk out in front of the mirror and Eric sees me He said with tears in his eyes " Wow you look so beautiful Mom". I smile and walk up beside my mom who is in shock I said " Eric I'd like you to meet your grandmother Debby she has been wanting to met you for a long time.. Mom this is Eric Jason Henderson".. She pulls him into a hug holding him and he holds onto her she puts her hand on his face looking into his eyes She said He is so handsome.. Erica he looks just like you it's unreal". I said " He sure does".
Eric said " I know I'm not Grandad but I'd love to do the honor of walking my beautiful mother down the isle". I feel my eyes tear up and I said " I'd love for you to son". Nicole walks up in front of me I look down at her she has tears in her eyes she gives me a hug then She whispers in my ear quietly " Are you sure you want to continue? you know what's about to happen later".. I look at her and shake my head yes as tears fall from my eyes. I said " I love you Nic.." She said " I love you too Mom".. tears fall from her eyes I look over at Alex who is in tears and has a look of guilt on her face because she can't do anything to save Jesse I walk over to Alex looking up at her I pull her into a hug and I hear her cry softly on my shoulder I whispered in her ear as I petted her hair " Don't blame yourself for something you have no control over I promise I'm not mad at you".. We look at each other I wipe the tears off her face and I pull the white veil over my face I turn around walking up to Eric I take his hand and we walks me through the open door.
As we walk through the hallway that leads out to the front of the church I look over at Eric he's trying not to cry either he knows what's gonna happen to Jesse He said " I'm so sorry I can't do anything to help Jesse I just wish I could save her". I said " It's okay Son it's not your fault. it's nobody's but I have to do this even though it's extremely difficult to carry on with after what we found out but this is Jesse's final wish and I'm gonna give to her even if that means I have to lose her". He said " You're a very brave woman Mom". We walk through the doorway I look up and I see Jesse through the white veil god she's so beautiful in that female tuxedo. she sees me and starts crying I grip Eric's arm as we approach the alter he holds my hand as I step up he goes over and stands behind Nicole I turn around she is wearing a beautiful black laced dress I hand her the bouquet of flowers I look up at her she is still trying her best not cry I turn back to Jesse I see Riley and Sam behind her; Riley is wearing a similar female tuxedo to Jesse's; Sam is wearing a black laced dress like Nicole's.
The Priest said " Dearly beloved we are gather here today to join these two women in holy matrimony.. Jesse Lee Roberts do you take Erica Jane Nelson to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?" tears fall from Jesse's eyes She said " I do".. he looks at me and said " Erica Jane Nelson do you take Jesse Lee Roberts to be your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?" tears streamed down my face I said " I do".. He said " You may now recite your vows". Jesse said " I vow to honor you, cherish you, love you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you, support you in your goals.. Jane I have been in love with you for a longtime I knew from the minute I realized it that you are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of our lives together I was born to love you Jane and I always will.. for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live".. I said " I vow to honor you, cherish you, love you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you, support you in your goals.. Jesse we've known each other for a long time you have always been there for me; you are the bestest friend I could ever I ask for and for a long time that's all I thought we were until the moment I realized that I had been in love with you for sixteen years as well so you were never really alone I have always been right by your side.. for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health for as long as we both shall live"..
Sam hands Jesse my ring I turn around and Nicole hands me Jesse's ring she slides the ring on my left hand on the third finger I slide hers on her third finger on her left hand. The Priest said " With the power invested in me from the state of Tennessee I now pronounce you wife and wife.. you may now kiss the bride". Jesse easily flips the veil back to reveal my face she has tears running down her face as she puts her hand on my face kissing me passionately cause this is most likely the last kiss we will ever have together I kiss her back I feel my hot tears streaming down my face. we look at each other The Priest said " I pronounce you both Mrs. Roberts". we look at the guests standing up cheering for us but little do they know what's about to happen after the small party everyone left going home Jesse and I changed into regular clothes and she drives her car back our house I feel my anxiety increase as we pull into the driveway we get out of the car. Riley, Sam and Lakein get out of Riley's car Jesse unlocks the door and we all walk in.
I look at the clock it is 2:50pm Jesse looks at the hour glass; the sand is almost done she turns around and pulls me into a big hug she cries hysterically on my shoulder and I cried hysterically on hers I see Alex and Nicole teleport in the kitchen. the clock strikes 3:00pm and we exclaim in agony that ominous cold chill fills the room we both turn around and black smoke is appearing in front of us as we stand in the living room he appears in that black cloak and that big scythe. He said in that ominous tone " It is time to go I trust you've said your goodbyes". Before she walks up to him Riley and Sam both pull her into a big hug holding on tightly they all three cry in agony they step away from Jesse and I pull her into one last kiss she cries as she kisses me back, She looks at Riley and Sam then said to me " Take care of them for me.. I will always love you Jane"... I cry hysterically then I choke out " This can't be happening.. I can't already be losing you.. I don't want you to leave baby".. Jesse said as she cried " I don't want to leave either.. but there is no way to stop this.. it is my time and you have to let me go.. I know it's not fair but I can't stop this not even Alex".
The grim reaper closes an old pocket watch and said " It's time to go Jesse". she goes to step back I still have a hold of her hands they slowly slip from mine he points his hand at her and all the sudden her body just falls limp to the floor on her back her eyes closed. he used a power called Necrokinesis on her instant death everyone watches as her soul slowly comes out of her body and appears between him and me She said to Riley and Sam " I love you two so much I will always be here for you.." she looks at me and said"I love you so much Jane my beautiful wife". he points the scythe at her then I get the flashback of Nicole turning me into a vampire because I died I quickly drop to the floor and sink my fangs into the side of Jesse's neck. the grim reaper yells " What do you think you are doing you foolish witch!?!" Jesse's soul goes back into her body and the grim reaper yells " NOOO!!!! she's mine!! her soul is coming with me!!" I pull my fangs out of her neck as her eyes shoot open the brown slowly turns red and her face starts to slowly shift changing to appear more youthful, her back raises up off the ground and she floats into the air.
she looks up at the ceiling as her mouth opens wide the fangs break through her face is glowing she looks straight at the grim reaper as she slowly floats back to the floor on her feet. He is beyond angry He said as he smacks the island with the scythe " You stupid bitch look what you've done now her soul will never cross over!" I said " That's right she is immortal now which means you have no business here anymore! now get your creepy ass out of my house and leave my wife alone!" he growls disappears into black smoke we all sigh in relief Jesse jumps into my arms excitedly and we both cry I put her down She said " Now we can be together forever". I said " For Eternity my queen". Riley said to Sam " Our mother is a vampire-witch; Mason and Brandon better watch out cause here they both come!" we all cheer in excitement

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now