How Kelly Stole Christmas

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 16

P.O.V/ Kelly Davidson:

I finally kidnapped Jane while she was unconscious after my asshole Dad used his powers on her. after he left it gave me an opening to take her while Jesse and the others were still trapped in the force field first I pulled off that god forsaken wedding ring that Jesse gave her and I chucked it at the force field and I teleported away with Jane in my arms. I took her to Kevyn's mansion well it's both of ours my Dad gave it to Kevyn when she was eighteen I teleport into the conservatory that has bullet proof windows I see a chair that is made of wood and metal so I focus on it with my eyes to use my telekinesis cause I still have Jane in my arms the chair slides out from up against the wall right outside of the entrance of the conservatory it moves to the middle of the room directly in front of me. I turn her at an angle so I can sit her in the chair upright her head hangs down so I push her head back and hold it so I use my powers to magically restrain her so she can't escape by using her powers the chains glow orange I see her starting to regain consciousness.
She groans in pain I laugh wickedly and she looks up at me her eyes turn red and she growls standing up quickly but is jerked back down in the chair by the restraints. I said " Going somewhere Jane?" she looks down at the chains that are attached to metal cuffs around her wrists She said " Just let me go Kelly". I said sarcastically " Yeah not happening. listen to me closely you will do what I say when I say it got it?" I hold her face with my hand she jerks loose from my grip and said " I'm not listening to damn thing you have to say bitch". I grab the back of her brown hair that goes a little pass her shoulders and I jerk it back she exclaims in slight pain; a dagger appears in my free hand I hold the tip of it to her throat. I said " If I were you I'd shut the fuck up before I make you swallow this blade". I let go of her she looks down at her left hand at her ring finger where her wedding ring was. Jane said " Where the hell is my ring Kelly?" I laugh evilly then said " You want be needing that anymore especially after you divorce that bitch and marry me besides don't you want a woman your age?"
Jane laughs sarcastically then said " You are delusional if you think I'm ever gonna divorce Jesse especially if you think I will ever marry you". I said " Tell me why did you not ever talk to me that much back then in high school?" Jane said " Well for one that was when me and Jason started dating and two I knew you were bad news so that's why". I said sarcastically " Jason.. yeah I bet he loved how you replaced him after twenty-eight years together only for you to get with a woman you babysitted as a child who is thirteen years younger than you sounds pretty scandalous to me". She laughs with sarcasm then said " You've got some balls calling me scandalous. at least I didn't trick Kim into letting me give birth to Carly! not to mention who you ruined by doing that! it destroyed her after you murdered Kim!! we lost her and Lakein!! you are the reason why they are all dead!! how in the hell do you do that to a girl you gave birth to?!!" I smack her across the face hard her head twists to the side she looks back at me it didn't phase her that much Jane said " You hit like a bitch."
This time I draw my fist back and punch her in the mouth hard her head flies back and blood gushes out the corner of her mouth I'm pissed so I continue hitting her I punch her in the stomach she yelps in pain losing her breath. I grab her face forcing her to look at me I said " I've had enough of this goody two shoes version of you I want evil Jane to break out". I wave my hand in front of her face and she goes into a trance. I point my hand at the magical restraints and I use my telekinesis to break them loose they fall to the ground beside the chair she stands up kicks her leg back and the chair slides backwards busting up against the window of the conservatory. she is wearing a dark colored blue jean jacket with black sleeves and black hood with a plain black long sleeve button up under the jacket, dark blue jeans with a black leather belt and a pair of navy blue new balance shoes with black shoe strings. I'm wearing a blue jean jacket with grey sleeves and a grey hood, dark blue aeropostale blue jeans with a brown leather belt, a red women's aeropostale t-shirt and those white and red Reebok running shoes that have red strings.
She's evil now and she wants to fight I can see it in her eyes I said " Well what are waiting for?! bring it on bitch!!" I hold my arms out she dashes towards me running very fast she is using her power called superhuman agility she gets right in front of me and punches me in the mouth hard I come off my feet flying backwards into the foyer my back slides on the hardwood floor and I stop right beside a round antique table that sits in the middle. Jane dashes over and jumps on top of me grabbing me by the jacket I smirk at her showing her that I'm enjoying this cause I'm sure she is too I said " Go ahead hit me you know you want to". she punches me in the nose I laugh wickedly as my eyes water but it quickly goes away she can't hurt me because of my power called superhuman durability which means I can survive deadly attacks such as being beaten, stabbed, shot or even being blown up anything that will kill a human Jane has that power too but her weakness is a stake through the heart only if you can catch her which is nearly impossible.
I use my super human strength combined with my telekinesis to throw her off of me she flies backwards hitting the floor rolling back into the conservatory she stops rolling laying on her stomach I'm laying flat on my back I quickly jump back up on my feet without raising up. I walk over to Jane just as she starts to move I draw my leg back and kick her in the ribs hard she yells in pain as she flips over on her back I growl and kick her again she yells out in pain. I said " You humans are pathetic with all your feelings and emotions! you are weak is what you are! evil is so much better Jane because the is no rules!". she jumps up standing face to face with me her eyes turn amber gold. she grabs me and pulls me into a passionate kiss backing me into the wall right beside the entrance of the conservatory I moan as I kiss her back she holds onto my jacket I am instantly turned on truth be told I haven't been laid in months I start unbuttoning her black long sleeve button up as she is still kissing me.
I open her shirt as we stop kissing I look at her body she is wearing a black laced bra she is a C cup like me her skin is pale I look at her toned six pack she doesn't have too much muscle like a body builder would. we hear a door open I look right over beside the conservatory on the right side of the room there is a door that leads out to a patio that leads out to the outdoor pool I see Kevyn appear from the door she sees us and of course sees Jane's shirt open she is stunned as she turns her head. Kevyn said in disgust " Ugh! Mom what is she doing here??" Jane closes her shirt and holds it closed with her arms crossed. I said " I turned her evil". Kevyn looks back and said " How did you manage that?" I said " Your asshole grandad used his powers on her and she lost consciousness". Kevyn said as she looked at Jane " So did she make her fall in love with you?" I said " Yeah that was my plan". Kevyn said " I didn't know she was hiding all that under her clothes". she nods in approval.
I said " We'll be upstairs". I go to move and Jane grabs my jacket She said " I know a much faster way". Kevyn snickers " Don't break each others hips". she laughs wickedly Jane and I glare at Kevyn's joke. Jane holds onto me as she starts teleporting us up to my bedroom. she teleports in the middle of the room it is big with a king size bed just behind me right behind Jane is the sitting area with a couch that is facing the right wall it is several feet out away from the wall and the windows on the left wall beside the door is a 57 inch flat screen tv bolted to the wall past the sitting area is my office space with a big wooden desk with a desktop computer and a black leather computer chair. Jane pulls off my jacket and throws it on top of an old wooden chest that sits directly at the foot of the bed I pull hers off and throw it behind me on the chest I pull her into a kiss as I start unbuckling her belt she pulls off my red t-shirt and throws it behind her on the floor we stopped kissing she looks down at my body I'm wearing a grey bra her eyes travel down to my chiseled six pack she winks at me Jane unbuckles my belt I pull of her black button up and it falls to the ground behind her we got in the bed removing each others jeans and panties.
I'm straddling her small waist I use my power called conjuration to make a nine inch strap on appear around my waist I reach behind me and pull the cover up over my back covering us I bend down and start kissing her she has her arms wrapped around my shoulders as we are kissing I line up the strap on with her opening and I easily push it inside she whimpers softly pulling away from my lips. I groan in pleasure as I feel her stretching around the strap on she moans into my shoulder as I continue to push deeper I feel her nails scratch my back tattoo on my right shoulder blade it is a pentagram with bisexuality colors. It comes to a stop cause it want go any deeper Jane moans softly at the pressure I slowly start thrusting into her I pull her glasses off with one hand and lay them on the left night stand I'm holding myself up with my hands on each side of her head I start kissing on the side of her neck softly. I pick up the pace thrusting fast and hard Jane moans " Ahh! Ahh! fuck".. I groan in pleasure hearing her I grab her throat as I continue to thrust faster she smiles at me as she enjoys me holding her throat I bend down kissing her passionately as keep going at that pace.
She scraps her nails down my back I groan loud in pleasure as I suck on the side of her neck she whimpers loud as I start wearing her out making our skin slap frantically I feel her tightening around the strap on I said breathing heavily " That's it come on". she whimpers loud as she climaxes hard on the strap on. I stop thrusting into her and lay my head on her chest as we both breath heavily after few minutes of catching our breath she switches our positions I see the strap on disappear from around my waist and reappears around hers she bends down and starts kissing me I feel her push the head of the strap on inside I moan softly as we kiss she begins to thrust into me. Jesse's P.O.V/ I'm sitting in mine and Jane's room going crazy because I can't find out where Kelly took her she has blocked Jane's signal so Alex can't find her all that is going through my mind is that Kelly is making her do god only knows what or worse she's hurting her. I take a drink of my beer , a bud light I'm pacing back and forth I down the last bit of beer in the glass bottle and sit it down on the dresser by the window.
Directly in front of me is an office desk with a 2014 apple imac mini desktop on it the screen saver is a picture of me and Jane from when we first got together it is was also the first picture we took together as a couple we are leaned up against my 2011 mustang gt holding hands Riley took the picture. I start crying cause I'm worried sick about Jane and none of us can find her I bet Kelly has took her to Kevyn's mansion but I'm not sure I look at out the window it is getting dark I see the time on the computer it is 6:30pm. all the sudden I hear glass breaking like there is a struggle going on downstairs I teleport down stairs right in front the stairs that lead up to the bedrooms a stream of fire zooms by my face I jump back to avoid it I look over to the left where the small hallway is to the front door and there stood Valerie she shot fire from her hand I look right into the living room and see Mason getting up off the ground. Sam and Riley are standing in front of the dinner table they both throw their hands up shooting electricity at Mason he slings his hand at the electricity and it hits the ceiling making a black spot.
I hold my hand out and a high voltage energy ball appears in my hand I go to throw it and Mason said " Stop! I come in peace!" I rolled my eyes Riley said " Bullshit! you are damn liar!" He said " No I'm serious!" I still have the energy ball in my hand I look back at Riley, Sam and Valerie Sam said " I don't trust this asshole one bit he's up to something". Mason said " I can help you get Jane back". I squeeze the energy ball and it disappears into smoke I said " You better not trick me Mason I swear if you do Valerie will turn you into dust". He looks at Valerie and said " She can't vanquish me". fire starts swarming on the floor and on her body like she did at the college that time with Professor Glenn. Mason is stunned I looked back at him and said " Why would you want to help us? you hate all of us". He said " True but I love Jane and I don't want that bitch Kelly messing with her". I said " You want Jane for yourself Kelly is just in your way". Mason said " You know me too well Jesse. now do you want to know where she is?" I rolled my eyes and said " Where is she Mason?" He said " At Kevyn's mansion".
Riley said " Mom how do we know that this isn't Kelly's trap? she could have sent him here". I look at him and He said " Kelly didn't send me here I don't work for her I work for myself". I said " I swear I'll vanquish you if you are lying. when I do get Jane back you and Kelly better stay far away". Mason said " I want make any promises". Riley said " Mom you actually believe him??" I said " For now". he smiles evilly then said " You have to come with me alone though". he holds out his hand Riley steps up beside me and said " It's a trap Mom". He said " It's not if I teleport you there she want be able to sense your presence because of my evil". I groan in disgust as I hold onto his clammy hand I looked the girls and said " Just stay put I'll back". Riley and Sam protest but Mason teleports away with me. He teleports me inside the house but it's a room with dim light I let go of his hand and whispered " This better not be a trick Mason". He whispered " It's not we are in the basement". he flips a light switch and the lights come I whispered " What are you doing? she is gonna know someone is down here??" He said " Nobody ever comes down here she'll never know".
I exclaim quietly in shock as I see a wax figure of Lakein standing on a circular steel platform with a glass cylinder over it I walk over to it looking at it. Mason is standing next to me I said quietly " Why does she have a wax figure of Lakein?" Mason said quietly " Lakein isn't the only one". Beside the glass cylinder to the left is another circular platform that comes to the middle of the cylinder but it has a glass cube with white lights swarming around in it. I said quietly " Are those Lakein's powers?" Mason said quietly " Yeah she collects powers and wax figures of the possessor's". I look to the right on the other side of cylinder with the wax figure and there is another one with a wax figure of Carly inside it beside hers is another platform with a glass cube inside it are dark and white lights swarming around it those are Carly's powers. I continue to look there is a wax figure of Kim with her powers separate in the glass cube, there is one of Kat, Jenny's mom with her powers, beside hers is a wax figure of Jason with his powers, beside him is one of Diana with her powers I said quietly " I think she is wanting to collect us all". Mason said quietly " That's what it looks like".
A voice from across the room surprises us " Mason how could you?" the sarcasm stings in the words we look over and there stood Kelly in front of a black curtain. She said " I don't take too kindly to people who betray me you've been around humans too long Jane is starting to rub off on you." Mason said " How can I betray you if I was never on your side?" Kelly scoffs " You're evil Mason evil doesn't feel sympathy for the good but from where I'm standing you look like a traitor!!" Kelly's eyes light up red and two powerful beams of fire shoot from them it's headed for me Mason holds hand up and the beams hit it directing them back to Kelly they hit her in the chest and turn into smoke She used a power called Optical fire bolts. I'm very stunned by what he just did Kelly said " You just saved Jesse you are going soft on me". Mason said " Well I'll never get hard for you". I snicker softly that's pretty funny Kelly glares at him. She said " Let's see how much you laugh now". she pulls the curtain back revealing Jane I can tell by the look in her eyes that she is evil tomorrow is Christmas and I really want my wife there with me.
Kelly looks at her She said " Kill them!!" her eyes turn red she holds her hand out and a powerful beam of purple energy shoots out now that she is a vampire-witch that power is advanced it's now called energy beam emission I sling my arm at the beam using my deviation to send it flying back to them they both duck as it shoots through the curtain burning a hole through it. Kelly slings both of her hands up using her telekinesis to send me and Mason busting through the ceiling above as we crash through the ceiling we hit a hard wood floor I yell out in pain as I feel something go through my shoulder I'm laying on my back and Mason is laying on his stomach he sees a sharp piece of wood piercing through me. thank god it didn't go through my heart he gets on his knees beside me and grabs the top part he looks at me and I said in pain " Now".. he jerks it out and I yell in pain. he throws it to the right he helps me up Mason looks concerned for me He said " Are you alright Jesse?" I look at the blood filled hole in my black colored blue jean jacket with grey sleeves the wound starts to close until the blood is gone and now there is a hole in my jacket; I'm wearing dark blue hollister jeans for women and my black and white high top Adidas I said " Yeah I'm okay".
He looks around the room noticing that Kelly and Jane aren't in here yet Mason is wearing a grey t-shirt that has a black Micheal Jordan symbol on the front that is black , dark blue American eagle jeans for men regular not skinny jeans, black and white air Jordan high tops, a white and black air Jordan straight bill hat the front is white with a basketball symbol with wings with air Jordan above it in black letters the back of it is black. We hear Kelly's evil laughter fill the room followed by Jane's Mason and I have our backs to each other looking around I said " Stop hiding Kelly! come out and face me! woman to woman!" fire and purple energy start swirling in front of me until Kelly and Jane appear. Kelly said " You asked for it". she is standing in front of me while Jane is in front of Mason; a fireball appears in her hand we spread out in front of the conservatory which it is a big open space where a few chairs are and a love seat there is a square mirror on the wall behind Kelly she throws the fireball at me I sling my arm at using my Deviation to send it flying back she catches it like a baseball in her hand she then squeezes it and it disappears into a black cloud of smoke. Kelly points her hand behind me and a red force field goes up between me and Mason blocking us off from each other leaving me alone with Kelly on the left side and Mason alone with Jane on the right side. She said " He can't save you now bitch". Kelly throws her hand up and a powerful stream of fire shoots from her hand I dashed out of the way to the left to avoid it as it hits the force field that was behind me I drew my hand back and slung it at Kelly as I'm running past her an energy ball zooms towards her she catches it in her hand and squeezed it into a black puff of smoke. Kelly laughs evilly I still hear Mason and Jane fighting Kelly goes to use her powers but a green vortex appears in the middle of the floor between us Dani and Riley jump out of it Riley walks over to me and Dani stands in front of Kelly staring her down I said to Riley " I told you to stay put". Riley said " I know but Dani can help Kelly is afraid of her". I look back and Mason is on top of Jane holding her down on the ground she is thrashing against him. He said " I'm not gonna hurt you! I'm trying to help you! snap out of it Jane!"
He holds his hand out in front of her and black lights start swirling out of her until they disappear into the air she realizes he is on top of her and smacks him across the face he slides off her on the floor. he holds his red cheek and said sarcastically in a female voice " Thanks for saving me Mason". she looks at him with a confused look Mason stands up and said " You're welcome". Kelly said to Dani " Get lost blondie you don't scare me!" the force field comes down Dani is just staring at Kelly not saying anything. Kelly said " What!! bring it on weirdo!!" a giant ball of purple energy appears in front of Dani floating in between her and Kelly; Dani is doing that with her mind. Kelly goes to use her powers and Riley pulls out a yellow colored potion and throws it at her feet the floor beneath her shoes begins to crystalize making her stick to the hard wood floor Kelly tries to teleport away but even her flaming teleportation isn't freeing her. Dani said as tears fell from her eyes " It's time for you to feel the pain you caused Carly and Lakein!!!!" Dani screams as she releases the giant ball of emotional energy it's headed straight for Kelly.
All the sudden Kevyn yells " Mom!!!! Nooooo!!!!" she jumps in front of her and the ball of energy smacks into Kevyn like a wrecking ball she yells out in agonizing pain as a flash of light blinds everyone including Kelly I hear her scream " Kevyn!!!!!!!!" nobody can see anything finally the flash disappears she is still standing there with white smoke swirling around her Kevyn falls to the floor on face first. the floor releases her she rushes over to Kevyn; Kelly turns her over on her back and puts her hand on Kevyn's neck feeling her pulse she looks up at us her eyes turned red. Kelly said " What did you do to her?!!" Dani said " She felt all the pain that she also caused Carly and Lakein raw human emotion that you two can't handle". Kevyn groans loud in pain. Dani said to us " Come on let's get the hell out of here". Kelly laughs evilly as she holds Kevyn in her lap She yelled " This isn't over Dani!!!!" we all teleport back to my house where Alex, Nicole, Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam and Valerie are Nicole sees Mason and her eyes turned red she goes after him but Jane stops her.
Nicole said " What is he doing here??" Jane said " Believe it or not he saved me and Jesse". Nicole said " Why in the hell would he want to save anyone?? he's an evil bastard". I said " It's true he saved us for what reason I don't understand". Dani looks at Mason and said " Give me your hand". Mason grabs Dani's hand holding onto it gently she is using her empathy to sense his evil emotions she has her eyes closed after a few seconds she opens them looking at Mason with a shocked look. Dani said " I can't sense anything from him". Jane said " What do you mean? that you don't sense any evil?" Dani said " I can't read him it's just blank". Jane said " How is that possible?" I start thinking about what Kelly said to him she said that Jane is rubbing off on him. I said to Jane " Kelly said it herself that he wasn't evil anymore that you're good influence is rubbing off on him making him want to be a better person". Jane said to Dani " Can that happen?" Dani said " It could but he's still in love with you". Nicole is having a hard time believing that Mason may or may not be evil anymore.
Nicole said " So we are suppose to believe him after all he has done?? this could be an act just to get to Mom". Dani said " We believe him until he gives us a reason not to". Nicole walks up in front of Mason looking up at him I see a silver dagger appear behind her back where he can't see it She said " I swear if this is some sick game of yours I will vanquish you for good" she points the dagger at his throat Jane is stunned when she realizes which dagger that is. She said " Nicole is that your Dad's silver coated dagger?" Nicole said not taking her eyes off of Mason " Yes I finally found it after twenty years in the astral plane". Nicole continues speaking to Mason " This is the same dagger that my father killed yours with and it will kill you too you better watch yourself if I find out that you are faking I will send you to hell with your parents don't push me Mason". she touches the tip of the blade to his neck and it starts smoking burning his skin he exclaims in pain holding the burn Mason said " I understand Nicole". She said " You better". the clock struck midnight it's Christmas day. Mason walks over to the hallway headed for the front door me and Jane look at each other I said " You want to stay for a beer Mason?" he turns around and looks at us.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now