Back To 1996

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 13

P.O.V/ Jesse Roberts:

It's already been a year since Lakein and Carly died nobody seen it coming; nobody knew that Carly couldn't be saved but she did and she didn't want any of us to know that so she suppressed her demonic side but it eventually took over when Kim died because Carly lost control and her evil side felt weakness and took full advantage of it. then we lost her as she was took over completely by the demon inside Lakein just wanted to help Carly because she was her friend but more importantly Lakein knew what it felt like to be evil. there was no reasoning with the demon she killed Lakein afterwards somehow Carly took over for a few minutes she said that she couldn't live with what she done that she killed her are own friend; she knew that she had to pay for what she done she put up that force field and conjured up a potion that was strong enough to kill her and just like that she was gone. that was the worst day of our lives we lost them it shattered Dani and Riley; it shattered all of us even though I wasn't Lakein's real mom I feel like I lost a child that day seeing her like that broke something inside of me she was like a daughter to me and I loved as if she were my own I just wish they could have been saved.
I pull up at the cemetery where Lakein is buried at I get out of my car; closing the door behind me I push the lock button on my key remote and the car makes a chripping noise as it locks I walk through passing headstones until I get to a double headstone that says Melton on it I read the names Lakein James Melton born September 27, 1969 died April 1, 2009 the other name is LeeAnne Renee Melton born August 17,1969 died April 1,2009 there is a single headstone right beside it that says Lakein Olivia Melton born May 3, 1995 died October 25, 2013 I feel tears running down my face I said " I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you.. I feel like I have let you down I just hope know how much I loved you and cared for you like you were my own daughter".. I wipe the tears off my face and walk back to my car I get in after unlocking it and I drive off headed back towards my house. I pull into the driveway I turn the car off and get out walking up on the front porch Jane was still asleep when I left I didn't want to wake her so she could get some sleep on our day off we got three days off this time. I unlock the door and walk inside Riley, Sam and Valerie are at their college today I walk into the kitchen and pick up a stack of mail on the island I look through them nothing but junk mail.
I hear footsteps coming down the stairs I turn around and Jane walks down into the kitchen with me her hair is damp like she just got out of the shower she is wear a navy blue women's flannel that has white lines through it, she is wearing dark blue American eagle jeans with navy blue and black New balance shoes the strings are black as well. I'm wearing a black Adidas t-shirt with an white Adidas logo on the front with regular amercian eagle jeans, black and white Adidas high tops along with my black colored blue jean jacket that has a grey hood and grey sleeves Jane sees the sad look in my eyes She said " Are you okay?" I said " Yeah while you were still sleeping I went to visit Lakein's grave". I see sympathy in her eyes she pulls me into a hug as I cry on her shoulder I said as I cried " I miss her so much.. it just feels so different without her here I know she wasn't my real daughter but I feel like I've lost one now that she's gone".. Jane looks at me as she wipes the tears off my face She said " I know you miss her.. you were an amazing mother figure to her while she was here. she always said she thought of you like a second mom". I said " I feel like I let her down". Jane said " No you didn't. you stepped up for her and took her in as your own when the rest of her so called family turned their backs on her you never let her down Jesse she was extremely happy here".
I see something out of the corner of my eye so I look and I see dark lights appearing until Brandon appears; he has Shelby by her arm and he is holding Willow in his left arm she is only a year old Shelby had her on April 12, 2013 last year. my heart drops when I see them with him I can see the fear in Jane's eyes as she sees our grand daughter in Brandon's arms she is giggling and making baby noises as Brandon makes funny faces at her. I said " Shelby what's going on?" She looks out the corner of her eye nervously at Brandon he puts his arm around her neck then said " They are gonna come visit with me for awhile ain't that right Shelby?" she cringes as he pulls her closer to him. I said " Like hell they are. let them both go right now Brandon". He said as a dagger appears in his hand he holds it to Shelby's throat " Try something I dare you I swear I will slit her pretty neck wide open I'm taking the kid so I can raise her as my own". I said " I can't let you do that besides you barely know anything about kids". Shelby said " Please let my baby go.. just take me".. Jane said " No Shelby don't say that both of you are staying here". Brandon looks at Willow then looks at Shelby he has this evil look in his eyes.
He said " Fine but if I let the kid go. you are gonna have me another kid that I get to raise to be evil". I said " You're fucking sick she will never sleep with you". He said " Why am I sick? because I'm older than her? I was fourteen when she was born like Jane was thirteen when you were born it's the same thing." I said " Brandon please just let them go.. please".. He sits Willow down on the ground on her feet and she walks over to Jane she picks her up in her arms and holds her Willow is facing her playing with Jane's brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little. Jesse said " Now let Shelby go". Brandon grabs her the back of her brown hair that has a reddish tint to it and pulls her head back she exclaims quietly so that Willow doesn't get scared because she doesn't understand what's going on. he still has the blade against her throat Brandon said " No! she's coming with me and neither one of can stop me". I can see the fear in Shelby's hazel green eyes She said quietly " Don't worry I'll be fine..please take care of Willow for me..tell Eric I love him"..
Brandon goes to teleport but stops when he sees the room start to spin around us He presses the knife to Shelby's throat more then said " What's going on?! are two doing that!?" Jane and I look at the room as it starts to twist and turn becoming distorted I said " No! are you?!" He said " No I'm not! I don't have that kind of power!" Jane holds onto Willow protecting her as she cries all the sudden everything goes dark. I slowly open my eyes I feel disoriented and dizzy I realize that I'm laying on a bed and raise up quickly I look down at my clothes I'm wearing a plain navy blue v-neck t-shirt with some old blue jeans I see on my feet a pair of 1996 Nike running shoes. I think to myself when did I change my clothes? where did I get these old clothes I don't remember getting them I get off the bed and see a baby play pen beside the bed I look in it there are two one year old baby girls one has brown hair and brown eyes the other has blonde hair and brown eyes they almost look like twins. the brown headed one said " Mama". in a baby voice then it hit me oh my god that's Riley and Sam. I look around the room and see posters on the wall one of 2 Pac a rapper from the nineties and there is poster of that band Evanescence.
I see an old TV stand with an old TV on it that isn't a flat screen I look down below on a shelf and see a play station one console I see a dresser that has a CD player on it with pull over head phones there is a black pager laying there with an old black flip phone. I pick up the phone and open it I see nothing but a grey background there are numbers in the middle of the screen that says 3-6-96.. March 1, 1996!? I look up in the mirror that is attached to the dresser I exclaim in surprise as I see my face in the mirror I am not a thirty-four year old grown woman anymore. I am a sixteen year old girl again!? I look at my dark brown hair in the mirror it is down and curly it goes a little past my shoulders I look at my skin and see a little patch of acne on my chin I touch the skin and it is tight not loose like an adult this is freaking me out. I pick up a thin black hair tye and put my hair back in a ponytail with my bangs down on the left side of my face I walk over to the play pen and watch Riley and Sam; white lights start appearing on baby Sam as she teleports then reappears in the same spot sitting down baby Riley giggles I smile I really do miss them being babies but they are grown now.
They both walk up to me Riley holds her arms up wanting me to pick her up I reach down and pick her up I look at her beautiful face her skin is light mixed she smiles at me as I kiss her on the cheek I put her in my right arm and hold onto her tight as I reach down and pick up Sam in my left arm she smiles excitedly. Sam puts her tiny hand on my face gently then said " Mama". I said " My sweet girls Mama loves you both so very much". I hear a female voice downstairs call my name " Jesse Lee!" I walk out of the open door carrying Riley and Sam in my arms I carefully walk downstairs into a living room where I find my mom Terri I look at her face she is much younger than she is in the future her hair is dark brown not grey she is about forty-two. She has a diaper bag on the old couch that she is putting baby clothes in She is sitting on the couch as she looks up at me she can tell something is off She said " Are you okay Sweetie?" I have to pretend I'm the Jesse from this time I said " Yeah I'm fine". My mom gets up off the couch standing in front of me.
We are about the same height she is maybe a little taller She said " Brice and Tanya are on their way to pick up Riley and Sam for the weekend". Brice and Tanya are Brandon's parents I said " Is he gonna be with them?" She said " Probably not you know him he's always out running around while his parents take care of the girls I'm so happy you broke up with him I can't stand his ways". I broke up with Brandon when Riley and Sam were five months old for one he would slap me if he was mad and two he hardly even helped me raise the girls but this past version of my mom doesn't know that Brandon use to put his hands on me I didn't tell them until I got with Jane in 2011 so I can't tell her that. my mom zips the diaper bag then She said " Are you still going to Jane's this weekend?" I said as I stuttered " Uh.. yeah". I hear a horn outside My mom said " That's them". I see the front door open and the screen door is closed I watch as Brandon's parents walk up on the front porch Brice knocks on the glass gently and my mom motions for them to come in.
They both walk in Brice is about 6" 0' and he is white; Tanya is about 5" 7' and she is mixed darker than Brandon they are both about my mom's age I haven't seen them in years they moved out of state when Brandon moved to Ohio they haven't seen the girls since they were about five. Tanya smiles as she gets Riley from my mom's arms Brice gets Sam from me He said " Is that all their stuff?" My mom said " Yeah pretty sure just call if you need anything or call Jesse she will be with Jane". Tanya said " Alright we will see you guys Monday". I kiss Riley and Sam on the cheek so does my mom. we watch them as they put them in the back seat of their car in car seat they buckle both of them and close the doors they both wave at us as they get in the driver and the passenger seat Brice pulls out of the driveway. My mom said " Well I guess I'm gonna head to work do you want a ride to Jane's?" I said " Yeah sure". me and my mom walk outside she closes the door and locks it we walk over beside the house to a black 1996 ford mustang gt the old version of my car.
after we got in; she starts the car and pulls out the driveway as she's driving she reaches over to the glove box and pushes a button it comes open and she pulls out a pack of Marlboro menthol shorts and hands them to me of course she brought my cigarettes back then cause I wasn't eighteen yet I smiled then said " Thanks Mom". She said " Your welcome.. I'm extremely proud of you for stepping up and being a young mom not many girls your age would do that you are a damn good mother and I can't wait to see how Riley and Sam turn out as adults I know that they will be a hell of a woman like their mom". I smile as I think to myself if you only knew that they did turn out to be amazing and nothing like Brandon. she pulls up at Jane's house it is a grey house with a big front porch that is white she stops in front of the house. She looks at the house and said " It's kinda weird how close you and Jane are considering she's an adult but I'm glad you have her I hope you learn a lot from her she is a wonderful woman.. I love you". I said " I love you too Mom".
I get out of the car and walk around to the trunk my mom pushed the button to unlock it I pull out a draw string back pack that is black and walk up onto the sidewalk I turn around and wave at my mom as she drives off I continue walking down the side walk I see the front door open Jane walks out holding Nicole in her arms as baby she is two years old I walk up on the porch Jane and I just stare at each other I look at her young face her hair is still the same color brown except there is no grey she still has on them same black framed glasses not the huge frames but the smaller size frames. she is wearing a black and white nineties flannel with dark blue jeans and black nineties style New balance shoes I said " Jane is that you in there?" she looks back at the door then She said " Yes it's me it's so weird to be twenty-nine again". I said as I looked at my body " Yeah it's very weird being sixteen again how did our future souls end up in our past bodies?" Jane said " I don't know but I have feeling that someone sent us here to mess with us".
I look at two year old Nicole in Jane's arms she smiles at me and said in a baby voice " Jesse". I smile and said "Aww she's so cute". Nicole reaches for me and I get her from Jane and hold her. Jane smiles at us as I hold her She said " I really miss Nicole being that little and being able to hold her like that again". I said " Yeah I know that feeling I just sent Riley and Sam with Brandon's parents I miss them being little too". we walk inside and I sit Nicole down in the living room and she walks over to a pile of toys in the floor and sits down playing with them. Jane and I sit down on the couch I said as I looked her " God you are so beautiful.." I feel tears run down my face She puts her hand on my face. I hear foot steps coming from the stairs I look over and see Jason appear from the hallway he is young about twenty-eight his hair is black without any grey he's wearing a dark grey 1983 Journey world tour band t-shirt with a pair of light acid washed blue jeans and a pair of maroon steel toed boots he has a duffel bag on his shoulder.
We stand up from the couch and move apart so that we are not too close He said " Okay I guess I'm gonna head out and drop Nicole off at my dad's he's been begging to spend the weekend with her I'll be back Monday". Jane said " Okay be careful". he puts his hand on her face and she looks at me as he pulls her into a soft kiss I feel territorial as I watch him kiss her but she isn't my wife in this time she's his. Jason said " I love you Jane". She looks at me then looks at him She said " I love you too Jason.. let me know when you make it there". He said " I will". He bends down and picks up Nicole in his arms she giggles playfully He looks at Nicole and said " Wanna go see Poppy?" she shakes her head yes excitedly He looks at us then said " Tell Mommy and aunt Jesse bye bye". Nicole said in her baby voice " Bye Bye Mommy. Bye Bye auntie Jesse". we both smile at her Jane kisses Nicole on the cheek and Jason walks over to the front door that is already open and walks out down the porch with Nicole out to his 1996 black ford bronco. he puts Nicole in her car seat in the back and buckles her in he closes the door and gets in the driver seat he starts the car up and pulls out of the driveway.
We watch as he drives off Jane closes the front door and locks it She said " I'm sure you didn't like it when he kissed me. I'm sorry we have to pretend to be our past selves until we can get back to the future". I said " I didn't. I have no choice but to suck it up and deal with it I just want my wife back".. I hold her face with my hands as we look each other in the eyes She said " She's still here.. it kills me that I can't be with you right now because you are underage".. I see tears falling from her beautiful blue eyes I said as tears roll down my cheeks " Age is nothing but a number". Jane said " It is when I'm twenty-nine and you are sixteen.. not only is it illegal but it is wrong especially when I am still married to Jason in this time".. my lips are inches away from hers she swallows nervously as she looks at me. I pull her into a soft passionate kiss as our lips barely touch she tries to pull away but I pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss when I do this she growls softly in pleasure backing me into the wall pinning me against with her body. I feel her strength as she holds me against the wall with her weight I'm not as strong as I am in the future neither is she because we aren't vampires.
I feel her hand around my throat as she kisses me with passion our breathing is getting heavy as I grab her free hand and guide it towards the front of my blue jeans I push her hand into my jeans right as her hand touches my panties she comes to her thoughts jerking her hand out of my pants. she lets go of me and backs away from me She said " I'm sorry Jesse I just can't make myself do that.." I said"It's okay I understand.. I can't help it I could have never done that back then. I just love you so much baby.. we have to find a way back to the future so we can be together or else we are stuck here in the past and I refuse to relive a time where I can't have you.. watching you marry Jason was very hard for me I know your Dad was dreading that day but he didn't know that he wasn't the only one giving you away".. Jane pulls me into a hug she looks at me as she holds my face with her hands. She said " I'm sorry you had to go through that but I promise you we will find our way back home I'm not reliving this either with my future soul in my past body that would be like living in hell".. her cellphone rings from the dining room table she walks over and picks up an old flip phone similar to mine except hers is blue and yellow she opens it then pushing the answer button She said " Hello?"
She listens to the person talking; She said " Alright I'll be there in few minutes". she closes the phone and looks at it funny cause she hasn't used a flip phone in years. Jane said " That was the hospital they need me for little bit". I said " Ugh I wish I could go with you". Jane said " Actually you can they know that your my friend in this time I don't think they will mind". I said " It's so weird hearing you say that I'm just your friend. this really sucks bad". Jane said " Yes it does". she walks upstairs to the bedroom and I follow her up there. she opens a door finding the closet she looks at the closet then said " Thank god I remember where everything was in this house". she pulls out a navy-blue scrubs outfit it is smaller than the ones she wears in the future. Jane looks at the scrubs then said " Yikes this would not fit me in the future when I was twenty-nine I weighed 125". she starts unbuttoning her black and white flannel I swallow nervously as she opens it revealing her black bra my eyes scan her body she still has those abs.
She sees me looking at her then smiles I said " Are you teasing me by taking off your clothes in front of me?" Jane smiles then said " Maybe a little". she winks at me I said playfully " That's okay wait until we get back to the future and I'm not sixteen anymore". I wink at her hinting that she's in for it. she ties the white strings on the navy blue pants that go to the shirt I'm standing in front of her she looks at me weird then said " Is it just me or are you shorter?" I walk up to a stand up mirror that is on the wall beside the bathroom I said " I am. ugh I apparently didn't reach 5'3 yet at sixteen I'm as tall as Riley I grew a whole inch and stopped?" Jane giggles. she looks around for her car keys in the room she doesn't find them so we walk downstairs and look for them I said " Do you even remember what kinda of car you were driving in 1996? was it some type of old Honda?" She said as she looked around " I think so maybe it was a Chevy". I see a set of car keys laying on the kitchen island I pick them up and see a Honda symbol on the main key for the car I said " It was a Honda". I give her the keys and we walk out the front door she locks the door with a house key.
We walk down the steps and to the left to the driveway there sitting in front of us is a 1996 Honda accord ex that is black the car has been modified a little the bumper is custom so are the rims they are small ones not those ridiculous ones that are huge. we both look at each other stunned I said " I remember you driving that around". Jane said " Oh wow I forgot all about this car". I said " What ever happened to it?" Jane said " I think I sold it and bought a Chevy Tahoe". we get in the car and put our seat belts on she puts the key in the ignition and turns it and the car starts up she has her foot on the break as she easily pushes the gas pedal making the engine rev a little. she winks at me and I smile at her blushing she pulls out of the driveway and drives down the road we get about maybe ten minutes away and she looks at the gas gauge and said " We need some gas". she sees an old gas station on the left side of the road and pulls in it she pulls up to a gas pump and stops the car shutting it off.
She looks down in the floor board beside my left leg and see a black drawstring backpack I pick it up and hand it to her she sits it on her lap and pulls it open; she digs through it and pulls out a plain black wallet that is for a woman she opens it up and looks at the contents inside it. She said " I don't remember the pin to my debit card in this time". she pulls opens a place where you keep cash and takes out a twenty dollar bill. we both get out and start walking towards the store Jane said as she looked at the store " They tore this down a few years later in 1998 after the owner was shot and killed inside. do you remember that?" I said " Yeah that has always stuck with me cause I always came here with Brandon; Phil was a great man it's gonna be weird to see him again". I looked up at the writing above the door that says Phil's in bright yellow over blue paint Jane opens the door holding it open for me as I walk in behind her. I see a man in his early forties behind the counter he is refilling the cigarette slots it's Phil he sees us and said " There's the dynamic duo Jesse and Jane; what can I do for you pretty ladies?"
Jane said " I need twenty on pump four please". I'm standing behind her with my back turned looking at a rack of merchandise when I notice something out the corner of my eye I look to my left and my heart sinks in fear as I see past Brandon standing there smiling at me he is holding a energy drink in his hand called Red Bull. he smiles as he walks up to me; he is wearing a black Chicago bulls basketball tank top it is like a jersey, black Jordan basketball shorts and a pair of black , red and white air jordans that are 1996 style; Brandon said " I heard my mom and dad have the girls for the weekend are you gonna come over and spend the night like old times?" he winks at me I guess future Brandon isn't here in the past with us but he could be pretending to be past Brandon. I roll my eyes in disgust as I try to keep from puking all over him I said " Yeah right you wish Brandon". He said " I really wish you would give me another chance Jesse.. I love you I really do".. I can see it in his eyes that please forgive me look him looking at me like that sends me into a flashback.
The flashback is in my bedroom I had just found out that I was pregnant with Riley and Sam in April of 1994 just two weeks left of April; Brandon and I are arguing. Brandon yelled " Just admit it Jesse! you have a crush on Jane!" I said " I don't! I'm not gay Brandon! we are just very close!". of course I was lying He said " Oh bullshit! every time she's around you are different! we are different! I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore when Jane is around!" I said " I'm sick and tired of you accusing me of being in love with her! she is a grown ass woman like I could ever even have a chance with her if I was into her which I'm not!". He said " Whatever dyke". that pissed me off. I said " Fuck you asshole!" He smiles cause he pissed me off then He said " What's the matter did that make you angry?" he giggles childishly then said " Muff diver". he busted out laughing hysterically. I said " Get the fuck out of my house! I'm done!!!" He said " Done?" I said " It's over!!" his facial expression changed to a dark one as if he became a different person.
He drew his hand back and slapped me across the face hard enough to make me hit the bed on my back Brandon said " It isn't over until I say so!" I feel blood running down my chin he busted my lip at that point I had enough of him this was last time he ever hit me besides the time at the bar with Jane. I drew my arm back and slung it at Brandon using my Telekinesis to make him fly across the room smacking the wall with his back when I done this it brung him back to his senses he stumbles up. he has already lost his powers for mistreating me Brandon walks over the bed and tries to help me up but I smack his hands away I said " Don't ever touch me again! like I said it's over that is the last time you are ever gonna hit me!" Brandon said " Jesse I'm sorry.. I love you I really do please".. I yelled " Get out!!!" I come out of the flashback with Jane standing beside me. he is looking at me wanting an answer I said " I'm sorry Brandon but no I'm not giving you anymore chances it's over for good". I see his expression turned to disappointment He said " Fine if that's what you want". he walks up to the counter and pays for his drink and walks out. Jane said quietly " Which Brandon was that?" I turned to face her and said " It was past Brandon". she can tell something is bothering me Jane said " Come on let's go outside". we walk outside to the car she walks over to the gas pump and pulls the nozzle out I open the gas cap for her and she put the nozzle in and holds the handle to release the gas into the tank. I'm standing on the other side as she pumps the gas on right side I said " I kinda feel like it's my fault why Brandon turned evil maybe if I would have tried harder to make it work with him as friends then maybe he wouldn't be evil in the future I gave up on him and so did Riley and Sam". Jane said as she pulled the nozzle out and put it back " It wasn't your fault he didn't try either; he didn't even hardly try to have a relationship with Riley and Sam you did nothing wrong Jesse he was abusive to you both physically and mentally you knew he wasn't good for you or the girls Brandon chose to be evil". I said " They look at you like a parent they say that they have two amazing Moms". Jane smiles then said " Those are my girls he is just the sperm donor".
We giggle at what she said which it's true they really think of Jane as a second Mom we get in the car she starts it up and drives to the hospital she pulls into the parking garage on the ground floor. she pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off she picks up the black drawstring backpack and we both open our doors getting out of the car shutting the doors Jane puts the key in the driver side door and turns it locking it up. we walk across the parking garage to the elevators I push the button and we wait for the elevator the doors open I nearly jumped out of my skin when I see a young version of Diana standing there beside me waiting for the elevator too Jane is also stunned but this is past Diana she is harmless well she is hiding the fact that she's an evil vampire. we walk in and I stand beside Jane as far away from Diana as I can possibly get she looks over at me and smiles friendly She said " Hey Jesse". I said " Hey". Jane is watching Diana out of the corner of her eye I feel her grab my arm and hold onto me. Diana said to me " How's school?" I said " It's okay". She said " Not getting into any trouble are you?" she winks at me I said " Nope". Jane gives Diana a look because she can tell that Diana is flirting with me a little they leer at each other showing intimidation. Diana smirks at Jane they didn't really like each other back then either the elevator dings and the doors open up Diana looks at us then said " You ladies have fun but not too much fun". she winks at us when she said that it hit me weird Jane rolls her eyes at Diana as she walks out of the elevator. the doors close Jane pins me against the elevator wall and kisses me passionately thank god there isn't any cameras in here I kiss her back with my arms wrapped around her shoulders pulling her closer we stop kissing cause the elevators dings she pulls away from me and stands beside me. the doors open up on the fourth floor and we walk out I said " She made you jealous didn't she?" Jane looks over at me as we are walking She said " Well it would be called territorial but yes". I smile at her as she opens the door for me as we enter the fourth floor wing this is gonna be weird we come around the corner from the elevator walking up to the front desk I see Kathy sitting there at the computer like she always is in the future of course she is younger here in the past she about Jane's age in this time I notice her hair is darker without grey.
She sees us and smiles Kathy said " Hey Jane". she notices me then said " Hey Jesse how are the girls?" I said " Their great growing up too fast though". Kathy said " They sure do grow up fast". Jane walks around the front desk to the lab I follow her inside and I close the door she sits her backpack down in a chair. She said " Okay I'm only suppose to be here for a meeting it should last an hour or so just hang out with Kathy until I get back". she pulls me into a soft kiss and I kiss her back we walk out of the lab Jane walks into the front desk area and up to another computer beside Kathy were she logs in basically clocking in. She looks at Kathy and said " Is it alright with you if Jesse hangs out with you for about an hour?" She said " No I don't mind". Jane said " Okay I will see you guys later". I walk behind the counter and sit down in an office chair beside Kathy I watch Jane walk away she looks at me as she walks down the hallway on right. Kathy said " Are you spending the weekend with Jane?" I said " Yeah Jason's gonna be out of town for a few days; Riley and Sam are spending the weekend with Brandon's parents and Nicole is with Jason's Dad for the weekend". Kathy said " I love yours and Jane's relationship even though she's older than you; not many people are that good of friends with a age difference". I said " She's not too much older than me". Kathy said " She's got you by thirteen years she's old enough to be your sister". I said in my head ouch sister at least she isn't old enough to be my mom. about twenty minutes go by and I'm so bored I don't have a fancy iPhone in the past like I do in the future ugh how in the hell did I keep myself entertained back then with this dinosaur technology? listen to me I sound just like a teen I feel so old looking at that computer in front of Kathy. I get up from the chair and go to walk out of the front desk area Kathy said " Where are you going Jesse?" I turn around and look at her I said " I'm gonna go get something to drink and walk around for a bit". Kathy said " Alright just don't go in restricted areas and keep to yourself". I said " Okay". I turn left around the corner past the lab I'm not use to being a teenager anymore or having adults tell me what to do Jane never actually treated me like a child because she knew I was very mature back then for my age. I make my way down this extremely long hallway which seems like it nearly takes you hours to walk down I walk over to this old vending machine with drinks in them I look at the selection of drinks I pull a dollar out of the front pocket of my jeans and put it in the machine I push the coke button.
I hear the can drop down into the space below I bend down and pull it out I hear a voice behind me say " Nice body doesn't even look like you had twins". I see Diana's reflection on the coke machine from the sun light beaming through the window I roll my eyes as I turn around facing her with the can of unopened coke in my hand she is looking at me with this ominous grin she was strange back then maybe that's why I never payed any attention to her. I said sarcastically " Thanks I guess". she gives me a look then said " Is that sarcasm? didn't your parents ever teach you to respect adults?" I grit my teeth then said " Did yours ever teach you not to hit on underage girls?" Diana puts her hand on the machine above my head; my back is up against the machine she is face to face with me her lips are a few inches away from mine I look into her ocean blue eyes as She said looking at my lips " Who says I'm hitting on you? that would be illegal not to mention gay don't you think Jesse?" I roll my eyes at her and try to move but she pushes me back against the machine now I'm getting aggravated.
She said " Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you". I said " We are done here Diana now get the fuck out of my face before you regret it". she is looking down at me because she's tall and towers over me like she did in the future She snickered then said sarcastically " Oh I'm so scared.. what's wrong are you gonna cry for your mommy? are you scared?" I said " No". Diana's eyes turned red then She said " You should be". my heart dropped that isn't past Diana it's the future one which means she's alive again someone brought her back. I said " How in the hell did you come back?" She said " That's for me to know and for you to find out. how does it feel to be a weak teenager again? not a fancy vampire-witch here like you are in the future which means you have no chance in hell against me I'm gonna enjoy sinking my fangs into that teen flesh of yours". she smiles at me showing her fangs I quickly shake the soda can in my hand and she doesn't notice I point it up at her as I open it; a stream of coke shoots up and squirts her in the face soaking her I drop the can and take off running down the hallway.
I hear her growl in anger She said " You are dead kid". I run around the corner and turn to the left I see a grey metal door that says DANGER under construction DO NOT ENTER I push the metal piece in and go inside this room is a huge in the future it's waiting room I look around at the equipment and tools there are huge stacks of drywall in several places I run over and duck down behind one that is catty cornered right at the corner of the room I hear the door open the close. Diana's voice echoes through the empty room " Jesse??? awww come on don't be shy I promise I will be easy". she laughs wickedly hinting that she's lying all the sudden she appears right beside me crouching down behind the stack of drywall. She said " Boo!!" I scream in surprise and take off running out from behind the stack Diana laughs wickedly as she jumps over the stack clearing it she lands on her feet in front me moving closer and closer to me in a menacing way. as I'm slowly backing up She said " This time you are not gonna ignore me you will pay attention to me. I'm gonna kill Jane and rewrite your future which means you two would have never gotten together because she died and you fell for me like you should have all along".
I scoffed " I will never fall for you Diana. what it is with you, Mason and Josh? you guys just think you can force somebody to love you and it doesn't work that way it just makes you look more crazy than you already are". Diana said " So what. I see something I want and I go for it and I don't stop until I get it". I said " What do you even see in me Diana? you had all those years and you never once showed me your feelings". She scoffed " Like you have any room to talk you hid your feelings for Jane for sixteen years so don't give me that you never tried bullshit! because I did! but you were too wrapped up in her!!". I said " For one I never thought I'd ever even get a chance with Jane! and apparently you didn't try hard enough to get me to notice you! I think you knew deep down inside that once you showed me who you really were that I wouldn't want anything to do with you and you were right!". Diana growls and grabs me by the throat I choke as I feel her hand slowly squeezing it her eyes are red I said as struggled to breathe " Are you gonna kill me?... go ahead.. you will.. have.. nothing.."
her eyes turned gold and she surges forward kissing me passionately I exclaim in surprise against her lips cause I wasn't expecting this I feel her making me back up as my lower back touches a stack of drywall I see a screwdriver out the corner of my eye barely I try to reach for it but I stop when I hear her groan in pleasure as she kisses me so I play along and kiss her back to distract her long enough to grab the screwdriver I feel her hand go down the front of my blue jeans right as I got a hold of the screwdriver she puts her other hand over my mouth to muffle me. She goes to put her hand in my panties and I plunge the screwdriver in the side of her neck blood sprays out and she yells out in agonizing pain I quickly snatch up the claw hammer laying there I swing it towards her with the claw end facing her. the claw sinks deep into her shoulder and she yells out in agony I swing my fist and punch her as hard as I can using my Telekinesis she flies backwards across the room hitting the ground on her back. I take off running for that door I came through right as get to it a swirl of flames appear in front of me a young version of Kelly is staring me down She said " You aren't going anywhere you little bitch!"
I yelp in pain as I feel Diana grab the back of my hair from behind I feel a dagger against my throat She said in my ear " Now let's lure Jane here so I can finally kill her". Kelly smirks at Diana then said " Yeah here's the thing I can't let you kill Jane". Diana growls " Why not!?" Kelly said " Because I want her for myself. I'm gonna make her fall for me". I laughed sarcastically then said " Yeah right in your dreams bitch she loves me". Kelly grabs my face with one hand and said " Well guess what rugrat? she will love me and you want be able to do a fucking thing about it! besides Jane wants a grown woman not a whiny bitchy teenager!" Diana gags in disgust and said " Ugh!! what the hell is it about Jane that you all love so much?" Kelly said " I don't it's hard to explain besides she's hot as hell you have to admit that". Diana said " Eh she's alright". Kelly rolls her eyes and looks at me she still has hold of my face She said as she pulls my cellphone out of the front pocket of my jeans " Now let's get her down here". she lets go of my face and finds Jane's number in the phone and calls it.
Jane's P.O.V/ I just got out that meeting it felt like it lasted more than an hour I walk around the corner to the front desk I see Kathy but I don't see Jesse. I said " Kathy where did Jesse go?" She said " She went to get a drink and said she was gonna walk around for a bit but now I think about it she probably should have been back by now". that gives me an uneasy feeling I said " Which way did she go?" Kathy pointed to the left hallway and She said " She went that way but the camera on that hallway have been messed up for a few days so we can't see where she went afterwards". I walk past the front of desk and turn to go down that hallway I open the door to the lab and it's empty so I continue walking down the long hallway I get to almost the middle of it when I see something on the ground. I walk faster until I approach a can of coke that looks like it's been dropped cause the liquid is everywhere I see a trail of coke leading away from the can all the sudden my phone rings startling me I open it and see Jesse's name I push the answer button and said " Jesse??"
I hear a familiar voice on the other end it's not Jesse the voice said " You wish it was her". I recognize the voice it's Kelly I said " Kelly?? where's Jesse?!" She laughs wickedly then said " She's busy right now". I hear Jesse yelp in pain in the background I said " Keep your fucking hands off her! I swear I will end you". I hear another familiar voice in the background say " Fuck!!! she's bit me!!" it's Diana; I said " That isn't past Diana. you brought the future one back didn't you?" She said " Damn right I did.. now get you sexy ass down here before Diana kills Jesse". I close the phone hanging it up I see the trail of coke so I start following it down the hallway the rest of the way I see the trail go around a corner I turn the corner and the trail ends at a big metal door that says DANGER DO NOT ENTER under construction I push the metal bar opening the door it closes behind me I see Jesse sitting in a chair with her arms tied behind her back; her head is down like she is unconscious I run over to her quickly I shake her trying to wake her up I get down on my knees in front of her I shake her again and said " Jesse wake up.. Jesse"..
She raises her head up slowly her left eye is black, her mouth is busted so is her nose and there is a small gash on her right cheek bone she opens her eyes they are trying to focus while she's trying to wake up I untie her legs from the wooden chair all the sudden She yells " Jane look out!!!" I feel someone grab the back of my white lab coat and sling me to the ground I hit the ground on my stomach I quickly roll over on my back and see Diana lunging towards me with her claws out. I throw my hand up and shoot a purple energy beam at her it hits her in the chest and knocks her down I go to get up and Diana lunges over quickly jumping on top of me before I could get up she draws her fist back and punches me in the nose I feel blood gush out and my eyes instantly water making it difficult to see I feel a slash on my shoulder I yell out in pain as I hear the material of the scrubs rip violently. I put my hand over the cuts as they pour blood I finally can see Diana is now standing over me with a big sledge hammer over her head She smiles wickedly then said " Night Night!!" all the sudden the sledge hammer flies out of her hands across the room she growls in frustration.
I see Kelly standing a few feet behind her Diana looks back at her Kelly puts her hand down she used her Telekinesis to disarm her She said as she walked up beside Diana " What did I tell you!? I said not to kill her!" I stumbled up and said sarcastically " Aww aren't you sweet. turn back time now Kelly". She scoffs " Sorry that's not happening Diana wants Jesse for herself and I want you". I scoffed " You two are insane. you can't force someone to love you". Kelly said " Oh but we can". I said " Go fuck yourself I will never love you or Mason!" Kelly's eyes turned red then said " Fine I guess we will have do this the hard way!" all the sudden the room starts spinning and distorting like our house did in the future Kelly said " Who's doing that?!?! only I can do that!!!" everything goes black we are thrown out of a portal I look around and there stood Alex, Nicole, Riley, Dani, Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam, Valerie, Shelby with Willow and Eric they all cast a spell together to bring us back I see myself in a big bay window I am back in my future body so is Jesse we are in Alex's house.
Mine and Jesse's eyes turn red as we lock eyes with Kelly and Diana who are back in their future bodies as well I said " Shelby take Willow outside she doesn't need to see this". Shelby walks over to the front door with Willow in her arms she opens it and walks out on the front porch Eric closes the door. I said as Jesse and I slowly walk towards them menacing " You bitches are so fucking dead". Kelly said " Not me! peace loser nice knowing you!" Kelly laughs wickedly as she teleports away flames swirl down into the floor and disappear Diana is looking down at the floor She said " Don't you leave me here with these crazy bitches!! Kelly!!" she looks at us I said as I clenched my fists " What's the matter Diana? are you scared?" Jesse said " Do you want your mommy?" she smirks at Diana. She takes off running through the hallway towards the kitchen using her superhuman agility Jesse dashes quickly past her and blocks her way to the backdoor that leads out to the backyard. Jesse opens the backdoor for her and said " Go on get out of here". she runs outside.
She fell for the trap I teleport outside stopping Diana from going down that steep hill that leads to the creek Jesse is standing behind her She said as she glared at me evilly " I'll be back!! I will always come back!! you will never be free!!!!!" all the sudden I see Jesse drive her arm thought Diana's chest she yells out in agony as blood quickly fills her grey t-shirt I see her beating heart in Jesse's hand blood starts pouring out of her mouth I said " You will NEVER come back Diana!! and you will NEVER get my wife!! now I believe hell is missing you cause that is exactly where you are headed!!!" I growl in anger and grab her head and just twist it violently. we hear the god awful sound of her neck breaking Jesse pulls her blood soaked hand out of Diana's chest and she hits the ground on her knees Jesse is standing right beside me looking down at Diana with her heart still in her hand she tosses it up in the air and a dagger appears in her hand about the same time she throws the dagger at the heart and it pierces through the heart making it stick to a tree Diana's body catches on fire she screams in defeat and explodes into flames disappearing into ashes.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now