When The Good Turn Bad

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 7

P.O.V/ Jesse Roberts:

Today is August 8, 2013 it is my 33rd birthday I use to dread my birthday but now I'm actually looking forward to them because I now have the woman of my dreams we have been engaged for six months now we are getting married on October 3rd I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her I have wanted to be with her for a long time but I never thought it would happen they say God works in mysterious ways. It's me , Jane, Nicole, Alex, Riley, Sam and Lakein at my house we are having a little party for my birthday the other girls couldn't make it today it's almost 4:00pm when there is a knock at the door we all look at each other I start walking to the door Sam said " That could be Valerie she said she will be late". I unlock the door opening it up there stood Brandon I instantly feel annoyed by his presence I said " What are you doing here Brandon??" He said " I came to see the girls". I said " I told you not to come back around here they are adults now and they have made it clear that they don't want to see you anymore". Brandon said sarcastically " Well since their adults now they need to tell me themselves instead of you telling me Jesse". my blood pressure rises I move out of the way and let him walk in. He passed by Jane giving her a dirty look she gives him one as he approaches Riley and Sam.
They both glare at him because he has never done anything for them and they can't forgive him for the way he treated me back then and the way he continues to treat me like trash and I'm sick of it so are they I know he is their father but he is a deadbeat even though Jane isn't a man she has done way more for them since they were born she practically helped me raise them and I did help her raise Nicole off and on while Jason was out looking for Xander all those years but he was a wonderful father to Nicole and done everything he could for her when he was around. Riley said " You heard her Brandon we don't want anything to do with you anymore". He gives Riley an evil look he has never done before I starting to get the feeling that something is off about him He said " Oh? so it's Brandon now. what happened to Dad?" Riley said " I stopped calling you " Dad" a few years ago besides your not much of one anyway you've never been around". He looks at Sam who knows him better because she lived with him from the time she was nine up until she moved back with me when she was fourteen. Brandon said " Sam you know me better than Riley you lived with me for five years.. do you you feel the same way?"
Sam said as her eyes teared up " Yes.. I do the whole time I lived with you I felt alone you hardly ever payed any attention to me and when I did try to interact with you. you always made up some kind of excuse to be alone I was tired of trying and I have been tired of trying to connect with you ever since I moved back here you have not called me not once since I have been here.. but the minute you find out that Mom was dating someone you rush all the way here and suddenly act like you give a damn!" He is pretty angry now Brandon said " I do care about you guys.. and I still care for your mom".. Riley said sarcastically " Really?! you have a very funny way of showing it! now get the hell out!" He looks at both them and said " Fine I'm tired of trying to!! I guess I have nothing anymore! I lost everything that meant the most to me eighteen years ago!! so fuck it I'm out!!" he turns around walking towards the door he gets right in the small hallway right where the front door is just right by the kitchen and he stops dead in his tracks ominously he slowly turns back around facing us his eyes are red dark lights swirl on his body and they slowly disappear oh my god he's evil. he throws up both his hands and red electrokinesis comes out of his hands headed right for Riley and Sam.
I yelled " Noo!!!" I slung my arm toward the electricity using my power called Deviation to send it back to him it hits him in the chest and he flew through the small hallway his back smacked up against the door and he fell to the ground on his stomach. I'm standing in front of Riley and Sam I'm watching him as he lays there motionless I know I didn't kill him I start slowly walking towards him I said " Everyone stay back". I get right in front of him I bent down and felt his pulse on his neck it is there I stand back up turning around to them I said " He's out cold". I walk back towards Riley and Sam they are looking at me then Riley's eyes grew wide She said " Mom he's gone?!" I look back quickly and he is gone I start looking around the kitchen and the living room I said " Okay everyone stay together! he could be anywhere". we are all looking around Alex said " I can't sense him anywhere that's not good at all". all the sudden I hear Jane exclaim in surprise I look back and Brandon has her by the back of her hair with a dagger to her throat. I said " Let her go Brandon!" he puts his hand up quickly as he sees Nicole move and a dark light shield surrounds Nicole, Alex, Riley, Sam and Lakein.
He presses the dagger against her throat adding pressure Brandon said " NO!! if it wasn't for her we would still be together! she has took you and my girls from me!!!" I said " If it wasn't for you we probably would still be together! if you would have treated me better things would have been different! but you refused to change even after I had Riley and Sam you still acted the way you did! now get your fucking hands off her right now!!" He jerks on her hair she exclaims in pain Brandon takes his hand off her hair and pins her arms behind her back with one hand he begins to slowly move the dagger down between her boobs he has the tip of it right on her heart. Jane is wearing a female grey and white short sleeve flannel that is buttoned up Brandon takes the tip of the dagger between the third button and the shirt he snips the button off it falls to the ground making her shirt open more showing off a little cleavage she has a white spaghetti tank top under it and she's wearing dark blue jeans but he done that so he could look down her tank top. I feel territorial as I watch him look down it he smiles wickedly then said " Nice rack for an old broad.. now I see why you like her so much".
I'm getting angry I said " I'm not gonna tell you again Brandon. let her go it's me you are mad at". he quickly drew the dagger back and hit her in the back of the head with the handle I exclaimed in fear as I watched her fall to the ground on her side unconscious. He said sarcastically " Opps!" I slung my arm at him and he went flying backwards into the living room landing on the expensive glass coffee table it explodes as his back hits it but he jumps to his feet quickly and drawing his hand back at the busted glass on the floor around what's left of the broken table he slings the glass shards towards me I see nothing but huge pieces of glass. I use my agility to dodge them I did a back bend to dodge the last few pieces as I came back up a piece of glass that was passing my arm cut the side of my bicep I feel a slight pull in my back I probably shouldn't have done that bend. Brandon growls in frustration and just starts swinging his fists at me I duck and dodge his punches Nicole and the others are still trapped in that force field; Jane is still knocked out as I was ducked down I punched him in the stomach he yelled out in pain doubling over I drew my fist back and punched him in the mouth as hard as I could.
His head flies back and blood slings out everywhere he hits the ground on his back I lunge at him coming down to punch him right as I was close he puts his foot up kicking me in the vagina hard. I yell out in pain hitting the ground on my knees holding it he jumps up and I feel him kick me in the ribs I yell out in agony hitting the floor on my back I hear Riley and Sam screaming at him to stop as I'm trying to catch my breath I feel both his hands on my small throat he picks me up off the ground where my feet aren't even touching and he start squeezing I'm struggling to fight him I claw at his face with my nails and kick my feet at his stomach and chest but he is not phased I feel myself starting to lose consciousness everything starts going dark. Nicole's P.O.V/ Jesse is losing consciousness and none of us can get out of this fucking force field I see my mom wake up she sees Brandon choking Jesse she jumps up grabbing an old wooden chair she smashes it over his back it busted everywhere he drops Jesse and she hits the floor out cold Brandon turns around quickly grabbing my mom by her throat I yelled " Put her down!!" he lifts her off the ground with one hand choking her.
She quickly shoots an energy beam right in his face he exclaims in pain dropping her she hits the floor on her back trying to catch her breath he rubs his eyes cause they are singed from the energy beam to the face he now has a huge scar like burn down his cheek and she burnt off his eyebrows. he feels where they should be and he growls in anger grabbing her legs jerking her towards him Brandon said " You fucking bitch!!" he's trying to drag her through the glass that is in the kitchen floor but she resisting putting her weight down he loses grip on one of her legs and she takes the opportunity to kick him in the face hard he falls on his back. my mom jumps on top of Brandon and just starts whaling on his face she punches him a few times until he throws her off of him she flies backwards hitting the floor on her side sliding the five of us were looking at my mom when we looked back he was gone. my mom stumbles up to her feet walking over to Jesse she kneels down shaking her until she wakes up Jesse's P.O.V/ I wake up to Jane kneeling beside me I sit up looking at her I said " Where did Brandon go??" Jane said " Hopefully to hell I don't know I guess he escaped". all the sudden I see a sword go straight through Jane's chest blood flies on my face Nicole and I scream in horror " NOOOO!!!!!!!" she looks down at it then she starts to fall forward I get up on my knees catching her I have my chin on her shoulder I look down at the sword in the middle of her back it went through her heart.
I have my hand under the sword I look at my hand soaked in blood I'm crying hysterically as I hold her in my arms while she dies. I hear evil laughter then I see dark light appear behind Jane; Brandon said " Bullseye!! right through the heart!" he continues to laugh as she is dying in my arms I screamed " You fucking sick bastard!!! You're not gonna get away with this!!! I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!!!!" Brandon holds his hand out at the sword and it comes out of Jane making the god awful sound as the blade leaves her body. I'm holding her in my lap now I can feel her blood soaking my jeans Brandon is holding the blood soaked sword he looks at it then looks back at me He said " I think I will keep this as a trophy.. at last the old witch is dead!! no hard feelings Jesse it was time to put her out of her misery. so much for happily ever after it's not like she was gonna live forever you were gonna out live her in the end". I yell in anger shooting an energy bolt at him but he teleports away I cry in agony as I look down at her as she said weakly " I will always love you Jesse.. take care of my kids".. she closes her eyes right as the force field comes down her chest stopped moving she's dead.
Nicole frantically runs over and takes her out my arms she cries in agony as she holds her lifeless body then I see something in her eyes she looks at me then said " I know a way to bring her back".. she easily lays her down on the floor and her fangs come out she lowers her fangs down inches away from her neck and bites down. right when she does Jane's eyes shoot open quickly the blue in her eyes slowly turn to red Nicole quickly pulls her fangs out before she tasted blood she gets up and said " Everyone get back". we all step back Jane inhales suddenly taking in a deep breath her eyes are glowing red you can see the veins in her neck pulsating her back starts coming off the ground but the rest of her body stays on the ground her face starts to glow and slowly shift to appear youthful the lines on her face from age slowly smooth away her hands even changed. she opens her mouth you can see and hear her fangs coming through they finally come out her skin complexion slowly turns pale the transformation is complete Jane quickly jumps to her feet and she couldn't do that before she looks at all of us as her eyes glow red Nicole holds out her hand and vile of blood appears in her hand she pulls the cork out of it and hands to Jane she turns the vile up and drinks all the blood she threw the empty vile in the trash can.
She is looking at all of us then Nicole said " Mom? are you okay?" Jane said " Yeah it just feels strange". Nicole said " I'm sorry I panicked you died so that was the only way I knew to save you". Jane looks at her hand and she sees the age is gone She said " It's fine I would have done the same if it was my mom it looks like I'm never gonna make it to fifty but that's okay I'm just glad I'm still here". Nicole said " I will teach you how to control your thirst and your new powers which will be exactly like mine since you are my mom that's why Cheyenne is different because she wasn't a witch". Jane looks over at me she walks up to me wow she looks different as a vampire-witch she looks the same but the age in her face is gone she didn't have a bunch of age to her face anyway because she has took really good care of herself that's why she appeared younger before now she looks younger than me she looks at least thirty. Jane said " You're not afraid of me now are you? now that I can rip your throat out with my teeth". I giggled then said " No of course not I know you would never hurt me". I pulled her into a hug holding her tightly I start to cry on her shoulder I said through tears " I thought I lost you". Jane looks at me and said " Well you did in a way but Brandon didn't think Nicole would turn me."
Riley, Sam and Lakein made sure Jane and I were fine before Riley and Lakein left in Riley's new car that I just bought her about a week ago because she just got her license so did Sam it's a 2005 red Chevy cobalt SS it's older model but it is a beautiful car; I bought Sam the same kind of car but it is black. Sam is walking out the door to go pick up Valerie they are gonna go out to eat and watch a movie with Riley and Lakein She pulls out a pack of Marlboro Menthol blue shorts from the front pocket of her jeans she takes one out of the pack lighting it up with a blue lighter she takes a puff off of it then said to me " Just call us if you need us". I said " I will". she gives me and Jane a hug we watch as she walks down the stairs to her car she hits a button on her key remote and the car makes a chipping noise as it unlocks she opens the door getting inside. Sam's P.O.V/ I get inside putting the keys in the ignition I turn the key and the car starts up I put my seat belt on; check my mirrors then I back out of the driveway I put my cigarette out on the car ashtray I wave at my mom and Jane as I drive off down the road. Valerie was suppose to meet me here at my house her aunt was gonna bring her but Valerie had just texted me after what happened with my dad well Brandon she said that her aunt said she was busy and couldn't bring her to my house.
Valerie's aunt and uncle live about almost an hour away from town they live on a county line so that's why Valerie went to my school because she didn't want to go to school out there where they live. I drive all the way up there my mom said that Valerie can move in with us since she is eighteen now She was tired of living with her aunt and uncle she doesn't get along with them too well either her aunt was her mom's sister; her aunt blames her for her parents death she thinks that Valerie killed them on purpose when she really didn't mean to and that really bothers her still to this day having something like that on your mind everyday is a heavy toll on your mind so I just got Valerie to see a grief counselor she has an appointment tomorrow at noon I'm taking her there. I finally pull up in front of their house it is a big farm house with a red tin roof with a huge yard her aunt and uncle already know that she is moving in with me I pull into the old gravel driveway and park I turn the car off and get out closing the door behind me I walk on the side walk up to the porch that is painted red and white to match the roof and the siding of the house which is white.
Right as I walk up on the porch I see Valerie's estranged uncle named Darrell sitting in an old rocking chair on the porch with a fifth liquor in his hand it is called Evan Williams he sees me and smiles weirdly I see his eyes scan my body he is a perv I have caught him looking at me a lot he is in his early fifties so is Valerie's aunt. Darrell said " Well look what the cat drug in.. a pretty mixed woman you know when I first saw you I thought you were white?" I said " Yeah I get asked if I'm white all the time". He does that weird smile again then said " It's because of that pretty white momma of yours". I hear two people bickering from inside the house it is Valerie and her aunt Velma. I see Valerie walk up to the glass door with a small box in her hand I open the door for her and she puts the box down on the porch then I hear Velma from inside say " Valerie Lindsay! you better not have any of my towels!" she rolls her eyes in annoyance Valerie yells " I don't Velma!" I kiss her softly and she kisses me back I see Darrell out of the corner of my eye watching us with that weird look. we look at each other then Darrell said " So which one of you is the dude and which one is the chick?" Valerie has an annoyed look on her face she looks over at him and said " That's none of your business Darrell". He takes a drink of the bottle and stands up he is a very tall man about 6"0'.
He walks over to us and I feel Valerie grab my arm and hold onto it like she is uncomfortable he looks down at us then said " Just curious to know". Velma says from inside the house "Darrell that damn over head light keeps flickering! I told you we need more light bulbs!" he walks in the door Valerie and I follow him. We walk in and there sits Velma in a recliner knitting and watching Blue Bloods on TV Darrell walks in and sits down on the couch beside the recliner he puts his liquor on the end table He said " Those damn light bulbs are six dollars down there at the store! I ain't paying that much for some damn bulbs!" I look up at the over head light that has three bulbs in they are all three flickering. Darrell looks at me and said " Don't you have magic powers like Valerie?" I said " Yeah but they are very different from hers". Velma scoffs " At least you don't start fires that kill people. the good only thing she's good for is starting a campfire". she laughs I look at Valerie and she is mad. Darrell said " So Sam do you think you can fix those lights with your hocus pocus?" I look up at the lights and point my hand at them white lights come out of my hand and into the bulbs they light up very bright. He said " Now that is cool how long does that last?" I said " They should never go out". He said " Hell yes no more bulbs".
Valerie said " Well anyway all of my stuff is in Sam's car we are leaving now". Velma looks at her then said " It's about time you are lucky I even took you in after what happened. the police say it was a freak accident I think you couldn't handle the fact that your mom couldn't accept you being lesbian so you just lost it burning her and your dad up inside that house. so drop that innocent act you may have fooled the law but you can't fool me I know what you are capable of with those powers". Valerie is pissed She said " Whatever Velma I have told you over and over that it was an accident it wasn't on purpose! do you really think I'd killed my own parents?" Velma said " I don't know what to think anymore all I know is my one and only sister is dead she was all I had left after our parents died now that she's gone I have nothing. but of course you don't know what it feels like to lose a sibling being an only child you will never know leave and don't come back Valerie". she walks over to the door opens it walking out on the porch. before I walked out I looked over at Velma who is staring off I said " She's telling the truth hopefully you can find it in your cold heart to forgive her someday don't worry I will take good care of her".
As we both walk down the stairs Valerie pulls out a blue pack of Marlboro Skyline shorts they are a smooth brand of menthol like mine except the ones I smoke are stronger. we put the rest of her stuff in the back seat of my car two big duffel bags and about three boxes we shut the back doors and get in the front I get in the driver seat and she gets in the passenger seat I put the key in the ignition switch and turn it. it starts up I look over at Valerie she has tears running down her face she takes the last hit of her cigarette and puts it out in the car ashtray I back out of the driveway and turn right going down the road I look at her again and she is just staring out the window still crying Velma was a bitch to her I put my hand on her knee while I'm driving she pulls herself out of her thoughts. I said " Are you gonna be okay?" She wipes the tears off her face and said " I don't know if I ever will be okay.. I killed my parents in a moment of rage and I have to live with that for the rest of my life Velma was right I lost it now my parents are dead and it's all my fault it's just a matter of time before I hurt you too". I said " Don't talk like that I know you'd never hurt me". She said " My parents thought I'd never hurt them either".
I drove back to my house Valerie and I unloaded the back seat taking her stuff up to my room after we put it away I checked the time on my phone Riley had sent me text about five minutes ago saying the movie we are gonna see starts at 7:00 pm in two hours her and Lakein are walking around the mall until that time the movie we are seeing is We are the Millers it's that movie starring Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston it's a comedy Valerie needs a good laugh. We are hanging out in my room waiting to go meet Riley and Lakein at the mall I'm laying on the bed on my back with Valerie beside me her head is on my shoulder I have my arm around her my mom and Jane went out somewhere too so it's just me and Valerie at the house. I said " It's hard to believe that our first day of college is on the 12th I think I will enjoy being a nurse like my mom follow in her footsteps". Valerie said " Yeah it is. I can't believe we have been together for almost two years now it feels like yesterday I had just moved here from California". I said " I know right still feels like a was virgin that was so embarrassing when Taryn announced that to everyone".
Valerie said " She was a bitch I'm glad Eric and Nicole got rid of her for good that still leaves Alexia and Drew though". I said " I know hopefully we can vanquish them pretty soon I don't like the way Drew makes you feel when she is around". Valerie said " I just feel like I lost a year of my life wasting it on that evil bitch she was being to influence me into turning evil I believe that was her plan all long". I said " I feel like that's what Alexia wants to do to me". Valerie said " She wants to do more to you than just turn you evil". she is being territorial because she knows that Alexia wants to have sex with me like bad. I giggle a little then said " You are very territorial". Valerie said " Yes especially when it's mine". I said jokingly to tease her " Oh really?" She gets on top of me and pins my arms down on the mattress She has this predatory look in her eyes. She said " Yes". I am getting turned on by her aggressive behavior I said " Prove it". she kisses me passionately all the sudden I moan into the kiss she is still pinning me down I try to move and she growls keeping me down. she puts one hand around my throat as she starts unbuckling my belt with her other one She said " Be still". she takes all of my clothes off including hers I see her reach behind her and pull the covers over her back covering us.
I have my arms wrapped around her shoulders I look down as I see her put her hand down between us she grabs a hold of the seven inch strap on around her waist that she made appear by using hers powers I feel pressure as she easily pushes it inside me I whimper softly as she pushes it deeper. I feel her start kissing on the side of my neck as she slowly thrust into me deep Valerie is holding herself up with her hands beside my head she begins to thrust fast adding force the skin slaps a little I moan " Ahh!!". she growls low in pleasure picking up her pace going faster I moan loud as the skin slaps frantically as she pounds into me I feel myself contracting around the strap on so does she. I look away from her as I feel the climax coming I feel her grab my chin turning my face back to her so she could watch me I whimpered loudly " Ahhhh!!!!!". she holds my throat while I'm climaxing I feel my whole body relax Valerie gradually stopped thrusting into me. the strap on disappears she lays there on top of me as we both breath heavily I switch our positions getting on top of her I use my power called Conjuration to make a strap on appear on my waist I easily put it inside her she whimpers at the pressure of the penetration I start thrusting into her.
She whimpers loud as she climaxed I stopped thrusting into her I have my head on her chest I look up at the clock on it is now 6:45pm damn we started at five I giggled so did Valerie when she seen what time it was. I said " We have been at it for two hours". She winks at me then said " I just can't get enough of you". we got up and cleaned ourselves up then we put our clothes back on we walked out our room and down the hallway we heard the front door open down stairs. we came down the stairs there stood my mom and Jane standing in the kitchen I lit a cigarette they both look at us with knowing looks like we know what you did I took a hit off my cigarette my mom is smiling at me I said " What?" She said " You are looking more and more like me each day it's like looking in a mirror". I said " Yes it is Riley hates it that she looks like Brandon". I look over at the small hallway that leads to the front door cause I seen purple energy appearing. Eric appears from it with tears running down his face he sees Jane and he walks over to her pulling her into a big hug He said as he cried on her shoulder " Nicole just told me what happened to you.. I'm so sorry I wasn't here to help you I'm just so happy that you are alive"....
Jane holds onto him and pets the back of his hair She said " It's okay honey I'm not going anywhere now I will never leave you and your sister".. he looks at her and she wipes the tears off his face Eric said " Good because there is something I need to tell you and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to one day so here it goes.. I'm gonna be a father". that threw me for a loop Jane is so stunned She said " Shelby is pregnant??" He said " Yeah I know I'm only eighteen but I've been working two jobs paying for mine and her apartment plus I need start buying baby things and I have no clue what I'm looking for would you and Jesse like to help me and Shelby shop sometime?" Jane smiles and said " We'd love to." I'm stunned as well it looks like Riley and I now have a baby step cousin on the way and Nicole is the aunt I looked at my mom I said " Well it looks like you've got some shopping to do Granny". I say that giggling as she glares at me for calling her granny She said " It's Nana not granny". Eric said " I'm sorry this is so sudden Jesse". She said " Don't be sorry you are gonna be an awesome dad and this will be the only grand child I will ever have so I'm very excited to meet him or her".
Valerie and I get in my car and headed to the mall I parked the car in the parking garage on the second floor we meet up with Riley and Lakein in the food court Riley sees me smiling big She looks at me suspicious then She said " What are you smiling about?? did you get laid?" she said that last part quietly I giggled and winked at Valerie I said " Maybe.. guess what?" Riley said " What?" I said " Eric's girlfriend is pregnant Jane is gonna be a grandmother that makes mom it's step grandmother". Riley is stunned then She said " Whoa... that means Nicole is the aunt and that makes us it's step cousins. how did mom take the news of already being a grandmother?" I said " Her and Jane are very excited all though I called her granny and she corrected me saying Nana". we all headed towards the theater getting drinks and popcorn Valerie and I walked from the food counter around the corner down a hallway to the last door on the right there stood a young guy about our age he takes our movie tickets to get in the theater. we walk up the stairs to the very top and sit down in our assigned seats Valerie pulls her phone out of her pocket cause it made a noise she clicks the button on the side to turn it on silent mode I pull out mine and do the same.
She said " I heard that Drew and Josh broke up a few days ago". I said " I'm not surprised he obviously has a crush on Nicole and I think Drew is still in love with you". She said " Yeah I was beginning to think that myself I can see it in her eyes but I just want you to know that I don't have any feelings left for her at all I really do love you Sam very much". I smile at her and put my hand on the back of her head pulling her into a soft kiss we look each other in the eyes I said " I love you too Valerie more than anything". I hear Riley and Lakein's voices behind us Riley sits down beside me Lakein sits down in the chair beside Riley I see a girl with black hair out of the corner of my eye sit down beside Valerie. we all look over and there sat Drew looking at Valerie evilly she smiles then said " Hello beautiful". Valerie rolls her eyes with sarcasm and gets up when I do I sat down beside Drew in Valerie's assigned seat while she sat down in mine. Drew and I glare at each other She said " Jealous much?" I said " Nah I wouldn't call it jealous that's you wanting what you can't have it's more like you are in my territory bitch and I want you to stay the hell out of it got it?" Drew scoffs " You don't scare me Sam it doesn't matter what you say or what you do I'm always gonna be around".
I said " We'll see about that". Drew said sarcastically in Beavis's voice from Beavis and Butthead " Are you threatening me?" she laughs evilly then said " That's who you and Riley remind me of is Beavis and Butthead cause you're the dumb blonde and she's the butthead". Riley said " I'll show you butthead". she went to get up out of her chair Valerie and Lakein grab a hold of her from both sides making her sit back down. I said " Fuck off Drew". She winks at me the last preview went off and the movie started the theater got quiet it lasted for an hour and fifty eight minutes we all laughed hysterically through out it was an awesome movie very goofy but it was good Valerie really enjoyed it even though Drew was sitting beside me the whole time she rubbed my leg once messing with me but I swatted her hand and she stopped but other than that she was quiet while the movie played we all left the movies and went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse afterwards we went home and settled in for the night.
Valerie's P.O.V/ Sam and I woke up at about 10:00 am we stayed up until almost one talking and watching tv we got in the shower together after our shower we got dressed Sam drove me to West Knoxville for my appointment with the grief counselor a woman named Jill Simon. Sam pulled into the parking lot and parked in a parking spot that is right in front of the building we get out of the car walking up to the building Sam opens the door for me and we walk inside I signed in and we sat down waiting for my name to be called. about ten minutes later a middle aged woman opens a glass door saying my first and last name " Valerie Graves". I give Sam a quick kiss I get up from my chair walking up to the woman Sam can't come in the room with me I follow her past some kind of desk that has receptionists down what seemed like a long hallway to a room on the right side of the hallway I walk in and she closes the door as I sit down now this woman has no clue that I have magical powers so I have to lie to her to some degree to protect my secret that I'm a freak that killed her own parents with her magical powers.
She sits down in a black office chair that is turned around to face me She said " Hello Valerie my name is Jill and I will be counselor from this point on. why don't you start by telling me about yourself". I said " Well I'm eighteen years old and when I was sixteen my house caught on fire burning down I escaped barely but my parents weren't so lucky they got trapped and couldn't make it out I blame myself everyday for not being able to save them but I couldn't it was too late". I see the sympathy in her eyes she can tell their deaths have had a big impact on my life She said " Do you know how the house caught on fire?" I say in my head Yeah I caught it on fire by using my powers I said " The police say it was a freak gas leak that made the house catch on fire the blaze trapped me in the kitchen I busted a window escaping through it when I did the house exploded knocking me to the ground". Jill said " Where were your parents when the house engulfed in flames?" I said " They were standing a few feet away from me in the living room we were arguing". Jill said " What were you arguing about?" I said " About me being a lesbian". Jill said " So they didn't agree with you being a gay woman?"
I said " No not at all they had found out about my ex girlfriend that I had just broken up with at that time they were angry". She said " Why did you and the girl break up?" I said " For one I knew my parents would never accept it and two Drew was evil metaphorically speaking". she looks intrigued by my response Jill said " What do you mean by evil? like just not a good person to be dating?" I said " Yes". She said " Why was Drew not a good person for you to be dating?" I said " Because she was abusive verbally and physically". Jill looks surprised then She said " So more less she'd put you down, call you names and beat you?" I said " She would slap me or punch me when she was angry". Jill said " Why would she do that? just because she wanted to or did she feel like she had reasons to hit you?" I said " Just because she was angry with me she would". Jill said " What would the arguments be over?" I said " Different things we argued a lot about a guy named Josh I felt like she was cheating on me with him because she is bisexual and she did cheat on me with him and my best friend named Diana".
Jill said " It sounds like Drew isn't a good person at all how long has it been since you've seen her?" I said with sarcasm " Yesterday I was at a movie with my girlfriend Sam and she was there. Drew had moved from California the same time I did she said she wanted to live with her dad but I feel like she wanted to so she could follow me here". Jill said " So does she stalk you?" I said " I feel like she does I have seen her at several places I was at". Jill said " Have you made a police report?" I said " No she is just there and doesn't do anything so I can't prove that she is". Jill said " I sense a lot of guilt from you. do you feel like it was your fault why your parents died?" I said in my head duh because it's the truth they are dead because of me I said " Yes I feel like I could have tried to save them but I couldn't and that really bothers me"... tears stream down my face as she hands me a tissue she moved her chair up closer in front of me and held my free hand I looked at her and She said " Stop blaming yourself for something you couldn't control it was not your fault you couldn't get to them because of the intense flames I know it is very hard losing parents is so painful I know because my parents were murdered by street thugs right in front of me when I was twelve years old I know the pain you are feeling and trust me it will get easier to deal with".

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now