The Start Of Something New

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 12

P.O.V/ Riley Roberts:

It has been one year since Lakein and Carly died; what nobody knew but Carly was the exorcism that Alex performed on her didn't work it was suppose to get rid of her demon side but apparently it didn't and Carly didn't want all of us to know that so she suppressed her demon side for so long that it eventually took her over this happened after Kim died. her mom dying cause her demon side to break free from her trying to keep it in when it did on the day Kim was buried it was all over it took Carly over completely and she couldn't come back Lakein had seen what happened and knew something was very wrong with Carly so she followed her and you know what happened after that my girlfriend died because she was trying to help Carly but the demon in her wouldn't let Lakein get through to Carly and she killed her. something inside of me died that day when she died apart of me went with Lakein I haven't been the same I was just beginning to actually feel happy in my life with another girl besides Nicole I was really looking forward to the future with Lakein but now I'll never know what could have been.
Dani hasn't been the same either she doesn't hang out with the others as much as she use to before Carly died I don't either; I have been drowning my sorrows in alcohol I'm not a full blown Alcoholic and I don't get shit-faced so to speak I have been hiding my drinking from my mom and others they have all been worried about me and Dani ever since then. Dani and I have slowly became friends again over the past year but tomorrow is gonna be a very hard day for me and her; tomorrow is October 25, 2014 one year since they died I have had about three beers tonight; I just finished my third one about ten minutes ago I haven't been going to College much since Lakein died either so I just stay home in my room until the memories of Lakein force me leave and I go for a drive around town. I'm sitting on my bed with my back against the wall watching TV I'm watching a video that was recorded on Lakein's phone that I have; I linked the phone to the flat screen TV so it could broadcast the video from the phone to the TV.
It is a video from a year ago on mine and Sam's eighteenth birthday; Lakein was recording us opening presents after my mom gave us our new phones I walk up to Lakein while she's recording. I hear her voice on the TV say " Would the birthday girl like to say something for the video?" I see myself smile and say " I would like to say that I have the best girlfriend in the entire world". the camera turns to Lakein she looks at the camera and said " Best girlfriend in the entire world that's a huge step up for me". she turns the camera back to me and I roll my eyes at her comment she was putting herself down from were she was evil I see myself pull her into a hug and she aims the camera at us. I pull her into a passionate kiss and she kisses me back I'm crying as I'm watching the video after the kiss she winks at me and said " If you keep kissing me like that I might have to take you upstairs and give you your birthday surprise early". I blush at her in the video which later on that night we did have sex the video stops I scroll through pictures until I come across a video of her by herself.
I click on the video and it starts playing on the TV she is sitting on the bed with her phone propped up on something Lakein says on the video " We've been together for a year so far on May 20th it will be two years we have come so far in a year well I have. I was this evil person losing my parents and not having anyone there for me turned my heart cold but it grew warm even when I was evil because of you I knew I was in love with you the moment I layed eyes on you back in the eighth grade I was too scared to tell you how I felt back then and you always had a crush on Nicole. after I turned good again I was finally happy for once in my life and I still am I can't wait to see the future with you maybe one day you will be my wife Mrs. Riley Melton.. I love the sound of that but I know you are not ready for marriage but I'm willing to wait as long as you want because I love you more than anything in this world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you". I pause the video as I'm sobbing uncontrollably with my hand over my mouth I look at the date on the video she recorded this two days before she died.
I close the picture app on the phone while getting off the bed and I pick up the remote turning the tv off I turn off the phone and open the night stand drawer I put in closing it back I pick up my pack of Marlboro Methanol's I open the pack and pull one out lighting it up with a lime green lighter. I close the pack and shove them in the front pocket of my dark amercian eagle blue jeans their called boyfriend jeans; along with the lighter I turn around and looked at myself in the stand up mirror that is on the wall beside the bed. I'm wearing the dark blue jeans with blue female flannel that has white and black lines through it with Nike air Jordan's they are grey, white and black with royal blue shoe laces. I pick up my keys off the night stand and walk out the bedroom door it is about 8:00pm my mom and Jane are working the night shift at the hospital Sam and Valerie went out somewhere about an hour ago I walk down the hallway and down the stairs I directly turn left from the small hallway out into the kitchen I walk over to the front door that is in a very small hallway I open the door and close it behind me after locking it and walk out to my car.
I close the door after getting in and start the car up the lights come on I put the car in drive and pull out of the driveway I take the last hit off my cigarette and toss it out of the window that is already down as I'm driving down the road the radio plays that old song called Never be the same by that band called Red " I know you who are you now? look into my eyes if you can't remember . Do you remember? I can see, I can still find you're the only voice my heart can recognize but I can't hear you now, yeah I'll never be the same I'm caught inside the memories of promises of yesterdays and I belong to you I just can't walk away 'cuz after loving you.. I can never be the same.. I'm now crying again I turn the knob shutting off the radio as I pull out on a highway. it has gotten pretty dark by now makes it hard to see unless you have your high beams on I'm passing several cars one by one sometimes a few minutes apart all the sudden I'm blinded by bright headlights by an oncoming vehicle because they are not dimming their lights I try to look right to avoid being blinded but my eyes are trying to adjust from the bright lights I accidentally turn the wheel left when I did I finally regain my sight but I'm on the wrong side of the road another incoming car blares their loud horn.
I quickly turn left and get back on the right side of the road I go to straighten the wheels by turning the steering wheel and it will barely move it's almost like it's stuck the car is still going to the left and I can't stop it; it shoots down a very steep hill headed straight for a tree. I slowly open my eyes and hear a steady beeping sound I feel disoriented I try to raise up but it hurts bad I exclaim in pain I hear my mom's voice say " Riley you can't get up". I look over to the left and there stood my mom standing beside me in her navy-blue nurse scrubs with a white lab coat as my eyes finally adjust I realize that I'm in a hospital bed I look down at my left wrist in a white cast I can feel it is broken I look at my other hand it doesn't have one but I do have an IV in my arm I feel a gash on the left side of my forehead just above my eye. I said " What happened?" My mom said " You crashed your car the power steering went out and that is what caused you to wreck". by the sound of her voice I can tell she's not happy with me. I said with sarcasm " What?"
She said quietly " Your BAC was .11; you were driving drunk". I said " I wasn't drunk Mom". She gives me a look then I said " Okay maybe I was little bit but I was shit-faced I knew what I was doing". She continued speaking in that low tone " It doesn't matter if you knew what you were doing. you could have killed yourself or someone else how long have you been drinking?" I said " Just tonight I had three beers that's it". She said " That's not what I meant. I mean have you been drinking ever since.. Lakein died.." she chokes back tears after saying her name I said with my eyes filled with tears " Yes.." She sits down on the bed beside my legs she puts her hand on my knee and said " I know you miss her sweetie.. I miss her too.. but drinking is not the answer to your problems it doesn't make them go away". I said as I sobbed " It's the only thing that numbs the pain.. I'm so lost without her Mom and now that she's gone I don't know how to live without her.. before I left the house I was watching a video on her phone that she recorded two days before she died in that video she said that she wanted to marry me.. but she never got the chance to ask me"...
I hear a gentle knock on the door and it comes open Jane comes walking in wearing navy-blue nurse scrubs and a white lab coat like my mom's she has a clipboard in her hand. my mom looks at her and said " Did it work?" Jane said " Yeah it did". I said " What worked?" My mom looks back at me then said " I used my powers to manipulate the blood alcohol test so you wouldn't get in trouble; you would have been charged with a misdemeanor. Riley I know you didn't mean to wreck the car but there are consequences for your poor decisions". I said " Mom Are you grounding me?" She said " Sort of not like to your room grounded but I'm grounding you from your car because you made the poor decision to drive after you had been drinking even though you are an adult now you still live under my roof and I bought the car so until I think you can make better decisions I will give it back to you". I'm not sure what to say she hasn't grounded me since I was like fourteen but she is right so I will respect her wishes. I said " Yes Ma'am I understand". by that time I see Nicole storming in she walks over to the right side of the bed and smacks me in the bicep I exclaim in pain holding it.
She said " What were you thinking?! are you trying to kill yourself?! that was really dumb Riley". I said " I know it was and I'm not gonna do it again I promise". Nicole is upset with me She said " You better not I swear I will kick your ass. don't you ever scare me like that again.." she has tears in her eyes. she sits down on the bed beside me and pulls me into a hug I hold her tightly I said " I'm sorry I scared you". my mom and Jane have left the room to give us sometime alone she looks at me and I wipe the tears off her face. Nicole said " I know exactly how you are feeling if anyone can understand the pain you are going through it's me.. when Alex died my whole world came crashing down I didn't want to be here anymore I wanted to die so I could be with her but you saved me from that if we hadn't have gotten together I probably wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you. we all love you very much Riley and we want you here with us so please no more drunk driving". I said as tears fell from my eyes " I promise".. I look up and see Alex she is in glamoured as Hayden but all of us can see her real face I see Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam and Valerie there are all standing in front of a whiteboard.
I look over to the left and see Dani leaned up against the wall right by the corner when you walk in the room she isn't talking like the others she hardly talks anymore since Carly died if anyone knows how I'm feeling it's her too she is just looking at me with a blank stare. after an hour of them hanging out with me and talking they all left for the night at midnight the whole time Dani was here she never said one word to me she has spoke to me since Carly and Lakein died but not a bunch like she use to when they were alive. I wake up that morning at 8:00am the other nurses give me medicine; Alex is not allowed to heal me because I made the poor decision to drive after drinking as my mom said there are consequences to my actions Alex told me that herself. it is about noon when there is a gentle knock on the door I said " Come in". I look up from my phone and see Dani standing there by the corner where she stood last night. I said " Dani? I didn't think you'd come back to see me". She said " What makes you think that?" I said " You know". she knows what I meant by that meaning Carly killing Lakein.
She walks over the window and looks out it She said with her back turned " That wasn't your fault or mine I don't blame you for what happened between them I just hope you don't still blame me for it because of.." she stops talking abruptly I hear her sobbing quietly she tried to say Carly's name. I said " Dani look at me". she still keeps her back turned I said " Please".. She turns around looking at me her blue-grey eyes are filled with tears as the stream down her face I reach my hand out for her to grab she looks at it for a minute then she gently touches my hand she is afraid that it will trigger a premonition but it doesn't I pull her to the bed and she sits down beside my legs as I hold her hand. I said " I don't blame you anymore.. I did at first but I kept telling myself that it wasn't your fault it was hers because she didn't tell us that the exorcism didn't work that she couldn't be saved. Dani she loved you so much and she wanted to be good for you but the demon wouldn't let her and Lakein was trying to help her because she knew that feeling.. but I'm not mad at you or even her anymore I just wish we could have saved them"...
Dani said as she sobbed " I just don't know how to live without her I was with her for five years it's so hard to move on and start over after that much time together.. I can never find anyone like her.. nobody can ever take her place.. the love of my life is gone and she took a big part of me with her". I held onto Dani as she cried on my shoulder I said " I feel the same way about Lakein.. but we can get through this together Dani". She looks at me and I wipe the tears off her face I catch myself admiring her beauty I said " You are so beautiful". she blushes a shade of red then said " Nah that's you with that pretty smile of yours". she winks at me and now it's my turn to blush call me crazy but are Dani and I flirting? I have to stay one more day so she comes to the hospital again to see me. she spends the whole day with me as we talk and make each other laugh telling each other old memories and funny times between our friends she ends up staying the night with me there is a grey hospital recliner beside my bed big enough for someone to sleep in.
We stay up until 1:00am talking in low tones cause we have to be quiet the other patients are sleeping she even gets in the bed with me and cuddles with me she eventually falls asleep with her head on my chest I don't have an IV in anymore so she can lay beside me on the right I have my hand on her back holding her. it makes me feel safe in her arms and she is sleeping so peacefully I look at her and smile as I run my fingers through her dirty blonde hair. wait?? am I falling for Dani?? I feel that warm feeling in my heart like I did with Nicole and Lakein.. wow I think am. the question is? is she falling for me as well? could she ever feel that way about me? I have no clue I still love Lakein very much but she would want me to move on but with Dani? I eventually fall asleep as well that morning about 8:00am I wake up to the sound of someone moving around in the room I slowly open my eyes and see my mom checking my vitals signs she looks at me but then she looks beside me I look down at Dani who is still asleep on my shoulder. I blush then said " She got cold". my mom smiles then rolls her eyes playfully Dani moves then realizes she is still on me. She looks up at me then said " Riley I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you last night". I smiled at her then said " It's okay I don't mind".
Dani looks over at my mom with a surprised look on her face and quickly jumps out of my arms standing up beside the bed. She said nervously " Jesse.. we were just.. I was just leaving.. I'll see you later Riley". she picks up her grey Nike back pack and walks out of the room. my mom watched as she left the room she looks back at me and I blush again I said " What?" pretending like she didn't just see me and Dani cuddling. She said as she smiled " Nothing". I can tell she wants to say something I said " Yes we were cuddling but we are just friends". my mom giggled softly cause she can tell that it was more than that she tossed an empty vile of medicine into the trash can. about an hour later I was discharged from the hospital my mom drives me home Jane has to work until 7:00pm tonight we got home; I wrapped a bag around my cast to protect it from the water and I took a shower. a month goes by of Dani and I hanging out going to the movies, going out to eat etc. the whole time I'm trying to see if she likes me too but she hasn't shown any interested in me so far I now know for sure that I really like Dani she is such a sweet girl, she is incredibly beautiful I could see us dating but I don't know if she feels the same way.
My mom gave me my car back a week after I had been out of the hospital it's about 10:00am I had just got dressed after getting out of the shower I had my cast taken off about four weeks ago. I look at myself in the mirror cause I want to look good for Dani I'm wearing a black and white plaid flannel that has dark grey sleeves and a hood the same color but I'm wearing a black female Nike jacket over it, I'm wearing dark blue Hollister jeans with black and white Nike Air one Jordan's with a red Nike check on the side. I leave my room after picking up my keys off the night stand I walk downstairs and directly into the kitchen from the small hallway from the stairs I see Jane standing in the kitchen at the island with her computer out on top of it she is reading something I watch as she takes the last drink of her bottle of water and sits the empty bottle on the island. she looks up from the computer She said " Good morning Riley". I smiled then said " Good Morning Jane". I look around to see if my mom is here but I don't see her.
I said " Where's my mom?" Jane said " She had to run over to the hospital for a few minutes she should be back any minute". I want to talk to Jane about Dani cause she went through something similar finding out that she liked my mom but Jane realized that she was Bisexual. I said " Can I talk you about something?". Jane has a look of surprise on her face She said " What do you want to talk about?" I walk up to the island and look up at her even though she's only 5"4' she is consider tall to someone like me who is only 5"2'. I said " I have been having these feelings lately about someone I never expected to have them for and I don't know if it's wrong that I feel this way". Jane looks interested at what I just said; She said " Who is the person you feel that way about?" I said " Dani.. I have romantic feelings for her". Jane is kinda stunned She said with surprise " Oh". She continued speaking " Why did you want to talk to me about this?" I said " Because you went through I similar situation with my mom you realized you were in love with her. how did you go about telling her?"
Jane blushes a shade of red then said " Okay if you really want to know. at first after your mom told me how she felt I did tell her no that I didn't think I could return those feelings cause I was straight but boy was I wrong. so about four days later after thinking about what she told me non stop I came over here late at night and I was trying to get your mom to believe what I was telling her that I really did feel the same way I just never realized it so she told me to prove it to her so I did". she blushed after she said that last part I smile then said " So pretty much you came onto her". she is still blushing Jane said " Yeah you know what happens after that.. I'm not saying have sex with Dani but make a move on her and see her reaction afterwards". I said " I guess could try hopefully she doesn't slap me if I do I'll never know if I don't try. thank you Jane". She said " You're Welcome be careful". I walk over to her and pull her into a hug she hugs me back I said " I will". I walk out of the kitchen to the front door I open and go out to my car I started it up and pulled out of the driveway headed to Dani's house.
I pull up at her house at 11:30am I park on the road across from the house as I'm walking up to the sidewalk that leads up to the front porch I look over in the driveway and see only Dani's car; even though it's a Saturday Jacob is at work I walk up on the porch and ring the door bell I look around at the big porch there is more of it. it's a wrap around porch the house is white with grey shutters, the porch is painted a dark grey and the front door is painted the same color I hear someone walking down the stairs I hear the sound of the chain lock and the dead bolt turning the door comes open revealing Dani standing there. her dirty blonde hair is damp like she just got out of the shower She smiles then said " Hey Riley come in". I walk in and she closes the door back locking it I look at her she is wearing a black women's Hollister t-shirt with Hollister blue jeans that are dark similar to mine she is wearing black ankle socks. we walk upstairs I said as we walked into her room " Cheyenne with Jenny?" She said " Yeah she's been with her ever since thanksgiving break started good thing thanksgiving was two days ago or my dad would be working like he is today".
she picks up a black hair brush and brushes her hair I said " How have you been lately you know about Carly". she sits the brush down and turns around looking at me She said " I'm a lot better than I was it still hurts a lot I will always love her and miss her but I have to move on and be happy I know she would want me to Lakein would want you to do the same". I said " Yeah that's what I've been telling myself". Dani pulls a cigarette out of a Marlboro Methanol 32 pack and lights it up with a white lighter she didn't smoke before she started after Carly died. she walks over to the window and pulls the lock opening it so the smoke will go out she stands next to it Dani is looking at me She said " So has any cute girls caught your eye yet?" I smile at her then walk over to her standing in front of her I said as I looked at her " Just one but I'm not sure if she even feels the same way". Dani blows smoke out of her mouth then said " She's not straight is she?" I giggled a little then said " No she's gay but she is one of my friends I don't know if she could ever have feelings for me like that".
I wonder if she can sense my feelings for her I mean she is an empath if she can sense them I think she doesn't want me to know she is probably waiting on me to say something or do something. I said " Do you like anyone?" she winks at me and said " Yeah I was beginning to think the same thing that she may not like me back but you and I both know better don't we Riley?" she gives me a look as she puts her cigarette out in the ashtray on the window sill I feel very eager as I think she has caught onto me but I pretend like I don't know she has. I said " I'm not sure I know what you are talking about Dani". she puts her hand out and all the sudden I'm thrown against the wall she has tapped into my powers using my own Telekinesis against me I am starting to get turned on by her behavior she walks up to me and said " You know you can't hide your feelings from me Riley I know you have a crush on me". I try to move and She said " Stop fighting it I'm in control and you do what I tell you to. do you understand?" she holds my throat with her left hand I moaned softly " Yes I understand". She starts unbuttoning my plaid flannel shirt she opens it revealing my dark grey bra she runs her hands over my boobs feeling them I'm a C cup not very big she is almost a C. I groan softly enjoying her touch the last person who touch me was Lakein and that was a year ago I watch as she runs her fingers over my tight six pack abs her hands stop at my belt I feel her start kissing on my neck softly and that drives me crazy cause it feels so good I hear her growl softly in pleasure she shoves her hand down the front of my jeans and into my panties where she starts rubbing my clit softly. I tilt my head back and moan softly as the feeling begins to intensify I whimper softly " Oh god Dani".. she puts her left hand on my face and kisses me passionately I moan into the kiss without warning she just pushes two of her fingers deep into me I pull away from her lips and moan out "Ahh!!" I feel the pressure of the penetration me as I stretch around her fingers; Dani may be small in her body build but her fingers are not small she groans in pleasure at the feeling as she starts thrusting her fingers inside me at a fast pace.
After a few minutes against the wall we moved to the bed where we undressed she used her power called Conjuration to make a nine inch strap on appear around her waist. she makes me lay on my back as she pushes the head of it inside me I whimper at the pressure of the penetration as it stretches me it kinda hurts a bit because I haven't done anything in a year she gets it all the way in and I moan softly feeling it deep in me. Dani holds herself up on her hands beside my head on each side as she starts thrusting into me at slow pace going deep I have my hands around her shoulders holding on she kisses me with passion as she continues thrusting I moan softly against her lips god this feels awesome I never knew kissing Dani would feel like this I feel like fireworks are going off especially down there. she starts kissing on the side of my neck as she starts thrusting fast and hard making our skin slap together I moan " Ahh! Ahh! fuck".. she continues going at that pace I feel her suck on the side of my neck hard as she picks up the pace pounding into me as she holds my arms down on the mattress I moan loud " Ahh!! Ahh!! Ahh!! Dani!!!" I feel myself tightening around the strap on she puts her hand over my mouth as I climaxed hard.
she lays down on the bed beside me as we breath heavily after catching our breath the strap on disappears from around her waist and reappears around mine. I raise up on my knees and make her turn over on her stomach I get behind her; straddling her I start kissing on the side of her neck softly I hear her moan quietly she turns her head and I kiss her passionately as she kisses me back I easily push the head of the strap on inside her. she whimpers softly against my lips as I push it in deeper I groan in pleasure against her lips as I feel her stretching around the strap on I look her in the eyes as I start thrusting holding onto her hips I start picking up the pace I raise up all the way to where I'm on my knees as I'm thrusting. I grab the back of her dirty blonde hair and pull her head back not too hard she whimpers softly as I tug on her hair I'm right beside her ear as I start thrusting faster with force she whimpers loud. She moaned " Ahh!! Ahh!! oh god Riley!" I groaned in pleasure hearing her say my name She said breathing heavily" Faster please". I start pounding into her and she moans loud " Ahh!! Ahh!! Ahh!!! Fuck!!" I feel her tightening around the strap on I suck on the side of her neck hard and she whimpers loudly as she climaxes hard.
Now that we've slept together things are gonna be very different between us should we start dating? I'm not even sure if she wants to but if she does I'm willing to try cause I really like Dani a lot and I would love to see where this goes we just need to take things slow if we do. I wasn't planning on having sex with her like that it just happened there was so much sexual tension between us and she basically attacked me figuratively speaking this is gonna be weird to explain to Alex, Nicole, Jenny, Cheyenne, Sam and Valerie but I'm pretty sure they will be fine with it so will my mom and Jane I just want to be happy again all I know is a lot has changed in a year hopefully for the best.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now