The Peterson Inn

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The Alex Porter Series

Chapter 10

P.O.V/ Alex Porter:

Today is my nineteenth birthday; also it makes one year that Nicole and I have been married it's crazy how fast time has flew by it has been four years since I died but ever time I look in the mirror I see that fifteen year old girl I once was but I know that I'm not her anymore. it is a strange feeling to know that you are aging on the inside but when you look in a mirror it's like your face hasn't aged a day. Nicole now knows what it's like because she was reborn at sixteen which means she did die like I did and she will remain at the age she is because of Immortality Jesse and Jane are like us too except they are much older. Nicole decided to take a week off after the whole Professor Glenn incident I didn't think the bite could turn me into a spider demon but I was wrong apparently the Professor had heard about my death through the news and when she seen me with Nicole she could see my true identity because she wasn't human; Professor Glenn had became obsessed with me I guess you could say and she wanted to turn me so I could be hers which thanks to Valerie didn't happen.
Nicole and I teleport over to Jesse and Jane's house; Jane has something she wants to tell us so we teleport into the kitchen standing next to the island in the middle of the kitchen we walk into the living room where they are standing. Nicole looks at her mom She said " What did you want to tell us Mom?" Jane said " Well the hospital gave Jesse and I an increase in pay and they are sending us on a week vacation to The Peterson Inn it's an old expensive hotel that has been around since the 1950's they are paying for the whole trip and said we could invite as many people as we like; everyone's hotel room will be paid for by the hospital we thought that you and Alex should come along and have your own room for your anniversary". Nicole said " Yeah that sounds great. what do you think babe?" I said " Yeah a hotel room is very romantic". I wink at Nicole and she blushes. So Jesse and Jane invited Dani, Carly, Jenny and Cheyenne; Carly's mom Kim comes along too Riley, Lakein, Sam and Valerie went to Florida for a vacation as well away from their college life.
Nicole drives her car following Jesse's car to the hotel that is located downtown the old city is what everyone calls it Dani and Carly ride in Dani's car while Jenny and Cheyenne ride with Jesse and Jane as Kim follows along in her car. we all pull into the parking lot finding parking spots everyone gets out their cars pulling out their duffelbag or suitcase full of clothes for a week we all make our way to the front entrance of the hotel there are gold colored revolving doors we all one by one walk in the revolving door as it turns us into the front lobby of the hotel I look up at a huge crystal chandelier directly above the lobby the walls are covered with red wallpaper of some type; there is red and gold furniture that looks very expensive; the carpet is red as well I look up at the receptionist desk I see this white woman in her early to mid forties talking on the phone she has curly brown hair that is tied back in a ponytail with her bangs down on the right side of her face I notice that her eyes are blue; she is about 5"3'.
She hangs the phone up and says " Hello welcome to the Peterson Inn my name is Kaley how may I help you?" Jane said " I work at Peterson Hospital they have made reservations for all of us". the woman starts tying something into the computer She said " Erica and Jesse Roberts?" Jane said " Yes I'm Erica this is Jesse". the woman looks at Jesse strange She said " Okay I need everyone's names and identification please". Jane pulls out her driver's license and lays it on the counter Jesse pulls her license out laying it down beside Jane's. the woman picks up Jane's she looks at it as she's typing information into the computer she looks at the id then sits it back down on the counter She said " You don't look forty-six". she winks at Jane after she said that Jane looks at her weird then said " Yeah I get told that all the time". Jesse is giving the woman a look cause she was hitting on Jane. Kaley said " I was born in February of 1967." Jane smiles at her as she picks up Jesse's id reading it She looks up from the id at Jesse and smiles at her. I place my fake id down my fake name is Hayden Cierra Evans the picture is me but my hair is a red color like the color of hair dye she looks up at me as she hands the id back after typing in the information she then looks at Nicole's typing in her information. she gets to Dani's id ; Jane looks at Jenny and Cheyenne She said " If I put another room in my name can they have their own room?" She looks at them then said " Depends how old are they?" Jane said " They are both seventeen ". She said " Yeah they can have their own room too". Jane said " Are you sure that want get you into trouble letting the underage ones have their own rooms?" Kaley said " It's okay I own this hotel so it will be fine". Jane said " Okay that works". She gives Jenny and Cheyenne their Id's back Kim is looking at this woman weirdly she hands her; her Id and she types in the information she gives Kim an ominous grin as she hands the card back we all start walking towards the elevator.
Jane pushes the button and we waited for the elevator to come down it dings and the doors open we all walk inside with our luggage Carly notices her mom looking at that woman strange. She said " Are you alright Mom?" Kim said " Something isn't right about that woman I feel like I've met her before I just can't remember where I know her from". Jane said " Yeah she seems familiar to me but something is definitely off about her". we all get off the elevator and walk to our rooms I follow Nicole as she walks down the hallway to the last door on the end; room 115 she inserts the key in the electric lock a little light above turns green and Nicole turns the handle opening the door. as we walk inside I feel for a light switch I found one so I flipped the switch and the whole room lights up there is a beautiful king sized mattress in front of a big set of four windows Nicole walks over to the left side of the bed looking out the two windows right beside the night stand I walk over on the right side and look out the other two windows beside the other night stand you can almost see the entire city in this 20 story hotel.
Nicole's phone dings with a text message she pulls it out of the back of her blue jeans she holds her thumb on the button so the phone will scan her thumb print to open it keeps people from getting into her phone if it's stolen my print is recorded in it so I can open it too she can also open my phone with hers. she reads the text then closes the text app She said " Meet me down stairs in five minutes". she kisses me softly I kiss her back I watch her as she walks over to the door she opens the door walking out I wait the five minutes and I leave the room walking down the hallway towards the elevator. I push the button and wait for it to come down I watch the dial above the elevator until it gets to the eighteenth floor it dings and the doors open up I walk inside and push the number one to go down ugh I wish I could teleport down there it would be so much quicker but I can't I feel the elevator move going down that feeling has always made my anxiety increase I hear god awful elevator music playing on the way down I finally reach the first floor it dings opening up the doors for me.
I make my way towards a dinner area I see two double doors with glass one is open I walk through the door the whole room is dark and empty I see a light come on revealing a table set for two there are two long candles lit on an old candle stick holder as I walk over to the table I hear that old song called Two is better than one by that band called Boys like girls " I remember what you wore on the first date you came into my life, and I thought, hey you know this girl is something cause everything you do and words you say, you know that it all takes my breath away and now I'm left with nothing so maybe it's true I can't live without you maybe two is better than one". I see Nicole appear from the darkness with a remote in her hand she pauses the song I look at her she is wearing a plain black t-shirt with a black colored blue jean jacket with grey sleeves the hood is grey, she's wearing dark blue jeans with black Nike air max commands; I'm wearing a plain navy blue t-shirt with a blue jean colored jacket with black sleeves the hood is black, with dark blue jeans and navy blue air max commands.
I feel so happy this is so beautiful I didn't expect her to plan all of this I feel tears of happiness run down my face Nicole walks up and looks up at me as she puts her hands on my face. She said " Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Baby Girl.. I love you so much Alex and I'm so happy we got a second chance together thank you for not giving up on me". I smile at her and pull her into a passionate kiss she holds onto to my shoulders as I hold her waist she kisses me back with passion we sat down and ate our steak dinner together after we were done we took the elevator back up to our room. Nicole puts the key card in the lock and it unlocks the door she opens the door for me I walk inside first I watch as she picks up the do not disturb sign hanging it on the handle so the others will know not to bother us. she shuts the door locking it I'm standing right in front of the foot of the bed she points her hand at me using her Telekinesis to throw me back on the bed I easily hit the bed on my back and she climbs on top me kissing me passionately all the sudden I moan in surprise kissing her back I feel her unbuckling my belt.
Nicole's P.O.V/ That morning Alex and I woke up; Alex got a call from one of her charges so she had to teleport to the person in need I changed into some work out clothes; a black young and reckless tank top with black Nike sweat pants. I slip my black Nike air max commands on and walk out of the room I'm gonna go work out in the exercise room on the fourth floor I make my way down to the elevator and push the button as I'm waiting I pull a thin hair tie off my wrist and put my hair back in a ponytail I left my bangs down on the right side of my face just a little above my eye. the elevator dings and the doors open up revealing Josh I roll my eyes with sarcasm he smiles evilly at me as he is leaned up against the wall I really don't want to be in there alone with him but I'm sure as hell not waiting for the elevator to come back I walk in on the other side I go to push the number four button it's already been pressed by him ugh great now he's gonna be watching me work out. I look over at him cause I feel him staring at me He said " You look beautiful today Nicole well you always look beautiful to me".
I give him a sarcastic look then I said " Buttering me up still want get you a date with me so give it a rest Josh". He said as he watched the dial change numbers above the door " What? I can't be nice to you and compliment you?" I scoffed " You nice? yeah right I know what you want and it's not happening EVER". Josh glares at me then said " Bitch". I smirked at him then said " I'm only a bitch to thoses who make me one especially to people who try to kill me". He said " That's just my way of showing I like you". the elevator dings and the doors open up as I walk out and Josh walks beside me I look up at him as I'm walking I roll my eyes ugh he's so annoying I walk into the exercise room and I see my mom and Jesse standing on yoga mats stretching. I walk over to an empty mat beside my mom I stand there and stretch I watch as Josh walks over right in front of the mats; to the stationary bike better known as a exercise bike he watches my body as I stretch he pulls off his grey male tank top showing off his toned six pack he gets on the bike that is directly across from my yoga mat.
As he's pedaling the bike he watches me as I start doing planks; planking is an exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push up you hold it for as long as you can I can hold one for a long time but I can't show it public. I'm facing him as I'm up on my elbows with my legs out and my feet down on the floor like I'm doing a push up except I'm not moving I watch as Mason walks through the door; he's wearing a navy blue straight bill hat, a black male tank top with navy blue basketball shorts Josh's basketball shorts are black. my mom and Jesse are doing planks with me; my mom is wearing a grey female Adidas tank top with black Adidas sweat pants and grey Adidas running shoes her hair is pulled back in a ponytail like mine with her bangs on the right side above her glasses that she still wears even though she doesn't need them anymore when she died and became a vampire it gave her normal vision again Jesse is wearing a navy blue female Nike tank top with dark grey Nike sweat pants and royal blue Nike running shoes.
After we did our planks we went over to a set of three pull up bars; Mason and Josh get off their exercise bikes and walk over to the middle of the room were there is a rack of dumbbells at the same time me, my mom and Jesse jump up grabbing a hold of the metal pull up bar and start doing pull ups. Josh picks up a 100lbs dumbbell curling it he watches me as I pull myself up then back down; Mason is watching my mom and Jesse as he curls a dumbbell I look over at the doors as I'm doing the pull ups I see Kaley, the hotel owner/ receptionist walk in she makes her way over to the yoga mats where we just were she is wearing a dark grey Reebok tank top, grey Reebok sweat pants, white and red Reebok running shoes her curly brown hair is still tied back in a ponytail with her bangs down on the right side of her face. she turns her back to us as she starts stretching bending over and touching the top of her shoes she looks back at my mom as she raises up her eyes scan her body I look over at my mom she doesn't notice but Jesse does Kaley looks away when Jesse makes eye contact with her.
We stop doing pull ups and make our way over to the two bench presses I take off the weights and put 100lbs on both sides; Jesse puts the same amount on the barbell for my mom to lift I get under the barbell and place my hands on it firmly, my mom does the same Jesse stands behind the bench press so she can spot us we start lifting the weights I look up and I see Kaley over at the dumbbell rack curling a 70lbs weight she still has her eyes on my mom it's now obvious that Kaley is attracted to her. I look over at them as my mom is lifting the weights I see Jesse glance up at Kaley she caught her looking again but this time Kaley just smiles at her weirdly Jesse smirks at her if I was Jesse I'd look at her like that too if she were checking Alex out. after about twenty lifts my mom and Jesse switch places; Jesse starts lifting I continue and stop at thirty I go to put the bell bar back and all the sudden I see Josh grab a hold of the bar pushing it down against my chest I feel him straddling my waist. I growl in frustration I hear My mom say " Get the hell off my daughter you prick".
I said to my mom as I smirk at Josh " It's okay Mom if he wants to ride me I'm gonna need a strap on". Josh exclaims in disgust so does my mom and Jesse; He said as he still held the bar down " I think you should ride me". he winks at me I growl low and push up on the bar he exclaims in surprise as I lift him up off the ground as he held onto the bar. he gets off of me as I put the bell bar back I raise up and stand on the other side of the bench away from him I picked up an orange monster from under that I have been drinking I take a drink. I said to Josh " Get lost now". He said " You will come around one day". I said " No I never will you are just wasting your time; you and Mason both are I will never love you and my mom will never love Mason". He said " Like I said you will come around". I look behind him Kaley was listening to us Josh looks back at her and Kaley is giving him a dirty look. Josh said with sarcasm " What? you got a problem lady?" Kaley sits the dumbbell down and walks up to Josh looking up at him.
She said with her arms crossed " I don't like the way you are treating that girl. what part of she's not interested do you not understand? do I need to call security and have you escorted out of the hotel?" Josh started to say something but this ominous look just pierces through her eyes. Josh said quickly " No ma'am". him and Mason walks towards the door going out she just watches them leave. Kaley looks at me, my mom and Jesse standing there looking at her stunned how in the hell did she scare them? She said to me " Well I don't think he will bother you anymore". I said " Thank you but you didn't have to do that I have been dealing with him for about two years now". Kaley said " Wait you know those pricks?" I said " Yeah unfortunately they both went to high school with me and now go to my college Josh has had a huge crush on me and Mason is in love with my mom here". Kaley looks at my mom then said stunned " No offense but your telling that eighteen year boy is head over hills in love with you? and your like old enough to be his mother".
My mom said " Yes he is obsessed with me like bad". Kaley smiles at my mom and said " I can't say I blame him I mean you are gorgeous". Jesse speaks up " Yeah even though she's married to me now he still want give up that boy is insane". Jesse smirks at Kaley this woman is pushing it she knows they are married but she still continues to flirt with my mom. I pull my phone out my pocket and check it that's weird Alex is still not back from checking on her charge she usually texts me to let me know My mom said to Kaley " So are you from here?" She said " Yeah I have lived all over here and other places". My mom said " Did you go to Finway high by any chance from 1980- 1985?" Kaley gets this weird look in her eyes then said " I've been to so many I can barely remember any of them that was a long time ago". her phone starts ringing from her pocket she pulls it out. She said " Sorry I need to answer this.. you ladies have a good day". she answers it walking out the door.
My mom said " I smell a rat. something is off about her and I have a feeling it's not good". Jesse said with sarcasm " I smell bitch she knows we are married and still continues to hit on you". my mom and I laugh at Jesse's comment. Jane's P.O.V/ Jesse and I take the elevator back up to our room where we took a shower together; we got out and put normal clothes on I'm wearing a blue jean jacket with a grey hood and grey sleeves with a grey long sleeve button up shirt, dark blue jeans and those grey Adidas my hair down now that is washed; Jesse is wearing her blue jean jacket with a black hood and black sleeves with a plain navy blue t- shirt, blue jeans and those royal blue nikes she was working out in her hair is still up she hates her hair down. I called Nicole on my phone She answered " Hello?" I said " Is she still at the front desk?" Nicole said " Yeah I'm standing outside in the front. have you or Jesse heard from Alex?" I said " No we haven't. is she still not back from seeing her charge?" Nicole said over the phone " No I'm starting to get worried I'm gonna go to the charge and ask her about Alex". I said " Okay be careful sweetie I love you Nic". She said " I will I love you too Mom". we hung up the phones Jesse and I start teleporting purple sparks of energy swirl on us that sound like electricity we appear in a hotel room.
We look around the room it looks like ours Jesse said " Are you sure this is the right room?" I said " Yes I'm positive I can smell her scent". Jesse groans in disgust She said " Ugh that's what I smell?" I start looking around I walk over to the right side of the bed Jesse walks over to the dresser beside the door and opens the first one then closes it fast she shutters in disgust She said " That was her panties drawer". I giggle softly I open the night stand drawer and start looking through it as Jesse opens the second drawer I see nothing but mail mostly Jesse said " Well there is nothing but clothes in the dresser". I open the bottom drawer of the night stand and see an old tin box I pull it out and sit it up on the top of the night stand I open it and see a paper on top I pick the paper up it is folded in half I open it and it is a birth certificate from Peterson Hospital I read the name Kevyn Marie Davidson born October 31, 1985. I said " What is she doing with Kevyn's birth certificate?" I read more I see Parents Kyle Stevens age seventeen and Kelly Davidson age eighteen.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up Jesse picks up a card out of the box she reads it She said stunned " Holy shit Kaley is Kelly Davidson". she hands me the license and I see the picture of Kaley with the name Kelly I said " This is Kelly the one who tricked Kim into letting her give birth to Carly I knew she was familiar; she went to school with me, Kyle and Kim but Kelly and I were a grade ahead of them.." then it hit me Kim is in danger so is Carly. Jesse sees the look in my eyes She said " What's wrong??" I said " Kim is in a lot of danger so it Carly come on we have to find them before Kelly does we all need to get out this hotel fast I have a really bad feeling". Jesse and I teleport back to our room were my phone starts ringing it's Nicole I answer it She said over the phone " Alex left the charge's house over an hour ago she's missing mom I'm getting scared". I said " I have a feeling that Kaley has something to do with Alex missing". Nicole said " What makes you think that?" I said " Cause Jesse and I teleported into her room and I found her real license with her real name Nicole; Kaley is Kelly Davison she's Kevyn's mom".
Nicole said shocked " Oh my god.. we gotta find the others fast I'm teleporting to your room stay there". we hang the phones up and red sparks of energy swirl beside the bed and Nicole appears. I walk over to the door and open it Nicole and Jesse follow me out I dial Kim's number and hold the phone to my ear it rings only twice then goes to voicemail I hung the phone up I said " Dammit Kim isn't answering her phone". Nicole dials Carly's number and puts it on speaker it rings about three times until she answers " Hello". Nicole said " Carly where are you and Dani?" She said over the phone " We are walking around downtown why?" Nicole said " Is your mom with you?" She said " She was but she just left about fifteen minutes ago she was going back to the hotel." Nicole said " Well we just found out that Kaley the owner is Kelly Davidson Kevyn's mom; Carly we are all danger especially you and your mom we have to get out of this hotel fast but first I have to find Alex she's missing".
Carly said " Oh my god No.. Kelly is after my mom hurry teleport to her room Dani and I teleporting there". Nicole hung the phone up and we ran to the elevator we waited impatiently for it to open once inside we all started teleporting. we teleport into Kim's room and make a startling discovery there laying on the bed face down is Kim we all exclaim in fear I rush over to the bed and turn Kim over on her back there is a huge gash on her throat it has been slit wide open a big pool of blood is under her body that is dried. I cry in agony as I hold Kim's hand she has been one of my best friends since we went to middle school. about that time a vortex appears in the floor beside Nicole; Dani and Carly jump out of it Carly looks over at the bed and her face turned white as all the color drained she rushed over to the bed getting on it beside her body she screams in agony sobbing uncontrollably. we are all crying I watch as Carly leans back into my arms as she cries looking down at Kim's lifeless body it's too late to save her she's been dead too long. Carly gets down off the bed standing beside me she paces back and fowarth sobbing She said " That bitch Kelly is so dead!! you hear me Kelly?! I'm coming for you and Kevyn!!" a voice from the corner of the room gets our attention " Silly child you have no chance against me". we all look over in the left corner of the room and there stood Kelly smirking evilly she looks down at Kim's body on the bed. Carly said " Wanna bet bitch?" a blue Sonic ball appears in her hand it's like an energy ball but stronger the ball grew into a high voltage one Carly yells as she slings the Sonic ball at Kelly. it hits her in chest and she explodes; a few seconds go by and molecules swarm like a tornado right in front of Carly; Kelly reappears standing in front of her She said " Now that I have found you again Carly I'm not ever letting you go. I am your mother too whether you like or not". Carly said " Fuck you! you are not my mom and you never will be!" Kelly said " I brought you into this world and I will take you out of it before you can even blink! so don't fuck with me little girl!"
Kelly grabs Carly by the throat and makes her turn around with her facing us we went to use our powers and she grabs Carly's head She said " Try it her and Alex both die! you are all guests in my hotel show me some fucking respect! and guess what you can never leave!!" I went over to the window and opened it I went to put my hand out of it and electricity zaps my hand I said " She put an electric force field over the hotel we are trapped. what about the humans do you have them trapped too?" Kelly laughs evilly then said " The human guests are illusions they are not real but they seem like it. we are the only ones in the hotel along with Josh, Mason, Kevyn, Drew, Alexia and Ray". I look over and I see Cheyenne appear from the blurry teleportation with Jenny they are shocked when they see Kim's body they were searching for Alex. Kelly said " Boy are you two late. searching for that wimpy Guardian Angel-witch?" Nicole said " Where is my wife?!" Kelly said " Last I seen her Josh was with her. catch me if you can bitches!"
Nicole's P.O.V/ Fire starts swirling on Kelly and Carly; they disappear we all start teleporting there is a pent house at the very top of the hotel that is the only place she has left to go. we teleport right in front of an elevator we hear glass breaking and people yelling up stairs all the sudden Josh blink teleports right in the middle of us he grabs me by the throat as his eyes turned into red dragon eyes. I'm struggling to break free from his grip he's choking me I see huge red and black dragon wings pop out of his back He said " Let's go for a little ride!" he surges up into the air flapping his dragon wings creating gusts of wind. we bust through the ceiling and through another one until we bust outside up on the very on the roof. my fangs pop out and I bite down on his wrist he yells out in pain and throws me down I land on a small air conditioner and busts I see Josh flying down directly at me he opens his mouth wide and a blaze of fire comes shooting out I flip backwards off the broken air conditioner dodging the fire.
Josh flies off away from the hotel I hear glass busting I look back and see Carly flying through a big window from inside the pent house she hits the ground on her stomach I run over and help her up I look down into the window down below I see my mom, Jesse, Alex, Dani, Jenny and Cheyenne fighting with Kelly, Kevyn, Mason, Drew, Alexia and Ray. I see my mom punch Kelly in the face hard and she comes off her feet busting through a wall I said to Carly " Get on my back and hold on tight". I bend down and she hops on my back holding onto to my neck as I jump down into the room she gets down off my back and sees Keyvn fighting Jesse. Carly sits down up against the wall and her head drops down I see an astral form of Carly appear she jumps into Kevyn's body she yells out in pain Kevyn said " Arrgghh!! get out of me you little bitch!!" all the sudden the astral form of Carly shoots out and goes back into her body. Kelly stops fighting with my mom and yells " That's enough fights over!! come on Kevyn this is wasting time Carly will join us even if we have to make her. Josh!!!"
All the sudden a huge red and black dragon flies through the huge hole in the ceiling and lands right beside Kelly she jumps up on him She looks at all of us and said " This is far from over I will be back and you all will die!" Josh flies up into the air through the hole with Kelly on him everyone else teleports away leaving all of there. we lost one of our own today now we have a funeral to plan god I feel so bad for Carly her whole family is dead and she is an orphan now.

The Alex Porter Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now