Chapter 20: We Need Names

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Chantelle stayed with her. I asked my bodyguard to keep an eye on them.

I went with Ricardo to the cafeteria. Since I haven't had breakfast, he invited me. I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to turn him down.

"So, you proposed to her?"

"Yeah, I wanted to do it yesterday but that didn't happened. I love Val and our babies more than anything in this world. And I want to marry her." I answered him. He just nodded.

"Changing topic, want to tell me who was the man that attacked my daughter?" He asked as I ate my sandwich.

"He is the leader of the band. He was the one that made me steal a car so I could drive them away from the city. Who was I to fight them. I wanted to live so I obey." I told him. Before drinking my coffee.

He just looked at me.

"I paid the price for something I didn't commit. Five years in jail was hell. I lost five years of my life." I said somberly.

"For the longest time, I thought you actually robbed the bank. That's why I thought it was weird that after 5 years they would release you. Usually it's more years for that." He told me.

"I got charged for stealing a car. I was innocent. Now you've heard my side of the story. The real story, not the one the news were showing."


"I know you're not thrilled with me and Val being together. I know you don't like me and that's fine, the only reason you told her you were okay was so you wouldn't lose her. Am I right?" I told him. People love to judge me without knowing the full story.

"You're right, but you are my daughter's happiness and my grandkids father. And hearing your side has made me see things in a different way."

Here we go.

"I would like to start over. A fresh start between us. What do you say?" He offered while extending his arm.

"I would really like that. I mean having bad blood with the father of my future wife would suck ass." I said which caused him to laugh. 

"You're actually a decent man." He told me. I just chuckled. At least things went great and not a disaster.

"By the way, we're hunting the bastard that did this. No one harms my family and lives to tell the tale." Ricardo Informed me.

"Don't have to tell me twice. That bastard has his days counted. He harmed Val and my babies. And he put me in jail. I think death is the best solution here." I said with so much anger.

"I think we're going to get along just fine." He told me.


Months went by and I was back to normal. I was healthy and so were the babies. We were just a few days away from Halloween. And also near my due date. 

I wasn't working at the bakery. After that incident, I became really scared to even go out of the house. When Stefan had to go to work or meetings, I would ask Nat and Beli to keep me company. I also got a new bodyguard.

And what else. Oh yeah, we decided to get married before the babies arrived. So now I'm Mrs. Campbell. I know to some people our relationship escalated really fast, but when you know it's right, you know it and you want to keep that person forever. That's what happened for us.

Sure at first was all lust, but it turned to more. And I dont give a damn what people say, I'm happily married with twins on the way.

I was taking a beautiful nap, when I felt lips on my belly.

"Hey little ones, your due day is coming." He kissed my belly again. I smiled. He does this a lot.

"That's a nice way to wake up." I said while playing with his hair.

"I can't wait to meet them." He said before placing another kiss on my belly and then made his way up. "We need names."

"Well, I was thinking. For a girl phoebe and for the boy, phoebo." I grinned.

"Have you been watching Friends?" He gave me a very weird look.

I laughed. "Yes, I just wanted to see your reaction."

"Only you." He shook his head. "I like the name, Cedric."

"I love it. And I was thinking for the girl, Chloe." I told him.

"I love it too. Both names with C." He smiled as I smiled too.

"I love you so much Stefan." I told him while grabbing his face and looked deep into his eyes.

"I love you more, mi amor." He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"When did you learn to say that?"

"Your dad taught me that. I was like, how do you say my love in a more passionate way. And he told me that Spanish is one of the most romantic languages. And he's right."

"That it is, mi amor." I pulled him into a kiss and we gave into our passion.


The morning of Halloween arrived and with that, came surprises.

"Stefan, wake up." I shook him.

"What's going-" he stopped mid sentence when he figured what was going on.

"Fyi, I did not pee, my water broke just in case you're wondering." I told him. He just rolled his eyes.

"I know that. I just can't believe they're coming." He said as I giggled. 

He picked me up and took me to the car and he placed the bags in the back. He rushed me to the hospital. 

When we arrived, I was taken immediately to give birth. The pain was killing me. And I have two human being coming out of my private area.

After a lot of screaming and pain and me twisting Stefan's hand. The babies were born. Course he fainted when he saw them covered in blood.  That's my husband.

The nurse brought them and put them in my arms. They were here. They were in my arms.

"Hey little ones, it's mommy and daddy." I said as tears were falling from so much happiness.

Stefan grabbed Chloe and cried too. "I love you so much, little princess. No dating till you're forty." I chuckled at that.

Our families entered and they were over the moon with the babies.

"Well, I'm a Christmas baby,  you two are halloween babies, and your father is a valentine's baby. We're definitely a cool family." I said as everyone chuckled. 

Stefan smiled at the twins and then said. "Welcome to this world, Chloe and Cedric."

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