Chapter 2: Valentina Díaz

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It's so good to be in love and feel like the other person is your forever. Well those people who think like this, makes me wanna slap them to another realm.

I was in a relationship a year ago, but I never thought of him as my forever. I'm pretty sure that type of stuff is rare. Like my parents love. They're so cheesy and in love is sickening. But deep down, we all want that kind of love. Sadly, I haven't met that person who makes me want to be stupid, cheesy.

I got out of the bed and went to do my daily routine. Adulting sucks. I work at my parents bakery. I told them that I didn't want to go to college, that isn't for me. I hated high school and I wasnt going to get myself locked for 4 years in college.

I love working at the bakery. I love to bake. I got that from, grandpa Matt. As a little girl I would always bake with him. And I still do when I need profesional help.

We moved back to the upper East side, ten years ago. My grandparents gave us their house there. They told us they were moving to Miami. They were done with the cold weather and cause it was making their bones hurt.

Uncle Aaron and Marcos moved to Miami too. They have their successful boutique there. And they take care of them.

I got Uncle Aaron's apartment. He gave it to me as my 19th birthday present. And now it's been a year living here and I'm 20 years. I wanted to live on my own. And since it's mine, I don't pay rent which is a good, cause rent here in the upper East side is very high. I couldn't afford it on my salary.

We can only access our trust fund when we turn 25. Yeah usually you can access it at 21, but mom changed it and now it's at the age of 25.


I was working in the back making some cookie dough when the bell chimed. I went to check who it was, and it was none other than my ex. Yeah the rat cheated on me.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, be mine again. I regret cheating on you." He said while walking closer to me.

"Nah man, you cheated on me with my best friend. So you can take your one inch dick away from my bakery. Good day." With that said, I went back to bake cookies.

Why do I get involved with idiots?


After working all day at the bakery, I closed it, got in my car and then went to do some grocery shopping.

Once I arrived at the store, I got out of the car and made my way there. I parked a little too far from the store cause it was full house here and this was the only available spot.

Ever felt like you're being followed? Well I do. Especially when your family is extremely wealthy. You tend to be a target. I walked faster and the footsteps were also going fast.

I thought I was going to die, till I spotted a very bulk man. I hope this works.

"Oh my God, you made it!" I said as I run towards him and then threw myself at him, and gave him a quick kiss. Surprisingly he caught me and Played along.

"Of course." He smirked, "you have a nice ass by the way." I normally would've slap him, but I was too nervous.

Once I saw the two men walked past by us, I sighed in relief and then cried.

"You okay?" He asked while putting me down. And now I feel like a midget next to him.

"I'm really nervous, and those two guys kept following me. Even when I speed my walking they speed theirs and kept following me. So when I spotted you, I took a chance." I told him as tears kept falling.

"Well, you're lucky I don't like to do grocery shopping. I'm just waiting for my family to come out of the store." He said before lighting a cigarette and then smoke it.

"Dude no." I grabbed the cigarette and throw it to the floor and then stepped on it.

"You better give me one good explanation as to why you did what you did?" He said through greeted teeth.

"Easy, smoking kills you. Besides, you have a sexy voice, dont let these toxic things, kill it." I grinned. "I feel like I've seen you before, have we met already?" I questioned him.

"I'm sure I would've remember your face." He gave me a devilish smirk.

"Well, how about I invite you for a coffee, you know as a thank you." I suggested.

"First Google Stefan Campbell, if after that you still want to grab a coffee with me. Here's is my number." He said while grabbing my phone and entered his.

"So mysterious. Alright, I will google you. Not sure why, but I will." I said as I had a confused look on my face.

"Let me walk you to your car and you can do grocery shopping in the day." He offered, we went to my car and I got inside. "You really do have a nice firm ass." He smirked. With that said, I left.

My whole face was extremely red. The man did squeeze it when I was in his arms, his strong arms. Okay, Valentina, get it together. But I am curious as to why he looks familiar and the fact he wants me to google him.

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