Chapter 16: Spying The Big Guy

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I left my apartment and went to that club. I entered and turns out it was the same club I used to come. I got bored of it. It had a pool, restaurant, you could play golf. And many more activities. I don't miss it.

"Miss Díaz. Good to see you're back." One of the staff greeted me.

"Thank you. If anyone ask, my name is Mariana Rodriguez. I'll tip you really good, I'm just undercover." I said as he chuckled.

"Very well, Miss Rodriguez." With that said he went to get me a drink.  Raul was always sweet to me. He was in his 50's.

I sat on my table and pretended to read the menu. A few seconds later, I spotted them looking through their menus and talking. Yeah business my ass.

"How is it that you're still single?" The woman asked while being all flirty.

He told her he was single? That asshole.

"Well-" I couldn't listen cause I was interrupted by Raul bringing me my drink. I gave him the big tip.

I saw them laughing and being all friendly. Okay that was me exaggerating, but I didn't like this. Ugh.

She did not look 50 like he told me. She appears to be in her 30's. Why would he lie to me? Tears were falling from all of this. They do say curiosity killed the cat.

As I was about to leave, someone accidentally pulled my wig off. Shit, I started to make a run.

"Val?" I turned to see Stefan.

"You're an ass." I said as tears started to fall. I left the club and he followed suit.

"Were you spying on me?"

"What if I was? I caught you on a secret date. And she's not fifty!" I slapped him on his chest.

"I lied cause I didn't want you to get like this. But doesn't matter, cause you decided that I was cheating and you didn't trust me enough, that you had to disguise yourself." He said in a serious tone. "What's the point in being in a relationship if there's no trust." Those words hurt so much. I was not expecting that.

"So you're saying we're done?" I said as my voice was breaking.

He didn't say anything, he just walked back in the club leaving me alone in the parking lot. I got inside the car and drove to my house. Once I arrived I yelled for my parents. They came running and I threw my arms around them and cried.

I've never in my life felt this way, I never even spied on my ex and I knew he was cheating. I didn't care to be honest. But with Stefan, everything is intense and our love is something I've never experienced before.

"What happened?" Dad asked worried. 

"You're worrying us." Mom told me.

"Stefan broke up with me. And it hurts so bad." I chocked the words.

"What went down?" Dad asked as we sat on the couch with me in the middle. Mateo joined us and gave me a hug.

Once I was able to talk, I told them everything. They just looked at me without saying anything.

"Well, you two were in the wrong, you for spying and not trusting him. And he was in the wrong for lying to you. So you're both here at fault." Dad told me, it surprised me.

"Shouldn't you be saying, good you two broke up, now he is out for good. And all that trash talk towards him to make this more easier for me." I sobbed as he chuckled.

"Your grandparents were right, I love you too much to lose you over your relationship with Toby." He said as mom shook her head and Mateo laughed.

"It's Stefan, dad." I chuckled as tears kept falling.

"If he makes you happy, I say you both talk things through and fix your problems. And if that doesn't work, then you're still young. Stefan doesn't have to be the one." Dad said while wiping my tears.

"He's right, little princess, your first love won't always be your last. Sometimes, things happen for a reason." Mom told me.

"Sis, You're an amazing girl, maybe Stefan wasn't the one for you. The right guy wont make you cry or lie to you." Mateo told me while grabbing my hand.

But that's the thing, Stefan was the one. And I don't want to lose him over this. I just love him so much. But I guess if we can't work it out, then I will just have to move on, even though it will be hard.

I decided to spend the night here, I didn't want to be alone.


Woke up the next day alone in bed, I got so used to wake up and see him sleeping next to me. I decided to text him. I just wanted to know if we could talk and work this out.

Sadly, he left me on seen. Okay then, how did we went from being all over each other to this, being apart. It's been just a few hours, but man I miss him so much. 

"Breakfast is ready." Mateo told me.

"I'm not hungry." I sobbed.

He came into my room and hugged me. "It will be alright. I know you two will work it out."

"He left me on seen, we went from 100 to 0, in a blink of an eye." I cried in his arms.

"I wish I could fix this for you so you wouldn't be in this state. It hurts me." He said as he hugged me tighter.

"I love you, baby bro."

"I love you too, big sis."

I never thought I would say this, but love hurts and so does breaking up. 

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