Chapter 21: Parenthood

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Three months went by and it was three very exhausting long months. Chloe and Cedric would wake up every three hours.

"I did not sign up for this." He said in a very grumpy voice.

"I asked you before they were born, and you said yes." I went to their bedroom.

We decided to put them both in one room. When they get older, they can sleep in separate rooms.

Surprisingly, Chloe was sleeping. I just breastfeeded Cedric.

"Your daddy is a tool." I said while looking at his chubby little face.

A few minutes later, Chloe started to cry. I got up and put Cedric in his crib, except he also started to cry.

"I'm sorry." Stefan said while picking up Cedric, he stopped crying and snuggled to Stefan.

I didn't say anything till Chloe started to eat. Once she started I looked at Stefan.

"Do you regret getting married and being a father? Is that why you're always late and make excuses such as, late night works fixing shit and people stealing from me?" I asked as tears started to fall. "Are you having an affair because you're not getting action, since the twins arrived?"

"Of course not. I told you once that I would never cheat. I love you and only you. And I'm sorry for being grumpy every night when they cry. I love being a father and your husband." He told me while sitting next to me. "I've been behaving like a jerk I'll admit, but I've never cheated on you."

"I love you so much." I cried some more.

"I love you more babygirl. You're stuck with me forever." He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"As long as it's with you I'm okay with it." I smiled as he smiled too.

"Look at us being cheesy again." He said which cause me to lightly laugh.

Once we were done taking care of them, we put them in their cribs and they were out. We went to our bedroom and we gave into our passion. I've missed being Intimate with him.


Since that night, he has been home more and doesn't stay in the office like he was doing it. As for the bakery, Beli was in charge till I returned. The. Babies were still too little to leave them alone.

"Who are the cutest babies in the world." I tickled them as they giggled. "And those bunny nose."

I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist as I changed the twins diapers.

"Man, they sure can crap" He said while resting his chin on the crook of my neck.

"Yeah, they take after their father." I giggled.


I laughed. "How was work?" I asked while putting the twins in their cribs.

"Uhmm." He looked at me and then left.

"Stay here little ones, don't move a muscle." With that said, I went after him.

I found him lying on the bed and looking at his phone. I took the phone away and landed on top of him."Want to talk about it?" I asked while squishing his cheeks.

"Well, one of the secretary threw herself at me and kissed me."

"She what!?" I got off him and he pulled me back but this time he got on top of me.

"I didn't kiss her back relax, I pushed her away and fired her. She confused me being nice with flirting." He caressed my face. "The only kisses I want are yours."

"You're so cheesy, but man how much I love it when you're cheesy." I pulled him into a very heated kiss. But we stopped since the twins were awake.

"I love you, my little green monster." He kissed the top of my nose.

"I love you too." I smiled.

We got up and went to the twins bedroom since they were alone. When we arrived, they were giggling at each other.

"We have unique twins." He said as I chuckled.

"Indeed." I smiled while looking at them.

We picked them up and took them to our bedroom. They each snuggled to us. I had Chloe and he had Cedric.

"I have to tell you something else." He mentioned while rubbing Cedric's back.

"What is it?"

"Your father and I, are going to hunt down the man who harmed you and put our babies in danger."

"Stefan, that's too risky and dangerous. I dont want you or my dad to get hurt."

"We won't. But I'm still wondering who set that building on fire?" He asked.

"Well, remember that one time I told you I knew a few people? Well they helped me with tracking them and they set it on fire." I said casually.


"Well, their last name is Bellisario. It's a big family. And family is everything to them, if someone messes with one of them and hurt them, well it's game over for that person." I answered him.

"How do you know these people?"

"Well, my brother is friends with one of the Bellisario's. So he told me about what they do and I figured it was perfect. And when you told me your story I knew exactly what to do. See when you thought you were wasting time in not looking for them, the Bellisario's were tracking them."

"Wait, are you talking about the Bellisarios. As in Caleb Bellisario's family?" He asked in a very shocking tone.

"Yep. That one. I know you wanted to kill them, but these people know what to do and how to disappear the bodies. Dont ask how I know that." I gave him a cheeky smile. He just chuckled.

"I love you so much, Valentina Campbell." He pecked my lips.

"I love you too." I was about to peck his lips when Cedric put his little hand on my lips. "Okay then, no kissing in front of you." I tickled him.

"Phooey." We said with Stefan at the same time.

"Your turn to clean his diaper. Our little girl is fresh." But I spoke too soon.

They were giggling non stop and we were dealing with their dirty diapers. The joys of parenthood. But I wouldn't change this for anything in the world.

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