*Author's Note

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So, I just want to say, before you go ahead and read this book, please do note that not all of them will be shipping. Rather, concepts of stories I want to make using different AU Sanses.

That is why it's not called "Sanscest One-Shots". Not all of it will be shipping, but if it is shipping, it will probably be mostly about my personal favorite ships.

Yeah, sorry to disappoint, but I don't know if I'll write anything about other ships. But if you do happen to like other ships than me, then that is completely fine! Everyone has their own opinion and I completely respect if you don't want to read about a ship you don't like.

Hopefully, you all would understand that I am not that comfortable with writing other ships than my own. Why? I don't know, I just don't like it.

Maybe one day I'll open requests for this book, but that will probably for a special occasion.

Another thing to note that I will not be doing lemon. I do not feel comfortable writing those things.

Also, if a one-shot has some sensitive topics in it, I will make sure to put a warning first before continuing.

This book may also include spoilers to future books I want to write. Actually, if I like an idea from here, I might make a full-on book about it!

So, before we get started here are the ships I will do here.

ErrorInk (Probably gonna be the most written one)







Frans (I might throw in Frans here and there because why not and I know that Frisk isn't a sans, but I like the ship soooo..)

Those will be the most common ships you will see in this book. Anyway, I think that will be all. I will update this Author's Note every now and then whenever something comes up though.

So yeah. That is pretty much all you need to know before diving into this book. With that being said, let's go to our first Chappy!

Sanses AU One-Shots (Requests Open!)Where stories live. Discover now