"You'll Find Someone New"

418 7 0

Characters featured:

Error (belongs to LoverofPiggies)

Nightmare (belongs to Jokublog)

Note: This is a ship chapter. Also my first time ever writing a fic about this couple so this will be interesting.

Requested by: MiaCliona

Trigger Warning:
Contains Self harm, suicide attempts and swearing. If you are sensitive to these topics, please skip to the next one-shot.


Error was worried,

no, beyond that. Error was beyond worried.

Something just happened between the gang and he was afraid it might affect their team's performance in battle.

He didn't say anything though. He just sat there, at the abandoned mansion the gang called their home.

Everyone else was silent too. Too awkward or too afraid to say anything that might upset the two parties. Those two parties being Nightmare and Killer. The tension was high.

A few days ago, the couple had a big fight which caused the two to eventually broke up. Both were upset, but this wasn't the first time they did this.

They had an on and off relationship from which Error observed from afar. He knew how inevitable their last break up was, he just wasn't expecting the two to end up like this.

The silence was almost deafening.

That was until a huff was heard from Nightmare. Has he been holding his breath the entire time?

Without warning, the tentacled skeleton stood up and walked away, muttering words that were almost non-existent. Killer looked at the ground.

Error, took a glance at Killer before deciding to stand up as well.

"Where are you going?" He heard one of the skeletons speak. It was the hooded one, most preferably called Dust by his peers.

Taking a glance at Dust, Error looked away before responding, his glitched voice echoing through the room. "I'm gonna follow Nightmare. Who knows what he's doing there." Error simply stated. The group always knew that Nightmare had the habit of throwing tantrums whenever he got pissed or upset and Error was one of the only people who can actually calm the octopus down.

Without waiting for a response, Error went ahead and walked to the goopy skeleton's room.

After walking through a heavy flight of stairs, Error finally reached Nightmare's room. It was oddly silent. Error didn't like it.

Stepping infront of Nightmare's shut door, Error knocked. "Nightmare?" He spoke.

No response.

Error was starting to get impatient. "It's me, Error. I came here to check on you." He lowered his voice at the last part. Nightmare was close to him and, surprisingly, he cared for the guy.  He wouldn't admit that loudly though.

Shuffling was heard from behind the door. "Fuck off." Nightmare replied. The voice was hoarse, broken, hurt. It was then followed by a few sobs.

Error panicked. "Dude- Are you okay??"

"I said, FUCK OFF!" Nightmare shouted louder this time.

Error tried to open the door by the doorknob, but it was locked. 'What the hell?!'

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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